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76 Cards in this Set

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Acetylsalicylic Acid: Trade name?


Aspirin: Generic name?

Acetylsalicylic Acid

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Class?

Platelet aggregation inhibitor

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Mechanism of Action?

Impedes clotting action and platelet aggregation by inhibiting platelet activation to slow or prevent further growth of clots. Locks the formation of thromboxane A2 that is responsible for platelet aggregation and artery constriction. Asa's effect on platelets is irreversible and lasts a life of each platelet (5-7 days)

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Indications?

Recent onset of ischemic chest pain suggestive of acute myocardial infarction

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Contraindications?

1: Hypersensitivity: severe allergy (known)

2: Bleeding disorders: (hemophilia, Von Willebrand disease)

3: Unconsciousness

4: Active GI bleed

5: Children under the age of 14 increases risk of Reye's Syndrome

6: Asthmatic with previous sensitivity to ASAP or NSAIDS

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Precautions / Interactions?

1: Impaired renal and hepatic function

2: May produce bronchoconstriction in asthmatics

3: Pregnancy

4: Children and adolescents with influenza or chickenpox infections (may increase the risk of Reye's syndrome)

5: Symptoms are encephalopathy and fatty liver degeneration

May interact with Warfarin (Coumadin) and other anti-coagulants and cause bleeding

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Adverse effects?

Nausea & vomiting, heartburn, bronchospasm, bleeding, Urticaria

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Dosage?

160-325 mg (millagrams) po (orally); chew tablets before swallowing. Note: given even if patient has taken their own ASA

Acetylsalicylic acid / Aspirin - Supplied?

80 mg and 325 mg tablets are common

Epinephrine: Trade name?


Adrenaline: Generic name?


Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Class?

Sympathomimetic, Adrenergic

Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Mechanism of Action?

1: Directly stimulates the alpha and beta adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system

2: bronchodilation: relaxes bronchial smooth muscle (beta2 receptors) and inhibits histamine release

3: CV and vasopressor: produces positive chronotropic and Inotropic effects (beta1 receptors); increasing cardiac output, myocardial oxygen consumption and force of contraction.

4: vasodilation (beta2 receptors) and vasoconstriction (Alpha receptors) in anaphylaxis it restabilizes the mast cells.

Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Indications?


Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Contraindications?

None in anaphylactic shock

Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Precautions and Interactions?

Use with caution with pre-existing cardiac problems. patient must be monitored.

Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Adverse Effects?

Palpations, angina, dysrhythmias, N&V, headache, nervousness

Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Dosage?

Adult: 0.3 mg (1:1000) IM(intramuscular) Q(Every) 5-10 minutes prn(as needed)

Pediatric: 0.01 mg/kg IM/SQ(subcutaneous) [do not exceed 0.3 mg)

Epinephrine dose is based on body weight

Epinephrine / Adrenaline - Supplied?

1:1000 multi-dose vial 30 mg / 30 ml

1:1000 ampoule 1 mg / ml,

EpiPen = 0.3mg

EpiPen jr = 0.15mg

Salbutamol: Trade name?


Ventolin: Generic name?


Salbutamol / Ventolin - Class?


Salbutamol / Ventolin - Mechanism of Action?

1: Selectively stimulate beta-adrenergic receptors of the lungs, uterus, and Vascular smooth muscle

2: bronchodilation results from relaxation of the vascular smooth muscles, which relieves bronchospasm and reduces Airway resistance

3: higher doses will drive serum potassium (K+) into the cells

Salbutamol / Ventolin - Indications?

1: Bronchospasm due to bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and other chronic bronchopulmonary disorders

2: respiratory distress with bronchospasm

Salbutamol / Ventolin - Contraindications?


Salbutamol / Ventolin - Precautions / Interactions?

1: Use with caution and tachycardia

2: should not be used for patients presenting with acute heart failure

3: cardiovascular disease - cardiac dysrhythmias, hypertension

4: diabetes mellitus - risk of drug-induced hyperglycemia

5: hypokalemia - risk further reducing serum potassium levels and possible adverse cardiovascular events

Salbutamol / Ventolin - Adverse Effects?

Tachycardia, palpitations, dizziness, headache, angina, anxiety

Salbutamol / Ventolin - Dosage?

Adult: MDI minimum 6 puffs max 20

(NEB: 2.5 - 5.0 mg nebula - repeat q(every) 10 minutes prn(as needed)

Pediatric: MDI Pediatrics minimum 2 Puff Max 10

(NEB: 0.15mg/kg diluted to 2.5 ml saline via nebulizer or

[<10kg give 1.25mg with NS to 2.5 ml] [10-20kg give 2.5mg]

[> 20kg give 2.5 - 5.0mg])

Salbutamol / Ventolin - Supplied

2.5 mg in 2.5 ml plastic ampules

/ Puff

MDI - 100 ug / Puff

Combivent (Ventolin 2.5 mg / Atrovent 500 MCG)

Ipratropium bromide: Trade name?


Atrovent: Generic name?

Ipratropium bromide

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Class?

Anticholinergic bronchodilator

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Mechanism of Action?

1: Inhibits cholinergic receptors in the bronchial smooth muscle, resulting in decreased concentrations of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cyclic GMP)

2: decrease levels of cyclic GMP produce local, not systemic, bronchodilation

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Indications?

Bronchospasm from asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Contraindications?

Atrophy, aerosol propellant, patients with soy or peanut allergies

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Precautions / Interactions?

1: Use with caution with patients with narrow angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention

2: hypersensitivity to soy lecithin or related food products (soybeans, peanuts)

3: be careful to avoid accidental release into the eyes (use mouthpiece nebulizer if possible)

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Adverse Effects?

Dry mouth, vomiting, palpitations, headache, Tremor, cough, flushing, dizziness

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Dosage?

Adult: MDI; Minimum 1-4 puffs prn(as needed); max 10 (20mcg/spray)

Pediatric (ages 5-11)

MDI: minimum 2 Puffs prn(as needed); Max 4 (give after salbutamol; ipratropium has a much slower onset of action)

Nebulized doses:

250 - 500 MCG via Nebulizer with salbutamol (mixed) repeat up to two times as necessary

Ipratropium bromide / Atrovent - Supplied

Unit dose vials are available in the following doses: 125 MCG/ml, 250 MCG/ml, 500 MCG/ml

Medical Oxygen - Class?

Compressed Gas

Medical Oxygen - Actions (Pharmacodynamics)?

1: Colorless odorless and tasteless gas essential to respiration

2: at sea level, oxygen makes up approximately 10% to 16% of venous blood and 17% to 21% of arterial blood

3: transported from the lungs to the body's tissues attached to hemoglobin in the red blood cells

4: inhalation / Administration will increase arterial oxygen tension (pao 2) and hemoglobin saturation

Medical Oxygen - Indications?

1: Hypoxia from any cause

2: Chest pain due to cardiac ischemia to spO2 saturation of < 94%

3: Altered level of consciousness

Medical Oxygen - Contraindications?


Medical Oxygen - Precautions / Interactions?

Respiratory: in some cases of COPD, oxygen Administration May reduce the patient's respiratory drive. In the past this effect was vastly overstated and is generally not a concern to EMRs

Medical Oxygen - Adverse Effects?

Oxygen that is not humidified may dry out or irritate mucous membranes

Medical Oxygen - Dosage?

Nasal cannula: @ 2-6 L / min (provides 24% - 40% O2 concentration)

Simple & pocket-mask: @ 6-10 L / min (provides 40% - 60% O2 concentration)

Partial / non-rebreather (NRB): @ 10-15 L / Min (provides up to 98% O2 concentration)

Bag-valve mask (BVM): @ 10-15 L / Min (provides up to 100% O2 concentration)

Route: Inhalation.

Medical Oxygen - Supplied?

Compressed oxygen cylinders of various sizes

Oral Glucose: Trade name?

Glucola, Insta-Glucose

Glucola, Insta-Glucose: Generic name?

Oral glucose

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Class?

Hyperglycemic agent

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Actions (pharmacodynamics)?

Provides a quickly absorbed form of glucose to increase blood sugar levels

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - indications?

Conscious patients with suspected hypoglycemia and an intact gag reflex

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Contraindications?

1: Decreased level of Consciousness (no gag reflex)

2: Hyperglycemia

3: Any patient unable to follow commands

4: Any patient who likes a gag reflex

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Precautions / Interactions?

Nausea, vomiting

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Adverse Effects?

Nausea, vomiting

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Dosage?

Adult / Pediatric: 25g administered slowly until Improvement is noted

Glucola, Insta-Glucose / Oral Glucose - Supplied?

25g Gel paste: Chewable tablets in various volumes (25g)

Repeat q(every)10 minutes as necessary

Naloxone: Trade name?


Narcan: Generic name?


Naloxone / Narcan - Class?

Opioid antagonist

Naloxone / Narcan - Actions (pharmacodynamics)?

1: Prevents or reverses the effects of opioids by blocking the opioid receptor sites in the central nervous system

2: effects of opioids include: respiratory depression; sedation, hypotension

3: has no pharmacological effect in the absence of opioids

Naloxone / Narcan - Indications?

Acute opioid overdose or complete or partial reversal of opioid depression (Respiratory despression)

Naloxone / Narcan - Contraindications?

Hypersensitivity to naloxone or any ingredient in the formulation which includes: Naloxone, Hydrochloride, Methylparaben, Opropylparaben

Naloxone / Narcan - Precautions / Interactions?

Naloxone should be used with caution in clients with pre-existing cardiac disease or in clients receiving potentially cardiotoxic drugs, reports of hypotension, hypertension, ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and pulmonary edema have been reported

Naloxone / Narcan - Adverse Effects?

Produces withdrawal symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, sweating, body aches, weakness, Tremors or shivering, fast heart rate, pounding heartbeat, increased blood pressure, feeling nervous, Restless, or irritable, Goosebumps, shivering, runny nose, yawning

Naloxone / Narcan - Dosage?

Initial dose of 1ml of 0.4mg intramuscular (IM) followed by a repeat 0.4mg dose every two minutes prn(as needed)

Naloxone / Narcan - Supplied?

Each kit contains two 0.4mg / 1ml vials

Nitrous oxide - Trade name?


Entonox - Generic name?

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide / Entonox - Class?

Pulmonary / Other

Nitrous oxide / Entonox - Mechanism of Action

Nitrous oxide has analgesic actions thought to be mediated by activation of opioid receptors in the periaqueductal grey of the midbrain

Nitrous oxide / Entonox - Indications?

Pain managament

Nitrous oxide / Entonox - Contraindications?

Potential for dead air space, pneumothorax, bowel obstruction, any undiagnosed abdominal pain, intoxication, head injuries, altered mental status, unable to follow commands

Nitrous oxide / Entonox - Adverse Effects?

Low blood pressure, withdrawal, collapsed lung, blood in the urine, hyperglycemia, sepsis, infection, cellulitis, Stridor

Nitrous oxide / Entonox - Dosage?

50% oxygen, 50% nitrogen via demand valve mask until relief of pain