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30 Cards in this Set

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Anticoagulants do two things: prevent formation of thrombus or.....
inhibit the extension of existing thrombus
Anticoagulants inhibit the action of one of the clotting factors, but they do not....
exert a fibrinolytic effect on existing clots
List the basic pharmacodynamic effects of Heparin
1. Enhances inhibatory actions of antithrombin III on several clotting factors

2. Prevents fibrinogen to fibrin conversion

3. Prevents the formation of a stable fibrin clot

4. Prevents thrombus extension
Discuss route for Heparin
Not orally b/c inactivated in stomach acid. It is given SC and IV

Not IM b/c muscle is very vascular and it would bleed (causing a hematoma)
What patients would not be a good fit with heparin?
going into surgery
severe hypertension
dissecting aneurysm
peptic ulcer
ulcerative colitis
Name some low molecular weight heparins
Lovenox and Fragmin
What is the route for LMW Heparins?
only subcut
What are the common uses for Heparin?
prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

during acute stages of MI
Which drug reacts faster, Heparin or Coumadin?
What is the route for Coumadin?
What is the generic name for Coumadin?
warfarin sodium
What is the pharmacodynamic action of Coumadin?
Interferes with synthesis of vitamin K dependent clotting factors in the liver
What is the result of the action of Coumadin?
Deters further extension of existing thrombi and prevents new clots from forming
What does Coumadin NOT do?
affect the platelets
How long does the first dose of Coumadin take to work?
12-24 hours
What is a lab test that is done frequently for Coumadin?
Dosage of Coumadin (warfarin) should be adjusted to achieve and maintain a prothrombin time of....
1.5-2 times the normal
Overdose of anticoagulants can be treated by...

or specifically
a. Heparin
b. Coumadin
omitting one or more doses of the anticoagulant until the patient stops bleeding.
A. Protamine Sulfate (binds to the heparin to stop its anticoagulant ability
B. Vitamin K
What are some uses of Coumadin?
1. prophylaxic treatment of DVT or pulmonary embolism

2. a fib with embolization (that may cause blood clots)

3. coronary occlusion, cerebral transient ischemic attacks (strokes, heart attacks)
4.prophylactic in patients with heart valves
Name the 11 adverse effects of anticoagulants
tarry stools
vaginal bleeding
ab, flank or joint pain
change in LOC
hematoma or bruising
vomiting blood
bleeding from nose or gums
weak rapid pulse rate
What is the antidote for heparin?
protamine sulfate
What is the antidote for coumadin?
vitamin K
What products do you avoid when a patient is on anticoagulants?
IM injections
too many or too few vitamin K foods
What labs do you do before administering Heparin?
coagulation tests, hemoglobin, hematocrit and Platelet counts

PTT is for heparin ****know ptt time of 25-35 seconds ****pops up on many tests
Remember, with Coumadin, you run a ________
INR, with Heparin you don't b/c it doesn't really affect thrombin
What are normal lab values for prothrombin time?
11-15 seconds
What are normal lab values for platelet count?
What are normal lab values for hematocrit?
41-53% male
36-46% female
In general, the goal of anticoagulants is to maintain the PT prothrombin time of _________
1.5 to 2.0 of the normal value normal value is 11-15
What do you want the INR to be when you are on a anticoagulant?
2-3 times the normal value