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28 Cards in this Set

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How to treat ulcerative and inflammatory conditions
1. neutralize acid
2. reduce gastric acid secretion
3. enhance mucosal defenses (cytoprotective or anti-microb)
Sodium bicarb: adverse effects
systemic alkalosis, fluid retention
calcium carbonate: SE
hypercalcemia, nephrolithiasis, milk-alkali syndrome
aluminum hydroxide: SE
constipation, hypophasphatemia, drug absorption reduces bioavail
Mag hydroxide/trisilicate: SE
diarrhea, hypermag in pts w/ renal insuff.
Which agonists control gastric acid secretion?
histamine, acetylcholine, gastrin
Antihistamines to reduce gastric acidity: what are they and how work?
cimetidine, famotidine, ranitidine, nizatidine
Work on H2 receptors
What the proton pump inhibitors and how do they work?
omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole... they work by inhibiting the parietal cell proton pump!!!
omeprazole, side note
prilosec is activated from the prodrugs by the acidic environment of the stomach... so do NOT give a base first.
somatostatin analogue, inhibits gastirc acid secretion, parenteral administration is required
directly inhibits pepsin and bile action/ Does not change the pH of stomach
requires acidic environment
bismuth subsalicylate
pepto bismo!!

especially useful with Abx for H pylori
prostaglandins, misoprostol
may prevent gastric acid secretion
how to treat h pylori?
two Abx and PPI ideal
increase resting tone of lower eso sphincter and stomach, hastens clearance, accelerates gastric emptying
also anti-emetic properties, as it is a dopamine antagonist
emetic, CTZ stimulant via dopamine receptors
emetic, irritant to stomach and some action directly on the CTZ
What are the antiemetics?
chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, trimethobenzmide, metochlorporamie, ondansetron
most are dopamine antagonists at the CTZ
What are the three catagories of laxatives?
1, irritants/stimulants
2. bulkifiers
3. softeners
how do opiates help with motility?
promote sustained contraction of the intestine and interrupt notmal organized peristalsis
H2 blockers?
Famotidine, ranitidine, nizatidine, cimetidine
(the FAMILY RAN to the NAZI CINEMA in WW2 [h2])
What are the three enhancers of mucosal defenses??
prostaglandins, bismuth subsalicylate, sucralfate
How do anti-motion sickness drugs work?
block H1 receptors
blocks synaptic relay along the 8th cranial nerve track
what are the irritants/stimulants that act as laxatives?
castor oil (hydrolyzed to ticinoleic acid by lipases, may induce premature labor)
emodin alkaloids (metabolized by bacteria)
what are the two groups of bulking laxatives?
osmotic and fiber
what is magnesium hydroxide?
milk of magnesia, an osmotic laxative
how do stool softeners work?
coating and lubricating stool and preventing normal absorption of water
what are the motility agents (laxatives)?
opiates (sustained contraction of intestine)
diphenoxylate & atropine
loperamide (immodium)