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26 Cards in this Set

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Is an agent intended for use in the; Diagnosis, Mitigation, Treatment Cure or Prevention of disease in humans or in other animal


The kind of drugs that Drugs that alter or change abnormal physiologic functions

Psychoactive drugs

Drugs that are given to supplement endogenous substances that are missing or lacking in the body.


Drugs that are used to inhibit the growth or kill microorganisms/cells.

Antimicrobial Drugs

Are preparations designed to contain a specified quantity of medication for ease and accuracy of dosage administration

Dosage form

Give another name for active ingredients

Therapeutic ingredient

Give another name for inactive ingredients

Non-therapeutic ingredient

Ancient Greek word means pharmacy


Give the Four Failures on treatment at the time of the apothecary

impotentunder dosageover dosagepoisoning

translated 800 formulas and prescription

George Ebers

Many of the formulas employed two dozens or more medicinal agents is known as


Vehicles commonly used at the time of Papyrus Ebers


The Father of Medicine and formulated the Hippocratic Oath of Physician


A Greek word that means a purifying remedy for good only


The Greek Physician and Botanist who deal with applied science


The book that contains the description of identifying natural products, methods and storage

De materia medica

What does pharmakon means


What does gnosis means


He originated many preparations of vegetable drugs by mixing or melting the individual ingredients, it was called Galenicals

Claudios Galen

Most famous formula made by Galen which is similar to Cold Cream

galen's cerate

The law that first fixed separation of the physician and apothecary

edict of salerno

The law that regulated the practice of pharmacy within the part of his kingdom which is called

Two siciles

The emperor who made Edict of Salerno

Emperor Fredrick II

The complete name of Paracelsus

Philipus Aureolus Theosphrastus Bombastos von Hohenheim

He influenced the transformation of pharmacy from a profession based primarily on botanic science to one based on chemical science


Contributions of Friedrich Serturner

Isolated morphine form opium