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51 Cards in this Set

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Iron Overload
Chronic: aka hemochromatosis. causes cardiomyopathy, liver cirrhosis and diabetes.
Acute: Corrosion of GI, shock, and multi organ failure.
Manganese Exposure
Causes oxygen radical damage in the basal ganglia which leads to parkinsons disease.
What are the heavy metals and what is their general tox mech
Mercury, thallium, lead, cadmium, arsenic.
Cause tox via electrophilic interference with sulfhydryl groups in enzymes and free radical generation.
Lead poisoning mech
Interferes with sulfhydryl groups of many enzymes and affects multiplle organs.
Effects of Lead on Bone marrow
Reduces hemoglobin synth and causes microcytic anemia. Also get increased Delta ALA and zinc protoporphyrin. Also get basohpilic stippling from precipitated ribosomal protein.
Effects of Lead on the GI
Vomiting, colicky abdominal pain, constipation, blue-black lead lines on gums.
Effects of Lead on NS
Acute CNS: Headache, irritability, seizure, coma, encephalopathy.
Chronic CNS children: IQ impairment, hearing, growth, behavior impairment.
Adults: Foot/wrist drop
Effects of lead on Kidney
Chronic neuropathy
Fanconi Syndrome - Isolated prox tubule absorption defect
Saturnine gout
Effects of lead on reproductive systems
Male - Infertility
Effects of lead on long bones
Lead lines in metaphyses of growing bones especially elbow and knee. Can actually be a normal variant when kids are exposed to sun after winter.
Common symptoms of lead poisoning in kids
A norexia, A nemia, A pathy
B ehavioral disturbances
C lumsiness
D evelopmental deterioration
E mesis and colic
Antidote, chelates lead. Can be used unless blood lead > 70 or encephalopathy. If encephalopathy, give with dimercaprol (BAL).
Antidote for childhood lead poisoning for [] between 45-70. Also for arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals. Is water soluble chelator. and has a better safety profile than the lipid soluable chelators.
Antidote, oral chelator for mercury, lead and cadmium. DMSA is preferred b/c its safer. Has many SEs:
Fever, CNS depression, myalgia, proteinuria, BM abnormalities, hepatitis, autoimmune responses.
Early acute arsenic poisoning
Is life threatening, BAL given one its suspected. Get burning lips, intense thirst, dysphagia (cant swallow), projectile vomiting, ricewater diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. Followed by BP drop, encephalopathy, and coma.
Chelator used for arsenic, mercury, or gold poisoning. Also for severe lead poisoning when combined with EDTA.
NEVER use with iron, cadmium, or selenium, chelated metal is actually more toxic.
SE: Peanut allergy (made in peanut oil), transient hypertension, tachycardia, headache, weakness.
Late acute arsenic poisoning
-Renal failure
-Hepatic Injury
-BM depression
-Peripheral neuropathy
-Skin erruptions, alopecia, and Mee's lines on nails (5-6 weeks later)
Chronic Arsenic poisoning
Non specific symptoms plus:
Mild encephalopathy - tremors, ataxia, incoordination, confusion
Peripheral neuropathy - Painful parenthesias, muscle weakness, pain
Dematopathology - hyperpigmentation, palmar and plantar hyperkeratosis, peripheral edema.
Increased risk of skin, lung, bladder cancer. Chelation is not effective in chronic poisoning.
Mercury Inhilation
Acute: pneumonitis.
Chronic: Renal failure, gingivitis, stomatitis, excessive salivation. Erythrism - Extreme excitability, withdrawl, no self control, insomnia, anorexia, altered taste and smell and bad memory.
Mercury Hypersensitivity
Acrodynia aka Pink Disease. Due to chronic mercury exposure. Painful pink rash on hands and feet, peripheral neuropathy, excessive sweating, tremors, weakness, anorexia, insomnia.
Mercury Ingestion
Acute of inorganic: GI corrosion, shock, acute renal failure.
Chronic of Organic: Severe CNS impairment (methyl mercury in japan)
Mercury antidotes
DMSA, penicillamine, or BAL
Thallium Tox
-Severe gastroenteritis
-sensorimotor neuropathy and CNS abnormalities
-Hair Loss, usually beginning 2nd week and progressing to complete baldness.
Antidote is prussian Blue.
Prussian Blue
Treats thallium and radioactive cesium (dirty bomb). Breaks the gut liver bile absorption circle, reducing half life.
Herbicides: 2,4-D tox
Inhibits ox phos - Fever, tachycardia, acidosis, flushing.
Striated muscle toxin - Myalgia, muscle weakness, rhabdomyolysis
Central neurotoxin - lethargy, confusion, ataxia
Peripheral neuropathy.
Susceptible to urinary alkalinization for enhanced excretion.
Herbicide: Glyphosate tox
Interferes with chlorophyl synth. Not toxic to mammals but surfactant can cause Gi probs, hypotension, pulmonary edema. Considered environmentally friendly.
Herbicides: Paraquat tox
Taken up into pulmonary cells via active transport. Initiates oxygen superoxide radical attack on membrane. Process regenerates toxin.
Inflammation leads to alveoli destruction and fibrous deposition causing suffocation. No therapy, not even lung transplant.
Insecticide: Pyrethroids
Raid. Mammals are protected b/c we hydrolyze. Can get parethesias on skin contact treated with vit E. Possible rep allergy causing hay fever.
Organophosphates (insecticide and nerve agent) examples and tox
Insecticides - Malathion and diazinon.
Nerve agents - Sarin, soman, tabun, Vx
Penetrates skin easily. Permanent Ach esterase inhibitor. Effects All receptors and the effects ud expect including coma seizures, and central resp depression.
Antidotes = atropine and pralidoxime.
Antidote Ach esterase inhibition on muscarinic receptors. Competitive Ach antagonist. End point is dry respiratory secretions/airway control.
Pralidoxime Chloride
Use for Severe ant Ach esterase poisoning by organophosphates. Works on NMJ fixing the fascicultations and weakness. Dont administer too fast or hypotensiion and cardiac arrest.
Insecticide: Carbamates tox
Carbaryl, aldicarb, baygon.
Temporarily inhibit Ach esterase. Atropine is antidote.
Organochlorines ex and tox
DDT, chlordane, endrin, lindane, mirex.
CNS stimulants, NV, headache, dizziness, confusion, tremor, seizure. Deposits in body fat.
Pesticides: Rodenticides tox
Used to contain things like arsenic, thallium and barium, krebs cycle poisoin, and vacor. Most are now long acting anticoagulants; superwarfarins. ex. brodifacoum.
Treat with vit K, if hemorrhaging, treat with frozen plasma.
Vit K
Reverses hypocoaguability caused by warfarin like drugs like rodenticides. Also used in aspirin and acetaminophen OD.
Metal Fume Inhalation
Can get flu like symptoms called metal fume fever. 6-8 hour delayed onset. Welding glavanized metals is high risk from zinc oxide fumes.
Chemical asphyxiants
Impair aerobic energy metab despite aqequate O2 content in air.
-Methemoglobin formers
-carbon monoxide
-hydrogen sulfide
O2 is antidote
Used for carbon monoxide, cyanide, H2S hydrogen sulfide and methemoglobin formers but good anytime there is CNs, resp or cardiac compromise.
Methemoglobin Formers
Organic nitrite/nitrate compounds. Dosent carry O2. While will reverse when the toxin is released, can treat with methylene blue (not necessary if they are <20% methemoglobin.
Methylene Blue
Converts methemoglobin back to hemoglobin. Is first converted to Leukometheylene blue, then reacts with oxidized Fe3+ with NADPH dependent MetHb reductase to turn back to hemoglobin. In toxic amounts, methylene blue actually creates methemoglobin itself.
Cyanide Tox
Inactivates tissue cytochromes therefore can no longer accept O2. Rapid energy failure in brain and heart. Endogenous detox can be enhanced via sodium nitrite followed by sodium thiosulfate, or hydroxocobalamin.
Antidote for Cyanide. Attracts cyanide to form Vit B12. Turns patients skin, serum and urine bright red.
Nitrite plus thiosulfate
Antidote for cyanide poisoning. Nitrites induce methemoglobin attracting cyanide away from cytochrome complex. Thiosulfate provides a substrate for enzyme rhodanese which converts cyanide to thiocyanate which is less toxic and can be excreted.
Nitrite causes hypotension.
Carbon Monoxide Tox
Replaces O2 on hemoglobin forming carboxyhemoglobin which also prevents unloading.
Fetus is especially susceptible because fHg has higher affin for CO.
10-20: Headache, fatigue
20-30: Nasea, weakness, dizziness
30-40: Fainting confusion
40-60: Seizures, coma
60-80: Cardiovasc colapse.
Treat with O2
Hyperbaric O2
100% O2 in a preassurized chamber. Hyperoxygenates the blood by increasing O2 dissolved in plasma by 10x.
Considered for Carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and cyanide. The jurys still out on if it works.
Simple Asphyxiants
Displace alveolar O2 leading to hypoxemia. CO2, methane, Nitrogen. Treatment is removal from exposre and supplemental O2.
Pulmonary Irritants
Water soluable gasses such as chlorine, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. Damage the upper rep. tract and lung.
Remove exposure, possibly give O2.
Sulfur Dioxide
Water soluable air polutant gas, irritating to eye and upper rep, aerosol droplet gets to lower. Air pollution causes inflammation and spasm of airways, especially in asthmatics.
Phosgene (COCl2) tox
Gas, produced in any high heat decomposition of chlorine. Does not react with moisture in upper tract, goes to alveoli.
Progressive pulmonary edema, tachypnea, dyspnea, frothy cough, cyanosis.
Nitrogen Oxide Tox
Silo fillers disease. Caused by green crops which oxidise in storage and emmit the toxin. Penetrates deeply into the lungs. Get chemical alveolitis - inflammation of alveolar tissue. Cough, dyspnea, chest pain, pulmonary edema. Can relapse with bronchiolitis obliterans. Give steroids and O2
Bronchiolitis Obliterans
Lung condition where bronchioles are plugged by fibrous tissue. Cause by NO2 exposure. Also called popcorn workers lung b/c caused by inhillation of diacetyl.