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38 Cards in this Set

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Rx Methimazole

10 mg 3 tabs QD

Methimazole vs. Propylthiouracil

methimazole has longer ½ life – QD dosing vs. propylthiouracil which is TID; Propylthiouracil inhibits peripheral deiodination (T4 to T3); better if pregnant; 3-8 weeks to work
ADRs: propylthiouracil
BLACK BOX: liver failure; Agranulocytosis
Workup before prescribing methimazole?
Get baseline CBC w/ diff; tell pt they need to report sore throat, fever
risk for agranulocytosis
Risk of “forties” – doses >40 mg/day methimazole; pts >40 y/o
ADRs: methimazole
agranulocytosis? N/V, skin pigmentation, joint pain, hepatitis, nephritis
Rx Levothyroxine
100 mcg QD
Most sensitive/reliable test for hypothyroidism
serum TSH (Evaluate at 35 y/o, then q5y)
What is Liothyronine (Cytomel)
can be used fro hypothyroid; only contains T3
Levothyroxine = best b/c…
Free of antigenicity, Long half-life, Allows for careful/exact titration, “Cost effective”
Monitoring pt taking levothyroxine
TSH q4-8wks till stable, then q 6-12 mo
ADRs: levothyroxine
unlikely; insomnia, tachycardia, nervousness
drugs that Increase metabolism of levothyroxine
Carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampin, sertraline
drug that Impairs T4 to T3 conversion
Myxedema coma Tx
corticosteroids, then levothyroxine
Non-steroidal compounds w/ estrogenic properties
Flavones, Isoflavones, Coumestan derivatives
Lifestyle mod. for menopause
Diet, exercise, healthy wt; no smoking, limit EtOH
Tx “hot flashes”
mild → lifestyle changes; mod/severe → hormone therapy (paroxetine)
Estrogen oral
Premarin 0.625 one tab QD (3 wks on, 1 wk off)
Estrogen patch
Estradiol transdermal patch (weekly) 00.25 mg/24 hrs
Estrogen/medroxyprogesterone oral
PremPro 0.625 mg/2.5 mg one tab QD
Rx Medroxyprogesterone
5 mg one tab QD x5-10d (starting Day 16 or 21 of cycle)
Indication for medroxyprogesterone
amenorrhea, menopause, ART (Or: maintenance of pregnancy, endometriosis)
ADRs: medroxyprogesterone
wt gain, abd pain, menstrual issues
Estrogen/Progestin oral
Loestrin 1/20 - 1 cycle (28 tabs) one tab QD
ADRs: Loestrin
nausea, wt gain, mood changes, mastalgia, thrombophlebitis
Rx Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid
Axiron soln – 30 mg/actuation 90 ml (apply 60 mg to axilla same time each morning)
Anabolic-androgenic steroids only work IF
Prior/continued strength training, high caloric/protein diet; Measured via single repetition max wt
ADRs: AA steroid use (normal)
wt gain, gynecomastia, cardiac (high LDL, low HDL, high BP, stroke/MI risk), liver issues (benign tumors), long PTT
ADRs: AA steroid abuse
endocrine (impotence, shrinkage, low T4), hematological (high Hgb, Hct), dermatological (acne, baldness)
Rx Glucocorticoids
Prednisone – 5 to 60 mg QD
ADRs: prednisone
osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, wt gain, glaucoma, depression/euphoria
ADRs prednisone assoc. w/ Long term, large doses
adrenal & immune suppression; osteoporosis, seizure risk, repressed growth velocity
Caution using prednisone if:
HF, diabetes, electrolyte disturbances, renal impairment
ADRs: mineralocorticoids
edema, HTN, delirium, peptic ulcers, hives, etc
Rx mineralocorticoid
Fludrocortisone (Florinef) - 0.1 mg QD
Fludrocortizone labeled for
Addison’s, Tx of salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome (In Addison’s: only 3x/week; pair w/ cortisone)
Off-label fludrocortisone?

idiopathic orthostatic HOTN w/ increased Na+ intake