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135 Cards in this Set

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Cox inhibitors work to
decrease pain, suppress inflammation, decrease fever, protect against mi and stroke
Which COX inhibitors work to protect against mi and stroke? arthritis?
ASA only one that woks to protect. Arthritis only non asa nsaids
Adv effect of cox inhibitors
renal problems gastric ulcers
COX 1 work in which tissues? Cox2?
all tissues- housekeeper
cox2 at injury site
which drugs have anti-inflammatory properties? without antiimflammatory properties
with-nsaids, asa, motrin, naproxin, celebrex
without- tylenol
1st generation nsaids inhibit___________ second generation inhibit _______
cox1 and 2
Cox 2 (less adv more risk mi/stroke)
1st generation nsaids are used to tx ____________ they can cause ______________
inflammatory do (alleviate mild-mod pain, antipyretic, relieve dysmennorhea)
cause ulcers (cox1 is protective for stomach)
Aspirin is the drug of choice for ______________
Adverse effect of aspirin
GI/renal problems (to reverse renal stop drug) Reye syndrom in children, hypersensitivity (swelling tongue and throat)
Celebrex is a __________ NSAID it is used to ___________
2nd generation NSAID, tx osteoarthritis, RA, ankylosing spondylitis, acute pain and dysmennorrhea it decreases inflammation and pain
Aspirin suppresses ____________-
platelet aggregation so prevent mi and stroke
Celebrex does not suppress plt aggregation so increased risk of
mi stroke
adv effects of celebrex
dyspepsia, abd pain, heartburn, belching, renal toxicity
Celebrex should not be given to
renal or heart pts or if sulfa allergy
Aspirin should not be taken with ____________
Acetaminophen has no __________ and ___________ actions
antiinflammatory and antirheumatic
OD of acetaminophen causes
liver damage- increased risk in etoh
early s/s acetaminophen toxicity
n/v/d/sweating abd discomfort
Late s/s acetaminophen toxicity
hepatic necrosis
When giving acetylcysteine for best results it should be given within ___________hours, you should dilute it with __________-
8-10 hours, dilute with 50mg/ml h20,juice, soda
IT tastes and smells horrible
Using COx for chronic pain you should first try _____ then _______ then ___________ then last resort is
non drug, tylenol or asa, non selective nsaid (motrin, naproxen), cox2
S/s of renal impairment with aspirin and tx
decreased UO, conc urine, increased bun creat, wt gain.
STOP DRUG can be reversed
RA is an __________ ________ response with s/s
autoimmune, inflammatory response that causes joint pain, fever, wt loss, thinning of skin
There are 3 classes of antiarthritic drugs
NSAIDS(start with) DMARDS (can give with NSAIDS) GLUCOCORTICOIDS(while waiting for dmard to take effect)
DMARDS take ____ to work
weeks to months
This class is the 1st choice for RA
NSAID- start w/ 1st generation, one nsaid may work different for each person
Oral Glucocorticoids are used for ______________ symptoms in RA if 1-2 joints are affected _____ may be given
generalized symptoms,
intraarticular injection
Long term tx with glucocorticoids are limited to pts that
don't respond to all other options
Name a glucocorticoid
prednisone or prednisolone
DMARDS can be __________ or _____________
non biologic (sm molecule, synthetic) biologic
Methotrexate is a ____________
non biologic dmard
Methotrexate works in ____ you must watch for these adverse effects
3-6 weeks,
Liver, bone marrow suppression, pneuminitis, gi ulcers
The Biologic DMARDS are _______________ antagonists
tumor necrosis factor
Etanercept is the 1st TNF antagonist used it is used for _________RA, it workers ______________that methotrexate
mod-severe RA,
better than methotrexate and faster
Big SE's of etanercept is
injection site reaction (itching, red, swollen) and Serious Infection
Etanercept should not be used in
liver or heart pts
Remicade is a _________ that is given widely to ________
biologic DMARD,
decrease symptoms and delay progression of RA (often given with methotrexate)
Adv effect of Remicade include, it shouldnt be given to
HA, infection, infusion reaction,
B-lymphocyte depleting drug that is used for RA ________-
Rituximab is used with ___________ in pts that havent responded to
methotrexate, 1 or more TNF antagonists
Serious ADV effect of rituximab include
INFUSION REACTION- happens withi 30-120 min dec bp, broncospasm, angioedema, hypoxia, pulm infiltrates, mi, cardiogenic shock. TO PREVENT PREMEDICATE WITH ANTIHYSTAMINE AND TYLENOL also causes hep b reactivation, flu like symptoms
Minocycline is a ____________ used for watch for this adv reaction _____
tetracycline antibiotic, used to improve morning stiffness, pain, tenderness in RA, takes 12weeks to 12 mos to see effect watch for RASH
Hydroychloroquine is a ___________ drug given with methotrexate that can _____________ takes ____________ for result and can cause this toxicity _____
antimalarial, can improve long term outcome, 3-6mos for result, toxicic retinal damage *get eye exam b4 starting
What is the 1st choice tx for gout? second?
NSAID, GLUCOCORTECOIDS (not in hyperglycemia)
Colchicine is an _________ with what adv effect, use caution in which pts
antiinflamatory, GI symptoms, if given IV very dangerous, caution in elderly, heart, renal, gi pts
Allopurinal decreases ______________ and is used for
production of uric acid, chronic tophaceous gout and gout 2nd to chemo
adv effect of allopurinal is
hypersensitivity (rash, temp, eosinophilia, rf, lf) D/c immediatly mild se gi/neuro metallic taste
Probenecid ____________of uric acid adv effects include _______
increases excretion, adv gi/hypersensitivity/kidney
Sulfinpyrazone ______________ of uric acid and is contraindicated in
inhibits reabsorption of uric acid, SULFA ALLERGY
Defensive factors of PUD
mucous, bicarb, blood flow and prostaglandins
Aggressive factors of PUD
h. pylori (most common) NSAIDS, gastric acid, pepsin, smoking
Antibiotics are used as an antiulcer drug for this cause of PUD
h pylori
amoxicillian major se
clarythromycin major s/e's
distortion of taste, n/d
bismuth is a _____ drug used to ___________ h pylori its se include
topical - lyse h pylori, harmless black tongue and stool, with long term neurologic injury
Tetracycline s/e
staining of teeth, not for pregnant or kids
Flagyl s/e and teaching
HA, avoid alcohol and pregnancy
Tindamax teaching should include avoiding
h2 receptor antagonists are the 1st choice for _________
gastric duodenal ulcer
An h2 receptor antagonist that decreases volume of gastric juices and hydrogen ion concentration is
Cimetidine (tagament)
Tagament can cross ____ drug of choice for ___ and preventative for ______ it should be taken
BBB, Gerd, prevent aspiration pneumitis (60-90 min b4 anesthesia) take with meals
s/e tagament include
gynecomastia, decreased libido, impotence, hallucinations, confusion
For a duodenal ulcer tagament takes ______ wks for a gastric ulcer ______wks
4-6, 8-12
With tagament the dose should be decreased in ______ patients
Ranitidine (zantac_ is __________ than cimetidine with less
more potent less se
Pepcid should be taken
1hr b4 meals with h20
Nizatidine (Axid) should be taken ____ its risk for
bedtime or 30min b4 meals if heartburn, risk for pneumonia and increased platelet
Zollinger ellison syndrome is a
hypersecretion of gastric acid and development of peptic ulcer
This drugs suppress secretion of gastric acid
Proton Pump inhibitors
Proton Pump Inhibitors are preferred for pud r/t ____
nsaid use
PPI include
Omeprazole (prilosec) all other ZOLE
Prilosec is used for
short term therapy of duodenal, gastric ulcers, erosive esophagitis and GERD and for long term therapy of hypersecretory conditions liek zollinger ellison syndrome
Adverse effects of prilosec include
ha/d/n/v long term therapy gastric cancer or hip fracture
Antacids are used for
adv effects of antacids include
constipation, diarrhea, sodium loading,
Pepcid should be taken
1hr b4 meals with h20
Pepcid should be taken
1hr b4 meals with h20
Nizatidine (Axid) should be taken ____ its risk for
bedtime or 30min b4 meals if heartburn, risk for pneumonia and increased platelet
Zollinger ellison syndrome is a
hypersecretion of gastric acid and development of peptic ulcer
Nizatidine (Axid) should be taken ____ its risk for
bedtime or 30min b4 meals if heartburn, risk for pneumonia and increased platelet
This drugs suppress secretion of gastric acid
Proton Pump inhibitors
Zollinger ellison syndrome is a
hypersecretion of gastric acid and development of peptic ulcer
Proton Pump Inhibitors are preferred for pud r/t ____
nsaid use
This drugs suppress secretion of gastric acid
Proton Pump inhibitors
Proton Pump Inhibitors are preferred for pud r/t ____
nsaid use
PPI include
Omeprazole (prilosec) all other ZOLE
PPI include
Omeprazole (prilosec) all other ZOLE
Prilosec is used for
short term therapy of duodenal, gastric ulcers, erosive esophagitis and GERD and for long term therapy of hypersecretory conditions liek zollinger ellison syndrome
Prilosec is used for
short term therapy of duodenal, gastric ulcers, erosive esophagitis and GERD and for long term therapy of hypersecretory conditions liek zollinger ellison syndrome
Adverse effects of prilosec include
ha/d/n/v long term therapy gastric cancer or hip fracture
Adverse effects of prilosec include
ha/d/n/v long term therapy gastric cancer or hip fracture
Antacids are used for
Antacids are used for
adv effects of antacids include
constipation, diarrhea, sodium loading,
adv effects of antacids include
constipation, diarrhea, sodium loading,
Sucralfate promotes ulcer healing by
creating a protective barrier against acid and pepsin
Sucralfate adverse
Serotonin antagonists are a subclass of ________ drugs they are most effective to stop
antiemetic- stop n/c from anticancer drugs, radiations and anesthesia
Common ending of serotonin antagonists are
To suppress CINV(chemo induced n/v) a ________ of drugs is most effective
___________ are the most effective antidiarrheal agens
travelers diarrhea can be treated with
loperaminde, a fluroquinolone abx like cipro or azithromycin (for pregnant women and kids)
________ IS the most common disorder of gi tract
Alosetron can cause
ischemic colitis and constipation it is used for IBS-D in women
Ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease are treated with
5aminosalicylates (sulfasalazine), glucocorticoids (dexamethasone) immunosuppressants and abx
Palifermin is the first drug approved to decrease
oral mucositis
Adv effect of palifermin are
rash, erythema, edema, pruritis, distortion of taste
Metoclopramide(reglan) is a ________ agent used to
prokinetic agent, used to suppress post op n/v and emesis with chemo, radiation, and opiods
Reglan adv effects include
with long ter/high dose- tarditve dyskinesia - do not use in obstruction , hemorrhage or perf of gi tract
Scopalamine is used for_______ it is a _________
motion sickness, muscarinic antagonist
Name 2 glucocorticoids used to suppress CINV
decadron, solumedrol
2 drug classes for asthma
anti inflammatory or bronchodilator
what is the anti inflammatory drug class used for asthma and how often is it given
glucocorticoids- fixed schedual
what is the bronchodilator given for asthma and how is it given
beta 2 agonist, fixed or prn
Cromolyn (Intal) is a _____ tx for asthma it has very few adv effects includeing
prophylactic drug that suppresses inflammation- cough and broncospasm
b2 agonists are the most effective for ______________
acute broncospasm and prevention of EIB
SE of albuterol
tachy, angina, tremor
oral b2 agonists are only for ______________ and should not be used alone
long term control-not 1st line
Leukotriene modifiers suppress effects of leukotrienes resulting in
decreased inflammation, dec bronchoconstriction, dec edema, dec mucous
Montelukast(singulair) is the ___________- you get a max effect within ____ hrs and it is taken every night
most common leukotriene modifier, 24 hrs, NOT PRN`
Singulair is used to
dec nocturnal awakening, increase morning lung fx, decrease need for b2 agonist
Formoterol is a _________ it should be added 2 regimen that inadequate conrrol with __________ it takes ________ for bronchodilation
long acting b2, glucocorticoid, 1-3 min
Glucocoricoids can be inhaled, iv or oral they will _______________ used for ________ they are given on a __________
suppress inflammation, prophylaxis of chronic asthma, fixed schedual
adv effect of inhaled glucocorticoids
adrenal suppression/boneloss/candidias/dysphoria
after using inhaled glucocorticoids pt should
to prevent bone loss with glucocorticoids pt should
use lowest dose possible, adequate calcium/vit d, weight bearing exercise
Do you need a spacer with flovent
inhaled glucocorticoids should not be used in children because they
suppress growth
resp distress assessment look at
rr, assesory muscle use, color, sat, lung sounds, loc
Theophilline has a narrow therapeutic index of
You see mild signs at 20-25mcg/ml theophylline including
If emergency theophylline is given
At theophylline level greater than 30 you will see
v fib, convultions GIVE CHARCOAL
__________ causes metabolism of theophilline to increase
Zyrtec side effects
phargitis, dry mouth, nose, throat drowsiness