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19 Cards in this Set

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BB effects on HR, conduction velocity, refractory period
decreased HR, decreased CV, increased RP
Also suppresses ventricular ectopic beats
BB effects on cardiac contractility, cardiac work and oxygen consumption
decreased contractility, decreased work and decreased O2 consuption
What is a result of slowing ventricular ejection and decreasing peripheral resistance?
improved stroke volume!! great for dissecting aoritic aneurism
BB's reduce NE-mediated cardiac _________
What do BBs do to renin?
non-selective bb, like many bb's, it undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism
prototype of selective bb (A BEAM)
use in asthmatics STILL not recommended
beta1 selective .... does NOT undergo significant first pass metabolism
non-selective BB, has some beta1 agonist (less cardiodepressant, less effect on serum lipids)
mixture: alpha-1 & non-selective beta antagonist.....
reduces peripheral resistance with less effect on heart rate, does not effect serum lipids (used to manage hypertension in pregnant patients)
ultra-short acting beta-1 selective blocker, IV, 10 minute half life
non-selective beta blocker & K+ channel blocker (for arrythmias)
what catagory do metyldopa, clonidine, and prazosin fall into and what is the purpose?
sympatholytics; inhibits post-ganglionic functioning of SNS
methyldopa: how does it work?
It acts selectively for alpha2 receptors, which are on the presynaptic neuron and decrease release of NE into synaptic cleft. ... works in CNS!
Think METHYL-NE from 1st unit
what is the outcome of metyldopa?
lowers peripheral resistance w/o exerting SEs on HR, CO, renal flow, plasma volume or renin secretion. Can be used in pregnancy; other SEs are dry mouth, sedation, reduced libido, parkinson signs and hyperprolactinemia. SEs limit use.
Clonidine is very similar to....
methyldopa, selective alph2 agonist
what's a major psychiatric warning associated with clonidine?
don't give to depressed pts; TCAs may reduce antihypertensice effect; patches should NOT be administed to poorly complient patients.
what is a selective alpha1 channel blocker/receptor antagonist?
prazosin..... decreases arteriolar resistance and increases venous capacitance; orthostatic hypotension is most prominent SE; not recommended as monotherapy.
Common SE of prazosin?
50% have sudden drop in peripheral resistance, increased HR & CO, increased renin. Not recommended as monotherapy!