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25 Cards in this Set

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fatty or oily substance that may be used to soften or sooths irritated skin and mucous membrane.
fatty or oily substance that may be used to soften or sooths irritated skin and mucous membrane.
Define Emollient.
a substance used on living tissue that either inhibits or kills microorganisms that are capable of producing infection.
a substance used on living tissue that either inhibits or kills microorganisms that are capable of producing infection.
Define Antiseptic
keratin dissolvers, i.e. soften scale and loosen the outer horny layer of the skin.
keratin dissolvers, i.e. soften scale and loosen the outer horny layer of the skin.
Define Keratolytic.
Topical corticosteroids
antiinflammatory agents intended for topical use. Not systemically absorbed to any great extent. May cause dilation of capillaries, skin atrophy, and decreased skin pigmentation. Do NOT use when infectious organisms are present. Allergies are possible.
Tretinoin or retinoic acid
Vitamin A acid

What topical drug?
Tretinoin or retinoic acid
Better for blackheads than whiteheads

In the first few weeks, small blackheads may be converted to pustules so patients should prepare for temporary worsening which is usually followed by clearing.
Tretinoin or retinoic acid
*** skin is more susceptible to sunburn and ultraviolet light

sunscreens should be used

possibly exists that tretinoin might accelerate carcinogenic effect of ultraviolet radiation.
Tretinoin or retinoic acid
Benzoyl peroxide
Prescribed topical antibiotics
What are the topical drugs that are used to treat acne?
Tretinoin or retinoic acid
Benzoyl peroxide
What are the 2 topical drugs that are OTC and used to treat acne?
Benzoyl peroxide
More for whiteheads than blackheads.

Prescribed antibiotics can increase the effectiveness of topical therapy
Topical drugs
for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.
True or false?

Both Tretinoin and Benzoyl peroxide may be used concurrently in more severe cases.
What are some examples of prescribed topical antibiotics?
Systemic drugs
for more severe acne
Systemic drugs
Oral contraceptives
Oral 13 - Acutane
Oral contraceptives
Oral 13 - Acutane
What are the systemic drugs that are used to treat severe acne?
1. often must be continued for months to years
2. can get gastric upset and vaginitis, skin, fungal infections
3. decreases effectiveness of oral contraceptives
4. Contraindicated in pregnancy (Cat. D)

What systemic drug?
may be used instead of tetracycline
often must be continued for months or years
can get gastric upset and vaginitis, skin, fungal infections.
can be used with caution in pregnancy (cat. b and c)
Oral contraceptives
estrogens suppress subum production

sometime 3 months or more before effect is seen
inhibit sebum production

teratogenic (must get consent forms)

effective in some patients with SEVERE disease

many side effect commonly seen including dry cracked skin, alopecia, hypertriglyceremia, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis, pseudotumor cerebri, joint and musculoskeletal pain, including back pain, and skeletal hyperotoses, all characteristic of vit. A toxicity. USE WITH CAUTION.
Oral Zinc
minimally effective in double blind studies and can cause GI bleeding. If abused with megadoses can cause severe toxicity. However, evidence is mounting for anti-inflammatory effects of topical zinc.
Topical corticosteroids
may actually make acne worse if inflammatory kind.

May be used for eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatoses like poison oak, but not acne. For poison oak, oral administration is much more effective (ointments not strong enough)