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90 Cards in this Set

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Define conductivity*

(know differences between excitability, automaticity, dromotropism, and refractoriness)
Ability of cell(s) to RECEIVE/TRANSMIT an AP

-excite: respond to stim (AP)
-auto: initiate
-dromo: rate conduction
-refract: inability to receve/transmit!
Important disorder of impulse form?

of impulse conduction?
-DAD (ca leak inside and spon depol)

-AV nodal re-entry (2nd/alt path of conduct A-->V that pre-excites ventric)
-AV nodal block 1, 2, 3:
1: increased PR, slow
2: not all p waves pass AV
3: NO pwaves pass! no p/qrs rel
-Ventric Re entry: one way blcok and re-entry of circuit, depol before next depol
Class 1 anti-dysrhythmics?
Block Na+ channels, decrease excite of non-nodal/conductive tissue

-Treats MI INDUCED DYSR (v dysr or digitalis)

a: quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide
b: lidocaine, phenytoin
c: flecainide
Which drug classes affect NON NODAL tissue? (phase zero due to Na in)
Class 1 (Na) and 3 (K) because affects ventricles
Which drug classes affect NODAL tissue? (phase zero due to Ca in)
Class 2 (bb) and 4 (Ca) affects nodal
Class 1a agents?
quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide
(quin is 1a pro(t) w/ dis)

-moderate Na+ chann binding (delay 0)
-K+ chann block (prolong qrs/QT, delayed 3)
-Ca+ chann block high dose (low 2)
Class 1 b agents?
(liar-b 2faced, does 2 diff things)

-weak bind Na+
-accel 3 repol *use digitalis/MI dysR
(increase cond normal (lowers ERP/increase excite), decrease damaged tissue)
Class 1c agents?
(fle(e) C, depol)

-Stongest binding to Na+ (slow on/off delayed depol 0) longer qrs/apd/PR (not qt)
-depressed AV conduction (severe unstable MI)
Class 2 agents?
propanoLOL, acebutaLOL, esmoLOL, metoproLOL (lol see 2 numeral w/o)
-block B rec that are G prot coupled to Ca+ chann: NODAL 0 low
-low SA auto, AV cond*, V contract
(by prolong PR)

-Tx supraventric , digitalis dysR (also lower v ectopic depol)
Class 3 agents?
amiodarone, dofetilide, ibutilide
(3 good amies/friends do-fetch boots w/soda @ hessen)

-K+, Ca+, Na+, and B rec (in)direct)
-prolong 3 repol, increase QT/erp
(similar to class 1a!)

Tx V re-entry/fibrillatory dysR
Class 4 agents?
verapamil, diltiazem, bepridil
(4 seats in car, driver veers, beeps, and dilates eyes to drive)

-Block Ca+, depress SA auto, AV cond*, decreased ventric contract
(sim to class 2, aff 0)
1a, cinchona bark

SupraV/V dysR (low auto nodal, longer QT non-nodal) i.e. PAT/PSVT

1/3 discontinue/side effects!
-cichonism (tinnitus, hear/blur) -hypoT-a block
-Torsades de Pointes, increase QT
(class 1 & 3, tx w/MgSO4 :))

Dose adjust if renal prob!
(plasma prot binding/active metab = longer t1/2)
1a (no ester, little CNS)

metab depends on Hep N-actyltransferase/renal fxn
-70% drug unchanged in urine
-RAPID (t1/2 3 hrs) & SLOW**1/3 (5+hrs) acetylators be concerned!
-slow can dev SLE like syndrome
(arthralgia, pericard, fever, wk, skin, lymph, anemia, hepatomeg)
-also see N/V, low renal/prodysR, torsades des pointes
1b, unusual, b is 2 faced liar

-inhib re-entry in V tissue, suppress spont V depol
-PREF axn on ISCH tissue, so use post MI/digoxin induced TACHY!!
(post v fib tachy*)

-shortens ERP/ADP in normal paths (excites)

IV only/acute

greatly depress cardiac conduct
-not 1st line bc prodysR (CAST1)
-tx refractory life threat ectopic v dysR (prolong 0, widen qrs)
Class 2, b block (indirect Ca+ block)

-decrease HR/CO/conduction A/V/AV

-Tx: atrial flutter/fib, PAT

side effects: hypoT, asystole, BRONCHOSPASM, rebound w/drawl (rec up reg-don't miss doses!)
class 3, alters K+ in 3

-lengthen ERP/APD! (low excite V)
-purported less prodysR potential (cheaper, safer)

side eff: 75% if chronic PO-lung toxic, photosens (micro deposit eye), thyroid* disorder/tumors
Class 4, CCB

Tx: supraV tachy (also diltiazem)
-slow Ca+ in affected, nodal
***more useful than digox in Afib since CCB PERSISTS during SYMP STIM!

-decrease HR, SA auto, AV conduct
"Cardiac Depression" v contract/hr/co/sv
-increase PR, qt, torsades de point

-IV: rapid convert SVT
-PO: maintain recurr SVT
(high lipophillic, hemodial ineff to rid)

side eff: *GI constip (give stool soft to avoid VALSALVA), hypoT, worsen CHF, AV heart block w/lol's

-purine nucleoside, converts re-entry SVT to NSR!!

******ADENOSINE SUBTYPE 1 (A1) RECEPTOR FOR SVT ON AV NODE************************

-less toxec than verapamil (shorter 1/2)

-AV node hyperpol, b/c adenosine stim open K+ out hyperpol! (prod complete AV block)

-must give IV BOLUS (6-12mg) CLOSE TO HEART (rapid degrade in plasma) t 1/2 = 10-15 sec
-stops heart, then picks up normal
Directly stim VAGUS/PS

Tx chronic A fib, but CCB are preferred

cadiac glycoside w/2 MECHANISMS!
-CHF: Na/K/ATPase inhib**
-Afib: vag stim, neg dromo @ AV, causes PROLONG ERP! (slow v rate by decreasing p waves reaching V)


Side eff: prodysR due to hypoKalemia

(class IB/2 can tx digoxin induced dysR)*
Treatment for other dysR?
-sinus tachycardia
-brady: atropine (vagal block to increase HR), isoproterenol (B1 stim to increase HR), pacemaker

-sinus tachy: vagal stim through carotid sinus/valsalva to decrease HR to normal (bear down/cold H2O)
Characterize heart failure?
Reduction SV/CO at any given EDV

-due to MI, chronic hyperT (untx)
Describe the Frank Starling Relationship?
V contract varies DIRECTLY w/ musc fiber length (EDV/preload)

-as EDV (fiber length) increases SV (tension) increases
What do pos/neg iontropic influence directly alter for any given EDV?

@ same EDV, pos or neg iontrope will increase or decrease SV (contractile force)
Low output congestive heart failure results from ______? graph
Decreased contractile capacity, lowest curve (on EDV vs SV)

added digoxin tx shifts whole curve up, but NEVER as high as normal
3 major clinical sxs of CHF?
1) Ventric hypertrophy (cardiomeg)
2) edema (pulm/periph)
3) weak, rapid**, pulse
(baroreflex: if decrease MAP (CO x TPR), symp increases HR, but still wk pulse)

-goal of tx = reverse these sxs
Primary (and other) treatments for CHF?

-diet/Na+ restrict
-pos iontropic (rarely)
What should you know about DIGITALIS?
Cardiac Glycosides use for Afib
*inhib Na/K/ATPase* HOCKEY STICK* (ST)
forced exchange (Na out/Ca in) more Ca+ for musc fiber contract!

LD higher than ED!
-rest memb pot (4 v contract) more pos
-phase 2 shortened (altered Ca+)
-phase 3 altered, rapid repol, APD shorter

changes in plasma K/Ca augments prodysR effects (prob if combine w/diuretics that deplete K+)

not diuretic but 2nd fluid loss
(pt low SV/kid perf takes digoxin to increase CO/renal/UO-->cath/meas)
How would you correct adverse elevations of plasma digoxin?

digoxin immune Fab: bind free/bound cardiac glycosides (out kid)

IV: immediate axn but therapeutic/ clinical affects reversed
B1 agonist, increase cAMP/Ca+ for membrane excite/contract

acute use only to increase contractility (CO) and HR
low dose: DA1/2 periph vasc, vasoD to increase GFR/UO

**MOD DOSE: additional stim B1 to increase Contraction and slight HR.

TX: LOW CO but already HIGH HR

high dose: additional stim a1, periph vasoC
less B1 tachy (and less a1)

short term manage of heart fail after MI
Phosphodiesterase Inhib?


by IV (acute) to improve contractility, vasoD
Remember the Baroreceptor Reflex and why it becomes a problem in Rx treatment for hyperT?
HyperT pts MAINTAIN a higher homeostatic set point for BP, so the body will fight the decrease in BP due to drugs

mech include: carotid sinuses, CN 9, NTS, AP, RVLM, CVLM, CN 10, cardiac accelerans/medullary efferents

***IF Rx VASOD, BP DROPS: Reflex increase by body: kidney decrease RBF, sodium/H2O retention, increase BP, HR, CO** (increase symp)

major cause hyperT = primary/essential 90%
-idiopathic, genetic, middle aged
(non-essential/secondary: I.D cause-renal, tumor, stenosis so tx surgery)
dx 2+ times, 4 wks apart
AHA: >140/90
WHO: >160/95!
First Step in tx hyperT?

Then? (next steps if inadequate response)
1) NON-PHARM LIFESTYLE, lose wt, lower alc/Na+/sugar/fat/CE, exerc, maintain K+, Ca+, Mg+, stop smoke

2) modif + PHARM

3) increase dose, substitute Rx, 2nd drug

4) add 2nd/3rd, etc (one must be diuretic!!)

-consider life-long, cost, side eff/interactions, non-Cx, step care
Most drugs have initial drop in ____ (but comes back)

BUT LONG TERM ______ stays low!


MAP = CO x TPR********

CO = HR x SV********

(can choose any 1 factor to lower BP)
Importance of Diuretics to lower BP?
1st lower CO but returns

=thiazides (HCTZ), loop, K+ sparing

moderate monotherapy 20/10
AUGMENTS antihyperT of OTHER Rx's!

-works better in AA/OLD
****activ RAS so MALPRACTICE to NOT GIVE DIURETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND don't give to hyperlipidemia** pts! will increase LDL/TG

onset axn 2-4 wks, max 3-4 mo
no benefit if increase dose (just side effects)
B Blockers to lower BP?
PROPANOLOL class 2 antidysR

decrease HR/contractility(CO) = to lower BP

decrease Renin/ang2 to VASOD

moderate mono, better combined *+ Diuretic (SMOKERS DON'T RESPOND WELL)

-->7-9% will stop (asthma-B2, hyperlipid, male sex dysfxn, masks sxs hypoglycemia!, worsen CHF)

labetalol/carvedilol: block B1/2, a1
-lower BP AND vasoD vasc sm musc (B1 blocked so no reflex tachy!!!!)
-long term manage (CHF/high BP) short ER BP lower
Centrally Acting Sympatholytic?? to lower BP (1 of 2)
CLONIDINE (activ a2) decrease HR/TPR
-affects/blocks all symp activ

decreases NE release from post-gang Nerve Term (35/20 combine w/diuretic)
Centrally Acting Sympatholytic?? to lower BP (2 of 2)
a-methyldopa: CHILD-BEAR AGE WOMEN (also stim a2)

ADVERSE EFF: + COOMBS (presence auto-Ab to RBC) prod frank hemolytic anemia
Peripherally-Acting Sympatholytics??
3 big ones ____end in?
AZOSIN (prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin) BLOCK a1 vasc sm musc*

15/10 mono, 25/15 w/diuretic

-helps to lower LDL/TG/total CE :)

-but mild reflex tachycardia*
-b/c direct vasoD, TAKE @ NIGHT! (to avoid orthostatic when baroreflex slow at vasoC for blood to head)
CCB to lower BP?

(hint: 2 from class 4 antidysR)
Verapamil(30/20) & dilitiazem(20/15)

direct vasoD (inhib Ca+entry vasc sm musc and release from SR)

(may counteract reflex tachy-direct on AV node to no increase HR/CO)
Other CCB to lower BP?

(hint: dipine, so what do you need to use??????????????)
NIFEDIPINE (dihyropyridine class ccb)

-direct vasoD (inhib ca+ vasc musc and SR

-LESS CARDIODEPRESS (no direct AV node) so PROMINENT REFLEX TACHY!!!!****must use w/B BLOCKER! to block reflex (EXAM)
Direct vasoD to lower BP? #1
guan cyclase stim, increase cGMP, Ca+ sequestered causes sm musc RELAX! (arterioles/afterload* & some venous/preload) 25/25

Need B blocker/diuretic again! to prev increase HR/CO/Na+/H2O retention

TOLERANCE DEV (TACHYPHYLAXIS) due to this baroreflex!

-adverse: SLE like syndrome (n-acetlyation metab) palp, tachy
-only for tx R*, fulminant hyperT, ER
Direct vasoD to lower BP? #2

topical rogaine & oral for severe, non-responding hyperT

-stim vasc sm musc K+ out (hyperpol) lowers BP

-but tachyphylaxis baroreflex increase symp tone so use Bblock/diur! AGAIN
Direct vasoD to lower BP? #3
Sodium NITROprusside (NO* & CN)

-parenterally infused, POTENT Dilator
-decreases afterload AND preload (venoD) *EDRF = cGMP/Ca+ seq

-extended cont infusion = >24hrs methemoglobinemia, CN poisin, inhib cell respire/death
ACE Inhibitors to lower BP?

___end in?

-2 reasons to take off/avoid?*
captoPRIL, enalaPRIL, linsinoPRIL

*most widely used antihyperT! 25/20

****ang2 on AT1 receptor***exam

2 mech*****
-3mo lower bp, but same ang 2 due to block ang (ang2 = vasoC) at micro/cell level

2) INCREASE bradykinin
-blocks kinase 2 which breaks down bradykinin (more brady = vasoD)

-max in 4-8wks, less for AA
-ADVERSE: DRY COUGH 1/3 must take off ACEI
Angiotensin Rec Blockers to lower BP?

___end in?

1 reason to avoid**

-newest, +diuretic, low side effects

-antag ang 2 at AT1 REC*********
(on vasc sm musc*, adrenal cortex, brain, sp cord, heart)

-NO COUGH (b/c no bradykinin increase) but DON'T USE IN PREGNACY!!
Angina is due to ____?

importance of vessel radius and flow?
Angina (severe press/constrict pain) is due to Cardiac Ischemia (low flow/O2 delivery to heart)

-sm decrease in radius = LG DECREASE IN FLOW (exp 4th)
How can the pain of angina be counteracted?
= improving myocardial perfusion/vasoD OR decrease metab demands

ischemia when increase work load more than oxygen supply

-increase after/preloads create imbalance
What is the "Steal Phenomenon"**?
= vasoD do not improve isch attack by producing coronary vess dilation

**in chronic isch, vessels incld downstream @ MAX DILATION (body-reactive hyperemia)

**so vasoD therapy helps by dilating ven/art on BOTH sides of heart = LOWERS PRELOAD AND AFTERLOAD = lower O2 demand
(so lower flow is now sufficient)***
2 mech of vasoD?

2 types of 2nd mech?
1) block endog vasoC

2) direct relax vasc sm musc
a) endoth dep (ach, bk)
b) NON-endoth dep vasoD****
-NO donators (nitrovasoD) provide their own EDRF****** causes immed drop in BP!
2nd use of NITROprusside? (other than antihyperT)
ER (short-term or build up CN) parenteral to REDUCE PRELOAD & AFTERLOAD

NitroGlycerine used for?
EDRF donor (manage angina since '79)

freq dosing = tachyphylaxis (tol dev)
SUBLINGUAL (1-3min) + psych best, but many forms avail

**Nit Ox stim increase cGMP/Ca+ seq, sm musc relax in art(after) and ven(pre), so reduces heart work by......DECREASE heart TENSION during diast/systole*****

(vasoD's induce reflex high HR/contractility, but nitrogly decreases O2 demand to relieve pain)

Adverse: HA b/c cerebral vasoD, flush, subling burn **effective :)

-Isosorbide diNITRate-ISDN (similar)
-nifedipine also reduce afterload
-ACEI/Bblock also "" prophy & CHF
EDRF = NO, sol gas prod by vasc endoth, cGMP vasoD, underprod lead to angina, vasospasm, hyperT?

ENDOTHELIN = PEPTIDE by vasc enoth, rec mediated (ETa)/ca+ vasoC, same Cx w/OVERproduction

ENDOTHELIAL LAYER produces the most potent VASOD & VASOC
What are sarafotoxins?
primary toxin made in SNAKE
(Atractaspis engaddensis kills 50ppl/yr by ***vasoC HEART ATTACK)

we have 3 similar endothelin peptides made in our body
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhib (CAI)
85% decrease in HCO3- reabsorp!
Increase urine pH/metab ACID!****

-decrease acid/NH4+ excr
(+ decrease new HCO3-)

CAI4: PCT* brush border inhib
CAI2: cytoplasmic inhib

-->H+ secr (for Na+ in), combines w/HCO3-, makes H2CO3**CA4 splits this into H2O & CO2

-->CO2 diffuses into cell, combines w/H2O, makes H2CO3- INSIDE** by CA2

-->H2CO3 splits into H+ (secr) & HCO3- (INTO BLOOD w/Na+), maintained by Na+out/K+ in cell ATPase
Clinical Indications for CAI's?
-Glaucoma (CA in ciliary body)
-Acute mountain sickness
-Urinary Alkalization (to excrete Rx)
-Edema: combined w/NKCC or NCC inhib

Adverse? metab acid (block HCO3 reab), renal stone/loss K+(high flow)

Don't use in cirrhosis pts (hyperammonemia)
Osmotic Diuretic: increase tub osmotic P at THIN loop* mostly

Decrease tubular fluid reab/K+ secr

Tx: acute renal fail, cerebral edema, dialys disequal, acute glauc

Adverse: ECV expansion, pulm edema, low/high Na+ (don't use in renal dis UR, impaired liver, cranial bleed)
LOOP DIURETIC, NKCC inhib (Na+K+2Cl- Cotransporter)-inhibits reab of solute from THICK ASC

-VenoDIL to decrease RA press for ppl w/pulm edema/CHF
Mechanism of loop diuretics?
increase Ca+ excretion by 30%

-block reab Na/K/Cl (decrease lumen pos transepith pot that helps Ca reab)

-increase Mg excretion by decreasing volt dep paracell transport
Uses and adverse for NKCC inhib?
Tx: pulm edema, CHF, acute renal fail, hyperCa+

Adverse: low Na+/K+/Ca+/Mg+, hyperuricemia, ototoxicity
Chlorthiazides, Metolazone?
NCC inhib (thiazides/sulfonamides)

Inhib DCT Na/Cl co transporter/reab

DECREASE Ca+ EXCRETION (more Ca+ into cell b/c pos in lumen) = vasoRELAX (Ca+ activ K+)

Tx: hyperT, edema/CHF, HyperCa+, nephrolith/DI
Inhib of Renal Epith Na+ chann late DCT/collect duct (Na OUT, K stays IN)

-K+ SPARING in hypoK alkalosis
Aldosterone rec antag

decrease Na reab (Na stays out)
K stays IN!
Aldosterone Rec Antag Mech?
1) prevent LV remodel/fibrosis

2) prevent sudden Cardiac Death

3) hemodynamic effects (bp lower, diur/naturesis)

4) Vasc Effects: reduce ROS, NADPH oxidase, increase NO bioact

Tx: edema, high BP, heart fail, hyperaldosteronism (2nd aldost- edema)

Adverse: HYPERKALEMIA (metab acid in cirr pts)
ADH REC ANTAG on basolat* epith of renal collect tubule

*decreases H20 reab

Tx: inapp ADH secr/CHF

Adverse: nephr DI, renal fail
With Diuretic Therapy, why does your BP stay decreased even though your body volume and CO are eventually restored?
TOTAL BODY NA+/H2O excretion is maintained
Describe Endocrine, Neurocrine, and Paracrine pathways of stomach acid secretion
Endocrine: Gastrin stim par & ECL

Neurocine: Ach stim par & ECL

Paracrine: Hist (from ECL) stim par, PGE2 to decrease secr par

Other Inhib:
-PG/Ach promote HCO3 from gastric epith
-Gastric D: somatostatin inhib gastrin release from G cells (decrease acid x2, ecl/par)
Mechanism and ex's of Antacids?
NEUTRALIZE gastric ACID (Cx-infect/bioavail) by add base, stim PG by gastric epith

-Sodium Carbonate: fast, Cx(metab alk, too much Na+, gas/CO2)

-Calcium Carbonate: Cx(Ca+ signal H+ secr, gas)

-Magnesium Hydroxide: slow, Cx(osmo D, high Mg)

-Aluminum Hydroxide: slow, Cx(constip, high Al/Ca, low PO4, bone resorp)
Antacids used to Tx?
How efficacious?
-GERD (1/2), peptic ulcers(80%), dyspepsia

= efficacious to H2 rec antag, just shorter
Mechanism and ex's of H2 rec antag?
-COMP inhib hist at H2 rec (selective!)
-decrease gastrin/Ach influence on par

-inhib 60-70% 24hr acid secr: (in)direct, works 6-10hrs

(Cx: HA, D, contip, inf, IV-brady/hypo)

-cimentidine Cx: CNS**, endocrine, inhib CYP metab(drug interaxns)
H2 rec ANTAG Tx?
GERD (1/2), peptic ulcers(80%), dyspepsia, gastritis

**Absorbed by GI (absorb, blood, GI)

= to antacids, but longer
Mechanism and ex's of PPI's?
Block neuro/endo/para by blocking H+/K+ exchanger on APICAL

-coated b/c activ by low pH, absorp in blood and back to GI to conc at gastric pit-irrev bind proton pump

(3-4D max effect, exhaust suppl/new

-activ pump req NEW synth

-PRAZOLE, safe, Cx (bioavail, nut absorp/B12!, resp inf-aspirate)
GERD & peptic ulcers (90%)
-also dyspepsia, gastritis, hypergastrin secr, NSAID/H.pylori ulc

Mech of Mucosal Protective Agents?
-2nd line agents to PPI's (6hrs)
adhere to ulcer/makes barrier (stim pg)

-Sucalfate: prevent stress bleeds (w/o acid suppress) Cx(Constip, renal prob)

-Misoprostol*: for NSAID ulcers, Cx(cramp, D, ABORT!) PG analog

-Bismuth subsal: absorb toxins of H.pyl/Travel's D, dyspepsia, Cx(black tongue, high dose toxicity) *intest* low pg?
Serotonin (5HT) vs DOPAmine and Motilin?
Serotonin: ENS NT that stim MOTILITY (Ach-GI sm musc)

Dopamine: decrease firing ENS/decrease GI motility
**ANTAG to INCREASE motility

Motilin: increase motility (motilin rec on GI sm musc)




-"metoc: block Dop" (inhib D2 inhib), cx(park sxs)

-Beth: M3 agon for motility "has to go at bethel"

-neostig: AchE inhib to tx UR/distention "new stomach"

-eryth: motilin agonist (abx also)
"red riding" along





Methylcellulose: fiber/bulk, retain H2O

Glycerin: Surfact/soften "glisten coat"

Lactulose:Osmo, non-absorp sugar/salt (mom, polyeth gly)

Senna: Stim ENS*, leak muc, Na+ lumen accum

Tegaserod? LAST RESORT STIM SEROTONIN REC, extreme constip, Cx: CV/GI

Lubiprostone? lubricate Cl- Chan, secr into lumen/H2O follows, PG derive, later resort
Most important thing to consider w/anti D tx?

-infection, inflam, osmo D/lactose intol, tumors

-THEN use opiods, bismuth*inhib PG intest**, kaolin/pect, bile salt res, octreotide

Bismuth sub?



Loperamide: Opiod+, increase absorb time H2O and sphincters, decrease motlity and distend percep, Cx: contip/safe

Diphenoxylate: "opiod", Cx CNS, atropine unpleasant dizzy

Bismuth sub: intest inhib PG, absorb toxins, tx travel's D

Kaolin/Pectin: bulk, absorp toxins

Cholestyramine: tie up bile acids/salt (only tx low bild salt absorp), H2O out (bloat, low fat absorp)

Octreotide: LAST RESORT, somatostatin agonist-stop G on par, shut down pancr/bile secr! Cx: glucose disrupt (low motility** promotes fluid REAB, rid lumen) IV bc peptide
Know antiemetic Receptors in body!



-Vomit center?

-GI: mechanorec, chemorec, serotonin

-CTZ: D2, NK1, serotonin

-vomit center: H1, M1, NK1, serotonin

Vestib: : H1, M1






Ondansetron: serotonin antag, Cx (CV/GI) "tx so you can keep on dancing"

Scopolamine: M1 antag for MOTION sickness**** "scoop My puke"

Metocpramide: D2 antag (inhib inhib-park) "metoc block dop"

Dimenhydrate: H1 antag, motion sickness "DRAMAMINE" "dizzy from diamonds"

Aprepitant: NK1 antag for chemo, Cx(CYP3A4 drug interaxns/metab)
"new kids new a prep course or will have drug prob"

Prochlorperazine: M1, D2, H1 antag, MIXED LAST RESORT "proc is a mad hatter"


-INDIRECT AGONIST (antiemetic)

-lorazepam: GABA +, "lorax book/gaba gaba" Tx ANXIETY

-Nabilone: Cannabinoid+, "want nabiscos w/pot" for CHEMO

-Dexamethasone: glucocorticoid+ will INCREASE effectiveness of SEROTONIN ANTAG for chemo (not used mono) Cx(wt gain, UR)
IBS tx?
idiopathic, relapsing
-abd discomfort + D/C/both

-Loperamine, osmo lax, TCA, antispasmodics/antimusc for pain

*Tegaserod: ser AGON for constip (cx cv/gi)

*Alosetron: ser ANTAG for D/last resort, CX: ISCH COLITIS (not effective in MEN!)
IBD tx?
ASA: inhib IL's, TNF, COX, free rads, works Topically*

Glucocorticoids: supp inflam (cytokines)

Purine analog: inhib immune prolif

Anti-TNF Ab: inhib TNF alpha imm
5-ASA's? for IBD
Sulfasalazine: oral to colon, malaise and don't feel right

Mesalamine-Pentasa: oral to intest, time release

"vegans w/chron's(IBD) eat SALADS to lower inflam"
Glucocorticoids? for IBD
Prednisone: suppress inflam, risk infect

Hydrocortisone: same
Antimetab? for IBD
6MP and azathioprine: inhib purine synth, decrease cell prolif

methotrextate: inhib DHFR, decrease cell prolif, MAINTAIN IMS for CHRON'S (but bone marr depress)

"Get your AZ out of bed at 6aM, to eat MyTrix"
IBD, TNF alpha Ab binds TNF alpha to inhib imm response "IMS"