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161 Cards in this Set

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disordered though process
acute v chronic (more common)
sensory perception of people or objects that arent present
false belief without reason or evidence
variety of related disorders
-dopa/seratonin system
high levels of both = psychosis
antipsychotic drugs prototype
how is thorazine well absorbed
PO and perentally
thorazine mechanism of action
occupy or block dopamine receptors
-increased dopa = psychosis
uses of thorazine
intractable hiccups
hyperarousal states: ADD, insomnia, acute freak outs
dependence with thorazine
no physical or psychological dependence
pt teaching for thorazine
takes awhile to build blood levels to be effective
reasons for long term thorazine use
head traumas tx
brain tumor
ETOH withdrawal
...because dopa is affected by these
ADEs of thorazine...specifically ANS and CNS
ANS Depressent
-Antiadrenergic: blocks SNS, severe fatigue, decreased BP and HR, bronchoconstriction, ortho hypoTN
-Anticholinergic: blocks PSNS, DRY, blurred vision, tachycardia, decreased UO
**CNS depressant too
extra pyramidal effects/ADE of thorazine
1. dyskinesia: rhythmic invol movements
2. dystonia: rigid, back and neck, pulls head
3. pseudo parkinsons: pill rolling, shuffle gate
4. tardive dyskinesia: chronic, invol jerky movements of face...tongue in and out fast and puffing cheeks
**these effects can be permanent
treatment for extrapyramidal effects
decrease the dose can help
-treat with anticholinergic drug too or benadryl...3 mos will decrease s/s
ADE hemolytic anemia from what and what is it
thorazine ADE
-breakup RBCs, increases bilirubin and you get jaundice
contraindications for antipsychotic drugs/thorazine
-liver damage
-CAD: tachy and bradycardia risk
-Cautious w/ seizures, lung/resp disorders
-pregnant or lactating
Eval for antipsychotics...s/s you might see
-ineffective individual coping
-potential for injury: hemo anemia, ADE
-decreased CO
-impaired physical mobility
-altered thought processes..Tx to dec hallucinations
-sensory perceptual alterations (tx)
-activity intolerance (drowsy)
thorazine interventions
1. allergies
2. hepatic disease
3. administer w/ food
4. BP swings
5. avoid skin contact...burns, change needle
6. don't mix with ETOH or other narcotics
pt education for thorazine
avoid driving and using heavy machinery because of drowziness
-take before bed bc sedative (1hr)
-postural hypoTN, change position gradually
tx time for thorazine
a year to life
...can take weeks or months to see results
toxic OD with thorazine
don't induce vomitting
might not be able to turn head with dystonia so NG levage
what happens if pts BP drops and bradycardia with thorazine
lethal to use Epi
will bottom out BP and cardiac arrest will occur
foods with tyramine
aged(cheese, wine, beer, yog, SC)
smoked meats
antipsychotic 1st drug of choice
atypical or non-phenothiazines
-very few ADE compared so more compliance
atypical or non-phenothiazine prototype
ADE of clozaril
-agranulocytosis: Do Composite Blood count
-increased blood sugar: so high that black box warning for phenoketoacidotic coma
-fewer acute episodes and hospitalizations
etiology of depression symptoms
-neurotransmitter abnormalities or with receptors
-endocrine factors
APA of depression
1. major depression: mood + 5 s/s from list
2. dysthymia: lack of rhythm,
-primary: no ID'ed cause
-secondary: related to envt stresses or life events, meds (ETOH, HTN, roids, BCPS)
and concurrent physical diseases
antidepressant drug groups
1. MAOI's
2. tricyclic antidepressants
3. lithium
4. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
MAOI defintion and prototype
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
MAOI actions
enzymes decrease metabolism of neurotransmitters at receptor sites so NorEpi and Dopa increase
onset of MAOI
1-2 weeks
orthostatic HTN
HTN crises***
paresthesias: numbness/tingling of hands and feet
anticholinergic: DRY
HTN crises and MAOIs
watch for increased BP
any OTC cough meds, MSG and asthma can increase
-tyramine in foods is precursor to NorEpi in GI and small amounts are absorbed and MAOIs block this, gets absorbed in high quantities
-increases in NorEpi to cause MI, cerebral bleeds and headaches
TCA prototype
action of TCAs
block reabsorption so increases in NorEpi, Seratonin and Dopa occur
onset of TCAs
10-30 days
orthostatic HTN
-may be given with MAOI
what can TCAs be used to treat
neurogenic pain
lithium tx for
bipolar disorders
cluster headaches
onset of lithium
6 days
metabolism of lithium
not metab, excreted soley by kidneys
ADE of lithium
weight gain
GI: upset, n/v, METALLIC taste
Tremors: ataxia
Polyuria and dipsia
Leukocytosis (inc WBC)
Na imbalances
explain Na imbalance prob with Lithium
watch dietary shifts
-lithium reabsorption = dec Na
inverse relationship
SSRI prototype
1st drug of choice for depression
-no more effective just fewer ADE so increased compliance because 1x/day dose
skin rash
GI (anorexia, wt loss, N/V)
stimulant: anxiety, nervousness
SSRIs can also be used to treat
suicide rates and antidepressants
same suicide rates
-small %, less than 3, have violent/suicidal thoughts in first few weeks
antidepressant summary
and other info
2-4 weeks
-significant 1st pass effect
-interact with many other drugs
antidepressants pre-op
taper dose and d/c 1 week pre-op
-resume when pt is taking PO fluid and food
NSSRI (norepi selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor)
block reuptake of NorEpi and seratonin
-prob is that NorEpi is a potent vasoconstrictor = increased BP
-So HTN pts may not be candidates
antidepressant pt teaching
-avoid hazardous activity
-avoid alcohol bc of sedation/depress
-compliance w/ therapy...weeks
-check prior to taking OTC meds
-medic alert bracelet: long term 1st 3
-foods to avoid (tyramine MAOI)
-avoid sudden position changes
-avoid caffeine(MAOI)
-use sugarless gum/candy because of antichol effect
-don't alter Na intake
-report skin rash...esp SSRI
prob if pt has glaucoma on antidep
anticholinergic effect would increase pressure
abnormal electrical activity
OD on meds
severe hypoglycemia
can be single event like high fever
ETOH withdrawal and abuse
tonic (sustained contractions) clonic (jerking) seizures
s/s of seizure activity
abnormal EEG
status epilepticus
#1 cause too
one seizure after another w/o gaining consciousness
-#1 cause = stopping meds
causes of status epilepticus
brain tumor
neuro trauma
ETOH withdrawal
stopping meds
-may be spike in BP and then it falls
effects of status epilepticus
tonic clonic movements impede teh thorax
-hypoxia and brain damage
post ictal state
breathingm may be semi-responsive
put in rescue position on their side
tx for status ep
IV fluids
use benzodiazapine to break (long lastingO) not long term tx
antiseizure AEDs mechanism of action
1. block movement of Na into nerve cell: increase threshold of seizure activity, required for normal conduction = dec responsiveness to stimuli

2. enhance the activity of GABA: neurotrans in brain, benzodiaz are GABA enhancers, increases ability to inhibit seizures and will have fewer
antiseizure AED prototype
ADE of dilantin/antiseizure meds
CNS: ataxia. lethargy
Gingival hyperplasia
1st drug of choice for antiseizures and how it's given
IV: mix only with saline solution...dextrose will ppt it
therapeutic use of antiseizure meds
prevent w/ neurosurgery
severe brain injury
nerve pain treatment(tegretol, klonopin)
questions to ask with antisezures meds
are you using to treat or prevent (b4 brain surgery)?
have you had seizures before?
how often?
how long since your last?
does anything ppt your seizure?
phenobarb use as antiseizure/AED med
long acting barbiuitate
animal hospitals to inc appetite
ADE= CNS depressant
contraindications for antiseizure meds
cns depressant use
PT eval for antiseizure meds
risk for injury: tonic/clonic, etc
noncompliance (status)
chronic systemic disease of abnormalities
-Metabolic: changes in metab of CHO, fats, pro = inc BS
-Vascular: atherosclerosis, changes in microcirc
goals of DM drug therapy
BS of 70-110
-prevent complications
-prevent hypoglycemia
diff between type I and II
type I is
-early onset
- sudden
-tends to be harder to control, -destroys B-cells,
- higher rate of complications
-insulin needed v oral hypoglycs
-no insulin production v decrease prod or resistance
s/s of DM
polyuria...kidneys dump in gluc
polyphagia...hungry, cells don't get nutrients
when would you need insulin for type II diabetes
stress, trauma from hospital, surgery
tx for hyperkalemia with diabetcis
give dextrose and insulin
-force K intracellularly until better treatment can be given
ER measure
hypoglycemia response
SNS response
insulin impt info in general
-rapid and short acting insulin covers meals immediately AFTER the injection
-intermediate acting insulin is expected to cover subsequent meals
-long acting insulin provides a relatively constant level of insulin and act as a basal insulin
only what type of insulin is given IV
regular but can also be given subQ before meals
conventional insulin regime
1-2 injections/day, BS WNL
intensive insulin regime
many injections daily
keep tight control of BS
-test BS as many times as you inject a day
oral agents for impaired insulin productions
oral hypoglycemics
-stimulate the production of insulin
-sulfonylureas: (glucotrol)
-meglitinidines: prandin
-decrease BS by increasing insulin secretion...need fxning B cells
oral agents for insulin resistance
a decreased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin
-Thiazolidines: actos
-Diguanide: glucophage
-oral alpha glucosidase inhibitors (glyset)
using insulin in icu
for non-diabetics
-keep BS normal, heal faster and decrease complications
prototype of sulfonylureas
primary and secondary failure with oral agents
primary: stops working, no reason
secondary: pt was non-compliant
contraindications for oral hypoglycemics
fetal hypoglycemia
hormones produced by the thyroid
1. thyroxine (T4)
2. triiodothyronine (T3)
3. calcitonin: released when Ca increases in body (>10)
signif with glucophage
not metab by liver
excreted unchanged in urine
contraindications for glucophage
renal fxn and death
stop 48 hours before a test with contrast dye
fxn of thryoid hormones
controls cellular metabolism
-required for growth and development
thyroid disorders
1. goiter: I deficiency
2. hypothyroidism: synthroid
congenital hypothyroid in kids
dec BMR and BP
lethargy, apathy, drowsy
slow speech and mental dullness
wt gain,
intolerant to cold
dysmennorhea and infertility
synthroid action
increases BMR
acts on thyroid
on it for life
hyperthyroid prototype
other meds for hyperthyroidism besides tapazole
saturated soln of K Iodide (SSKI): stops release of hormones

pre op use sometimes
synthroid pt teaching
3-7 days to see effects
may need to increase dose
take as directed
same time each day
hyperthyroid s/s
increased BMR, HR, MP
protruding eyeballs
contraindicatiosn for hyperthyroid meds
preg or nursing mom because of cretinism
adrenal cortex produces
1. adrenal sex hormones
2. mineral corticoids
3. glucocorticoids
mineral coritcoids
aldosterone: decreases = Addisons Disease w/ dec Na and H20 and inc K

increases=cushings disease
-holds water and Na to kidneys-i
-increased BP...hypokalemia

actioins of glucocorticoids (steroids)
1. CHO Metab: stim formation of gluc, make cells insulin resistance, inc BS
2. Inflamm/Immune System: suppression
3. Nervous Syst: dec excitability, slow cereb/cortex, euphoria to psychosis, changes mood, brain wave
4. GI: dec viscosity, mucous layer and inc HCL
5. Pro metab: inc breakdown, and pro synthesis rate
6. fluid/electrolyte: retain Na/H20...kidney rides Ca/K, hypokalemia, edema, HTN, osteo
7. Resp Syst: more resp to bronchodil, stabilize mast cells, dec histamine released
ADE long term steroid use
muscle wasting
buffalo hump
round face
skinny arms and legs
replacement therapy and roids
small dosees
therapeutic use of steroids
larger doses
extension of physiological effects
doesn't cure
to decrease ADEs of steroids you should
1. local use
2. short course
3. taper dose
4. ADT or double dose every other day
steroid prototype
antiinflamm roid med
neuro roid med
allergic disorders med roid
endocrine disroders roid med
GI roid med and immunosuppressant
avoid use or use roids cautiously in
-those at risk or with infection
-Peptic ulcer disease
-inc BP and CHF
-Renal insufficiency
contraindciations for roids
systemic fungal infection
assess what with roid use
I &O
growth in kids
occult blood
stress level
interventions for roids
Maintenance: ADT
give before 9 am
give with milk or food
pt education
peptic ulcer disease
areas exposed to HCL, pepsin
-lower esoph,stomach,duodenum
-initially irritation, then more inflamm and it erodes and becomes an ulcer
causes of GERD
stress meds
h, pylori
cell protection in GI
dilution of HCL
tight cardiac sphincter
cytoprotective prostaglandins
cell destruction in GI casues
HCl: acetylcholine (wet, increase motility and digestion, hist II rleases HCl too

-pepsin from chief cells (ph<3)
-h. pylori
types of anti-ulcer meds
1. antacids
2. ulcer adherent
3. histamine 2 receptor blockers
4. proton pump inhibitors
5. H. pylori agents
antacid meds for GI
1. Al hydroxide: amphogel
2. Mg: MOM
3. Al & Mg: maalox
4. Na Bicarbonate: alka seltzer
5. Ca Carbonate: Tums
what GI drugs constipate
anything with aluminum
signif about calcium carbonate (tums)
acid rebound when you stop taking them and it can make it worst
- wouldn't use to treat gastric ulcer
signif of Na bicarb (alka seltzer)
increase in Na so beware with HTN or Na restricted diets
therapeutic effects of antacids
chemical neutralization
decreases pain, burning type
assessment for antacids
taking other meds? that might interfere with absorption
-na restricted?
bowel fxn?
interventions with antacids
water full glass or you'll only coat esoph)
not with other meds
1 hour after meals
ulcer adherent propotype
ADES of ulcer adherents/sucralfate
metallic taste
dry mouth
ulcer adherent info...uses etc, how its taken
-prevents and treats
-cumbersome schedule:
1-2 hrs ac and hs for 4-8 wks
-only local action
-on empty stomach and again at bed
histamine 2 receptor blockign agents prototype
mechanism of His II blockers
stop production and release of His II which decreases the release of HCl
histamine effects I and II
H I: bronchoconstriction, edema, redness, pain, tingle, itch..released with asthma, allergies, tissue injury

HII: INCREASE HCl production, only in GI, strong stim, PSNS (vagus, acetylcholine released)
his II uses, how its given etc
-prevents and treats ulcers (PUD)
-6-8 wks for ulcer to heal
issue with tagamet
interferes with metabolism of many drugs
-mental confusion in elderly
assessment for His II receptor blocking agents
-renal fxn
-liver fxn
-other meds
-preg/lactating bc it crosses placenta
-not recommended for kids
interventions for His II receptor blocking agents (tagamet)
-can give w/o regard to meals
-quit smoking and dec HCl made
-assess for ADES (rare N, diarrhea)
proton pump inhibitor prototype
1st drug of choice with GI
prilosec as logn as not allergy
more effective then his II
mechanism of proton pump inhib
prevents or stops the release of gatric acid
given PO or IV
ADES of prilosec
-N, D, headache
H. pylori agents...describe
combo of:
1. antibiotic: 2 of 4
2. pro pump inhib: prevacid or H2 blocker
1 prevacid
2 amox
1 biaxin

-2 weeks of treatment
causes of diarrhea
excess lax use
spicy foods
intestinal cancers
non-specific therapy for anti-diarrheals
-opiate derivatives: cause?
demerol, paragoric

-misc: pepto, kaopectate
-anticholinergics: lomotil and narcotic
how to describe diarrhea
-self limiting: subsides in 24-48 hrs
specific diarrhea therapy
digestive enzymes
assessment for anti-diarrheals
# of stools, looseness
I & O
skin turgor
PT Eval with anti diarrheals
altered nutrition
social isolation
interventions for anti-diarrheals
-ID cause
-increase fluid intake
-hand washing
-BRAT diet (ban, rice, applesauce, toast/tea)
-avoid irrit foods
anti emetics for GI
1. phenothiazines
2. antihistamines: give ahead, drama
3. seratonin receptor antagonists: zofran for chemo N/V give IV before
4. benzodiazapines: not anti-emetic...multi drug regime because it promotes sedation, relax to dec n/v
uses of anabolic androgen steroids AAS
stimulation of:
-bone marrow
-sexual development

-palliative tx
-tx of tissue wasting
(breast cancer, AIDS, ESRD)
2 types of AAS
1. oil based
2. water based: carry more ADE, clear body within 1-2 days
1. acne
2. aggression
3. HTN
4. sterility (atrophy of testes)
5. dysuria: esp males prostate enlarges
Irreversible ADES of AAS
1. impotence
2. baldness
3. gynocomastia (breasts)
4. stunted growth
5. psych changes
6. enlarged clitoris
7. disrupt mesnes
pathophys ADES of AAS
(cells etc)
-destroys liver cells
-liver cancer
-heart disease
-inc blood clotting
-psych changes (superman complex too)
other drug use in sports
-blood transfusions at high elevations
-brake drugs: stop estrogen in girls to delay puberty
-beta blockers: for aim
-diuretics : wt sports, lose K issue
withdrawal of AAS
lose muscle mass
turn to other drugs