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29 Cards in this Set

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Where do corticosteroids bind to their receptor
Main effects of glucocorticoids
Stimulates gluconeogenesis:
Increases blood glucose, Protein degradation, and insulin secretion. Also stimulates lipolysis and lipogenesis.
Fat deposition of the shoulders and back
Buffalo hump
In children, what is the affects of glucocorticoids
inhibits growth
Glucocorticoids especially inhibit what immunologic functions?
Lymphocytic dependent
glucocorticoids are important in the txmt of what cancers
Most potent glucocorticoid with high topical activity
Glucocortiocids effects on the distribution % of leukocytes
Increases neutrophils and decreases lympho's, eosino's, baso's, and mono's
The biochemical effects of glucocorticoids on leukocytes is due to?
Inhibition of phospholipase A2, decreased COX-2, inhibition of IL2 and IL3 and decrease in PAF.
Major natural glucocorticoid
Cortisol secretion is most when?
morning and least at night
What is important to realize about the mineralcortiocid effects of cortisol
It causes hypertension in those with an adrenal tumor or ACTH-secreting tumor.
What synthetic glucocortoid has the closest potency to cortisol
predisone...then triamcinolone
What glucocorticoid effect is less in the synthetics
salt-retaining potency
Readily penetrate the airway mucosa but have short half-lives and are used in asthma
Beclamethasone and budesonide
Used for Addison's disease, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), inflammation, allergies, and asthma (as a local inhalation)
Mechanism by which glucocortiocoid administration is useful for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Synthesis of abnormal forms of corticosteroids are stimulated by ACTH. In these conditions, glucocortiocid suppresses ACTH secretion and reduces the synthesis of abnormal steroids.
Short acting glucocorticoids
Cortisone and hydrocortisone
Long acting glucocorticoids
Betamethasone and dexamethasone
Some side effects of corticosteroids
Osteopenia, impaired wound healing, inc. risk of infection, inc. appetite, HTN, edema, PUD, euphoria, psychosis, stria, thinning of skin
Period of time of therapy after which GC therapy will need to be tapered
5-7 days
Given to pregnent women in premature labor to hasten fetal lung maturity
Aldosterone antagonists
Spironolactone and eplerenone
Antifungal agent used for inhibition of ALL gonadal and adrenal steroids
Inhibits conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone therefore inhibiting corticosteroid synthesis
Antiprogestin used as potent antagonist of GC receptor
Common SE of spironolactone
Gynecomastia and hyperkalemia
Inhibits the normal synthesis of cortisol, but not that of cortisol precursors
Useful in the txmt of chemo-induced vomiting