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111 Cards in this Set

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-white blood cells

-recognize antigens

-produce antibodies

-kill infected host cells

-B cell=> antibodies

-T cell=> cytokines


-white blood cells

-macrophages and neutrophils

-recognize damaged tissues and pathogens

-recruit reparative cells

-serve as antigen

Auxiliary Cells

-soluble immunoglobin

-recognizes and binds to specific antigens

-destroy or neutralize antigens (made by B lymphocytes in response to an antigen)

-inflammatory mediators

-Mast cells: release histamine

-Platelets: important for blood clotting


-signaling molecule for communication between inflammatory cells

-produced by virally infected macrophages and activated T lymphocytes


-group of specific cytokines

-stimulate other cells to divide (reproduce) and differentiate (becomes mature, stable form)

-stimulate B-Lymphocytes to differentiate so they can make antibodies

Humoral Immunity

-related to antibodies

-T Lymphocyte: release cytokines T helper cells to help B lymphocytes differentiate

-IgG antibodies coat bacteria and make them "tasty" to phagocytes

Cell-Mediated Immunity

-involves the direct killing of organisms by defensive cells; usually by phagocytosis

-Macrophages kill bacteria

-Neutrophils kill bacteria

-Natural Killer cells kill virus-infected cells and tumor cells

-T Lymphocytes => Cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) attack and destroy infected host cells and tumor cells directly

Reactive Oxygen Species

-activation of phagocytic cell results in activation of=>

-Oxidase complex on the cell surface

-produces ROS and hydrogen peroxide

-toxic products that kill organisms and other cells

-oxygen radicals pull electrons from other molecules

-can damage DNA or other molecules leading to death of the target

Phopholipase A2

-activation of phagocytic cell results in activation of this

-results in production of:

-Prostaglandins: cause a variety of effects on blood vessels, nerves, inflammatory cells, increase sensitivity of pain receptors

-Leukotrienes: inflammatory mediators with a variety of effects on other cells- severe retraction of bronchioles in asthma


-present as chronic sinusitis, recurrent OM, or itchy ears

-B lymphocytes can be induced by T helper cells to release IgE & IgG antibodies (related to allergic reactions)

-IgE binds to mast cells in tissues to await next exposure to antigen (need exposure)


-intercellular signaling molecule

-released from Mast cells in response to antigen binding to cell-bound IgE

-binds to Histamine receptors H1 and H2

H1 Receptors

-mediate allergic reactions

-result in: vasodilation, increase in vascular permeability, visceral smooth muscle contraction

-antagonists used to treat allergies

H2 Receptors

-increase gastric acid secretion in stomach

-antagonists used to treat acid reflux


-H1 receptor antagonists

-anti-cholinergic effects: ethanolamines, piperazines, phenothaizi

-sedative effects: ethanolamines, alkyl amines, piperazines. if cross blood brain barrier [decrease conduction though RF- slow vestibular-cerebellar pathway conduction, can be used to treat vertigo]


-aka: glucocorticosteroids, corticosteroids

-endogenous anti-inflammatory agent

-produced in adrenal cortex, released in response to ACTH

-stress hormones => help adapt to perceived stress

-chronic use for chronic inflammatory or AID=> Cushing's Syndrome

-anti-inflammatory: decrease production of cytokines, increase production of lipocortin, inhibits phospholipase A2 to decrease production of prostaglandins & leukotreienes

-anti-bacterial: decrease macrophage bactericidal activity, decrease T & B lymphocyte proliferation

Aspirin (ASA)

-prototypic NSAID

-analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory

-irreversibly binds to and inhibits COX enzyme

-Salycylism toxicity: salicylates enter perilymph by active transport => reversible tinnitus, flat or HF SNHL, loss of SOAEs, decrease cochlear AP

-permanent loss associated with renal failure

-Salicylate poisoning: respiratory depression, acidosis, death

Aspirin Ototoxicity

-with HIGH doses of ASA

-inhibition of COX and decreased prostaglandin production

=> vasoconstriction and ischemia in stria vascularis

=> impaired cochlear nerve conduction and altered OHC function

Non-Specific Cox Inhibitors

-inhibits COX1: decrease prostaglandin that protects gastric lining; increase risk of GI bleeding

-decrease vasodilatory prostaglandin synthesis in kidney; therefore increased risk of renal damage (due to excessive vasoconstriction)

-decreased risk of ototoxicity than with ASA [if occurs, typically reversible]

-naproxen (aleve)- not generally reversible


-treat drug resistant malaria, heart arrhythmias, rheumatoid arthritis

-can cause Cinchonism

=> mechanism unknown- binds to DNA and inhibits many enzymes- vasoconstriction and ischemia in spiral ligament, stria vascularis, BM, HC

=> high pitched tinnitus

=> bilateral flat SNHL

=> vertigo

effects are reversible, but can become permanent with prolonged use

Cytotoxic Drugs

-kill most rapidly dividing cells (normal and abnormal cells)

-anti-cancer or chronic inflammatory

-used in low doses to kill lymphocytes when patient cannot tolerate other drugs

-no active reversal agent


-carry blood away from heart (oxygenated, except pulmonary]

-smooth muscles in walls constrict & dilate

-SANS sets vasomotor tone via A1 adrenoceptors (A1= constrict, B1= dilate)

-muscarinic receptors, but no PANS innervation

-sets total peripheral resistance (TPR)


-tiniest blood vessels

-link arterioles to venules

-site of exchange between blood and tissue


-carry blood back to the heart [oxygenated except pulmonary]

-little smooth muscle in walls constricts and dilates

-SANS sets vasomotor tone via A1 adrenoceptors (A1= constrict, B1= dilate)

-muscarinic receptors, but no PANS innervation

-holds ~50% total blood volume

-constriction => significant increase in venous return

Left Side of Heart

-high pressure system [keeps blood moving through system]

-oxygenated blood from pulmonary vein enters left atrium

-blood from left ventricle goes through aorta to rest of body to deliver O2 & nutrients

-deoxygenated blood returns from tissues via the veins through the vena canvas to right atrium

Right Side of Heart

-low pressure system [prevents fluid from entering airway]

-deoxygenated blood from vena cavas enters right atrium

-deoxygenated blood from right ventricle goes through pulmonary artery to lungs to pick up O2 and release CO2

-oxygenated blood returns via pulmonary veins to left atrium

Cardiac Output

-volume of blood pumped by heart heart per minute

-increased by: increased heart rate and increased venous return (provides more blood to pump)

Sinoatrial Node (SA)


-cells undergo spontaneous depolarization

-influences by: PANS (muscarinic cholinoceptors) and CN 10 (vagus) & SANS (B1 adrenoceptors)

-rate: 70 beats/min

-SA propagates signal to AV then to bundle of hiss then splits and propagates flow to both sides equally

Atrioentricular Node (AV)

-potential secondary pacemaker (if necessary)

-capable of spontaneous depolarization

-conduction influenced by: PANS & SANS

-rate: 40-50 beats/min

-SA propagates signal to AV then to bundle of hiss then splits and propagates flow to both sides equally

Bundle of Hiss

-conducts action potential down septum of heart to both ventricles

-able to spontaneously depolarize

-potential last resort pacemaker

-rate 30 beats/min

-SA propagates signal to AV then to bundle of hiss then splits and propagates flow to both sides equally

Perkinje Fibers

conducts action potential thought ventricles

Blood Pressure Regulation- Baroreceptors

-increase in BP => increase in baroreceptor firing

-increase vagal tone => decrease HR

-decrease sympathetic tones => decrease cardiac output, decrease TPR

-decrease in BP => decrease in baroreceptor firing

-decrease vagal tone => increase heart rate

-increase sympathetic tone=> increase cardiac output and TPR

Blood Pressure Regulation- PANS & SANS

-changes in CNS output to heart and blood vessels via SANS and PANS

-baroreceptors in carotid sinus => cardiovascular center => PANS & SANS => heart and conduction rates altered

-PANS: muscarinic receptors in heart

-SANS: B1 in heart, A1 on blood vessels, Nn on adrenal medulla


-low O2 carrying capacity of blood

-inadequate BP to perfuse and oxygenate brain

-due to:

1. blood: inadequate volume

2. heart: inadequate cardiac output

3. blood vessels: inadequate venous return, leads to low


-abnormal HR due to abnormal rate or rhythm

-due to abnormal impulse generation at SA node or abnormal impulse conduction

-treatment: medications to restore normal cardiac rhythm and prevent recurrence- or electrical defribillation, surgery, pacemakers

Quindine- Arrythmia

-K+ & Na+ channel blocker

-inhibits spontaneous depolarization & slows cardiac conduction

-prevents propagation of spontaneous depolarizations from secondary pacemaker cells


Phenytoin- Arrythmia

-Na+ channel blocker

-inhibits depolarization of cardiac neurons

-side effects: ataxia, vertigo, abnormal VNG

-can be used as vestibular suppressant at low doses

Beta Blockers- Arrythmia

-propanolol: B1 & 2, affects heart, blood vessels, airway of lungs

-metopropol: B1 specific

-slow spontaneous depolarization of SA node and slow conduction through AV node

Calcium Channel Blockers- Arrythmia

-Cardiac: slow spontaneous depolarization of SA node, slow AV conduction & conduction through other neurons of heart, decrease strength of contractions of cardiac muscle

-Vascular: vasodilation of coronary arteries to increase blood to heart. vasodilation of peripheral vessels to decrease TPR. results in decrease workload for heart- decrease BP. can cause dizziness


-cardiac pain due to decrease blood flow & inadequate O2 supply to heart muscle

-caused by plaque or small clot on vessel wall

-treatment: aspirin, platelet aggregation inhibitors, Ca2+ channel blockers, Beta blockers

Congestive Heart Failure

-impaired cardiac function & reduced tolerance for exercise

-chronic weakness, fatigue, unexplained syncope

-causes: ischemic heart disease, hypertension, valvular disease, cardiomyopathy

-3 to 4 drug classes for each stage of disease

Diuretics- CHF

-excretion of excess fluid volume to reduce workload of heart

Nitrovasodilators- CHF

-acts directly on vascular smooth muscle to cause dilation

-may cause dizziness due to decreased venous return & decreased cardiac output


-cardiac glycoside

-increases strength of myocardial contraction

-increase in vagal firing => slow heart rate and causes dizziness, fatigue, bradycardia

ACE Inhibitors- CHF

-decrease level of angiotensin II & aldosterone

-less Na+ and water reabsorbed

-reduced blood flow

-decrease vasoconstriction

-decreased TPR & venous return

-decreased workload for heart

-X pril

Combination Diuretics- CHF

-lasix or thiazide + alderstone

-K+ sparing


-elevated blood pressure

-associated with organ damage

-typically cause cannot be identified

-may be due to: increased cardiac output, peripheral resistance, blood volume (or combo)

-diuretics= 1st drug of choice

-adrenergic blockers=2nd drug of choice

-all drugs reduce cardiac output- therefore share similar side effects [orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, lightheadedness]

Alpha Adrenergic Blockers- Hypertension

-beta: acts to decrease heart rate => decrease cardiac output and decreases renin release from kidney to decrease angiotensin 2 production

-alpha (not used frequently due to side effects- orthostatic hypertension, syncope, dizziness): block A1 receptors on arteries and veins so they don't constrict with SANS stimulation. decrease TPR to decrease cardiac output

Ca2+ Channel Blockers- Hypertension

-decrease SA node firing rate, decrease AV conduction, decrease strength of myocardial contraction => decreases cardiac output & systolic BP

-promotes vasodilation to decrease TPR, diastolic BP, and venous return => decreased cardiac output

Vasodilators- Hypertension

-dilate blood vessels

-decrease diastolic BP & venous return

-decreases cardiac output

Ace Inhibitors- Hypertension

-inhibit production of angiotensin 2 & alderosterone release

-reduces Na+ & fluid in the body due to increased renal excretion therefore decrease blood volume

-reduces vasoconstriction from angiotensin 2 therefore reduces venous return & cardiac output

Kidney Functions

-excretion of nitrogenous waste products & most drugs [either unaltered or after processed by kidney]

-regulation of extracellular fluid volume

-regulation of electrolyte concentrations

-regulation of blood pH


-blood is filtered at glomulus

-ultrafiltrate (similar to plasma w/o proteins) is formed at glomerulus

-ultrafiltrate is modified along nephron

=> absorption

=> secretion

-final adjustment of content & concentration in ultrafiltrate is made at collecting ducts

Transport Mechanisms

-Simple Diffusion: uses electro-chemical gradient of molecule for transport

-Facilitated Diffusion: uses saturable channels or carriers. substances travel down concentration gradient

-Active Transport: process is powered by ATP


-increase renal excretion of Na+ & water

-different groups have different mechanisms for producing diuresis => most act by decreasing reabsorption of Na+ from the ultrafiltrate => increase water excretion

-some are ototoxic or facilitate development of ototoxicity

-can be used to treat Meniere's Disease

Osmotic Diuretics

-increase osmotic pressure for water in the lumen along the length of the tubule

-water is not reabsorbed, so it is excreted

-system adjusts easily, may not be effective after 1-2 uses

-not used often because leads to dehydration of other tissues

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

-inhibit carbonic anhydrase intracellularly

-block Na+ & HCO-3 reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubule- increased Na+& water are excreted

-inhibit H+ secretion at collecting duct

-less effective than loop

-used for: glaucoma, altitude sickness

Loop Diuretics

-block Na+ reabsorption from thick ascending limb of Loop of Henle [block sodium reabsorption, Na+ will be in urine,water will follow]

-blocks Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter in Loop of Henle therefore more Na+, Cl-, H20, K+, H+ are excreted

-adverse effects: nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity

Thiazide Diuretics

-block Na+ reabsorption from early distal convoluted tubule => water follows

-inhibits Na+/Cl- cotransporter

-used for hypertension, Meniere's

-can cause vertigo/dizziness

-can increase risk of ototoxicity from other drugs [increase concentration of drug in IE]

Potassium Sparing Diuretics

-some are aldosterone antagonists

-some block lumen Na+ channels in distal convoluted tubule & collecting duct

-block Na+ reabsorption, do not increase K+ excretion

Ototoxicity of Loop Diuretics

-flat bilateral HL, tinnitus, rarely vertigo due to decrease in 8th nerve action potentials

-reversible if low doses

-permanent if high doses, rapid IV injection, administered with other ototoxic drugs

-high risks: patients with renal failure, neonates

*Edecrin most ototoxic, Loop 2nd

-mechanism: fluid accumulation in stria vascularis, Na+ levels increase in endolymph. Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter in basolateral membrane of the strial marginal cells => impaired K+ secretion

Excretion of Loop Diuretics

-Furosemide/Lasix: active secretion in proximal convoluted tubule kidney=> toxic in renal failure

-Bumentanide/Torsemide: liver metabolism=> less toxic in RF

-synergistic effect=> not predictable


-Abnormally growing group of cells- benign or malignant

-usually genetic predisposition, extrinsic factors may initiate cancer growth

-cancerous cells divide at normal rate, but do not die normally (immortalized)

-metastasize via extension into surrounding tissue or by distribution through lymph or blood stream

Cell Cycle

-Go Phase: resting stage, most adult differentiated cells found here

-S Phase: DNA synthesis occurs here, 2 strands of DNA molecules replicate

-M Phase: mitosis occurs, cell divides into 2 daughter cells

-transcription: DNA to mRNA

-translation: mRNA to protein

-tightly regulated process, reparative enzymes correct errors

Cell Death

1. Necrosis: due to severe cell stress or damage

2. Programmed Cell Death: due to molecular events pre-programmed to genes or molecular machinery

3. Apoptosis: due to induction of cascade of events that activate executioner proteases => caspases => leads to destruction of survival proteins

Apoptosis Pathways

1. Mitochondrial: increase mitochondrial permeability & destruction. activated by radiation, chemotherapy drugs, oxidative stress, DNA damage, increase intracellular & mitochondrial Ca2+ levels

2. Death Receptor: uses membrane receptors related to tumor necrosis receptor family, activated by ligands


-remove electrons from other molecules

-generate ROS

can induce apoptosis due to

1. damage to lipids, proteins, DNA

2. increase intracellular Ca2+ levels

3. decrease ATP production

4. induction of mitochondrial apoptotic path


-reducing agents or electron donors

-GSH is a normal intracellular antioxidant

-nitric oxide synthetase makes nitric oxide an antioxidant => nitric oxide reacts with ROS it can produce reactive nitrogen species => very damaging

Antineoplastic Agents

-designed to block or interfere with various phases of DNA replication, transcription, translation

-disruption process results in failure of the cell to replicate correctly in the future or failure to thrive

Alkylating Agents

*most ototoxic

-act by causing oxidative damage to DNA

-results in cross linking of DNA strands => DNA strands become unreadable to the enzymes involved in replication

-calls most effected are rapidly reproducing cells (cancer, bone marrow, GI tract)


*most ototoxic

-platinum based oxidizing agent

-inactivated by blood proteins & covalent bonding to sulfhydryl group in glutathione

-excreted by kidneys

-adverse effects: nephrotoxicity, myleosuppression, decrease RBC, WBC, platelets, peripheral neuropathy, nausea, vomiting, ototoxicity, tinnitus

Cisplatin Ototoxicity

-induced auditory sensory cell apoptosis

-via induction of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway

-due to free radical generation from lipid peroxidation

-use antioxidants to protect hair cells=> prevents oxidative damage, but may reduce effectiveness of cisplatin as a chemotherapy agent

-vestibulotoxicity is rare & cause unclear


-same anti tumor activity as cisplatin

-less toxic to kidneys [less vomiting]


-ototoxic: due to ROS & reactive nitrogen species


-ototoxic at high doses & in high risk patients


-may be used as an anti-inflammatory in rheumatoid arthritis or AIED

Tubulin Binding Agents

-microtubules= structural proteins composed of tubular

-critical for alignment & separation of chromosomes during replication

-Vinca Alkaloids: disrupt microtubule function, therefore chromosome distribution to daughter cells becomes random

1. Vincristine: damage to HC & ganglion neurons [high dose may increase cisplatin toxicity]

2. Vinblastine: damage to HC only


-agent produced by one microorganism that suppresses the growth of other microorganisms

-ideally selective toxicity=> interferes with vital function of bacterium w/o affecting host cells

-targets unique characteristics of bacteria

-must be effective against infecting bacteria

1. Broad- many species

2. Narrow- few species


-agent that kills bacteria

-rate and extent of bactericidal activity increases with increasing drug concentration above MBC up to PAE


Agent that inhibits the growth of bacteria, but does not kill them

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration

-minimum concentration of a drug that prevents visible bacterial growth

Minimum Bactericidal Concentration

-minimum concentration to reduce bacterial count by ≥99.9%

Post Antibiotic Effect

-the persistent suppression of bacterial growth after exposure to antimicrobial agent [after agent has been removed]

Antibiotic Resistance

-due to a mutation in the bacteria's DNA

1.Innate: intrinsic resistance to an antibiotic due to natural characteristics of the bacterium

2. Acquired: resistance due to the acquisition of a gene that changes the bacterium so it becomes resistant to the antibiotic

-mechanisms: reduced membrane permeability, production of enzymes that alter the structure of the antibiotic, alteration of drug target site on the bacterium

Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors


-inhibit the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall

-time dependent killing

-high therapeutic index (safe)

-Glycopeptide=> Vancomycin

gram+ bacteria

ototoxicity reversible

potentiates ototoxic effects of other drugs

mechanism unknown

Disruptors of Cell Membrane Function


-usually used topically

-very toxic

-aerobic gram- bacilli

Inhibitors of Bacterial Protein Synthesis


-inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria mostly, but also host

-act at various sites for mRNA translation

*Macrolides: erythromycin

ototoxicity: usually reversible, tinnitus,flat SNHL, vertigo- mechanism unknown [increased risk with high doses]




-require oxygen dependent transporter to enter bacterium

-resistance due to: alteration of O2 dependent transporter, production of aminoglycoside modifying enzymes

-not metabolized by liver => excreted unchanged by kidneys

-adverse effectes [correlated to duration of exposure]: nephrotoxicity (reversible) & ototoxicity (all except nebulized)

Aminoglycoside- Cochleotoxicity

if pt is given for 7-10 days => strong likelihood of ototoxicity

1. Kanamycin

2. Neomycin [used to treat OE]

3. Amikacin

4. Tobramycin [eye drops]

average t1/2 for perilymph 10-15 hours (2-3 for blood)

Aminoglycoside- Vestibulotoxicity

1. Streptomycin: rarely used clinically, except TB

2. Gentamycin: may be used in Meniere's to cause unilateral vestibularablation (injected)

damage to dark cells of crista ampullaris, Type 1 HC, Type 2 HC

Aminoglycoside- Ototoxicity Mechanisms

-NMDA over activation=> excitotoxic damage

-formation of ROS

-apoptotic & necrotic cell death

-ROS generation causes damage to mitochondrial membranes causing increased permeability

1. membrane ruptures- necrosis

2. membrane severely damaged- apoptosis



-act inside cells to prevent from making required proteins

-gram -/+

-resistance due to alteration in transporter

-ototoxicity uncommon

-vestibulotoxicity reversible

Inhibitors of Bacterial DNA Synthesis

-bactericidal synthetic antibiotics

-inhibit replication of bacterial DNA

-gram -

Inhibitors of Bacterial RNA Synthesis

-inhibit transcription of DNA into RNA by targeting specific RNA polymerase

-Rifamycin for TB, not ototoxic


folates are required to make DNA

[purines= subunits of DNA]

Streptococcus Pneumoniae

-normally found in nasopharynx

-causative agent: meningitis, OM [>1/3 cases of acute OM & sinusitis], sinusitis

-gram +

-Penicillin V or Amoxicillin

<20% infections will resolve w/o treatment

Haemophilus Influenzae

-normally found in oropharynx

-gram -

-capsulated (epiglottis, pneumonia, meningitis) or non-capsulated (w/ obstruction of eustachian tubes- pathogens of OM & sinusitis)

-50% will resolve w/o treatment

Moraxella Catarrhalis

-normally in nasopharynx


-causative agent: laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis

-w/ obstruction of eustachian tube- pathogen of OM & sinusitis

-70% will resolve w/o treatment

Acute OM

-initial treatment: Amoxicillan

-for penicillian allergic: erythromycin & clindamycin

Psedomonas Species

-gram -

-frequent ineffective agent in OE

-antibiotic resistant

Proteus Species


-frequent ineffective agent in OE

-antibiotic resistant

Staphylococcus Aureus

-gram +

-frequent ineffective agent in OE

-some strains are resistant to methicillin & vancomycin

-community acquired MRSA


-parasites- can infect any organ

-need a host to live/for replication

-typically virus & host's response are asymptomatic & self-limiting

Viral Infection

-duration & severity range/ symptoms depend on host's response

-not susceptible to antibiotics

-develop resistance to anti-viral drugs due to nucleotide mutations- change in drug's binding site on the Viron

-DNA Genome: incorporates DNA into chromosomal DNA of host & forces to replicate

-RNA Genome: enzymes make proviral DNA copy of RNA & replicates outside of hist's nucleus


-flu, hep, HPV [virustatic only- host must be immunocompetent]

-contains attenuated/dead copies of Virons

-given to activate host immune system=> makes antibodies=> produces B lymphocyte memory cells

*viruses often mutate rapidly

Eustachian Tube

-opening of eustachian be in lateral nasopharynx

-diseases affecting nose & oral pharynx can effect ME


-acute or chronic inflammation of nasal mucosa

-usually due to viral infection or IgE mediated allergic response

[viral infection: stimulates inflammatory response in mucus membranes]

[IgE bound to mast cells in tissues]


-excessive production of watery nasal secretions, often symptom of rhinitis

-usually due to viral infection or IgE mediated allergic response

[viral infection: stimulates inflammatory response in mucus membranes]

[IgE bound to mast cells in tissues]

Inflammation of Nasal Passages

-Virons: defensive inflammatory response

-Allergens: bind to IgE already bound on mass cells in tissues

-Trauma: defensive inflammatory response due to tissue damage


-sore throat

-cause: streptococcal


1. Penicillins

2. Erthomycin (macrolide)


-infection of sinuses

-cause: streptococcous, pneumonaie, H. influenzae, moraxella, carrhallis, gram-

-treatment: penicillin


-opportunistic infective organisms

-site dependent & altered by host's immune system

-pathogenicity results from

1. mycotoxin production

2. allergenicity involving IgE

3. tissue invasion


-fungal infection of EAC

-infecting fungi: candida albicans, aspergillus higer

-not affected by antibacterial or antiviral drugs

*host immune system fights if not immunocompromised

Anti-Fungal Drugs

-fungicidal: kill fungi w/o help from host

-Polyene Macrolides: act at cell membrane, destroy directly [Amphotericin]

-Imidazoles & Triazoles: inhibit cytochrome P-450, blocks synthesis necessary for membrane development/maintenance => prevents synthesis

-5-fluctyosine: nucleic acid synthesis, not effective alone