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219 Cards in this Set

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Challenges treating Endocrine
difficult to treat b/c endocrine affects multiple body systems
Types of Endocrine Drug
Deficiency is treated by 1) replacing the lacking hormone or 2) stimulating an organ to produce
the deficient hormone; Excess is treated with drugs to inhibit the hormone
Somatrem (Protropin)
CLASS: Hormone replacement; Drug used to treat Growth Hormone Deficiency (Dwarfism);
this is a synthetically manufactured version of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). It is used to
stimulate growth in children who do not produce enough growth hormone of their own. SIDE
EFFECTS: pain at injection site. ROUTE: SubQ or IM
Somatropin (Humatrope)
CLASS: Hormone replacement; Drug used to treat Growth Hormone Deficiency (Dwarfism);
this is a synthetically manufactured version of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). It is used to
stimulate growth in children who do not produce enough growth hormone of their own. SIDE
EFFECTS: edema, hyperglycemia, pain at injection site. ROUTE: subQ or IM
Octreotide (Sandostatin)
CLASS: somatostatin analog; Drug used to treat Growth Hormone Excess (Gigantism &
Aeromegaly); also used to treat Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea; ACTIONS: suppresses
growth hormone release, inhibits gastic acid & smooth muscle motility SIDE EFFECTS:
gallstones, pain at injection site. ROUTE: subQ, IM, IV; Contraindicated for diabetics
Bromocriptine Mesylate
CLASS: dopamine receptor agonist; Drug used to treat Growth Hormone Excess (Gigantism &
Aeromegaly); ACTION: decreased growth hormone levels by inhibiting the release of growth
hormone; ROUTE: PO
Vasopressin (Pitressin)
CLASS: hormone replacement; Drug used to treat Diabetes Insipidus; ACTION: antidiuretic
hormone analog that promotes water reabsorption from renal tubules; ROUTE: Inj
Diabetes Insipidus
deficiency of ADH characterized by abnormally large amounts of urine output (problem with the
posterior pituitary gland). ADH is an important hormone because it can affect cardiac function
Growth Hormone Excess
gigantism and aeromegaly due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in the anterior pituitary
Growth Hormone Deficiency
Dwarfism caused by lack of Growth Hormone (GH) produced in the anterior pituitary gland
Hyporthyroidsim (Myxedema)
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid
hormone. Symptoms: weight gain, depression, fatigue.
Levothyroxine Sodium (Synthroid
or Levothroid... Synthroid is
more common)
DRUG OF CHOICE - CLASS: hormone replacement; Drug used to treat Hypothyroidism;
ACTION: increases levels of T3 and T4, drug of choice for goiter and chronic lymphocytic
thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s desease); NURSING INTERVENTION: teach Pt. that s/he must take
at same time every day in the morning. Do not take in the afternoon/evening because the drug
affects circadian rhythm, better to skip a dose than take too late.
Liothyronine (Cyromel)
CLASS: hormone replacement (synthetic T3); Drug used to treat Hypothyroidism; ACTION:
Has a short duration of ACTION, not used for maintenance therapy; only for initial therapy.
Teaching: must take thyroid replacement meds at same time every day in the morning. Do not
take in the afternoon/evening because the drug affects circadian rhythm, better to skip a dose
than take too late.
(Thyrotoxicosis or Graves
Over active thyroid gland. Symptoms: weight loss, anxiety, tachycardia, goiter, thyroid eye
disease (buldging eyes)
enlarged thyroid gland w/ nodules. Could be hypo/hyper active or normal
Methimazole (Tapazole)
Drug used to treat Hyperthyroidism; useful in treating thyrotoxic cases and preparation for
thyroid surgery. Pregnancy cat: D. CLASS: Thiomide (Thiauria Derivative)
Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Drug used to treat Hyperthyroidism; Pregnancy cat: D. CLASS: Thiomide (Thiauria Derivative)
decreased function of the parathyroid glands, leading to decreased levels of parathyroid
hormone (PTH). The consequence, hypocalcaemia, is a serious medical condition.
Calcitrol (Rocaltrol)
CLASS: Vitamin D analog; Drug used to treat Hypoparathyroidism; ACTION: this vitamin D
analogue that promotes Ca absorption from GI tract and secretion of Ca from bone to blood
Ergocalciferol (Drisdol)
CLASS: Vitamin D2 Analog; Drug used to treat Hypoparathyroidism; ACTION: enhances Ca
and phosphorous absorption
Hyperparathyroidism (Paget’s
Hyperparathyroidism is overactivity of the parathyroid glands resulting in excess production of
parathyroid hormone (PTH) which leads to hypercalcemia.
Calcitonin (Cibalcin) human
Drug used to treat Hyperparathyroidism (Paget’s Disease); ACTION: decreases serum CA by
binding at receptor sites in osteoclasts; CLASS: hormone analog
Calcitonin (Miacalcin) salmon
DRUG OF CHOICE - Drug used to treat Hyperparathyroidism (Paget’s Disease); ACTION:
decreases serum CA by binding at receptor sites in osteoclasts. Salmon calcitonin resembles
human calcitonin, but is more active. CLASS: hormone analog
Addison’s Disease
adrenal hypo-secretion; symptoms: weakness, pallor, anorexia, hypotension. A decrease in
corticosteroid secretion can result in serious illness and death. Corticosteroids promote sodium
retention and potassium exertion. Also affects CHO, protein and fat metabolism. DRUGS
USED: Glucocorticoids, Mineralcorticoids (less popular)
Cortisone acetate (Cortone
Drug used to treat Addison’s disease (adrenal hypo-secretion aka. adrenocortical insufficiency)
CLASS: Glucocorticoid (Steroid Hormone) SIDE EFFECTS: Steroid hormones can cause
hyperglycemia, hypertension, edema; Nursing intervention: Important to taper discontinuation
to avoid rebound effect
Hydrocortisone (Hydrocortone)
Drug used to treat Addison’s disease (adrenal hypo-secretion aka. adrenocortical insufficiency)
CLASS: Glucocorticoid (Steroid Hormone) SIDE EFFECTS: Steroid hormones can cause
hyperglycemia, hypertension, edema; Nursing intervention: Important to taper discontinuation
to avoid rebound effect.
Drug used to treat Addison’s disease (adrenal hypo-secretion aka. adrenocortical insufficiency)
CLASS: Glucocorticoid (Steroid Hormone) SIDE EFFECTS: Steroid hormones can cause
hyperglycemia, hypertension, edema; Nursing intervention: Important to taper discontinuation
to avoid rebound effect.
Fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef)
Drug used to treat Addison’s disease (adrenal hypo-secretion aka. adrenocortical insufficiency)
CLASS: Mineralcorticoid (Steroid Hormone) SIDE EFFECTS: Steroid hormones can cause
hyperglycemia, hypertension, edema; Nursing intervention: Important to taper discontinuation
to avoid rebound effect.
Cushing’s Syndrome
caused by adrenal hyper-secretion; Symptoms include rapid weight gain, particularly of the
trunk and face with sparing of the limbs (central obesity). Buffalo hump, Moon face.
Aminoglutethemide (Cytadren)
Drug used to treat Cushing’s Syndrome (adrenal hyper secretion); ACTION: blocks the
production and synthesis of steroids; CLASS: Glucocorticoid inhibitor (hormonal antagonist)
Ketoconazole (Nizoral)
DRUG OF CHOICE - Drug used to treat Cushing’s Syndrome (adrenal hyper secretion);
ACTION: inhibits glucocorticoid synthesis and is also an antifungal; CLASS: Glucocorticoid
inhibitor (hormonal antagonist)
Anti Emetics
prevents vomiting; inhibits the chemoreceptor (CTZ) zone & medulla
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
Drug used to treat Nausea; ACTION: prevents vomiting by inhibiting the CTZ in the medulla;
nausea... take 30 minutes before onset of nausea NOT after vomiting
Meclizine HCl (Antivert)
Drug used to treat Nausea; ACTION: prevents vomiting by inhibiting the CTZ in the medulla;
nausea... take 30 minutes before onset of nausea NOT after vomiting
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril)
Drug used to treat Nausea; ACTION: Inhibits H2 from stimulating the vomiting center; SIDE
EFFECTS: drowsiness, dry mouth; CLASS: Prescription Anti Emetic / Anti Histamine
Promethazine (Phenergan)
Drug used to treat Nausea; ACTION: Inhibits H2 from stimulating the vomiting center; SIDE
EFFECTS: drowsiness, dry mouth; CLASS: Prescription Prescription Anti Emetic / Anti
Histamine / Dopamine Antagonist; ROUTE: tab, supp, IM
Scopolamine (Transderm-Scop)
Drug used to treat Nausea; ACTION: blocks cholinergic transmission to the vomiting center in
the CNS; CLASS: Prescription Anti Emetic / Anti Cholinergic; SIDE EFFECTS: dryness of the
mouth, drowsiness, pupil dilation, blurred vision, confusion, urinary retention, constipation,
tachycardia; NURSING IMPLICATIONs: contraindicated for Pt. with glaucoma, should not be
used with sedatives/alcohol; ROUTE: transdermal patch
Prochlorperazine maleate
Drug used to treat Nausea, Anxiety; CLASS: phenothiazines; ACTION: It works by changing
the ACTIONs of chemicals in your brain. Prochlorperazine is used to treat psychotic disorders
such as schizophrenia. It is also used to treat anxiety, and to control severe nausea and
vomiting. - VERY COMMON
Droperidol (Inapsine)
CLASS: Dopamine antagonist; Droperidol is a sedative, tranquilizer, and anti-nausea
medication. Droperidol is used to reduce nausea and vomiting caused by surgery or other
medical procedures.
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Drug used to treat Nausea, Anxiety (good effect on cancer Pt.); CLASS: Benzodiazepine
Ondansetron HCl (Zofran)
Drug used to treat Nausea (used on cancer Pt.); ACTION: affects the CTZ; CLASS: SSRI
Dexanethasone (Decadron)
Drug used to treat Nausea (used on cancer Pt. who cannot take Zofran); CLASS:
Glucocorticoid (Steroid Hormone); SIDE EFFECTS: hyperglycemia; Nursing intervention:
monitor Pt. blood glucose
Methyprednisone (Solu-Medrol)
Drug used to treat Nausea (used on cancer Pt. who cannot take Zofran); CLASS:
Glucocorticoid (Steroid Hormone); SIDE EFFECTS: hyperglycemia; Nursing intervention:
monitor Pt. blood glucose
Dronabinol (Marinol)
Drug used to treat Nausea & Anxiety; CLASS: Cannaboid;
Diphenidol (Vontrol)
Drug used to treat Nausea and Vertigo; CLASS: Misc.; SIDE EFFECTS: Vontrol may cause
hallucinations, disorientation, or confusion. For this reason, its use is limited to patients who are
hospitalized; ACTION: effects the vestibular apparatus to control vertigo and inhibits the
chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)
Metoclopramide HCl (Reglan)
Drug used to treat Nausea; CLASS: Misc; ACTION: increases muscle contraction in the upper
digestive tract & affects the vestibular system. This speeds up the rate at which the stomach
empties into the intestines
Trimethobenzamide HCl (Tigan)
Drug used to treat Nausea; CLASS: Misc; ACTION: affects the vomiting center in the CNS;
SIDE EFFECTS: may affect thinking and reactions; Nursing intervention: advise Pt. not to
drive or drink alcohol while taking this drug
Drug used to induce vomiting to empty the stomach (eg. poisoning); CLASS: Emetic; ROUTE:
Syrup; ACTION: works by irritating the stomach lining and stimulating the vomiting center of
the brain; NURSING IMPLICATION: Do not use if you do not know what was swallowed, do
not use if a caustic substance was ingested
Paregoric (Camphoratted Opium
Drug used to treat diarrhea; CLASS: Anti-diarrheal / Opiate
Diphenoxylate (Lomotil)
Drug used to treat diarrhea (also makes Pt. feel well) combined with Atropine; CLASS:
Loperamide (Immodium)
Drug used to treat diarrhea combined with Atropine; CLASS: OTC Antidiarrheal / Opiate (does
not cause euphoria - less of a sedative effect than Lomotil)
Bismuth salts (Pepto Bismol)
Drug used to treat diarrhea; CLASS: OTC Anti-diarrheal / Absorbent; ACTION: coat the wall of
the GI tract, absorbs bacteria and toxins that cause diarrhea
Kaolin-Pectin (Kaopectate)
Drug used to treat diarrhea; CLASS: OTC Anti-diarrheal / Absorbent; ACTION: coat the wall of
the GI tract, absorbs bacteria and toxins that cause diarrhea
Furazolindone (Furoxone)
drug used to treat Diarrhea and enteritis caused by bacteria and protozoa; CLASS: Antidiarrheal
/ Misc. (not popular)
Drug used to treat diarrhea; CLASS: OTC Anti-diarrheal / misc.; ACTION: used to restore
normal oral, GI, and vaginal flora in those affected by antibiotics
Parepectolin (Paregoric, Kaolin
and Pectin)
Drug used to treat diarrhea; CLASS: OTC Anti-diarrheal / misc.; ACTION: work by adsorbing
the bacteria or germ that may be causing the diarrhea.
Lactlose (Cephulac)
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Osmotic (hyperosmolar laxative); ROUTE: PO;
NURSING IMPLICATION: do not administer laxatives if Pt. is experiencing abdominal pain
Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Osmotic (hyperosmolar laxative); ROUTE: PO;
NURSING IMPLICATION: can cause hypermagnesia esp. in elderly, do not administer
laxatives if Pt. is experiencing abdominal pain
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Osmotic (hyperosmolar laxative); ROUTE: PO;
NURSING IMPLICATION: do not administer laxatives if Pt. is experiencing abdominal pain
Sodium phosphate w/ Sodium
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Osmotic (hyperosmolar laxative); ROUTE: enema;
NURSING IMPLICATION: may cause dehydration, do not use of Pt with FVD.
Bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Stimulant Laxative
Castor Oil
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Purgative / Stimulant Laxative (not popular due to bad
Phenolthyhalein (Senokot,
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Stimulant Laxative
Psyllium (Metamucil)
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: bulk forming laxative; Nursing intervention: do not
prepare ahead of time, drink right away, Pt. must drink at least 8 oz of fluid to avoid obstruction
Docusate Calcium (Surfak)
rug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Emollient / Stool Softener; ACTION: adds water to the
stool before it passes, making it soft
Docusate Sodium (Colate)
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Emollient / Stool Softener; ACTION: adds water to the
stool before it passes, making it soft - VERY COMMON FOR ELDERLY
Mineral Oil
drug used to treat constipation; CLASS: Emollient / Lubricant; ACTION: lubricates the
intestines; NURSING IMPLICATIONs: harmful effects on the lungs if accidentally aspirated,
blocks absorption of essential fat soluble vitamins DEAK
Polyethylene glycol electrolyte
solution (GoLYTELY)
Solution used to perpare Pt. bowels for colonoscopy; CLASS: Evacuant / Bowel Prep.,
ACTION: isotonic non absorbable solution cleanses the bowel. NURSING IMPLICATION:
does not affect K levels. Safe for kidneys and heart; ROUTE: PO
Anti Ulcer Medication
H-Pylori is treated with antibiotics
Clindinium Bromide and
Chordiazepoxide (Librax)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: tranquilizer; ACTION: decreases anxiety and vagal activity -
Propantheline bromide (Pro-
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Anti-Cholinergic; ACTION: decreases gastric secretions (reduces HCl)
Aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Antacid; ACTION: neutralizes gastric acid
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Antacid; ACTION: neutralizes gastric acid
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Antacid; ACTION: neutralizes gastric acid
Magnesium hydroxide and
Aluminum hydroxide with
Simethecone (Mylanta)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Antacid / Anti-Gas; ACTION: neutralizes gastric acid / Simethecone
relieves gas
Ranatidine (Zantac)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: H2 Blocker; ACTION: inhibits histamine at the receptor site
Cimetidine (Tagamet)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: H2 Blocker; ACTION: inhibits histamine at the receptor site
Famotidine (Pepcid)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: H2 Blocker; ACTION: inhibits histamine at the receptor site
Esomeprazole Magnesium
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Proton Pump Inhibitor; ACTION: Inhibits gastric secretion; NURSING
IMPLICATION: administer before meals; caution for drug interACTIONs
Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Proton Pump Inhibitor; ACTION: Inhibits gastric secretion; NURSING
IMPLICATION: administer before meals; caution for drug interACTIONs
Omeperazole (Prilosec)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Proton Pump Inhibitor; ACTION: Inhibits gastric secretion; NURSING
IMPLICATION: administer before meals; caution for drug interACTIONs
Sucrafate (Carrafate)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Pepsin Inhibitor; ACTION: coats the ulder and protects it from acid
and pepsin secretion
Misoprostol (Cytotec)
Anti-Ulcer drug; CLASS: Prostaglandin; ACTION: suppresses gastric acid secretion and
protects the mucosa - NOT POPULAR due to high price
Factors affecting anti ulcer drug
1) Price 2) condition of client 3) side effects
Drug history, S/O data, hypermagnesia
Pain r/t ulceration in the gastric area
Administer meds AC
Lifestyle factors
Smoking increases rate of ulceration (important client teaching)
used to treat type 1 and sometimes type 2. Used to be obtained from beef/pork pancreas
(rarely see this anymore due to allergic reACTIONs), insulin protein cannot be taken orally,
ROUTE: subQ. Best ROUTE: in arm and abdomen at 45 or 90 degrees.
manufactured using DNA technology (not from a living being... lower incidence of allergic
Rotate insulin injection site
(important client teaching)
If you do not rotate sites, there can be the following changes in the skin: 1) lipodystrophy:
depression of subQ fat 2) hypertrophy: raised bumps/lumps. Do not give injection in these
insulin pumps
advantage eliminates needles and gives a steady dose of insulin injection
classifications of insulin (3)
rapid acting, intermediate acting, long acting
rapid acting insulin
rapid acting insulin is used in sliding scale; used when combining insulins
Types of rapid acting insulin (3)
regular insulin (only type of insulin ROUTE: IV), Lispro insulin, Asparte, insulin
regular insulin
this is the most frequently used insulin - rapid onset within 30-minutes - peak in 2-4 hours -
duration is 6-8 hours. possible hypoglycemia during peak ACTION - this is the only type of
insulin that can be ROUTE: IV
Lispro insulin
rapid acting insulin - onset within 15-minutes - peak 1-1.5 hours - duration 2-4 hours. possible
hypoglycemia during peak ACTION.
Asparte insulin (NovoLog)
rapid acting insulin - onset in 10-20 min - peak in 1-3 hours - duration 3-5 hours (make sure
that Pt. eats within 10-15 minutes) possible hypoglycemia during peak ACTION
rapid acting insulin - Nursing
Pt. needs to eat when administering rapid insulin because it can cause hypoglycemia.
Recommended that tray is already in the room.
time to eat after taking insulin
regular insulin: eat within 30 minutes; Lispro insulin: eat within 5 minutes; Asparte insulin: eat
within 10-15 minutes
Types of intermediate acting
insulin (2)
1) NPH, 2) Humulin N (majority of Pt. on intermediate acting insulin)
NPH, Humulin N insulin
Intermediate acting insulin - peak ACTION 6-12 hours (most likely to see hypoglycemic
reACTION during peak); duration is 24 hours - these are both cloudy and take longer to begin
acting, typically ROUTE: in the AM, can be combined with regular insulin... never ROUTE: IV -
possible hypoglycemia during peak ACTION
Types of long acting insulin (1)
Ultralente insulin
long acting insulin, onset: 4-8 hours; peak: 14-20 hours; duration: 24-36 hours, ROUTE: at HS -
possible hypoglycemia during peak ACTION
Combination insulins
NPH and regular together - already mixed together so it is easier for Pt. to use at home - e.g.
Humulin 70/30, 50/50
Insulin Pens
Pt. does not need to draw insulin into syringe; easy to use esp. for children
insulin sliding scale
sliding scale insulin provides short acting insulin coverage for increases in blood glucose
between intermediate/long acting insulin; units of insulin are based on blood glucose range,
usually ordered AC and HS (4x/day) - some type 2 diabetics may just have a sliding scale order
without an intermediate/long acting insulin
Oral hypoglycemic drugs
used for type 2 diabetes; Pt. may be on more than one drug and possibly insulin
Glipzide (Glucotrol)
Oral drug used to treat Diabetes Mellitus. CLASS: Sulfonylurea. ACTION: stimulates
pancreated Beta cells to secrete more insulin. SIDE EFFECTS: hypoglycemia. NURSING
INTERVENTIONs: administer 30 minutes before breakfast or with breakfast, assess for
Metformin (Glucophage)
Oral drug used to treat Diabetes Mellitus. CLASS: Biguanide. ACTION: decreases hepatic
production of glucose from stored glycogen, decreases the absorption of glucose from the
small intestine. Nursing intervention: need to inform MD if there is a Hx of liver disfunction;
does not cause hypoglycemia if taken alone
Acarbose (Precose)
Oral drug used to treat Diabetes Mellitus. CLASS: Alpha glucosidase inhibitor. ACTION:
“starch blocker” inhibits the digestive enzyme in the small intestine responsible for the release
of glucose. Does not cause hypoglycemia if taken alone.
pioglitazone (Actos)
Oral drug used to treat Diabetes Mellitus. CLASS: Thiazolidendiones. ACTION: “insulin
sensitizer” decreases insulin resistance. Does not cause hypoglycemia if taken alone. SIDE
EFFECTS: can cause edema and heart failure.
rosiglitazone (Avandia)
Oral drug used to treat Diabetes Mellitus. CLASS: Thiazolidendiones. ACTION: “insulin
sensitizer” decreases insulin resistance. Does not cause hypoglycemia if taken alone. SIDE
EFFECTS: can cause edema and heart failure. Mostly taken off of the market due to risks -
only used on Pt. who have been on this treatment for a long time.
care plan for type 2 diabetes
medication, diet, exercise, assess liver enzymes, monitor blood glucose level and notify MD if
out of range; some type 2 diabetics will eventually need to go on insulin - some Pt. who are
able to lose weight can avoid medication altogether
decrease nasopharyngeal secretions by blocking H1 receptor
First generation
cause drowsiness, dry mouth and other anticholinergic symptoms dizziness, fatigue, disturbed
coordination used for upper resp. disorders
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
First generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders); Also used to motion sickness
Chlorpheneramine Maleate
First generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders)
Brompheramine (Dimetane)
First generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders)
Tripolidine and pseudoephedrine
First generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders)
Second Generation
non-sedating and cause less anticholinergic symptoms
Certirizine (Zyrtec )
Second Generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders)
Fexofenadine (Allegra ).
Second Generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders) - popular
Loratadine (Claritin)
Second Generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders) - very popular OTC
Desloratadine (Clarinex)
Second Generation antihistamine (treats upper resp. disorders)
2-types: Nasal and Systemic - RISK FOR REBOUND EFFECT
Nasal Decongestants
(Sympathomemetic Amines) - stimulate the alpha adrenergic receptors thus producing vascular
constriction of the capillaries within the nasal mucosa resulting in a shrinking of the mucous
membranes and a reduction in fluid secretion. Continued use may cause rebound congestion
Oxymetazoline HCl (Afrin)
Nasal Decongestant (treats upper resp. disorders); ROUTE: spray or drops - OTC
Phenylephrine HCl
Nasal Decongestant (treats upper resp. disorders)
Systemic Decongestants
(Alpha Adrenergic Agonist) SIDE EFFECTS: B/P and blood sugar can increase, can also
cause vasoconstriction of the nasal capillaries. - ADVANTAGE OVER NASAL
Ephedrine Sulfate (Efedron)
Systemic Decongestant (treats upper resp. disorders)
Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)
Systemic Decongestant (treats upper resp. disorders)
Intranasal Glucocorticoids
effective for allergic rhinitis, has anti-inflammatory ACTION thus decreasing allergic rhinitis
symptoms (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT TERM -
Beclomethasone (Beconase)
Intranasal Glucocorticoid (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT
Budesonide (Rhinocort)
Intranasal Glucocorticoid (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT
Flunisolide (Nasalide)
Intranasal Glucocorticoid (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT
Fluticasone (Flonase)
Intranasal Glucocorticoid (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT
Triamcinolone (Nasacort)
Intranasal Glucocorticoid (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT
Dexamethasone (Decadron)
Intranasal Glucocorticoid (treats upper resp. disorders) - SHOULD ONLY BE USED SHORT
act on the cough control center in the medulla. 3-types: narcotic, non-narcotic and combiation
Hydrobromide (Robitussin DM,
Non-Narcotic Anti-Tussive (treats upper resp. disorders) - OTC
Promethazine (Phimergan)
Non-Narcotic Anti-Tussive (treats upper resp. disorders) - MD Rx
Guaifenesln and Codeine
(Robitussin A-C)
Narcotic Anti-Tussive (treats upper resp. disorders)
Hydrocodone bitartrate
( Hycodan )
Narcotic Anti-Tussive (treats upper resp. disorders) - very effective - SIDE EFFECT:
Promethazine with
Dextromelhorphan ( Phenergan
DM )
Combination Anti-Tussive (treats upper resp. disorders)
Promethazine with Codeine
(Phenergan with Codeine)
Combination Anti-Tussive (treats upper resp. disorders)
loosen the bronchial secretions so that they can be eliminated by coughing, NURSING
IMPLICATION: Pt must be properly hydrated otherwise there will not be enough fluid to
Guairenesin ( Robitussin )
Expectorant (treats upper resp. disorders - NURSING IMPLICATION: Pt must be properly
hydrated otherwise there will not be enough fluid to expectorate
Guaifenessin and
Dextromethorphan ( Robitussin
DM )
Anti-Tussive / Expectorant (treats upper resp. disorders)
increase cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP). CAMP is a molecule that is responsible
for bronchodilation. Sympathomemetics are alpha- Adrenergic agonists and Beta 2 Adrenergic
agonist. These drugs are frequently ROUTE: by inhalation because onset is more rapid, dose
needed is less than oral, and has fewer side effects. They are also delivered directly to the
constricted bronchial site. (treat lower resp. disorders)
Albuterol ( Proventil )
newer beta adrenergic drug for asthma (Sympathomemetic drug) - COMMONLY USED W/
ATROVENT - short acting - DRUG OF CHOICE for an Asthma Attack
Metaproterenol (Alupent)
can relieve bronchospasm in lower resp. disorders eg. Asthma (Sympathomemetic drug) -
SIDE EFFECT: Nervousness
Isoproterenol (Isuprel)
first beta adrenergic drug used for bronchospasm. (treats lower resp. disorders eg asthma)
(Sympathomemetic drug) SIDE EFFECT: Nervousness
formoterol fumarate (Foradil)
beta adrenergic drug for asthma (Sympathomemetic drug) - inhalation capsule to be kept in
the refrigerator
Tiotprimm (Spiriva)
beta adrenergic drug for asthma (Sympathomemetic drug) - inhalation capsule does not need
to be refrigerated
Ipatropium ( Atrovent )
Anticholinergic drug used to treat asthmatic conditions. ACTION: dilation of the bronchioles.
Combination of Ipatropium and Albuterol is used to treat chronic bronchitis because it
provides longer duration of ACTION.
Methylxanthine (Xanthine
Relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, bronchioles, and pulmonary blood vessel by
inhibiting the enzyme phosphodisterase resulting in an increase of CAMP which promotes
bronchodilation has low therapeutic index and narrow therapeutic range. - lower resp. disorders
Theophylline ( Theo-Dur)
CLASS: Methylxanthine (Xanthine Derivatives). ACTION: Relaxes the smooth muscles of the
bronchi, bronchioles, and pulmonary blood vessel by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodisterase
resulting in an increase of CAMP which promotes bronchodilation NURSING IMPLICATION:
low therapeutic index and narrow therapeutic range. - lower resp. disorders
Aminophylline- Theophylline
CLASS: Methylxanthine (Xanthine Derivatives). ACTION: Relaxes the smooth muscles of the
bronchi, bronchioles, and pulmonary blood vessel by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodisterase
resulting in an increase of CAMP which promotes bronchodilation NURSING IMPLICATION:
low therapeutic index and narrow therapeutic range. - lower resp. disorders
Leukotrine Receptor
Antagonist and Synthesis
this therapy works to PREVENT bronchoconstriction - not to be used for an acute asthma
Montelukast ( Singulair)
newer, short half life and safe to use in children (Leukotrine Receptor Antagonist and Synthesis
Inhibitor) - this therapy works to prevent bronchoconstiction and is not for an acute asthma
Zafulukast (Accolate)
first drug, acts as a leukotrine receptor antagonist thus reducing the inflammatory process and
decreasing brochoconstriction - good for prevention but not for an acute asthma attack
Glucocorticoids (Steroids)
given to Pt unresponsive bronchodilator therapy - watch for steroid side affects in PO meds;
inhalationshave less side effects
Beclomethasone (Vanceril)
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: via Intranasal or aerosol inhalation
Flunisolide (Aerobid)
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: via Intranasal or aerosol inhalation
Fluticasone (Flonase)
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: via Intranasal or aerosol inhalation
Triamcinolone (Nasacort)
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: via Intranasal or aerosol inhalation
Dexamethasone ( Decadron )
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: PO; SIDE EFFECT: risk for hyperglycemia
Cortisone Acetate ( Cortone
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: PO SIDE EFFECT: risk for hyperglycemia
Methyprenisolone ( Solu-Medrol )
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: PO SIDE EFFECT: risk for hyperglycemia
Prednisolone ( Delta-Cortef)
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: PO SIDE EFFECT: risk for hyperglycemia
Glucocorticoids (Steroids) used to treat lower respiratory disorders
ROUTE: PO SIDE EFFECT: risk for hyperglycemia
Prophylactic - used for prevention of asthma attack, not for acute asthmatic attack - used daily,
reduces the release of H1
Cromolyn ( lntal )
commonly used Prophylactic - used for prevention, not for acute asthmatic attack - used daily,
reduces the release of H1
Nedocronll Sodium ( Alocril )
more effectlive than Cromolyn - Prophylactic - used for prevention, not for acute asthmatic
attack - not common due to expense - used daily prevents the relase of H1
acts as detergents by liquefying and loosening mucous - used to treat lower respiratory
Acetylcystelne ( Mucomyst )
Class: Mucolytic - acts as detergent by liquefying and loosening mucous - used to treat lower
respiratory disorders - comes in a vial and administered as an inhalation
used only if an infection results from retained mucus (example: Ceflacor (Ceclor))
Reasons for cancer drug therapy
1. Cure 2. Control tumor growth 3. Palliation of symptoms
Classifications of cancer
chemotherapy drugs (2)
1. Cell cycle specific 2. Cell cycle non specific
Cell cycle specific
Only have action during one specific phase of the cell cycle
Cell cycle non specific
Can have action during any phase of the cell cycle
Drug resistance
This limits the effectiveness of cancer chemotherapy. Similar phenomenon to antibiotics...
Most resistant cancer cells survive and cause tumor to become resistant to drug therapy.
Common Chemo Side-Effects
Cancer cells replicate very rapidly as do some of the normal cells in the body. Chemotherapy
drugs cannot differentiate between cancer cells and normal cells in the body that replicate
rapidly. This causes chemo side effects seen in the Bone marrow, GI tract cells, hair cells,
Anemia (need to follow hemoglobin and hematocrit... Need to transfuse if hematocrit falls
below 25%), nursing intervention: assess for anemia and monitor hemoglobin and hematocrit
levels. Nursing diagnosis: fatigue.
Leucopenia / Neutropenia
Below 50%, leucocytes below 1000. Nursing diagnosis: risk for infections. Intervention:
reverse isolation. No flowers or plants in the room. Low bacteria diet. Nurse needs to assess
for signs of infection (assess at catheter sites), avoid injections (if possible), avoid rectal
temperatures & suppositories, monitor for temperature increase, chills. Often Pt will go on
Cepholasporin and Aminoglycoside even before lab results come back because Pt is at high
risk for sepsis. Hand washing is paramount.
When platelet count of dips to 10,000 or below. Assess for bruising, petehaie, bleeding gums
(Pt should not use a toothbrush or dental floss with a low platelet count), nose bleeds, GI
bleeding (black tarry stools, etc.), cerebral bleed. Nursing implication: put pressure on injection
site to avoid hematoma (sometimes pressure dressing/sandbag is necessary)
Nausea and vomiting
Administer anti-emetics PRN (Zofran, Etc.)
Administer meds PRN. Nursing diagnosis: FVD, nutrition less than body requirements
altered taste sensation, Nursing interventions: Nutritional supplements (Ensure), high calorie
Stomatitis / Mucosititis
Very painful. High risk for nutritional deficit. No treatment. Can sometimes see legions on the
Alopecia (hair loss)
Not life threatening but can affect Pt psychologically. Good news is that the hair will grow back
but sometimes it grows back another color or texture. Nursing diagnoses: Distorted body
image, self esteem. Nursing implication: discuss with Pt what they can do before the hair falls
Major problem. Nursing diagnosis: activity intolerance... Fatigue can last for months after
chemotherapy has ended.
May or may not be permanent. Men can use sperm bank. More complicated for women...
Women should go on birth control before starting chemo b/c getting knocked-up during chemo
is a bad situation.
Venue for chemo
Majority of chemotherapy is provided on an outpatient basis.
Alkalyting drugs
Cross link wih DNA strands and prevent DNA from replicating. These are mostly cell cycle
specific drugs.
Cytoxan - Cyclophosphamide
ROUTE: PO or IV. Can cause hemorragic Cystitis (inflamed bladder, gross hematuria).
Prevent this complications by keeping Pt. very well hydrated (via IV in hospital, and hydrate at
home... 2-3 liters/day). Can also prevent with meds. Important Pt teaching... this causes very
severe pain. CLASS: Alkalyting drugs
Drug fools cancer cell into thinking that this is something that the cancer call needs and then
inhibits cancer cell replication. Cell cycle specific usually in the S phase.
5-FU Flurouracil
Side effects: diarrhea, stomatitis, dark veins. This is given in a lot in combination
chemotherapy treatments. CLASS: Antimetabolite
Anti tumor antibioitics
Bind to DNA and prevent cell replication. Inhibit protien and RNA synthesis. Main effect in the
G2 ohase of the cell cycle.
Deep red color. Dose limitation due to cardiac toxicity. Guidelines: before starting this med, Ot
must have a cardiac study. Hx of cardiac problems probably disqualifies Pt from taking this
med. Lifetime maximum dosage range. Must maintain a dose record. Cannot administer
without knowing dose record. Limit is 550 m2. Before every dose nurse must assess for
Cardiac toxicity, pitting edema, CHF, SOB.
Can cause pulmonary toxicity. Before Pt starts drug, Pt must have a pulmonary assessment.
Pt may be disqualified from treatment with this drug if pulmonary issues exist. Limit is 330 m2.
Nurse must assess respiration before administering each dose.
Plant alkaloids
Derived from plants.
Can cause neurotoxicity. Nurse needs to asess tendon reflex.
Side effect: neuropathy (numbness, tingling, burning in legs). Neurontin can help control pain.
Angiogenesis Inhibitors
Inhibits blood vessel growth in the tumor.
In theory this should be effective, however, in practice, this drug has not been very effective
thus far.
Hormone Agents
Used in tumors that are hormonally dependent. Eg. breast cancer. Alternate hormonal
environment to inhibit the tumor growth.
Anti-estrogen drug used to inhibit breast cancer.
Targeted Drugs
Target exact genetic problem is in the cancer cell... Hopefully not affect other tissues. Very
promising new therapy.
Used for chronic mogoinous leukemia (CML). Excellent results. Very promising new therapy.
Note about chemotherapy
Administer anti-emetics at same time as chemo... Don't wait for nausea. Also eat crackers,
drinks soda
Biological Response Modifiers
Enhance and stimulate the immune system (Immune system plays an important part in fighting
cancer). In theory, this sounded good, but currently there has not yet been great success when
used on patients.
Stimulates the immune system but has had limited success in treating cancer. Still being
researched. Side effect: causes flu-like symptoms. Pre medicate with Tylenol or Demerol to
help against Rigors. Also very severe fatigue... this can be a dose limiting factor.
Vaccine is custom engineered for the Pt from his own cancer cells to stimulate the immune
system. Very experimental.
Colony Stimulating Factors
Used to mitigate the side effect bone marrow suppression. These are administered outpatient...
Helps keep Pt from having to come to the hospital for transfusions. These are very
expensive, however, less expensive than hospitalization for transfusions and complications.
Erythropoetin (Epogen)
Administered subQ. Used widely for cancer and also kidney dialysis. Possible adverse affects
currently being investigated by the FDA. CLASS: Colony Stimulating Factor used for RBC
Granulocyte (WBC) Stimulating
Factor (Neulasta)
Administered IV and subQ. Can prevent neutorpoenia. Side effect: bone pain. Pain treated
issuing non narcotic analgesics (Tylenol, Ibuprofen). Reminder: nurse cannot tell Pt to use
Tylenol, etc. even though it is OTC. CLASS: Colony Stimulating Factor used for WBC
Platelet Stimulating Factor
Stimulates platelet productions. Side effect: fluid retention. Cannot use on Pt with CHF or
renal problems. CLASS: Colony Stimulating Factor used for Platelet stimulation.
precautions when preparing
IV’s prepared under a ventilated hood (very important), special gloves, face shield, dedicated
chemo trash receptacles, special gowns, gloves worn and toilet flushed twice when emptying
urinal, verification policy to double check for chemo meds due to toxicity, precautions regarding
vesicants (chemicals that can cause skin necrosis)