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30 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 bile acid binding agents? Which is used and why?
Cholestyramine - poor palatability, Colestipol, COLESEVELAM - large, hard to swallow tablet, low AE
What is the MOA of bile acid binding agents?
Prevent reabsorption (recycling) of bile acids in GI, upregulate cholesterol 7-alpha hydroxylase for the synthesis of new bile acid
Upregulate LDL receptors
What are the actions of bile acid binding agents on LDL, HDL, TG?
Dec LDL modestly
Inc HDL barely
Inc TG (AE! esp if TG elevated)
What are the side effects of bile acid binding agents?
GI distress, constipation (bc poop them out)
Decreased absorption of other drugs, lipophilic drugs (statins)
What is the CI for bile acid binding agents?
Elevated TGs!
When are bile acid binding agents used?
Monotx not often bc not potent
Combo with statins, Atorvastatin (additive effect)
What is the MOA of plant stanol esters and sterol esters?
Preferentially form micelle instead of cholesterol bc substituted by sterols
What is the MOA of ezetimibe?
Selectively inhibits absorption of cholestrol at GI brush border
What are the effects of cholesterol absorption inhibitors (plant stanol esters, sterol esters, ezetimibe) on LDL, TG, HDL?
Dec LDL modestly
Dec TG somewhat
Inc HDL barely
What are the uses of cholesterol absorption inhibitors (plant stanol esters, sterol esters, ezetimibe)?
Monotx not often (not potent)
Combo with statin, Simvastatin (additive)
What is the MOA for the nicotinic acid (Niacin)- B vitamin?
DEC FFA mobilization, less TG synthesis!
DEC HDL uptake
What are the effects of niacin on LDL, TG, and HDL?
Dec LDL, modestly
Dec TG, significantly
Inc HDL, significantly
What effect does niacin have on endothelium and how do you treat this?
Causes release of PG's --> flushing, itching, hypotension, transient HA
Pretreat with PG-inhibitor, aspirin or give extended release form
What 5 AE's does niacin cause? Where is it CI?
Hyperglycemia, by dec glucose tolerance (Diabetes)
Upper GI distress (Peptic ulcers)
Hyperuricemia, can't excrete uric acid (Gout)
Hepatotoxicity, LFTs (Liver disease)
Myopathy (don't use with fibric acids or additive myopathy)

only use EXTENDED RELEASE form bc of liver toxicity
What are the 2 fibric acids (fibrates)? Which is preferred?
Gemfibrozil, FENOFIBRATE (less toxic, less doses)
What is the MOA of the fibrates?
INC Lipoprotein lipase activity, breaks down TG to LDL
Activate PPARalpha, inc apoA --> HDL

PPAR takes longer bc affecting gene transcription
What effects do fibrates have on LDL, TG, HDL?
Dec LDL modestly --BUT can transiently INC LDL bc lipoprotein lipase breaks down TG to LDL
Dec TG, significantly
Inc HDL, significantly
What are the side effects of fibrates?
Dyspepsia (assoc with peptic ulcer dz), MYOPATHY
What are the side effects of gemfibrozil?
Gallstones, drug interactions, anticoagulants (Warfarin), rhabdomyalysis
Where are fibrates CI?
Severe renal or hepatic dz
What are the statins and what are their relative strengths?
Rosuvastatin > Simvastatin > Pravastatin/Lovastatin > Fluvastatin (except in HDL increase, Atorvastatin dec increase with higher dose)
Really Awkward Sex Post-Lame Foreplay
What is the MOA of statins?
Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, rate-limiting step of cholesterol synthesis from acetyl-CoA
Upregulates LDL receptors
What are the effects of statins on LDL, TG, HDL?
Dec LDL, significantly
Dec TG, significantly
Inc HDL, significantly (atorvastatin paradoxical)

Most POTENT cholesterol lowering drug
What are the side effects of statins? Where are they CI?
Myopathies!! (myalgia, myositis (elev CK), rhabdomyolysis (with renal damage)) -- rosuvastatin can't be dosed higher. Monitor CK levels

Liver Dz: CHECK LFTs

Pregnancy bc fetus needs cholesterol

Drug interactions, many: don't take with Fibrates (myopathies) and nicotinic acid and p450 inhibitors
What is the rule of 6's?
Each doubling of a dose of STATINS produces only a 6% reduction of LDL. Better to use combinations
What are the benefits of statins?
Dec coronary events
Dec CHF mortality
Dec coronary procedures
Dec stroke
Dec overall mortality
What are the effects of combining simvastatin and ezetimibe?
Greater dec in LDL and c-Reactive protein
NO improvement in carotid inter-media thickness (so not necessarily better outcomes)
What are the effects of combining simvastatin and fibric acids?
Huge dec in TG
Which are the three lipophilic statins and what do they cause?
ALS: Atorvastatin, Lovastatin, Simvastatin
Higher risk of myopathies
How are the statins metabolized?
Pravastatin - Kidney (no hepatotoxicity)
ALS: Atorvastatin, Lovastatin, Simvastatin - CYP3A4
Fluvastatin, Rosuvastatin - CYP3C9