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62 Cards in this Set

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T/F: Pharmokinetics are very important to study
T: gives predicatbility to drug effects, guides dosing (amt, time, dose form), important for dealing w/ narrow safety ranges
Minimum effective concentration (MEC)
Lowest plasma concentration required to cause measurable response
Onset of action
When plasma levels reach MEC
Highest plasma concentration (greatest risk for toxic/adverse rxn at peak plasma concentration)
Duration of action
Time period when plasma concentration is above MEC
Therapeutic index/range
Ration between toxic dose and effective dose (Lethal dose (LD) in 50% of population, and Effective dose (ED) in 5% of population)
Close to 1, more narrow the index = greater the risk of toxicity
Narrow TI = monitor plasma drug levels and drug effects
Time it takes after absorption, for 50% of drug to be eliminated
4-5 half-lives to eliminate 98% of drug
Half-life helps determine duration of action
Multiple dosing
Dose approximately every half-life in order to maintain steady-state blood levels (equilibrium between drug transfer in and out of plasma)
Takes 4-5 half-lives to reach steady state blood levels
Loading doses
Giving higher than maintenance doses in order to rapidly reach steady-state blood levels
How are plasma drug levels monitored?
Give drug on time
Draw blood, document: time drawn and time drug given, label/order correct test
Peak and trough drug levels
Ordered for drugs w/ narrow TI
At least 4 doses given (steady state reached)
Give drug on time and document
Draw blood at proper time
If dosing schedule interrupted talk w/ lab, MD, reschedule blood draw
Draw blood at peak of drug action
Draw blood immediately before next dose of drug
Factors influencing pharmocokinetics
Condition of ADME
Drug dissolution
Route of admin
Drug-receptor interaction theory
Drugs interact w/ receptor in lock-and-key fashion; only certain keys fit certain locks
Rate interaction theory
Rate of binding determines type and intensity of response
Drug w/ greater affinity/concentration will attach to receptor more often = more intense response
Combines w/ receptor = response
combines w/ receptor = inhibits agonist
T/F: Pure antagonists are the same as antagonists.
F: Pure have their own action
Competitive antagonist
Has higher affinity for receptor, can displace agonist AT receptor, can be OVERCOME by higher concentration of agonist
Non-competitive antagonist
Cannot be overcome by higher concentrations of agonist
Additive drug interaction
Combined effect of 2 similar drugs that act at same receptor
Potentiation drug interaction
Effect of one drug increased by the 2nd (absorption, concentration at receptor; decreased metabolism, slow excretion)
Synergism drug interaction
Combined effect greater than each drug alone
Inhibition drug interaction
Decrease in:
Concentration at receptor
Increase in:
Side effect drug rxn
Any effect other than the primary therapeutic effect
Adverse drug rxn
Noxious, unwanted/unintended rxn occurring at "normal doses"
Severe drug rxn
Toxicity (may be d/t excessive dosing)
T/F: No drug rxn is acceptable.
F: weigh risk vs. benefit, doesn't necessarily require stopping the drug
T/F: Allergies and hypersensitivity are the same thing.
F: Hypersensitivity is any excessive rxn, allergies are histamine-mediated immune responses that require sensitization (state of hypersensitivity)
Idiosyncratic effect
Uncommon response, may be d/t genetic disposition
Anaphylactic rxn
Life threatening! S/S:
Edema at injection site
Itching of throat/mouth/palms/soles of feet
Bronchospasm (wheezing)
Laryngospasm (stridor/airway compromise)
Vascular collapse (hypotension, tachycardic)
Treatment of anaphylaxis
Epinephrine 1 mg IV/ET (less severe 0.3-0.5 mg IM/sq)
Airway management (intubation, O2)
Antihistamine (Benadryl) IV
Corticosteroids (Solumedrol) IV
Fluid resuscitation
Vasopressors (dopamine)
<3 monitoring
Hives (Urticaria)
Wheals w/ pruritis (watch in mouth = AIRWAY!)
Tx: stop drug, antihistamines, corticosteroids
Serum sickness (type III)
Skin rashes, edema
Fever, joint pains (arthralgia)
Anaphylaxis if untreated!
Tx: stop drug, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, antihistamines
Erythema multiformae
Delayed rxn
Circular edematous lesions (bulls-eye lesions)
Necrosis of lesions = infection
Tx: stop drug, corticosteroids, wound care
Steven-Johnson syndrome
More severe form of eyrthema multiformae
Lesions involve MM and skin = can errode = PAIN!
Joint pain, fever, malaise
Tx: stop drug, symptom management, corticosteroids/antibiotics, wound care
Death from lesion infections can occur!
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Severe form of erythema multiformae
Skin sloughs
Tx: stop drug, antibiotics/corticosteroids, wound care (isolation?)
Skin rxn = rash, sunburns easy
Tx: avoid sun exposure, clothing, sunscreen, client teaching to avoid sunburn
T/F: the most common GI rxn is N/V
T: take w/ food/milk if possible
Stop drug if necessary
Diarrhea GI rxn
May need to stop drug
Antibiotics: teach client to eat yogurt or Lactobacillus products
Pseudomembraneous colitis: C. diff overgrowth in gut (worsening diarrhea, mucous/blood stool = stop drug, tx)
GI bleeding
Drugs act as irritants = increase acid and/or affect blood clotting
Tx: stop drug, use gastric acid blocking agents
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, caffeine, corticosteroids
Malabsorption syndrome
Fat soluble vitamins
Reduced renal function = renal failure (acute/chronic)
Higher risk w/ existing renal disease
Monitor BUN, creatinine, UO
Maintain good hydration w/ pre-hydrate/Mannitol (EF solute)
Monitor therapeutic blood levels w/ high risk drugs
Tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss
Tx: stop drug, hearing loss may be irreversible
Prevent: monitor, teach people symptoms
Drugs: aspirin, loop diuretics
Reduced LOC
Risk greater w/ pre-existing neuro disease/injury
Tx: stop drug, manage symptoms
T/F: behavioral changes can be a sign of a nuero rxn
Paradoxical rxn
Opposite of expected therapeutic effects
Etrapyramidal rxn
Parkinsonian symptoms
Tx: stop drug, reduce dose, anticholinergic agents
Irregularities in cardiac rhythm
Arrhythmogenic drugs
may directly interfere w/ cardiac conduction or sensitize myocardium to epinephrine/norepinephrine
Drugs: stimulations, some anesthetics
Tx: stop drug, cardiac monitoring, treat dysrhythmias
Myocardial toxicity
Direct damage to myocardial tissue
Causes cardiomyopathy = lead to CHF
Tx: stop drug, montior <3 functions, symptom management
Drugs: lead, some antineoplastics, illicit drugs
Cardiac vasoconstriction
Cause reduced circulation to myocardium
MI if severe enough
Tx: stop drug, manage symptoms
Drugs: cocaine, meth
Blood dyscrasias
Dysfunction of blood forming organs
Bone marrow depression
Reduced: WBC, RBC, platelets
Severe aplastic anemia
lack of production of all cells
Hemolytic anemia
direct RBC distruction
Can cause renal failure if heme molecules clump in glomerulus
Tx: stop drugs, corticosteroids
WBC: Neupogen
RBC: O2, transfusion, epogen
platelets: safety, transfusion, Oprevelkin
looks like viral form (elevated enzymes - ALT, AST, jaundice)
Tx: stop drug, corticosteroids
Drugs: Tylenol, antilipemic drugs
Ability to cause cancer
Dose related risk (higher dose, higher risk)
Drugs: antineoplastics, anabolic steroids
Prevent: minimize exposure
Ability to cause birth defects
Most risk in 1st trimester
TEACH! Avoid drugs throughout pregnancy - only w/ approval of HCP
Agents: many! alcohol, antineoplstics, anticonvulsants, etc.
Teratogen Scale
A = no harm, B, C = consider use carefully, D avoid, X absolutely not
If high risk exposure = US exams to assess for injury/malformation, counseling r/t malformation, implications for tx and/or decision to continue pregnancy
Factors affecting adverse drug rxn
Age (elderly, infants)
Gender (women higher chance, > w/ fat soluble drugs)
Race/genetic disposition (differences in metabolism, receptor reactivity
Hx of allergies/asthma
Current disease state
Drug related factors