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295 Cards in this Set

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Atropine Drug Class
Muscarinic Antagonist
Epinephrine Drug Class
Adrenergic Agonist
Beta 1 physiological response
positive chronotrope, positive inotrope, increased systolic blood pressure
ACE-I ending
alpha 1, beta 1, beta 2 blockers
carvedilol, labetalol
beta-blockers ending
alpha 1 blockers ending
alpha 2 adrenergic agonists
clonidine, methyldopa
Anticholinergic Side Effects
dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention, tachycardia, CNS: memory loss, confusion, restlessness, agitation, delirium, hallucination
ARB ending
-pine, plus diltiazem, verapamil
alpha 1 physiological response
vasoconstriction in skin and mucous membranes; decreased respiratory secretions; urinary retention; reflex bradycardia; pupil dilation (mydriasis)
beta 2 physiological response
vasodilation: liver, heart, skeletal muscle, lungs; bronchodilation; hyperglycemia; increased liver sugar; increased glucagon; decreased blood pressure; uterine relaxation
beta-blockers with proven benefits s/p MI
propranolol, timolol, metoprolol, atenolol
Baroreceptor Reflex
A dramatic reduction in blood pressure (such as that caused by intense vasodilation) triggers the baroreceptor reflex and results in reflex tachycardia; and vice versa.
Physiological Effects of Muscarinic Agonists
increased secretions, lacrimation, sweating, salivation, bronchial secretions, and secretion of gastric acid; decreased heart rate; relaxation of vascular smooth muscles can cause vasodilation and hypotension; constriction of bronchial smooth muscle = bronchial constriction; increased tone and motility of the GI smooth muscle = enhanced GI motility and defecation; contraction of the detrusor muscle of the bladder and relaxation of the urinary sphincters = increased voiding pressure and enhanced urination; miosis (pupillary constriction) and contraction of the ciliary muscle (accommodation for near vision)
alpha 1 main sites of action
pupils (dilation: mydriasis), urinary tract (urinary retention), vasculature of skin (vasoconstriction)
alpha 2 main site of action
presynaptic neurons (stimulation decreases further norepinephrine release)
beta 1 main site of action
beta 2 main site of action
lungs (bronchodilation), liver (increased sugar), uterus (relaxation), vasculature of skeletal muscle (vasodilation)
Muscarinic agonists: drugs in this class
muscarinic agonists: MOA
bind directly to muscarinic receptors and mimic ACh
Muscarinic Agonists: therapeutic uses
atonic bladder; urinary retention in postpartum and postoperative patients; rarely: GERD
Muscarinic Agonists: side effects
urinary incontinence, drooling, watery eyes, diarrhea, SOA, hypotension, increased stomach acid, heartburn, abdominal cramping, bradycardia
Cholinesterase inhibitors affect
autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system
Cholinesterase inhibitors: MOA
Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that normally inactivates ACh, these drugs inhibit the enzyme, thereby increasing ACh levels and activity and prolonging the effects of endogenously released ACh
Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Therapeutic Uses
irreversible: insecticides, pesticides, nerve gas; reversible: surgical reversal agents, treatment of myasthenia gravis, alzheimer's symptoms (alzheimer's drugs more specific for CNS)
Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Side Effects
SLUDGE, nausea
Surgical Reversal Agents: drugs in this group
edrophonium, neostigmine, physostigmine, pyridostigmine
Cholinesterase Inhibitors used for Alzheimer's
donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine
Muscarinic Antagonists: MOA
compete with ACh for muscarinic recpetors, bind & block; leave sympathetic nervous system unopposed
Muscarinic Antagonists: therapeutic uses
Atropine: antidote for overdoses of cholinergic agonists, antisecretory, antispasmodic, antidiarrheal, code (severe bradycardia & asystole), ophthalmic: mydriatic; scopolamine: anti-motion sickness, antisecretory; Belladonna/opium: bladder and rectal antispasmodic; Urinary incontinence: solifenacin, tolterodine, oxybutynin, propantheline; GI spasms, irritable bowel, spastic bladder: hyoscyamine, hyosycamine + atropine + scopolamine + phenobarbitol; Bronchodilator: ipatropium bromide, tiotropium bromide; Parkinson's: trihexylphenidyl, benzotropine
Muscarinic Antagonists: Side Effects
Anticholinergic Side Effects
Neuromuscular Blockers: MOA
block nicotinic receptors; to move a single muscle ACh must stimulate thousands of nicotinic receptors
Neuromuscular Blockers: Therapeutic uses
cause paralysis during surgery
Physical Complications associated with chronic HTN
increased risk of stroke, TIA, dementia, retinopathy, MI, angina, heart failure, LVH, CKD (esp. African American, Hispanic, and Native American), PVD, early death from cardiovascular cause
Physiological Mechanisms Influencing Blood Pressure
Causes of increased cardiac output
increased fluid volume, excess sodium intake, renal retention of sodium, overactivity of sympathetic nervous system, excess stimulation of RAAS
Causes of increased TPR
overactivity of sympathetic nervous system, excess stimulation of RAAS, genetic alterations in cell membranes (e.g. increased intracellular Na+/Ca++ which alters vascular smooth muscle tone), endothelial-derived factors, hyperinsulinemia secondary to obesity or metabolic syndrome
How overactivity of sympathetic nervous system increases blood pressure
vasoconstriction in skin, mucous membranes, and most organs
Renin released from kidneys secondary to low perfusion (vasoconstriction), low Na+, or low K+; renin converts Angiotensinogen into Angiotensin I; ACE from the lungs converts Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II; Angiotensin II leads to vasoconstriction, increased sympathetic nervous system output and inhibits vasodilators (bradykinin, prostacyclin, prostaglandin E2); Angiotensin also stimulates Aldosterone, which causes fluid retention and may lead to LVH, vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy, glomerular hypertrophy
Commonly used meds that may cause/complicate HTN
corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, NSAIDs, coxII inhibitors, oral decongestants, non-oral estrogen-containing contraceptives, some antidepressants, cocaine, cocaine withdrawl, ephedra, ma huang, herbal ecstasy, nicotine, nicotine withdrawl, anabolic steroids, narcotic or opiod withdrawl, amphetamines, (beta blocker without alpha blocker first in patient with pheochromocytoma)
Why is it recommended to give alpha 1 blocker at bedtime?
to minimize falls and prevent loss of blood pressure control in the am
Differences between selective and non-selective beta blockers
Selective have higher affinity for B1 than B2, but lose some selectivity at high doses
Selective beta-blockers are safer in
DM, PVD, asthma, COPD
Non-selective beta blockers are more effective for
hyperthyroidism, essential tremor, anxiety, migraine prophylaxis
Additional side effects of non-slective beta blockers
bronchoconstriction, peripheral vasoconstriction, hypoglycemia
ramifications of abruptly stopping beta blocker therapy
potentially fatal rebound HTN, tachycardia, angina, and MI
how to properly discontinue beta blocker therapy
taper over 1-2 weeks
Which class of diuretics is the most powerful at removing fluid and why?
loop diuretics because Loop of Henle is responsible for 25-30% of all Na+ reabsorption
Why thiazides are preferred over loop diuretics for management of HTN?
do not cause rebound vasoconstriction and do have direct-acting vasodilatory properties
Mechanism of synergy between thiazides and loop diuretics
block Na+ reabsorption at 2 different points
Why higher doses of Loop diuretics needed in renally impaired patients
must be secreted into urine by the organic pathway of the proximal tubule to be effective; competition with endogenous organic acids such as uric acid for entrance into the urine
Smoothness Index
blood pressure fluctuations measured at multiple points throughout the dosing interval; ratio between average 24 hour blood pressure changes; relates better to real world than P:T ratio
P:T ratio; Peak:Trough Ratio
difference between blood pressure lowering at beginning and end of dosing interval; 2 measurements; difficult to establish fair comparisons based on P:T alone
Calculate and discuss pulse pressure
= SBP - DBP; may reflect extent of artherosclerotic disease and measure arterial stiffness; increased pulse pressure correlated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality
Calculate and discuss mean arterial pressure
= (SBP) + (DBP x 2) / 3; used clinically to represent overall blood pressure, especially in hypertensive emergency
Patient Education promoting compliance in hypertensive patient
Even if you don't feel bad, HTN can kill you. If you stop taking suddenly, it can kill you (esp. alpha 2 antagonists, beta-blockers). Take at night.
Discuss role of genetics/race in antihypertensive selection
HTN affects African Americans at increased rate and they have a greater need for combination therapy to meet and maintain BP goals; thiazides and CCBs particularly effective for African Americans, higher rate of angioedema and cough from ACE-I than whites
Blood Pressure Goal for most patients
Blood Pressure Goals for HTN patient with DM or CKD; and poss. pt's with HF with LVH
Blood Pressure Goal for HTN patient with proteinuria
Isolasted Systolic HTN goals
with SBP > 180, 1st goal is < 160, monitor closely for hypotension, dizziness, sweating, tachycardia, falls, fatigue, etc.; continue to aim for target BP as long as patient tolerates
Common causes of CHF
coronary heart disease, MI, uncontrolled HTN, renal failure, Arrhythmias, age >65 years old
How compensatory mechanisms worsen heart failure
HF = decreased cardiac output; body attempts to increase cardiac output leading to more damage and worse HF; specifically body increases heart rate and force of contraction via increased sympathetic activity leads to increased workload, stress, O2 demand; also decreased cardiac output can be interpreted as dehydration leading to fluid retention to raise blood pressure which strains the heart and leads to edema and pulmonary congestion; vasoconstriction leads to increased after load and oxygen demand; all these attempts to increase cardiac output lead to ventricular hypertrophy which leads to stiffening and weakened contractions
Evidence supporting the use of ACE-I in management of chronic heart failure
proven to slow progression of heart failure and reduce mortality in patients with ejection fraction </=40%
Evidence supporting the use of ARB in management of chronic heart failure
adding to ACE-I is reasonable in stage C &D who are symptomatic despite ACE/BB/diuretic therapy or in place of ACE if pt. doesn't tolerate ACE
Evidence supporting the use of BB in management of chronic heart failure
proven to reduce mortality in stable stage C & D
Evidence supporting the use of diuretics in management of chronic heart failure
symptom relief in stage C & D
Evidence supporting the use of Digoxin in the management of chronic heart failure
not shown to decrease mortality; may help symptoms in stage C & D if symptomatic despite ACE/BB/Diuretic therapy to decrease hospitalizations
Evidence supporting the use of vasodilators in the management of chronic heart failure
beneficial for patient intolerant of ACE/ARB or symptomatic stage C despite ACE/BB/Diuretic
Evidence supporting the use of Spironolactone in the management of chronic heart failure
shown to decrease mortality in stage C & D
Beta-blockers with specific clinical evidence of benefit in heart failure
cavedilol, bisoprolol, metoprolol
protein in the urine indicates
kidney damage, frequently from HTN
beta blocker use in a-fib is for
rate control and to prevent transition to v-fib
signs/symptoms of hypoglycemia
tremor, flushed feeling, racing heart, confusion
how diuretics do/don't work
they don't pull fluid out of tissues (edema), they pull fluid out of blood so that fluid in tissues can move back into the blood where it belongs
vascular dehydration signs and symptoms
dizziness, tachycardia, possibly hypotension
referring to or associated with adrenaline or the sympathetic nervous system
Atrial fibrillation
atria of the heart are not beating in a normal rhythm; not necessarily a life-threatening dysrhythmia, but puts the patient at a significantly increased risk of clots
enlargement and stiffening of the heart muscle
referring to or associated with acetylcholine or the parasympathetic nervous system
ejection fraction
a clinical measurement used to determine level of heart function in heart failure patients; a low EF indicates poor heart function and worsened heart failure
relating to strength of heart muscle contraction
cell death occurring due to lack of oxygen
production of tears in the eyes, watering eyes
pupil constriction; pin-point pupils
referring to or affecting the parasympathetic nervous system or muscarinic receptors
pupil dilation
myocardial infarction; MI
heart attack; blockage of blood and oxygen supply to the heart which usually results in damage
ischemic stroke
blocking of blood and oxygen supply to an area of the brain that results in damage to brain tissue
hemorrhagic stroke
bleeding in the brain resulting in damage to brain tissue
urinary retention
mechanical problem with bladder or bladder sphincter making it difficult to urinate
What 2 classes of medications can be used to enhance bronchodilation?
beta 2 agonists and muscarinic antagonists
Which 2 classes of drugs might cause bronchoconstriction?
beta 2 blockers and muscarnic agonists
Which 2 classes of medications can be used to treat (reverse) bradycardia? (meaning that the drug will cause an increase in heart rate)
beta 1 agonists and muscarinic antagonists
Which 2 classes of medications can be used to treat (reverse) tachycardia? (meaning that the drug will cause a decrease in heart rate)
beta 1 blockers and muscarinic agonists
Which class of drugs might cause diarrhea?
muscarinic agonists
Which class of drugs might cause constipation?
muscarinic antagonists
Which 2 classes of drugs might increase blood pressure and cardiac output?
adrenergic agonists and muscarinic antagonists
potential interaction between ASA and NSAIDS
Ibuprofen may block antiplatelet benefits of ASA, take ASA 2 hours before or 4 hours after ibuprofen to maximize the antiplatelet benefits of ASA
3 antiplatelet drugs
ASA, extended release dipyridamole + aspirin, clopdrogrel
Aspirin MOA
irreversibly inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase
Aspirin SEs
upset stomach, GI discomfort, GI ulcers; ASA withdrawal associated with increased risk of clots
extended release dipyridamole + aspirin MOA
inhibits phosphodiesterase and enhances antithrombotic potential of vascular wall
extended release dipyridamole + aspirin SEs
headache, GI upset, N/V, diarrhea, dizziness, up to 25% of patients intolerant
Clopidrogrel MOA
inhibits binding of platelets to each other by interfering with ADP; 3-7 day lag time for onset of action
Clopdirogrel SEs
GI disturbance, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, excessive bleeding
Aspirin during AMI
325 mg chew and swallow
ASA + Clopidrogrel after stent, ACS, or ischemic stroke
for 3-9 months, then 1 drug for life
Secondary Prevention with antiplatelets
any of the 3, but if cost isn't a concern then dipyridamole +ASA or Clopidrogrel; for any patient with hx of MI, CVA, TIA, ischemic stroke, or angina
Primary Prevention with antiplatelets
aspirin for patients >/= 50 with HTN, DM, hypercholestermia, or smoker
fluid monitoring in heart failure
weigh every day for early signs of fluid retention
drugs that cause sodium and water retention
NSAIDS, high dose salicylates, COX-II inhibitors, rosiglitazone, pioglitazone, corticosteroids, androgens, estrogens
Electrolyte imbalances that predispose patients to digoxin toxicity
hypkalemia, hypercalcemia, hypomagnesemia
ACE-I dosing
start with small test dose of captopril 6.25 mg TID, attempt to titrate up to 50 mg TID (for captopril)
Diuretic dosing
spironalactone starting dose 12.5 to 25 mg daily; target dose 25 mg 1-2x/day
Therapeutic Serum levels for digoxin
0.5-1 ng/ml for HF; >/= 0.8 for inotropic benefits
Most common drug interactions with digoxin
diuretics and laxatives can cause hypokalemia; antacids may decrease bioavailability; AV heart block with BB, diltiazem, verapamil; CYP3A4 inhibitors will increase, and could double, dig levels (quinidine, amiodarone, diltiazem, itraconazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin); oral antibiotics; colestyramine can bind intestinally and inhibit absorption
why lower digoxin serum concentrations in heart failure
neurohormonal benefits happen at lower serum levels; positive inotropic effects achieved at higher serum levels could contribute to the cycle of worsening heart failure
when is it appropriate to use a digoxin loading dose
for tachyarrhythmias to overcome large Vd and rapidly achieve adequate serum levels; only when quick onset of action is needed; usually only in hospital setting
why digoxin loading dose not used frequently
increases risk of toxicity
timing of checking serum levels with digoxin
serum level in 24 hours and 7 days, 24 hour check just to make sure it's not too high; steady state not reached for 7 days with normal renal function, 14 or more days with renal impairment; only levels drawn at steady state will accurately reflect current dose; at least 6 and optimally 12 hours after dose for lab draw
dosing for digoxin loading dose
0.5-1 mg total dose; 1/2 now, 1/4 in 6-8 hours, 1/4 in another 6-8 hours
management of digoxin toxicity
give potassium supplements, treat arrhythmias with appropriate agent, digoxin Immune Fab (Digibind) for severe toxicity
pt education promoting compliance with meds in heart failure patients
these drugs are shown to reduce mortality
appropriate digoxin dosing in heart failure
0.125-0.25 mg daily is usual maintenance dose; dosing is extremely patient variable
need to check dig level when
questionable compliance, lack of improvement, lack of ventricular control in A-fib, changing renal function, interacting meds, abnormal EKG, suspected toxicity
why hypokalemia predisposes to dig toxicity
low potassium inhibits the Na+/K+ pumps on cardiac cell, so does dig; makes it much more pronounced
Antihypertensive with unfavorable effects in DM and why
BB: may mask s/s of hypoglycemia and prolong hypoglycemic episodes, esp. non-selective or brittle type I; CAN be used safely in some persons, esp. with a compelling indication
Antihypertensive with unfavorable effect in gout and why
loop and thiazide diuretics; both can cause/exacerbate gout/hyperuricemia
antihypertensives with unfavorable effects in PVD and why
non-selective BB: beta2 mediated peripheral vasoconstriction
antihypertensives with unfavorable effects in bronchospastic disease and why
non-selective BB: beta2 mediated bronchoconstriction
antihypertensives with unfavorable effects in pregnancy
ACE-I and ARB contraindicated in pregnancy because they are tetragenic
antihypertensives with unfavorable effects in renal insufficiency/CKD and why
K+ sparing diuretics: renal failure patients often hyperkalemic; Thiazide diuretics: ineffective if ClCr <30 ml/min
ACE-I in patients on a diuretic, volume depleted, elderly, or at risk of orthostatic hypotension dosing
starting dose should be reduced by 50%
reducing side effects with ACE-I
side effects reduced by 50% by waiting 6 weeks between dose increases
why to use a test dose of captopril in HF patients
because they have "revved-up" RAAS
drug of choice for edema associated with congestive heart failure
loop diuretic
principles of loop diuretic dosing in management of heart failure
higher doses needed; usually need K+ supplement
digoxin MOA for positive inotropic effects
inhibits Na+/K+ pumps of cardiac cell membranes, which increased intracellular Na+, which facilitates Ca++ influx; increased intracellular Ca++ leads to stronger muscle contractions
digoxin MOA for neurohormonal effects
decreased sympathetic nervous system activation and increased parasympathetic nervous system activity leading to decreased heart rate and enhanced diastolic filling; also slow SA node conduction
signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity
N/V, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, neuralgia, confusion, delirium, psychosis, blurred vision, haloes, photophobia, red-green or yellow-green tinted vision, almost any cardiac dysrhythmia, sinus bradycardia
Antihypertensives indicated in systolic heart failure and why
ACE-I: reduced cardiac risk when administered with a BB; ARB: used in place of ACE-I if intolerant; BB: reduced cardiac risk; Diuretics: loops are drug of choice for edema associated with CHF, K+ sparing diuretics improve morbidity and mortality and slow disease progression
Antihypertensives indicated after MI and why
BB: reduced cardiac risk; ACE: reduced cardiac risk if administered with BB, prevents myocardial remodeling and cardiac hypertrophy often seen post MI, benefits are seen if started with 24 hours of MI and continued for at least 6 weeks, longer if LVH; ALD ANT: improve morbidity and mortality if LV systolic dysfunction
Antihypertensives indicated with increased CV risk and why
BB: reduced cardiac risk in patients with angina and ACS
Antihypertensives indicated with CKD and why
ACE/ARB: can prevent progression of renal failure in some patients
Antihypertensives indicated with tachycardia and why
BB, verapamil, diltiazem: all slow heart rate
Antihypertensives indicated with BPH and why
alpha1 blocker: relax the smooth muscle of the bladder neck and prostate, which improves urine flow
MOA for alpha2 adrenergic agonists
stimulate alpha2 receptors of brain stem which inhibits norepinephrine; results in decreased sympathetic output, decreased BP, mildly decreased heart rate
therapeutic uses for alpha2 adrenergic agonists
mostly resistant HTN, methyldopa is drug of choice in pregnancy-induced HTN, clonidine chewable tablet for hypertensive urgencies; adjunct therapy for ADHD, withdrawal from nicotine, opiates, benzos, and alcohol; clonidine commonly used for Tourette's
Major SEs for alpha2 adrenergic agonists
orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, h/a, impaired ejaculation, sedation, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision, rebound fluid retention
contraindications/precautions for alpha2 adrenergic agonists
abrupt withdrawal causes severe rebound HTN, taper over 3-4 days
evidence regarding alpha2 adrenergic agonists
shown to decrease BP, but not shown to reduce CV risk
alpha2 adrenergic agonists
clonidine, methyldopa
alpha 1 blockers
doxazosin, terazosin, prazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin
alpha1 blocker MOA
competitive blocking of alpha1 receptors, causing vasodilation, also relaxes smooth muscle of bladder neck and prostate
therapeutic uses of alpha1 blockers
BPH, Raynaud's disease, only used as alternative therapy in HTN
major SEs of alpha1 blockers
orthostatic HTN (less likely with BPH selective drugs), reflex tachycardia, sodium and water retention (rebound renal reaction to vasodilation), dizziness, lack of energy, drowsiness, nasal congestion, h/a, decreased libido
Precautions for alpha1 blockers
First Dose Effect: syncope after 1st dose, to minimize falls instruct patient to take QHS and initiate therapy with dose titration
drug interactions with alpha1 blockers
use with vardenafil and sildenafil causes hypotension; alfuzosin is contraindicated with potent CYP3A4 inhibitors
BPH specific alpha1 blockers
alfuzosin, tamsulosin only used for BPH; doxazosin, terazosin used for BPH/HTN
inhibit the conversion of angiotensin 1 to its more active form, angiotensin 2; counteract or inhibit all of the pharmacological effects of angiotensin 2; cause vasodilation, dec. aldosterone levels, Na+ and fluid wasting, K+ retention
ACE-I therapeutic uses
HTN, hypertensive urgencies, diabetic nephropathy, persons with proteinuria, stroke prevention, CHF/LVH, AMI
ACE-I major SEs
hypotension (esp. 1st dose), Bradykinin-related Ses: dry hacking cough, non-allergic rash, angioedema; hyperkalemia; acute reversible renal insuficiency
contraindications/precautions ACE-I
test dose of captopril for pts. w/ high RAAS activity: hyponatremia, diuretic use, HF; starting dose reducd by 50% in pts. on diuretic, volume depleted, @ risk of orthostatic HTN, or elderly; Side Effects reduced 50% by waiting 6 weeks b/t dosage inc.
ACE inhibitors
captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, benazepril, ramipril, quinapril, fosinopril, trandolapril, moexipril, perindopril
losartan, candesartan, eprosartan, valsartan, irbesartan, temisartan, olmesartan
directly bind and block angiotensin II receptor
ARB therapeutic uses
alternative to ACE-I in patient who cannot tolerate bradykinin related side effects; may be superior in preventing diabetic nephropathy
ARB major SEs
similar to ACE-I except less likely to cause cough and rash
contraindications/precautions with ARBs
history of angioedema with ACE-I is precaution, but many practitioners won't use under those conditions; contraidicated in pregnancy
Any substance or agent that is capable of interfering with normal embryonic development and can produce non-heritable birth defects.
Normal blood pressure
Stage 1 hypertension
Stage 2 hypertension
>/= 160 / >/= 100
Hypertensive Crisis
Major determinant of SBP
cardiac output
Major determinant of DBP
Isolated Systolic HTN
SBP >/= 140 with DBP <90
Systolic or Diastolic greater predictor of cardiovascular risk
how carvedilol differs from other beta blockers
1st BB shown to improve survival in heart failure; 65% reduced risk of death compared to placebo in addition to standard therapy ?Don't know if this is what she is looking for?
Increased risk of orthostatic hypotension
elderly, diabetic, severe volume depletion, baroreflex dysfunction, autonomic insufficiency, use of venodilators (BB, alpha blockers, nitrates, phosphodiesterase inhibitors)
Orthostatic hypotension
SBP drop >20 or DBP drop >10 when changing from supine to sitting or sitting to standing
Cardioselective BB MOA
selectively block beta1 receptors; dec. HR, force of contraction, cardiac workload, and O2 demand; block juxtaglomerular cells, blocking renin release
Cardioselective BB Therapeutic Uses
HTN, a-fib, tachycardia; reduces CV risk in pts. w/ chronic stable angina, MI, ACS, systolic HF; hyperthyroidism, essential tremor, ANS overload (anxiety, stage fright)
Cardioselective BB Major Side Effects
hypotension, sexual impairment, nightmares, acute heart failure, reduced cardiac output, bradycardia, AV block
Cardioselective BB contraindications/precautions
may mask s/s of hypoglycemia in diabetics; sig. risk of fatal rebound HTN, taper over 1-2 weeks; use caution with uncompensated HF, AV-block, or diabetes
Cardioselective BB Other Notes
additive AV blocking when given with digoxin, verapamil, or diltiazem; rarely used: acebutolol, does not reduce CV risk
Cardioselective BB
acebutolol, atenolol, betaxolol, metoprolol, bisoprolol, esmolol
Non-selective BB
propranolol, nadolol, pindolol
Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity (ISA)
BB that have partial agonist activity; have little effect on resting heart rate, cardiac output, and Tg levels; do not reduce cardiovascular risk like other BB and may be detrimental in post-MI; rarely used
acebutolol, pindolol
acebutolol therapeutic use
afib with underlying bradycardia
Non-selective BB MOA
block beta1 & 2 receptors
Non-selective BB Therapeutic Uses
same cardioselective plus: carteolol and timolol are used as eye drops to treat glaucoma; propranolol may be more effective in treating hyperthyroidism, essential tremor, ANS overload, and migraine prophylaxis
Non-selective BB Major Side Effects
same as cardioselective, plus: peripheral vasoconstriction, bronchoconstriction, hypoglycemia (prolonged in diabetics)
Non-selective BB contraindications/precautions
asthma, COPD, PVD, uncompensated HF, AV-block, diabetics
Non-selective BB other notes
additive AV blocking when given with digoxin, verapamil, or diltiazem; rarely used: pindolol, does not reduce CV risk; may blunt the response to albuterol and other beta2 agonists
alpha 1, beta 1 & 2, blockers MOA
blocks listed receptors
alpha 1, beta 1 & 2, blockers Therapeutic Uses
carvedilol: CHF; Labetalol: acute management of hypertensive emergencies
alpha 1, beta 1 & 2, blockers Major Side Effects
similar to those for alpha 1 blockers and BB separately without reflex tachycardia
alpha 1, beta 1 & 2, blockers
carvedilol, labetalol
inhibit Ca++ entrance into coronary and arterial vessels; vasodilators; diltiazem and verapamil also act on heart and are negative inotropes and negative chronotropes
CCB Therapeutic Uses
isolated systolic HTN in elderly, african-americans, raynaud's; verapamil and diltiazem can be used for a-fib & tachycardia, but not shown to be cardio-protective
CCB Major Side Effects
dizziness, hyypotension, flushing, peripheral edema, h/a; nifedipine & nicardipine: also reflex tachycardia; except amlodipine: negative inotropic; verapamil & diltazem: bradycardia, AV heart block; all: constipation, gingival enlargement
CCB contraindications/precautions
immediate-release nifedipine is assoc. with dangerous ping-ponging BP, reflex tachycardia, arrhythmias, MI, and death; sustained-release is safe
CCB other notes
verapamil & diltiazem may cause AV block if given with beta blockers, and have p450 interactions (3A4)
Thiazide Diuretics MOA
block tubular reabsorption of Na+ at the early part of the distal convoluted tubule
Thiazide Diuretics Therapeutic Uses
1st line drug for most HTN, mild to mod. edema, tx of calcium-based kidney stones, red risk of osteoporosis, exc synergy with any other antihypertensive
Thiazide Diuretics Major Side Effects
dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, hypokalemia, hyperuricemia, may cause hyperglycemia in some diabetics
Thiazide Diuretics contraindications/precautions
according to package insert, contraindicated with sulfonamide allergy, but no documented case of cross-sensitivity and not considered real concern
Thiazide Diuretics other notes
ineffective in pts with ClCr < 30ml/min, beta blockers may increase hyperglycemic effect in DMII
Thiazide Diuretics
hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, metolazone, chlorothiazide, indapamide
Loop Diuretics MOA
block Na+ reabsorption in ascending limb of the loop of Henle
Loop Diuretics Therapeutic Uses
Drug of choice for edema assoc with CHF or RF, acute pulmonary edema
Loop Diuretics Major Side Effects
orthostatic hypotension, dehydration, hypokalemia, electrolyte imbalance, ototoxicity, prerenal azotemia
Loop Diuretics contraindications/precautions
Do not take QHS, higher doses may be needed in RF & HF, synergy with thiazides
Loop Diuretics Other Notes
onset of action: 30 min po, 5 min IV; usually require K+ supplement, hypokalemia can lead to toxicity if taking digoxin & can predispose to QT prolongation
Loop diuretics
furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide
K+ sparing diuretics (aldosterone antagonists)
spironolactone, eplerenone
K+ sparing diuretics (not aldosterone antagonists)
amiloride, triamterene
K+ Sparing Diuretics (aldosterone antagonists) MOA
synthetic aldosterone antagonist, causes Na+ elimination and K+ reabsorption
K+ Sparing Diuretics (aldosterone antagonists) Therapeutic Uses
slows CHF disease progression, rduce portal vein HTN, used with thiazides or loops to prevent hypokalemia, resistant HTN already on 3+ drugs
K+ Sparing Diuretics (aldosterone antagonists) Major Side Effects
hyperkalemia (life-threatening), spironolactone may cause gynecomastia, menstrual irregularities & deepening of voice in females
K+ Sparing Diuretics (aldosterone antagonists) Precautions/Contraindications
K+ > 5.5, ClCr < 30ml/min, extreme caution if receiving K+ supplements, ACE-I, ARBs, or using salt sub high in K+, eplerenone use is contraindicated with cyp3A4 inhibitors such as macrolides, ketoconazole, itraconazole & others
K+ Sparing Diuretics (aldosterone antagonists) Note on eplerenone
eplerenone is reserved for pts with sex hormone related side effects because it costs almost 6x as much as spironolactone
K+ Sparing Diuretics (not aldosterone antagonists) MOA
inhibit Na+ reabsorption and K+ elimination at the distal renal tubule
K+ Sparing Diuretics (not aldosterone antagonists) Therapeutic Uses
prevent hypokalemia, not used for CHF or portal vein hypertension
K+ Sparing Diuretics (not aldosterone antagonists) Major Side Effect
blood pressure goal in patients with diabetes or CKD, some experts also add heart failure with LVH to this list
Goal for isolated systolic HTN
<140/90, if SBP >180, the first goal is <160, continue to attempt to reach target BP as long as patient tolerates; monitor closely for hypotension
compelling indication: recurrent stroke prevention
ACE + thiazide: combination shown to reduce recurrent stroke; ARB also shown to reduce risk
compelling indication: CKD
ACE/ARB: decreased intraglomerular pressure, decreased progression of CKD; Loop Diuretics: considered more effective than thiazides in CKD, but it is controversial
compelling indication: left ventricular dysfunction (systolic heart failure)
1st line regimen of choice: ACE + Diuretic; standard therapy: ACE, Diuretic, BB; ACE: decreased CV m/m; diuretics: symptom relief of edema; BB: decreased CV m/m with ACE (start at very low dose and titrate slowly to avoid acute exacerbations of HF) (bisprolol, carvedilol, metoprolol only BB proven beneficia)l; ARB: if intolerant of ACE or add-on; ALD ANT: addition can decrease CV m/m in LVD; not recommended to use both ARB and ALD ANT due to increased risk of severe hyperkalemia
compelling indication: s/p MI
BB without ISA and ACE; BB: decreased cardiac adrenergic stimulation and decreased risk of subsequent MI or sudden cardiac death; ACE: improve cardiac remodeling, cardiac function, and decrease CV events; ALD ANT: decreased CV m/m soon after AMI (3 to 14 days), but need diligent K+ monitoring
Compelling Indication: CAD, increased CV risk
BB without ISA: decreased BP, increased myocardial O2 consumption, decreased O2 demand, most evidence for benefits in these patients; CCB: diltiazem and verapamil: alternatives, pines: add-on therapy; with ACS: 1st line therapy BB & ACE; after control with BB and/or CCB, adding ACE/ARB further reduces CV risk
Compelling Indication: DM
1st: ACE/ARB: both provide nephroprotection as a result of vasodilation in efferent arteriole of the kidney; ACE: decreased CV risk; ARB: decreased risk of progressive kidney dysfunction; 2nd: thiazide; decreased BP and provide addt'l decreased CV risk; Add-on: CCB or BB; CCB: not as protective as ACE, diltiazem and verapamil provide more renal protection than -pines; BB: decreased CV risk in diabetic patients with caution due to masking s/s of hypoglycemia
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors MOA
inhibit HMG-CoA Reductase in liver--the catalyst in rate limiting of cholesterol synthesis
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors therapeutic uses
Lower LDL, Elevate HDL, Lower Tg, decrease CV m/m, MI, stroke
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors major side effects
hepatotoxicity, myopathy, renal issues, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, contraindicated in pregnancy
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors Unproven Benefits
Alzheimer's, macular degneration, glaucoma, MS, Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer
Dietary Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors MOA
prevents cholesterol absorption through intestinal villi; only works for dietary cholesterol, not genetic
Dietary Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors Therapeutic Uses
decrease LDL, decrease Tg, good synergy with statin
Dietary cholesterol absorption inhibitors major side effects
GI upset
Niacin MOA
Niacin Therapeutic Uses
decrease LDL and Tg, most effective for increasing HDL, decrease risk of CV death & MI
Niacin Major Side Effects
flushing, itching, GI, N/V, diarrhea, heaptotoxicity, exacerbation of peptic ulcers and gout
Bile Acid-Binding Resins MOA
binds bile acids in intestines; body then must break down cholesterol to make more bile acid
Bile Acid-Binding Resins Therapeutic Uses
adjunct therapy or for intolerance of statins, decrease LDL
Bile Acid-Binding Resins Major Side Effects
may increase Tg, constipation, heartburn, nausea, gas, belching, bloating
Fibrates MOA
increase lipoprotein lipase activity, key enzyme in removal of Tg
Fibrates Therapeutic Uses
decreased risk of stroke & MI, decrease LDL, increase HDL, decrease Tg 40%
Fibrates major side effects
gallstones, myopathy, hepatotoxicity, clofibrate: increased risk of cancer
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors Appropriate Safety Monitoring
monitor AST, ALT (d/c if levels 3x normal) @ 6wks, 12wks, and q6months; CPK (d/c if 10x normal); watch for muscle weakness/tenderness; Rosuvastatin: proteinuria
Bile Acid-Binding Resins Appropriate Safety Monitoring
monitor VLDL closely; contraindicated if Tg >500mg/dL
Patient instructions for avoiding drug interactions with bile acid binding resins
digoxin, warfarin, levothyroxine: prevent absorption; Vit A, E, D, K (fat soluble): decreased intestinal absorption; Take these meds 2 hours before or 4-6 hours after; colesevelam more selective and doesn't have these problems
patient instructions for statins
take at bedtime or with evening meal except atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, and pravastatin (these 3 can be taken at any time of day)
patient instruction for niacin
pre-medicate with ASA or ibuprofen 30 minutes before each dose to reduce side effects
pt education and counseling promoting medication compliance in the hyperlipidemic patient
reaching target LDL decreases risk of MI 30%, mortality 20%; lowering cholesterol is fundamental in decreasing m/m from heart disease; lipid lowering drugs can prevent formation, slow progression, and cause regression of atherosclerotic lesion; drugs must be continued indefinitely, lifestyle changes in addition to meds is important
evidence supporting the use of statins
decreased risk of CV death, MI, stroke; lower LDL and total cholesterol by 25-40%, atorvastatin lowers LDL by up to 60%; elevate HDL, lower Tg about 10%
discuss the role of genetics in selecting individual goal LDL
family hx of early CHD (male 1st degree relative <55, female <65) is major risk factor
determining goal LDL by number of risk factors
0-1 risk factors: <160; 2+ risk factors: <130; existing CHD: <100
existing CHD when deciding target LDL
angina, diabetes, previous MI, previous ischemic stroke
If goal of LDL <100 achieved with standard statin dose in patient with existing CHD or very high risk
consider aiming for <70
Very high risk when determining target LDL
existing CHD + diabetes/poorly controlled major risk factors/triad of dec HDL, inc Tg, inc LDL; ACS: ranging from unstable angina to AMI
Major Risk factors for developing CHD (used in determining goal LDL)
smoking >10 cigarettes/day; HTN (treated or not); low HDL (<40 mg/dL); family history; men 45 or older; women 55 or older; if HDL >60, subtract 1 risk factor
determinants of myocardial O2 demand (increased demand if)
heart rate (faster); contractility (stronger); preload (increased volume--venous); afterload (increased resistance--arterial)
3 classes of drugs used to treat angina
nitrates, BB, CCB
Why BB is not useful for variant angina
variant agina is due to vasospasms and BB do not vasodilate
Nitrates MOA
venous dilators
Nitrates common side effects
venous pooling, headache, orthostatic hypotension, lightheadedness, dizziness, hypotension, flushing
importance of nitrate-free interval
tolerance develops very quickly
how to provide nitrate free interval
need 8-12 hour interval daily; take off patches at noc; for BID po take at 8 and 2, or equivalent
treatment for acute angina attacks
SL nitro tabs or spray
prophylactic treatment for angina
nitro ointment/patch/SR capsules, isosorbiade dinitrate tabs, isosorbide mononitrate tabs
pt instructions for SL nitro use
under tongue x1 q5 minutes until pain relieved up to 3 doses; if no relief seek emergency care
treatment goal for unstable angina
reduce risk of MI and death
treat unstable angina with
IV nitrates, BB, CCB, heparin & ASA, IV morphine; EKG, coronary catheterization
majority of angina is due to
obstruction of the coronary vessels by atherosclerotic plagues
Stable exertional angina pectoris is
exertion related with a predictable pattern
variant angina pectoris (Prinzmetal's) description
associated with more severe pain; usually occurs at rest rather than with exertion, early morning, awakening from sleep; tends to involve the right coronary artery; apt to be associated with arrhythmias or conduction defects
variant angina is caused by
vasospasms of the coronary artery
treatment goal for stable exertional angina pectoris
reduce frequency and intensity of anginal attacks
Drug of choice for stable angina and why
BB, because they have been shown to reduce m/m
Alternative treatments for stable angina
CCB or long-acting nitrates
drug to use when patient doesn't respond to triple anti-anginal therapy
other drugs in the treatment plan for stable angina
SL nitro for acute attacks, ASA for stroke prevention, Statins to goal LDL of <100; ACE for patients with CAD and diabetes or LV systolic dysfunction
Bottom Line: statins
drug of choice for most patients; tolerated well; strongest evidence of reduced m/m
Bottom Line: Niacin
cheap, works great, not well tolerated, decreases morbidity, doesn't decrease mortality
Bottom Line: Bile Acid-Binding Resins
used for synergy, or alone in mild cases
Bottom Line: Fibrates
drug of choice to decrease Tg; also evidence of decreased m/m
If cholesterol is just a little high, then
try lifestyle modifications alone; if not effective, then add meds
If cholesterol is >20 points high, then
start meds and lifestyle changes