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28 Cards in this Set

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Anticonvulsants / Antiepileptics suppress abnormal electric impulses, what electrolytes are suppressed
Na, Ca, Increase of GABA.
Anoxia is
lack of oxygen
IV Dilantan, or Diazapn should be given with what emergency state
Status Epilepticus
Pregnant women with Epilepsy need to make sure they have proper Vitamin __, what uptake?
Valporic acid can cause what idiosyncratic reaction?
hepatptoxicity in kids, restlessness.
Teaching for Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Affects Vitamin K level, dyscrias, Bruising, Bleeding
If a person is DM and taking Dilantin what are they at risk for
hyperglycemia, so check Blood Sugar.
And adverse effect of Succinimides results in sluffing of of skin and lesions, otherwise known as
Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
A negative symptom of Schizophrenia related to a lack of pleasure is
Which Antipsychotics is more cost effective for you patient
Which Antipsychotic medication treats both negative and positive symptoms
When giving a Typical Antipsychotic what should the Nurse know and do?
Z Track & the medication is thick so push slow!
F= Fever 103-104, E=Encephalopathy – Dec. LOC ICP, V= V/S unstable, E = Elevated Enzymes CPK Inc. R=Rigidity of muscles
Extrapyramdial Symptoms related to Antipsychotics
Acute Dystonia, Akasthisia, Pseudoparkinsonism, Tardvie Dyskinesia.
Antipsychotics can manifest EPS because they are blocking to much of which neurotransmitter
Why should the Elderly not take Atypicals
Cardiovascular concerns such as disarrythmias.
Acute Dystonia
spasms of tongue, face, throat, eyes, neck and back
inability to stay still
termor, rigidity, akineisa, bradykinesia and loss of balance.
Tardive Dyskinesia
nonrepetitive and choreiform movements of lips, jaw, tongue, legs and arm.
Atypicals end in done or pine
Risperidone(Risperdal), Quetiapine (Seroquel), Ziprasidone (Geodon), Clozapine (Clorzaril), Asenapine (Saphris)
Name Atypical dopamine stabilizer
Aripiprazole (Abilify) same side effects
Anticholinergic Risk Factors for Atypicals
Confsion, Delirium, Urinary Retention, Constipation, Dry Mouth, Blurred Vision, Sexual S/E, Gastric Emptying, EKG Changes. ANTI SLUD!
Clozapine is contraindicated with patients that are at risk for
Haloperidol is contraindicated with patients that have what disease related in dopamine
Ziprasidone (Geodon) is contraindicated for who?
What are the risk associate with Clozaril
Fall, Wt gain, Incr. DM, hyperlipidemia, fatal agrnaulocytosis.
Antipsychotics with stroke risk
Risperidone, Aripiprazole, Aiprasidone