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54 Cards in this Set

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Effects of Phenlephrine
a-1 agonist - mydriasis w/o cycloplegia
pre & post synaptic a-2 adrenoreceptor agonist
b-2 agonist , dec uterine contraction in premature labor
Epi + b-blocker (propanolol)
only a affects (increased BP)
Epi effects
inc skeletal muscle BF, dec skin, renal & GI BF, inc HR, inc dp/dt, inc CO, SBP, PP; dec DBP
what happens if pre-tx w/ reserpine?
no indirect adrenergic agonist effects
Tyramine containing foods contraindicated w/ which rx's?
Phenelzine, tranycypromine (MAOi's)
s/e- depression, insomnia, decreased appetite, linear growth rate
Amphetamine toxicity
nervous, excited, agitated, inc HR/BP, toxic psychosis - paranoid schizo, formication w/ excoriations, convulsion w/ OD; difficult to distinguish from effects of cocaine
Psychosis tx due to amphetamine OD
direct b1, b2, indirect a, no a after reserpine
Alpha blockers
3 P's - phentolamine, prazosin, phenoxybenzamine
partial a agonists
ergotamin, dihydroergotamine
tx of migraine
ergotamine, dihydroergotamine
a1a receptor blocker in GU tract
tamsulosin (BPH)
b1 blockers
atenolol, metroprolol
b1, b2 blockers
propranolol, timolol
see charts on page 4 - 5
see charts on pg 4-5
what is angina
dec O2 requirement via dec dp/dt & HR, but LV_EDV inc
b blocker heart effects
dec HR, AV conduction, dp/dt
how do b-blockers dec O2 demand?
dec HR, dp/dt and afterload (DBP)
Nitroglcyrine efects
dec O2 demand by dec VR and LV-EDV
S/E of b-blockers
CHF, bronchospasm, AV block, delayed recovery of glucose conc in T1DM after sc injection of too much insulin
dec IOP w/o cycloplegia (propanolol causes local anesthesia of cornea)
b-blocker w/drawal sx
tachycardia, palpitations, tremor, chest pain (DON'T D/C b-blocker w/o consulting MD first)
propanolol effects on hyperthyroidism
dec tachycardia, termor and prevent peripheral conv of T4 to T3
T1DM tx w/ gluacoma drug which causes hypoglycemia. Which drug was given?
decreased nerve-stimulated NE release. No effect of TAP drugs (tyramine, amphetamine, phenylpropanolamine) after pre-tx w/ reserpine, no a effects of ephedrine after pre-tx
1) decrease nerve-stimulated NE release 2) comp inhibitor of NE uptake 3) anit-HT effect blocked by TCA's b/c TCA's block entery of guanethidine into neuron
1) blocks uptake1 of NE, Epi, DA, 5-HT in CNS
2) blocks uptake1 in peripheral sympathetic neurons - potentiates effects of NE and Epi, but not isoproterenol (ISO)
3) Euphoria via release of DA in nucleus accumbens
4) local anesthetic effect via blockade of Na+ channels in sensory neurons
5) toxic doses/OD = dilated pupils, euphoria, hallucinations, excitation, halo vision, itchy skin, ↑ BP/HR, convulsions - difficult to distinguish from amphetamine toxicity/OD
6) withdrawal syndrome = sleepiness, depression, anhedonia
phenelzine(A&B), tranylcypromine (A&B), selegeline (MAO-B)
cheese rxn w/ maoi's
HT & Tachycardia, inhibition of MAO-A in gut wall allows dietary tyramine to enter circulation; tyramine releases NE
see page 7-8 for charts
see page 7-8 for charts
clonidine and alpha-methyldopa (α-MD)
↓ SNS activity via stimulation of α2-receptors in CNS: ↓ plasma NE & renin activity (PRA) , HR
- S/E = sedation, dry mouth, edema, hepatitis, “flu” syndrome, (+) Coomb’s test
- clonidine withdrawal syndrome = sweating, ↑ HR, abrupt return of BP to HT value, abdominal pain, tremor, headache, apprehension (differs from β-blocker withdrawal syndrome =↑ HR with palpitations but no sweating, abdominal pain or↑ BP)
Drugs that decrease plasma NE
clonidine, α-MD, guanethidine, reserpine, ganglionic blockers
Drugs that increase plasma NE
alpha blockers, hydralazine, minoxidil, diazoxide, nifedipine, HCTZ, sodium nitroprusside
Arterial vasodilators
hydralazine, minoxidil, diazoxide
- dilate resistance vessels = ↓ TPR & BP; ↑ HR, dP/dT, CO , PRA and plasma NE
S/E - hydralazine
edema ;SLE = arthralgia, arthritis, fever, malar (butterfly) rash, glomerulonephritis- d/c hydralazine and tx with steroid
minoxidil s/e
hirsutism, effect additive w finasteride; edema
s/e diazoxide
inhibition of insulin release = hyperglycemia; edema
Drugs for HT emergency
diazoxide, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), labetalol (fenoldopam on USMLE World)
sodium nitroprusside (SNP)
1) dilates arteries and veins via release of nitric oxide (NO) from SNP molecule
2) balanced vasodilation, NT patient = decreases TPR and venous retrun → CO = n.c. CHF = decreases preload and afterload → leads to increase in CO
3) review thiocyanate (tx w thiosulfate) and CN (tx w nitrite/thiosulfate) toxicity thiocyanate toxicity after SNP infusion in patients w poor renal function = muscle weakness, & spasm, disorientation
Ca++ blockers
nifedipine, diltiazem, verapamil
Ca++ blockers MOA/use
) block Ca++ channels at SA/AV nodes, cardiac myocytes, arterial VSM
2) decrease in BP: the -pine drugs cause a greater fall in BP than diltiazem & verapamil
3) verapamil and diltiazem decrease AV conduction via (increase in ERP) & HR
4) the -pine drugs have no effect on AV conduction or HR (HR may increase slightly)
5) angina - decrease oxygen demand (decrease dp/dt, HR and afterload) w increased
oxygen delivery via dilation of coronary arteries and arterioles
6) tx uses: HT, exertional and vasospastic angina, AV nodal re-entry tachycardia (V+D)
Drugs which dec dP/dT
β-blockers, Ca++ blockers, diisopyramide
Effects of Ang II
↑ BP, increases SNS activity via CNS, presynaptic enhancement of
NE release, blocks NE uptake1, release of ADH, release of aldosterone, decreases mesenteric BF.
Drugs which decrease mesenteric BF to tx GI bleeding
NE & Ang II (get escape), ADH (a.k.a. AVP) & octreotide (no escape)
ACE inhibitors =
captopril, enalapril, prevent conversion of Ang I to Ang II
the -sartans block Ang II rceptors
ACEi effects
) decrease TPR and BP with no change in HR and CO
2) block formation of Ang II, block enzymatic destruction of bradykinin (BK)
3) S/E = fetal toxicity (category X) , K+ retention, cough; cough caused by BK & PG and
is blocked by aspirin (ACEI’s block metabolism of bradykinin)
4) ACEI’s potentiate the decrease in BP caused by i.v. bradykinin
5) ACEI's increase the plasma concentration of BK
MOA in tx of CHF =
increase CO by decreasing preload and afterload; reverses cardiac remodeling caused by angiotensin II (ang II)
HT patient with DM
- tx w ACEI to↓ BP and ↓ proteinuria (protects kidneys)
Pt w DM & microalbuminuria
Tx wACEI or -ARB or BOTH to ↓ proteinuria