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188 Cards in this Set

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pacemaker of heart

SA node

impulses travel form SA node to...

AV node

impulses then travel from AV node to...

Bundle of His

fast potentials occur in these three...

His-Purkinje system, atrial muscle, and ventricular muscle

from Bundle of His to...

left and right bundle branches

from left and right bundle branches to...

Purkinje fibers

_____ charged ions cover inner surface of heart cells

negatively charged ions

________ charged ions come in an out of cell to polarized, depolarize

positiely charged ions

phase 0 fast potential

influx of sodium, rapid depolarization

phase 1 fast potential

rapid partial repolarization

phase 2 fast potential

stable, calcium enters cell for contraction, DOES NOT INFLUENCE RHYTHM, just contractility

phase 3 fast potential

rapid repolarization, potassium extrusion, delay of this prolongs action potential duration and effective refractory period

phase 4 fast potential

stable or spontaneous depolarization via self excitation (automaticity), becoming it's own pacemaker anywhere in heart - aka dysrhythmias

phase 0 slow potential

slow influx of calcium

phase 1 of slow potential

non existant

phase 2 and 3 slow potential


phase 4 slow potential

spontaneous depolarization of SA and AV node

how does SA node work?

spontaneous depolarization of SA node faster than all other spontaneous depolarizations, so it usually discharges first and determines heart rate

excessive discharge of __________ neurons that innervate SA node can cause sinus tachycardia

sympathetic neurons

excessive ______________/____________ discharge can cause sinus bradychardia

vagal / parasympathetic

EKG letters?


p wave?

depolarization of atria


depolarization of ventricles

t wave?

repolarization of ventricles

long PR interval?

delayed AV node conduction

long QT interval?

delayed ventricular repolarization

digoxin depresses the ______ segment of ekg

ST segment

first degree atrioventriular block?

conduction through AV node delayed

2nd degree AV block?

conduction through AV node partial

3rd degree AV block?

nothing gets through AV node

reentrant dysrhtymias?

self sustaining circuit when one brance of Purkinje fibers blocked

2 types of tachycardias

supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias

which tachycardia worst for heart pump?

ventrucular tachycardia

treatment for supraventrucular tachycardia?

block AV node conduction instead of eliminating dysrhythmias

treatment of ventruclar dysrhythmias?

eliminate dysrhythmias

all dysrhythmia meds__________

are prodysrhythmias (worsten dysrhythmias)

class 1 antidysrhythmics?

block sodium channels, thus blocking phase 0 fast potentials in His-Purkinje, atria, and ventricles

class 1 antidysrhythmics _____________ QRS complex by slowing ventricular conduction


quinidine is class _____

class 1a

quinidine action

blocks sodium channels and delayes ventricular repolarization, so widens QRS and widens QT

side effects of quinidine?

diarrhea and GI symptoms

warning signs of quinidine induced dysrhythmia

widening of QRS by 50% or more

widening of QT by too much

quinidine ____________ digoxin level


lidocaine class______

1b agent

class 1b (digoxin) action

accelerate repolarization, gets rid of ST segment to do this

lidocaine only for ___________ dysthythmias

ventricular, not for supraventricular

lidocaine undergoes _______________

rapid inactivation by liver, so continuous IV infusion

propranolol and other class II drugs?

beta blockers, block beta1 receptors blocking calcium

action of class II beta blockers?

weakens sympathetic stimulation of heart thus decreasing SA nodal automaticity, AV conduction, and myocardial contractility

decreased AV conduction means ________ on EKG

widens PR interval

good for supraventricular tachycardias

propranolol, beta blockers. block calcium used for phase 0 depolarization of slow potentialin SA node

class III antidysrhythmics blocks _______

potassium channels used during repolarization of fast potential in phase 3 fast potential.

class III, potassium channel blockers action on EKG

porlong action potential duration, refractory period, widen QT interval

name one class III agent


amiodarone effective against

atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias but lots of side effects

4 side effects of class III amiodarone

lungs, eyes, liver, thyroid

donedarone (class iii) doubles risk of death in patients with _______

heart failure, atrial fibrillation

class IV antidysrhythmics

calcium channel blockers - Verapamil and diltiazem

action of verapamil and diltiazem?

slow ventricilar rate in A Fib

terminate SVT caused by AV reentrant circuit

suppress AV nodal conduction

drug of choice for paroxysmal SVT?


route for adenosine?

IV bolus

quinidine assessment (3)

ekg, liver function, BP

quinidine contraindicated for (4)

cinchona allergy, heart block, digoxin, QRS/QT

quinidine take with?


quinidine side effects (5)

diarrhea, cinchonism, cardiotoxicity, arterial embolism, digoxin

plasma levels of quinidine

2-5 mcg/mL

quinidine for?

atrial and ventricular dysthythmias


ventricular and supraventricular dysrhythmias, very toxic

procainamide assess (5)

ekg, cbc (blood), liver, kidney, BP

procainamide contra (3)

lupus, av block 2nd+, allergy

procainamide admin (2)

evenly spaced time, 3 hours between route change

procainamide plasma level

3-10 mcg/mL

procainamide side effects (4)

lupus like syndrome (SLE), blood count, QRS / PR, arterial embolism

lidocaine for

ventricular dysrhythmias

lidocaine assess (2)

ekg, bp

lidocaine contra (3)

stokes-adams, wolff-parkinson-white, AV/SA block

lidocaine admin

IV with 5% dextrose in water

IM - deltoid (IM rare)

lidocaine plasma level

1.5-5 mcg/mL

side effects of lidocaine (2)

seizures, respiratory

amiodarone for (3) (not safe)

a fib, v fib, AV nodal reentrant tachycardia

amiodarone assess (8)

ekg, eyes, chest x ray, potassium, magnesium, thyroid, pulmonary, liver

amiodarone contra (3)

sinus node, AV block, pregnant

amiodarone side effects (7)

pulmonary, heart failure, liver, thyroid, pregnant, eyes, sunscreen

amiodarone interactions (3)

grapefuit juice, diuretics, everything, CYP3A4

lipoproteins that contain this apolipoprotein transport cholesterol and/or TG (triglycerides) from liver to peripheral tissues

apolipoprotein B-100

lipoproteins that contain this apolipoprotein transport cholestrol from peripheral tissues back to liver

apolipoproteins A-I and A-II


very low density lipoprotein


low density lipoprotein


high density lipoprotein


arteriosclerotic vascular disease

elevatoin of _____ cholesterol increase risk of ASCVD


______ cholestrol, transports cholestrol back into liver



chronic inflammatory process, LDL's beneath arterial endothelium which is then oxidized

cholesterol screening?

every 5 years after age 20

treat of LDL based on?

10 year risk of major coronary event

2 criteria for highest risk group?

already have ASCVD


diet first choice, meds are _____


drugs for LDL?

statins, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors

statins action:

increase LDL receptors on hepatocytes (liver cells)

four statins that are metabolized by CYP3A4 and thus their levels can be increased in presence of CYP3A4 inhibitor (antibiotics, etc)

atorva, fluva, lova, simva

side effect of statins

liver damage, myopathy (derease muscle tissue)

elevated ALT and AST for liver

elevated creatine kinase for muscle

statin drug assessment

liver function test (liver enzyme test, ALT and AST)

creatine kinase


can lower LDL / TG and increase HDL but has side effects

niacin side effects (2)

flushed face - use aspirin or ibuprofen

liver damage

bile acid sequestrant (colesevelam)

prevent reabsorption of bile acids in intestine, GI side effects

name one bile aid sequestrant


admin for colesevelam

1 hour before or after other drugs (bile sequestrant for cholesterol)

name of nicotinic acid?


name of one statin


ezetimibe? (2)

lowers LDL in small intestine

muscle injury

one fibric acid derivative (fibrate) and what for and side effect

gemfibrozil for TG, muscle injury


is questran, old bild acid sequestrant for cholestrol, GI issues

risk factors of ASCVD (5)

smoking, age, hx of ASCVD, HDL < 40mg/dL, hypertension

cholestrol diet? (2)

cholestrol less than 200 mg/day

saturated fat less than 7%

statins contraindicated (2)

hepatitis, pregnant

lovastatin admin

evening meal

niacin contra (2)

liver, gout

niacin admin

with meals

niacin side effects (4)

flushing, hepatotoxiity, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia

cholestyramine and colesevelam admin

for these bile acid sequestrants:

fibroud pulpy fruit or apple sauce to counter impaction and esophageal irriation

special note on rosuvastatin?

asian, turns into double in blood

gemfibrozil special note

warfarin enhances by this fibrate used for TG and higher HDL

gemfibrozil SE (3)

gallstones, myopathy (esp with statins), liver disease

gemfibrozil admin

30 min before or after food for this TG cholestrol med

cause of anginal pain

not enough oxygen for cardiac oxygen demand

determine cardiac oxygen demand: (4)

heart rate, contractility, preload, afterload

three types of angina pectoris

chronic stable

variant (vasospastic)


cause of stable chronic angina

coronary artery atherosclerosis

cause of variant angina

coronary vasospasm

goal for stable chronic angina

reduce oxygen demand

goal for variant angina

increase oxygen supply

action of nitroglycerin for stable chronic angina

dilates veins, decreasing venous return, decreasing preload, decreasing o2 demand

action of nitroglycerin for variant angina

relaxes coronary vasospasm, increasing oxygen supply

nitroglycerin route

sublingual or patch

nitroglycerin SE (3)

headache, orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia

what to use for nitroglycerin induced tachycardia: (3)

beta blocker, verapamil, or diltiazem (-pine ccb will affect heart rhythm)

nitroglycerin admin note:

must take off patch for 8 hours every 24 hours to avoid tolerance (sulfhydryl depletion)

adverse nitroglycerin (2)

no sildenafil (viagra), or PDE5 inhibitors

beta blocker as primary med for stable angina action:

decreate oxygen demand by decreaing heart rate and contractility, fixed schedule only

CCB action as primary med for stable angina:(2)

decrease afterload

reduce heart rate / contractility

CCB action as primary med for variant angina (1)

increase oxygen supply by relaxing coronary artery spasm

if CCB combined with beta blocker, use this CCB


ranolazine use and action

along with beta blocker, nitrate, or ccb

helps heart generate energy more efficiently

for MI and death use: (2)

antiplatelet (aspirin, clopidogrel)

cholesterol lowering drug

hemostasis steps (2)

platelet plug, coagulation (fibrin)

two steps before fibrin for coagulation forms

factor Xa > thrombin > fibrin

__________degrades fribrin meshworks of clots


____ a blood clot formed within a blood vessel or atria of heart


arterial thrombi made of (2)

platelet plug, fibrin

venous thrombi made of (1)

fibrin (later rbc and other get stuck on it)

two antiplatelet drugs

aspirin, clopidogrel

two anticoagulants (anti fibrin)

heparin, warfarin

arterial thrombi best treated by

antiplatelet (aspirin, clopidogrel)

venous thrombi best treated by

anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin)

trade name of clopidogrel?

plavix, antiplatelet

heparin action

helps antithrombin destroy thrombin and factor Xa which form fibrin (coagulant)

antidote to heparin

protamine sulfate


low platelets

heparin monitered by


normal aPTT

40 seconds

target aPTT with heparin

60-80 seconds

1.5x to 2x

LMW heparins bind to _______ preferentially as anticoagulant

to factor Xa

LMW heparins bioavailbility high because

don't bind to random unecessary plasma proteins and tissues

name two LMW heparins:



benefit of LMW heparin

specific binding means we know the level so safe for home without constant testing

warfarin action for anticoagulation

prevents activation of vitamin K


warfarin route


heparin route

sub cut


warfarin used for (2)

VTE (venous thromboembolism)

stroke and embolism in a fib

warfarin monitored using PT expressed as


target INR for warfarin patients

2 to 3

genetic bleeding risk with warfarin (2)



warfarin antidote

vitamin K

warfarin drug interactoins

avoid all drugs

oral anticoagulant (newer than warfarin)


aspirin action as antiplatelet

inhibition of cyclooxygenase

aspirin for (3)

MI, angina, stroke

aspirin dose

80-325 mg/day

clopidogrel (plavix) action as antiplatelet

blocks p2Y-12ADP receptors on platelet

clopidogrel pharmokinetics

prodrug, needs conversion with help of enzyme CYP2C19

one thrombolytics (clot destruction) med

tPA, alteplase aka fibrinolytic

action of thrombolytics drugs

covert plasminogen to plasmin which degrades fibrin matrix of thrombi

thrombolytics drug use

started early, 4-6 hours after MI

thrombolitic drug alteplase (tPA) risk

intracranial hemorrhage, bleeding

fibrinolysis contraindicated for STEMI when (4)

s bp over 180, face trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, pregnant

routine therapy for suspected STEMI (3)

oxygen, morphine, nitroglycerin

lower risk of second MI with (4)

beta blocker


antiplatelet or warfarin


average bleeding time

1-9 min