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37 Cards in this Set

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Diseases causing high levels of kidney reabsorption of NaCl lead to...
water retention
Inc blood volume
edema in tissues
Body response to heart failure causes...
Kidney responds as if there were a decrease in blood volume
Kidney retains more salt and water to raise blood volume
Diseased heart cannot increase output which results in edema
Body response to hepatic ascites...
Complication of cirrhosis
Caused by obstruction of blood flow in the portal system-->inc portal BP
Colloidal osmotic pressure of blood decreased due to impaired synthesis of plasma protins by diseased liver
Fluid escapes and collects in abdomen
Body response to nephrotic system..
Loss of protein from plasma reduces colloidal osmotic pressure--> edema
Low plasma volume stimulates aldosterone secretion
Leads to retention of Na and fluid--> more edema
Body response to premenstural edema...
excess of estrogen facilitates loss of fluid into extracellular space
Nonedematous states that you would use diuretics for..
HTN--> reduce Blood volume and dilate arteroiles
Hypercalcemia--> loop diuretics promot calcium excretion
Diabetes insipidus--> polyuria/polydypsia--> reduces plasma volume, causing drop in glomerular filtration and reabsorption of Na and water
Increasing the dose above normal does not promot further diuretic response
Celing diuretics
First modern diuretic that was active orally
Newer deriviatives of thiazide diuretics
Thiazide like diuretics--> not true thiazides
chlorthalidone, indapamide, metolazone
Thiazide Mechanism of Action
Act in distal tubules to decrease reabsportion of Na by inhibition of Na/Cl cotransporter in the distal tubule
Must have good renal function
Therapeutic uses for thiazides
HTN- mainstay of antihypertensive meds
(inexpensive and well tolerated)
Heart failure- reducing extracellular volume in mild-moderate heart failure
(if thiazides fail use loop diuretic)
Hypercalciuria- calcium oxalate stones in urinary tract
DI- produce hyperosmolar urine--> sub for anti-diuretic hormone in tx of nephrotic DI
most frequent adverse effect of thiazide diuretics
K+ depletion
Suppliment with diet (citrus fruits, bananas, prunes)
Overcome by Spironolactone- interferes with aldosterone action
or Triameterene- retains K+
Adverse events of thiazise diuretics
Hyperuricemia- inc serum uric acid
Volume depletion- orthostatic HTN
Hypercalcemia- inhibit Ca secretion
Hyperglycemia- impaired release of insulin
Hyperlipidemia- inc in serum cholesterol and serum LDL
Hypersensitivity- dermatits, interstitial nephritis
Thiazide like analog with a very long duration of action
Thiazide like analog that causes Na excretion in advnaced renal failure
Thiazide like analog that has significant anti-HTN action with minimal diuretic effects
What part of the kidney do loop/high celing diuretics work on?
The ascending limb of the loop of Henle
Most commonly used loop diuretics
Much more potent loop diuretics
Loop Diuretics
Highest efficacy in mobilizing Na and Cl
Produces copious amounts of urine
Mechanism of action for Loop Diuretics
Inhibit cotransport of Na/K/2Cl- in ascending limb of loop of Henle
Loop diuretic action on the body
Acts promptly among pts with poor renal function
Increases Ca content of urine
Decreased renal vascular resistance
Increased renal blood flow
Therapeutic uses of Loop diuretics
Reduces pulmonary edema of heart failure
Adverse effects of Loop diuretics
Ototoxicity- ethacrynic acid
Hyperuricemia- blocks secretion--> gouty attacks
K+ depletion--> hypokalemic alkalosis
Major use of K+ Sparing Diuretics
HTN tx in conjunction with thiazide
Where in the kidneys do K+ sparing durietics act?
collectinv tubules to inhibit Na reabsorption and k+ excretion
K+ Sparing diuretics
Mechanism of action for Spironolactone
antagonism of aldosterone
Action of spironolactone on the body
High levels of aldosterone in edematous states
Antagonism of aldosterone results in retention of K and excretion of Na
Therapeutic uses of Spironolactone
Diuretic--> low effacy in mobilizing Na
Useful in K+ retention
Given with thiazide of loop to prevent K+ excretion

Heart failure--> prevents remodeling for progressive heart failure
Diuretic that inhibits enzyme carbonic anhydrase in proximal tubular epitheilal cells
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
Mechanism of action for Acetazolamide
mild diuresis
Treatment uses of Acetazolamide
Treatment of glaucoma
-should not be used in acute attacks (pilocarpine)
Mountain sickness (prophylaxis)
Osmotic diuretics
used to maintain urine flow following acute toxic ingestion of substance capable of producing acute renal failure
Osmotic diuretic mainstay of treatment for...
increased intracranial pressure, acute renal failure due to shock, or drug toxicities
Osmotic diuretic
mannitol- IV