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32 Cards in this Set

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The CNS consists of what?
Brain, spinal cord
The PNS consists of what?
nerves outside the CNS
What does efferent division do?
neurons carry signals away from the CNS
What does the afferent division do?
- bring data from periphery to CNS
- reflex regulation
The PNS is divided into ___
- Autonomic (involuntary)
- Sensory/Somatic (voluntary)
Autonomic nervous system is divided into:
- Sympathetic (fight or flight)
- Parasympathetic (rest and digest)
The CNS is divided into what two divisions?
Efferent and Afferent
Describe the effects of the followign afferent divisions:
a) physiological afferents
b) cardiovascular afferents
c) respiratory afferents
d) GI afferents.
e) pain afferents
a) sensory neurons follow parasympathetic
b) baroreceptors respond to changes in BP (aortic arch, carotid sinus)
c) chemoreceptors respond to CO2 or O2, carotid bodies and aortic bodies respond to low O2
d) feelings of fullness for GI and bladder, hunger when empty
e) nocioceptive neurons follow sympathetic NS
What are the 2 divisions of the Efferent CNS?
1 - somatic motor (voluntary- skeletal muscle)
2 - Autonomic (involuntary - heart, blood vessels, exocrine glands... )
The ____ neuron is myelinated, the ____ neuron is not.
Preganglionic = myelinated
postganglionic = nonmyelinated
What is the primary role fo the autonomic nervous system?
to maintain homeostasis of internal environment
What portion of the nervous system dominates in a stressful situation?
The ____ innervates the GI tract, controls motility, exocrine, and endocrine, and microcirculation of GI tract. Modulated by sympathetic and parasympathetic
Sympathetic neurons have a ___ preganglionic and ___ post-gaglionic neuron
Long preganglionic, Short postganglionic
A preganglionic sympathetic neuron travels to the adrenal medulla and synapses. Now what?
No postganglionic neuron, stimulated to release epinephrine
Preganglionic parasympathetic neurons arise from _____, and synapse ____
1. cranium (CN III, VII, IX, X) and sacral regions
2. synapse in ganglion on/near effector organs
Hormones exert effects where?
Targets throughout the body - widespread
Neurons communicate through regulated release of ____
Synaptic transmission integrates ___ signals with ___ signals
Chemical and electrical
Name the 5 key steps of neurotransmission.
- synthesis of neurotransmitter
- storeage of neurotransmitter
- release of neurotransmitter
- recognition of neurotransmitter
- metabolism of neurotransmitter
Neurotransmitters are released from their synaptic vesicles when:
1. threshold voltage is reached in the neuron and action potential is initiated
2. nerve terminal is depolarized and vesicle binds wiht membrane and dumps transmitter into synaptic cleft
Neurotransmitters that are dumped into the synaptic cleft can bind to what 3 options?
1. post-synaptic ligand gated ion channel - excitatory or inhibatory postsynaptic potential (either continue or block depending on role)
2. post-synaptic G-protein receptors causing second messengers
3. presynaptic receptor that regulates release of neurotransmitter (feedback loop)
Once the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft, it's effect is terminated by:
1. degradation by MAO in synaptic cleft
2. uptake by transporters to recycle it
3. inactivation of second messengers
The Peripheral Nervous System works off of which neurotransmitters?
Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
The primary neurotransmitter for adrenergic effects is:
Norepineprhine (and epi)
The primary neurotransmitter for cholinergic effects is:
Parasympathetic is synonymous with___
Which receptors does the parasympathetic system use?
muscarinic, nicotinic
Sympathetic is synonymous with ___
Which receptors does the sympathetic nervous system interact with?
alpha and beta adrenergic receptors (a1, a2, b1, b2)
THe only parts of the autonomic nervous system predominantly controlled by the sympathetic nervous system are:
- veins, arterioles, and sweat glands
In the parasympathetic NS, the axons are ____
Myelinated (all)