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135 Cards in this Set

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Mr Verdi recently completed a marathon; after running 16 miles he had to drop out because of severe muscle spasms this type of pain is classified as
Somatic Pain
A 23 year old has been taken to the ER for a suspected OD of morphine tablets; which agent would be used to tx this OD
An analgesic is given to
Relieve pain
Moderate to severe pain is best tx with
Morphine Sulfate
Persistent or recurring pain that is often difficult to tx
Chronic Pain
What is not necessary to include in an assessment before giving an opioid analgesic
Blood clotting time
Pain that originates from the skeletal muscles, ligaments or joints
Somatic Pain
An anticonvulsant drug is ordered as part of a pts pain mgmt prog. The purpose of the anticonvulsant is to
Relieve neuropathic pain
Pain that originates from the organs or smooth muscles
Visceral Pain
What assessments should be included before giving an opioid anangesic
Level of pain on pain scale
Prior analgesic use
Pain that originates from the skin or mucus membranes
Superficial Pain
Pain that is sudden & usually subsides when tx
Acute Pain
Adjunctive agents when used with anesthesia do not include
inhaled gas
Lidocaine is freq used for
local anesthesia
Possible complications as a result of NMBA use include
Induction of apnea
to decrease the possibility of a headache after spinal anesthesia you should instruct the pt to
lie flat in bed
Local anesthesia is not indicated for
long duration surgery
A sudden elevation is body temp in a pt who just returned from surgery may indicate
Malignant hyperthermia
Pain that is relates to a body part that has been removed
Phantom Pain
Pain that is thought to account for most migraine headaches
Central Pain
A hypnotic is an agent that
Produces sleep
Pain that is due to psychologic factors not physical cond. or disorders
Psychogenic Pain
A pt has been taking benzodiazepine for 5 wks is told by his dr that he wants him to stop using the medication. The best way to discontinue the medication is to
Plan a gradual reduction in dosage
What type of barbiturate is used as an anesthetic for short surgery procedures
Ultrashort acting
The cause of death from OD of barbiturates is
Respiratory arrest
Skeletal muscle relaxants are most effective when used in conjunction with
Physical therapy
Jaine has seizures characterized by temporary lapses in consciousness that last only a few seconds. Her teachers have said that she "Daydreams too much" these types of seizures are
generalized seizures
Which cond is a life threatning emergency in which pts typically dont regain consciousness
Status eliepticus
What drug would be used for the tx of status eliepticus
What is a possible side effect of phenobarbitol therapy
Which antieplieptic agent is also used to tx neuropathic pain
Your pt with parkinsons diesease has difficulty perf vol movements thsi is known as
Which drug may be used to tx parkinsons disease early but eventually loses effectiveness and must be replaced by abother agent
Mr ford is taking levodopa for parkinsons wants to take a vitamin supplement; what do you tell him
Avoid supplements that contain vit B6 (pyridoxine)
A pt who is newely dx with parkinsons & beginning medication therapy with entacapone, a COMT inhibitor asks the nurse "How soon will improvment occur?" The nurses best response is
You should notice a difference right away
Anticholinergics administered during tx of parkinsons are given to control or minimize drooling, muscle rigidity & tremors but not
What drug has shown a neuroprotective effect when started early in therapy
The unpleasant state of mind in which unreal or imagined dangers are anticipated
A state characterized by an expansive emotional state including sx of extreme excitement & elation and hyperactivity
A group of psychotropic agents prescribed to alleviate anxiety
Emotional disorders characterized by changes in mood
Affective disorders
A major psychologic disorder characterized by episodes of maina, depression or mixed mood
Bipolar affective disorder
Classified as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor MAOI
Pts on MAOI's need to be taught to avoid food that contain this substance
Antidepressant agents that block the reuptake of amine neurotransmitters
An abnormal emotional state characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, melancholy, & worthlessness out of proportion to reality
The most freq prescribed benzodiazepine
The most widely used tricyclic antidepressant
An atypical antipsychotic agent used to tx schizophrenia
A second generation antidepressant
The drug of choice for mania
A term used to describe a major emotional disorder that impairs the mental function of the affected individual to the extent that the individual cannot participate in everyday life
Pts taking the newer antipsychotic agents such as quetiapine (Seroquel) should be cautioned about which problem when beginning this therapy
Postural hypotension
When giving hydroxyzine IM what measures should be taken
Use the Z track method
Extrapyramidal effects of drugs dont produce
Elation & a sense of well being
Frank has been started on antidepressant therapy he asks you how long it will take for him to feel better; you best response should be
It may take 4 to 6 wks before you see an improvement
The pt on MAOI therapy must be taught to avoid food tyramine containing foods in order to prevent which medical emergency
Severe hypertensive crisis
To tx respriatory insufficiency associated with COPD
Decreased drowsiness
Increased Resp
Are results of stimulation of the CNS by stimulant drugs
Serotonin agonists are newer CNS stimulants used to tx
Migraine headaches
Caffeine should be avoided by pts who have a hx of
Cardiac dysrhythmias
The dr has ordered orlistat (Xenical) the nurse recognizes that this drug is used to tx
When a child is taking drugs for ADHD the nurse should instruct the caregivers to closely monitor the child's
Physical growth; especially weight
A drug used to tx somatic pain
Indocin (Indomethacin),
Pain that results from injury or damage to the peripheral nerve fibers
Neuropathic Pain
Cancer pts often build this when on opioid analgesics
For breakthrough pain you would
Titrate the dose with a bolus which is immediate action with a short duration
Aspirin and oxycodone
Cause resp center depression, most dangerous effect.
Pupils constrict and become pinpoint, avoid giving these to pts with head injuries
Opioid analgesics
Tylenol and oxycodone
Misuse and addiction of these drugs is low, but can be habit forming ex:
pentazocine HCL
Narcotic agonists/antagonists
No euphoria when taking this narcotic agonist/antagonist
nalbuphrine (Nubain)
Long term use need to monitor liver, renal, & clotting functions
acetylsalicyclic acid (aspirin ASA)
OD of Morphine treated with
High doses can cause kidney damage, renal failure, & hepatotoxixity.
acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Most toxic effect of this drug OD is hepatic necrosis
acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Antidote: acetylcystene (Mucomyst)Put in flavored water or soda to disguise taste
Common use Migraine headaches. Potential interaction with aspirin, warfarin(can increase bleeding)
Impaired gas exchange
R/T CNS depression prod by general anesthesia
Nursing Diagnosis for General Anesthesia for the elderly
Are eliminated primarily by the lungs but also by the liver
Inhaled Gas
Inhaled Volatile liquids
This vasoconstrictor is added to limit site of action locally thereby keeping it in the area longer
Xylocaine with epinephrine
Main concern post op anesthesia
ABC's & Malignant Hyperthermia
These prevent nerve transmission in certain muscles, leading to paralysis of the muscle
Have on hand cholinesterase inhibitors like neostigmine and mechanical ventilation
For NMBA's
Effectively reduces pt anxiety, sensitivity to pain, and recall of medical procedure used for procedures like endoscopys
Moderate sedation or Conscious sedation
Measures to take before using sedatives or hypnotics
Est set sleep patterns
Avoid heavy exercise before bed
Avoid heavy meals late in eve
Drink warm milk before bed contains triptophan
A drug that induces sleep
Inhibitory amino acid which produces a calming effect
gamma aminobutric acid
Reduces nervousness, irritability, excitability without causing sleep
Inability to deal with stress
Hangover feeling due to supressing REM sleep
Barbiturates GABA
Main Side effects
Tx for OD of barbiturates
No antagonists main problem is resp depression leading to resp arrest. Tx is to support resp & maintain airway
These have a hangover effect but not to the extent that bartiturates have
Only useful for short term therapy, loses it's effectiveness after repeated doses
choral hydrate (Noctec)
Oldest GABA drug is
Safe for long term use
Musculoskeletal relaxants work more effectively if used with
Physical therapy
Used for multiple sclerosis bit need to monitor liver function
dantrolene (Dantrium)
Musculoskeletal relaxants all but this one are centrally acting
dantrolene (It is peripherally acting)
Risk for injury
R/T Decreased sensorium
Nursing dx while on Musculoskeletal relaxants
One hemisphere of brain involved, short alteration in consciousness
Partial Seizure
Drug of choice for status epilepticus
Both hemispheres are involved
Generalized seizures
Main goal in mgmt of seizures is
Quality of life
Any dopaminergic agent is contraindicated in
Seizure Disorders
Take at bedtime to prevent drowsiness during the day
benztropine (Cogentin)
Drug of choice for panic attacks
clonazepam (Klonopin)
If any of the antiparkinson's therapies are working you will see an improvement in mental status and ability to do
ADL's & think more clearly
Give this drug via Z track as it is irritating to the tissues
hydroxyzine pamoate (Vistaril)
New class adjunct therapy for Parkinson's
COMT Inhibitors
This drug has less sedation effects and is useful for long term therapy
buspirone (Buspar)
Less wearing effects
Longer therapeutic effects
Quicker onset
Longer duration of action
COMT Inhibitors
Antimaniac agent is a salt and levels exceeding 2.0 to 2.5 produce mod to severe toxicity. Take with food to avoid GI upset
Give these at HS to minimize side effects & allows normal daytime routine
Antianxiety (Anxiolytic) agents
These antidepressant agents do not interfere with the cardiovascular system
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
You do not want to combine antidepressants with this herb
St. John's Wort
This may occur with this class of antidepressants: Changes in mental status, restlessness, agitation, tremors, diarrhea, headaches, and ataxia(motor restlessness)
SSRI's Seratonin syndrome
With these antidepressants it may take about 8 weeks to see an effect so your pt would be more at risk for attempting
Drowsiness with these antidepressants should decrease after the first few weeks of therapy
With this tricyclic you want to avoid taking warfarin; as it increases its anticoagulant effect
amitriptyline (Elavil)
Once you discontinue these drugs they stay in the body for 2 wks
Thses agents block dopamine and can cause pseudoparkinson's causing extrapyramidal sx
Antipsychotic agents
Antidote for cheese effect or hypertensive crisis is
nifedipine (Procardia) calcium channel blocker
Tx extrapyramidal sx with
Cogentin or Artane
Phenothiazines cause these side effects
Sore throat
Dry Mouth
Blurred Vision
Side effects of haloperidol (Haldol)
Extrapyramidial reactions
Postural Hypotension
Blurred Vision
Suppress appetite
Increase responsiveness and respirations
Produce euphoria, mood elevation, increased mental alertness, tx ADD & Narcolepsy
Nursing Dx: Sleep pattern disturbance
R/T use of this substance
Avoid these conditions when taking caffeine
Peptic ulcers
Cardiac dysrhythmias
Avoid caffiene with this anorexiant
sibutramine (Meridia)
To hasten arousal post op recovery to tx respiratory insufficiency
doxapram HCL (Dopram)
Give this drug 6 hours before bedtime to diminish insomnia
methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate)
SSRA (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Agonists) are used to tx
Before giving an SSRA you want to assess these 2 things
Coronary artery disease and
An SSRA used to tx migraines
sumatriptan (Imitrex)