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17 Cards in this Set

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what do statins inhibit?
HMG-CoA reductase, which is responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol
how do statins work?
by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, they inhibit cholesterol synthesis, this increases expression of LDL-R and increases removal of LDL-C from circulation
what are the major risk factors for CHD?
smoking, male >45, female >55, current/prior CHD, diabetes, dyslipidema, fam hist, obesity
target LDL: <70, 100, 130, 160.... respective risk factors`
multiple; ongoing CHD or stroke; 2+ risk factors; 0-1 risk factors
which statins have a side group that mimics HMG-CoA substrate?
pravastatin, atorvastatin
which statins have a lactone ring side group that must be activated within the liver?
lovastatin, simavastatin
what is the most frequent SE of statins?
myopathy, flu-like muscle pain in arms and legs
what is a rare but very very serious SE of statins?
rhabdomyolysis; from rapid muscle breakdown.... may shut down kidneys
which statins have really long half-lives?
atorvastatin and rosuvastatin (20 hours..... greater efficacy [max response])
what is the effect of statins on triglycerides and why??
substantially lowered...
TGs circulate as part of VLDLs
VLDLs have B100 receptor (like LDL)
upregulation of LDL receptor may also stimulate endocytosis of VLDL particles
what are the "other potential benefits" of statin therapy?
greater endothial cell function, greater stability of plaques, use in cancer treatment (reduce farnesyl-PP and geranylgeranyl-PP---> pro-onco genes)!!!!!
what can you use for pts with high TGs + high LDL-C?? and what might be induced?
use statins + either
a) fibrates
b) niacin

may induce myopathy
what effects does niacin have on lipid profile? what do we know that it does?
GREAT ONES!! everything (ldl, hdl, TGs all benefit)
we know it reduces liver secretion of VLDL
what are the fibrates?
gemfibrozil, ciprofibrate, fenofibrtae
what effects do fibrates have on lipid profile?
lowers TG, raises HDL-C, modest effects on LDL-C
how do fibrates work?
activates PPARalpha (steroid receptor) --> which lowers liver release of VLDL
increased risk of rhabdomylysis
simavastatin + ezetimide
inhibits uptake of dietary cholesterol, however no data on plaque formation