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46 Cards in this Set

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A direct acting muscarinic agonist that binds reversibly to muscarinic cholinegic receptors, causing activation.
The therapeutic use for bethnaechol which activates muscarinic receptors that releaxes the trigone & sphincter muscless & increases voiding by contracting the detrusor muscle of the bladder. Should not be used for the tx of an obstruction & bed pan should be handy.
Urinary Retention
The therapeutic use for bethnaechol used to help treat disorders assoc. w/ paralysis by increaseing motility & tx of GERD.
The advese effecst of bethnaechol w/in this system can cause hypo-tension(secondary to vaso-dialation) & bradycardia. Contraindicated w/patients having low BP & low CO
Cardovascular Syst.
The advese effecst of bethnaechol w/in this system can cause excessive salivation, increased secretions of gastric acid, ab cramps, & diarrhea at usual therapeutic doses. High doses causes involuntary defecation. Contraindication in gastric ulcers, obstructions & recent bowel surgery.
(i.e. What System is effected)
Alimentary Syst.
The advese effecst of bethnaechol w/in the lungs can cause bronchoconstriction, exacerbating this condition.
The advese effecst of bethnaechol where it can cause dysrhythmias in these types of patients.
Hyperthyroid Patients
Bethnaechol is avaiable in this route from 5,10.25 & 50 mg. 3-4 times/day on empty stomach.
Tx of choice for muscarinic agonist poisioning.Produces its effects through competitive blocking at muscarinic receptors of Ach.
Because it's antagonist, Atropine will do this to the HR, because inhibition of cardiac muscarinic receptors will be blocked, resulting in this.
Raise HR
Because atropine is an antagonist, it will effect these glands, causing a decrease of secretions
Exocring Glands
By preventing activation of muscarinic receptors of these muscles atropine causes relaxtion of the bronchi, decreased tone & motility of GI & urinary bladder. It has no effect on vascular smooth.
Smooth Muscle
Blockage of muscarinic receptors on the iris sphincter causes this (i.e. dialation of the pupil).
Blockade of muscarinic receptors on the cilliary muscle produces this (i.e. relationtion of the cilliary muscle), thereby focusing the eye for far vision.
In this system, Atropine can cause mild excitation. Toxic doses can cause hallucinations & delerium resembling psycohosis. Extremely high doses result in coma, resp. arrest & death.
Doses needed to block muscarinic receptors in the stomach & bronchial are *** than doses needed to block muscarinic receptors at all other loc.
This therapeutic use of atropine involving the cardiac effects that can be helpful during surgery. Procedures that stim. baroreceptors of carotid body can initiate reflex slowing of the heart resulting profound bradycardia. Since reflex is mediated by muscarinic receptors on heart, pre-tx can prevent dangerous drop in HR.
Pre-Anesthetic Medication
Important to note that not all muscarinic receptors are equally senstive to blockade by either atropine or most other anticholinergics. Some sites require more **** than others for muscarinic blockade.
Dose Dependancy
Atropine may be admin by which routes.
All Routes
(Eye, oral, IV, IM, subQ)
Following this adimin of atropine, the drug is rapidly absorbed & distributes throughout all tissues including CNS.
(i.e Which Route)
Elimination of atropine is by a combonation of **** metabolism & **** excretion.
Atropine has a half-life of how many hrs?
By blocking muscarinic receptors in this organ, atropine can cause "mydriasis & paralysis of cilary muscles. Both helpful during surgery & examination.
Disorders of Eye
Atropine can accelerate HR in patients w/this type of heart condition, due to the blockade of cardiac muscarinic receptors,whereby preventing the PNS from slowing the heart.
By blocking muscarinic receptors in intestine, atropine can decrease both "tone & motility" of intestine. Can be beneficial in conditions char. by excessive intestinal motility & bowl movement frequency.
(i.e.what two things)
Atropine is specific for this use by agents that activate muscarinic receptors. By blocking these receptors, atropine can reverse all signs of overdose & toxicity.
Because atropine can suppress GI secretions, it can be used to tx this. However, it's not the first tx choice, rather it's reserved for cases in which symptoms can't be relieved by preferred meds.
Peptic Ulcers
By blocking bronchial muscarinic receptors of bronchial receptors, atropine "can" promote dialation in pt with this condition; but can also cause drying & thickening of secretions. Has a very limited role in this tx.
This condition is char. by intense ab. pain brought on by passage of a gallstone in bile duct. In some cases, atropine may be combined w/morphine to relax bilary tract smooth muscle & relieve discomfort.
Billary Colic
Blockade of muscarinic receptors on salivary glands can inhibit salivation, causing this to happen. Can impede swallowing. Pt should chew gum, hard candy or sip fluids.
Dry Mouth
Blocade of cilliary muscles & sphincter of iris can paralyze these muscles, which can cause this to happen, due to the eye's inability to focus for far vision. Also sensitivity to light.
Blurred Vison/Photophobia
Paralysis of iris sphincter can cause this sort of pressure to rise. Anti-cholinergic drugs are contraindicated for glaucoma pt. Also for people whom may be predisposed to glaucoma, including people over 40
Intraocular Pressure
Blockade of muscarinic receptors here reduces pressure in bladder; but increases tone of sphincter & trigone. Effects can cause hesitency or urgency. Cath or tx w/muscarinic agonist may be required. Can be minimized w/frequent voiding.
Urinary Tract
Muscarinic blockade decrease tone & motility of intestinal smooth muscle, causing this to happen. Can be minimized by increasing fiber & fluids. Contraindicated for pt with intestinal atony.
Blockade of muscarinic receptors on sweat glands can promote this adverse efeect to happen. This might lead to overheating.
Blockade of muscarinic cardiac receptors removes parasympathetic influence on the heart, causing this type of HR condition to happen. Caution must be taken with pt w/ this pre-existing condition.
In patients w/this condition, anti-muscarinic drugs can lead to bronchial plugging. Muscarinic AN-tagonist can be used to tx; but can also be harmful to pt w/this condition.
Anti-histamines, phenothiazine anti-psychotics & tricyclic anti-depressants should not be combined w/this drug, because their anti-cholinergic actions will greatly enhance the anti-muscarinic effects.
Atropine sulfate is available in 0.4 mg orally & in solution of 0.05 & 1mg/mL for IM, IV & subQ. Ave. adult dose is 0.5mg. This is ref to what three categories.
Prep,Doseage & Administration
This is a pre-filled auto injector indicated fro IM therapy of poisoning. 0.5mg for kids(15-40lbs) 1mg for kids 40-90lbs & 2mg for adults. Site may be lat. thigh.
Symptoms of this include dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, hyperthermia, CNS effects of (hallucination & delerium) as well as hot,dry & flushed skin.
Toxicology of Muscarinic Antagonist.
Tx of poisioning can be given by this route. Absorbtion can be reduced by using activated charcoal, while monitoring I/O & observing side-effects.
Tx of choice for anti-muscarinic poisoning.
Symptoms of this include dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia, hyperthermia, CNS effects of (hallucination & delerium) as well as hot,dry & flushed skin.
Muscarinic Antagonist Poisioning
Tx of poisioning can be given by this route. Absorbtion can be reduced by using activated charcoal, while monitoring I/O & observing side-effects.
Tx of choice for anti-muscarinic poisoning.