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111 Cards in this Set

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What is the mechanism of action for barbiturates?
-enhance the effects of GABA
What does enhancing the effects of GABA do?
-increases transmembrane chloride conductance
What does hyperpolarization do to the cell?
-hyperpolarization of the post-synaptic cell membrane functionally inhibits the post-synaptic neuron
Where does Barbituates work in the brain? What do they do?
Work in the RAS to depress.
What is the other name for Sodium Thiopental?
2.5% solution (25mg/ml)
What is the other name for Methohexital?
10% solution (10mg/ml)
What is the most commonly used barbiturate for induction of general anesthesia?
sodium thiopental (pentothal)
What barbiturate has the shortest mechanism of action?
Methohexital (Brevital)
What are some procedures Methohexital is used for?
-Electroconvulsant therapy
-AICD Checks
What is the induction dose for Sodium Thiopental?
What is the induction dosage for Methohexital?
How long does it take to produce unconsciousness for Methohexital and Sodium Thiopental?
Methohexital and Sodium Thiopental return to consciousness time?
5-15 minutes after the inital bolus
How is the duration of action of Sodium Thiopental and Methohexital determined by?
-Redistribution of drug away from the CNS to inactive tissue depots
Are Sodium Thiopental and Methohexital lipid soluable?
Yes they are highly lipid soluable
What organs do the Barbituates equilbrate with?
The VRG, organs that recieve a high % of cardiac output.
Describe what happens once plasma: brain equilbrium is reached.
The drug will diffuse out of the brain (VRG) and redistributes to less vascular tissues including the msucle and fat group, and the vessle poor group.
What makes a single dose of barbiturate short acting?
-because of its rapid distribution of drug away from the brain
What is the termination of action of barbiturates the result of?
How do these barbiturates move in its pressure gradient?
It moves down pressure or concentration gradients
How do barbiturates affect the cerebral and CNS?
-potent anticonvulsants
-except methohexital
What are barbiturates effect on cerebral flow and pressure?
-Potent cereberal vasoconstrictors
-decrease cerebral blood flow
-decrease ICP
-decrease CMRO2
What are some negative effects of sodium thiopental?
-can have a hangover affect
-increase incidence of PONV compared to Propofol
-no amnesia
-no analgesia
(thought to be anti-analgesic-increase resopnse to stimuli)
The barbiturates effect on BP and why?
-Decreases blood pressure secondary to peripheral vasodilation and decreased venous return
Is cardiac output affected by bariturates?
-it is typically maintained due to barorecptor mediated reflex increase in HR
What is the affect to myocardial contracility from barbiturates?
minimal to no depression of myocardial contractility
Use barbiturates with caution in this type of pts.
Cardiovascularly compromised
what kind of effects do barbiturates have on the resp system?
-decreased response to hypercarbia (increased PaCO2)
-decreased response to hypoxia
-usually produces apnea
What is the mechanism of action for benzos?
-facilitate the action of GABA in the CNS
-GABA inhibits normal neuronal outflow
What is another name for midazolam?
What is another name for Diazepam?
What is another name for Lorazepam?
What are some clinical uses for benzos?
-sediation and anxiolysis prior to surgery
-Component of MAC for conscious or deep sedation.
-Rarely used for induction for GA.
What is the dose of sedation for benzos for children preoperatively?
-0.5mg/kg po (give 30min prior to procedure)
What is the responsible for awakening after a single dose of benzos?
What is the elimination half-life of diazepam?
What is the elimination half-life for desmethyldiazepam?
48-96 hrs
Where are benzos metabilized?
Where is benzos excreted?
What are the effect of benzos on cerebral and CNS?
-potent anticonvulsants
-provide anterograde amnesia
Benzos effect on cerebral flow and pressure.
-Cerebral vasoconstrictors
-Reduce CBF
-Reduce ICP
-Reduce CMRO2
Benzo effects on CV system
-Minimal CV Depression
-Careful in compromised pt
What are the effects of Benzos on the resp system?
-dose dependent ventilatory depression
-lg doses may cause apnea or obstruction (expecially in MO or OSA)
What is another name for propofol?
What is the mechanism of action for propofol?
Facilitates GABA mediated inhibitory neurotransmission
What is propofol used for?
-induction of GA (most commonly used)
-continuous infusion for maint of GA
-Deep procedural sedation (MAC)
Chemical make-up of propofol.
Oil in water emulsion containing oil, glycerol and egg lecithin.
Use propofol in caution with?
Egg allergies
(low reaction risk, but HUGE legal risk)
When injecting propofol what should you be aware of?
Can cause pain on injection. Either pre-treat or alert pt.
Propofol's storage limits and why this is so important.
-Use aseptic technique and discard after 6 hrs after drawing into a syringe.
-Supports bacterial growth and has had reported overwhelming septicemia and death.
T or F propofol is a potent antiemetic.
-True it possesses antiemetic properties
What is the onset of propofol?
Similar to what other IV anesthetic?
Sodium Thiopental
What is the duration of action for propofol?
2-8 minutes
What is awakening the result of for propofol?
redistribution of drug away from CNS
Where is propofol metabolized?
the liver
Where is propofol excreted?
Kidneys as inactive metabolites
T or F propofol has shorter awakening times following continuous infusion or multiple boluses.
False-longer awakening times following continuous infusion
What is the induction dose of propofol?
What is the maintenance infusion for GA w/ propofol?
50-200 mcg/kg/min
What is the infusion dose for deep sedation with propofol?
Concentration of Propofol
How does propofol affect CBF and ICP?
-cerebral vasoconstriction
-Decreased CBF
-Decreased ICP
-decreased CMRO2
Cerebral and CNS effects of Propofol
-No analgesia
-Similar degree of amnesia compared to Versed
CV effects with Propofol.
-Decreased BP
-Decreased SVR
-Decreased myocardial contracility
-Profound bradycardia and asystole in even healthy adults
Resp effects with Propofol
-resp depressant
-decrease response to hypercarbia
-decreased response to hypoxia
-airway obstruction is common
What is another name for Etomidate?
What is the mechanism of action for etomidate?
-facilitates the effects of GABA
-depresses RAS
What are some clinical uses for etomidate?
-induction of GA
-Procedural sedation:
AICD Check
Out of OR intubation
What agent is the most benign in respect to hemodynamic effects of the induction drugs?
What is the induction dose for etomidate?
-Supplied in 2mg/ml concentration
What is a common SE of etomidate after administration?
-30-60% incidence of myoclonic activity
-pain on administration
Induction dose of etomidate causes transient __________suppression?
adrenocortical suppression (suppression of stress response)
Etomidate PONV
Increased incidence when compared to other barbiturates
What is the onset of etomidate?
What is responsible for awakening from etomidate?
Where is etomidate metabolized?
Where is etomidate excreted?
Etomidate Cerebral effects:
-weak amnestic
-no analgesia
Etomidate CBF and ICP effects
-Cerebral Vasoconstriction
-Decreased ICP
-Decreased CMRO2
Etomidate CV effects
very stable
-min change in HR, SV or CO
-min change in MAP
What is the effects to the respiratory system from Etomidate?
-less respiratory depression than propofol or barbiturates
-may be useful when maintenance of spont vent is desired
-lg doses may produce apnea or airway obstruction
What is another name for Ketamine?
What is the mechanism of action for ketamine?
-produces dissociative anesthesia
-no GABA interactions
-Dissociates the thalamus from the limbic cortex
What type of appearance does the pt who gets ketamine have?
Conscious but unable to process or respond to sensory input.
catatonic type appearance
What are the uses for Ketamine?
-induction of general anesthesia
-IV sedation of adult and ped population
Ketamine is the sole anesthetic for ________patients and __________compromised pts?
trauma, hemodynamically
What is the induction dose of ketamine?
1-2mg/kg IV for GA
3-5mg/kg IM for Induction/sedation
What is the IM dose for Ketamine?
3-5mg/kg IM for induction/sedation
Ketamine is a structural analogue of what?
phencyclidine (PCP)
Why does Ketamine have a bad rap?
-can cause emergence delerium or hallucinations and nightmares during emergence
what does ketamine do to secretions?
causes tremendous increase in oropharyngeal secretions
What is the onset of action of Ketamine?
Rapid onset after IV
2-5 minutes after IM
What is responsible for awakening after one bolus dose of Ketamine?
Where is ketamine metabolized?
extensively in liver with some weakly active metabolites
Where is ketamine excreted?
What does ketamine do to cerebral and CNS?
-increased CBF
-increased ICP
-increased CMRO2
Does ketamine provide analgesia or amnesia?
-yes profound analgesia
and amnesia
At what doses will ketamine give excellent analgesia?
What are effects of Ketamine on CV system?
-increased MAP
-increase HR
-Increased CO
-Increased myocardial O2 demand
Direct CNS stimulation causing increased SNS activity
Is the ventilatory drive affected by ketamine?
-minimally affected
-vent response to PaCO2 maintained
-Upper airway reflexes remain intact
-beware of airway obstruction
What is the main affect of ketamine to respiratory system?
-potent bronchodilator
what is another name for Dexmedetomidine?
What is the mech of action for Precedex?
highly selective and very potent alpha-2 agonist
How does precedex work to reduce BP?
-works centrally and peripherally
what is the loading dose of precedex?
-1mcg/kg over 10minutes
What is the infusion dose of precedex?
Precedex 3 specific actions
1) Decreased BP and HR
2) analagesia
3) sedation/anxiolysis
Precedex mech of action for sedation.
Hyperpolarization of neurons in the locus cereleus
Precedex mech of action for analgesia
Alpha-2-receptors in the spinal cord (dorsal horn)
Precedex effect on MAC
Linear decrease in MAC
Precedex use in what situations
-Awake fiberoptic intubation
-MO-gastric bypass
-Fast track CV cases