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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the antiparkinson drugs...3
dopaminergic, anticholinergic, MAO-B inhibitors
What are the drugs for sleep/anxiety... 2
barbiturates and nonbariturates-benzodiazepines, nonbenzodiazepines
What are the drugs taken for depression... 4
SSRI's, Tricyclics, MAO Inhibitors, Monocyclic
What are the drugs taken for seizures...5
Barbiturates, hydantoins, benzodiazepines, gabapentin, valporic acid
What are the antipsychotic drugs...3
phenothiazines, lithium, haloperidol
What are the actions of Cholinergic Drugs
stimulate the PSNS by acting like acetylcholine
What are the uses for Cholinergic drugs
Glaucoma, Myasthenia Gravis, Urinary retention
What are the side effects of Cholinergic drugs
N/V/D, H/A, abdominal cramping, excessive salization, lacrimation, bradycardia, hypotension, bronchoconstriction,
What are eh nursing implications for Cholinergic drugs and urinary retention
Given specifically for inability to urinate, accurate output, check after 5-15 mins after SQ
What are the side effects of Anticholinergic drugs
dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, photophobia, constipation, drowsiness, confusion, urinary retention
atropine, scopolamine transdermal patch, glycopyrolate (Robinul)
Anticholinergic drugs
What are the nursing implications for Anticholinergic drugs
Good mouth care, Saftey precautions, FF and fiber, check for urinary retention, wear sunglasses because of photophobia
produces relaxation
induces sleep... Sleeper
What is the physiological actions of barbiturates
CNS depression via inhibitory effect on nerve impulses
How do pt. respond to barbiturates
decreased perception of stimuli, Decrease REM sleep, Slows GI motility, Large doses will depress RR
What are the common side effects of barbiturates
Drowsiness, hypersensitivity, paradoxiacal reactions, decreased RR, B/P
What are barbiturates used for
Antianxiety/sleeper, anticonvulsant (epilepsy and seizures), augment anesthesia
Short acting barbiturates
"pentothal- ultra short acting (truth serium)
Long acting barbiturates (seizures)
What are the actions of Nonbarbitureates
CNS depression, provide claming effect
What are the uses of nonbarbitureates
hypnotic, preoperative medication, sedative/tranquilizer
What are the side effects of nonbarbitureates
"vertigo, dizziness, oversedation,
benzodiazepines (nonbarbitureates)
"flurazepam (Dalmane)
nonbenzodiazepines (nonbarbitureates)
"chloral hydrate (Noctec)
What are the nursing implications for nonbarbitureates
Orthostatic hypotension, withdraw slowly, contraindicated w/pregnancy and breast feeding
What are the actions of anticonvulsants
reduce seizure activity by reducing excitability of neurons
What are the nursing implications for the use of Hydantoins for seizures
poorly absorbed IM- so give PO or IV, may develop anemia, hypertophy of gums, w/no sedation
Benzodiapepines for seizures
"diazepam (Valium)
Other antiseizure menications for long-term control
"valporic acid(Depakene, Depakote)
What are the nursing implications for anticonvulsants
Do not discontinue suddenly- medical monitoring and lab tests, medi-alert tag, restrictions of activities, Good oral hygiene and dental care
What is the action of Dopaminergic agents as a Antiparkinsonian
Invrease the amount or potentiate action of dopamine
What are the side effects of dopaminergic agents as a antiparkinsonian
orthostatic hyptenstion, cardiac dysrrhythmias, N/V/A, mental confusion,
What are the most serious side effects for dopaminergic agents as a antiparkinsonian
dystonic movements- muscle spasm, choreiform movements- muscle twitching (face/limbs)
What are the dopaminergic agents as a antiparkinsonian
"levodopa (Dopar)
What are the nursing implications for dopaminergic agents as an antiparkinsonian
Educate about dietary restictions, monitor side effects and B/P and P, saftey issures
What are the actions for MAO-B inhibitors as an antiparkinsonian
decrease MAO-B from catabolizing dopamine and there for increase dopamine
What are the side effects for MAO-B inhibitors as an antiparkinsonian
mild nausea, lightheadedness, insomnia and confusion