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64 Cards in this Set

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3 things that determine myocardial oxygen demand
1. wall stress
2. HR
3. contractility
Wall stress equation
Profusion pressure happens during?
hypoxia in myocardium leads to formation of which vasodilators?
2. lactate
3. acetate
4. H+
5. CO2
variant angina is due to?
coronary artery spasm
stable angina
1. chronic
2. exertion
3. transient changes in EKG
stable angina shows what on EKG?
Temporary ST depression
Variant angina ( Prinzmetal)
1. at rest
2. morning
3. ST elevation
When does prinzmetal angina usually occur?
At rest in the morning.
A pattern of increased frequency and duration of angina describes what type of angina?
unstable angina
what type of angina has unopposed vasoconstriction?
unstable angina
stable angina Tx strategies?
1. increase O2 supply, reduce O2 demand
2. Tx artherosclerosis
3. prophylaxis against thrombosis
drug classes of anti anginals?
1. Nitrates
2. Beta blockers
3. calcium channel blockers
name 4 organic nitrates
1. Glyceryl trinitrate
2. Isosorbide dinitrate
3. isosorbide mononitrate
4. Amyl nitrite
which nitrate drug is used to Tx cyanide poisoning?
amyl nitrate
amyl nitrite and __________
is used to Tx cyanide poisoning?
methylene blue
Uses of nitrates
1. acute angina
2. prophylaxis
3. Beta blocker intolerance
4. Ca channel blocker intolerance
5. cyanide poisoning
MOA of amyle nitrite and methylene blue?
amyle nitrite converts hemoglobin to methemoglobin. Cyanide binds methemoglobin and methylene blue reduces the methemoblobin and gets rid of the cyanide.
Nitrates therapy does what?
1. venules >> arterioles
2. coronary arteries
3. inhibits platelet aggregation
Which medication worsens an angina attack by increasing coronary steal?
dipyrimadole. It dilates the normal arteries.
This shows the action of which drug?
nitrate. Nitrates dilate the collaterals and increase blood flow to the ischemic area.
nitrates increases _________ in the cell and leads to smooth muscle _________?
increases cGMP and smooth muscle dilation
phosphodiesterase 5 does what?
It breaks down cGMP to GMP.
Inhibition of PDE 5 will cause?
Increase in cGMP and vasodilation
adverse effects of nitrates?
1. flushing
2. headache
3. orthostatic hypotension
4. reflex tachycardia
5. syncope
6. methemglobinemia
Large IV doses of nitroglycerine can cause?
Describe Monday Morning sickness?
workers in explosive factories got used to nitrate exposure but after a weekend of being nitrate free, on Monday they got headaches.
Way to not develop tolerance to therapeutic effects of nitrates?
nitrate free interval in the night.
Combining nitrates and _______ can lead to hyptensive shock?
PDE inhibitors b/c they prevent breakdown of cGMP and prolong effects of nitrates.
What medication decreases effects of nitrates?
migraine meds
Which nitrate type is most potent and has the longest half life?
Which nitrate type is the least potent and has the longest half life?
which nitroglycerin formulation has the shortest onset and shortest duration?
which nitrate has the shortest onset of action?
inhaled amyl nitrite
For long term angina prescribe which nitrate formulation?
What do have to tell pt's about their nitrate meds?
1. volatile- keep in cool, dry place
2. 6 months- after that they are not good.
Stable angina - Beta blockers
1. reduce work load
2. stop reflex tachycardia.
Stable angina-Beta blockers Side effects
1. bradycardia
2. bronchospasms
3. fatigue
4. depression
5. rebound HTN
Beta blockers in diabetic pt
Masks hypotension.
Sweating is only sign.
Beta blockers side effects
if pt incurs bronchospasms what should you do?
switch to B1 selective
name 3 L-type calcium channel blockers?
1. Nifedipine
2. Verapamil
3. Diltiazem
Nifedipine blocks?
vascular L-type Ca channels
Verapamil blocks?
cardiac L-type Ca channels
Diltiazem blocks?
cardiac and vascular L type Ca channels
calcium channel blockers therapeutic effects in stable angina?
1. decrease contractility
2. cause venodilation
3. increase coronary perfusion
1. Variant angina
2. reduces Preload, afterload
3. S/E constipation, gingival hyperplasia.
1. blocks Na and Ca channels
2. used for Chronic stable angina
3. S/E heart failure when used w/ Beta blockers
Bepiridil plus Beta blockers causes heart failure by?
slowing AV conduction
1. V for Ventricle
2. stable angina, variant angina
3. Slows AV conduction
Verapimil S/E ?
1. constipation
2. gingival hyperplasia
1. stable and variant angina
2. mixed properties
3. S/E bradycardia
Tx for Variant Angina?
1. Nitrates
2. Calcium channel blockers
MI and angina Tx?
nitrates and beta blockers
asthma and angina Tx?
nitrate and calcium channel blocker
diabetes and angina Tx?
nitrate and calcium channel blocker
chronic renal disease and angina?
nitrate and calcium channel blocker
Acute coronary syndrome
1. emergent
2. usually followed by MI
3. occur in pt w/ CAD
4. Use Beta blockers, nitrate, morphine
Clopidogrel - (Plavix)
1. Antiplatelet drug
ACS management
1. beta blockers
2. nitrates
3. morphine
4. Clopidogrel
5. Possible PCI or CABG
ACS management. Opioids are used for?
1. reduce pain
2. decrease SNS activation (CNS effect)
name a more potent anti platelet agent?
Post ACS management?
Short term
1. clopidogrel, GPIIb/IIIa
2. anti arrythmics
Post ACS management?
Long term
1. Risk factors
2. ACE inhib
3. Beta blockers
4. antiplatelets
5. Statins