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56 Cards in this Set

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chylomicrons are made up of Tg derrived from _______

--intestines-->blood-->periphreal cells
VLDL is made up of Tg from_______

--Licer-->blood-->periphreal cells
LDL is made up of ________derrived from _________ and is taken _________
1) made up of cholesterol
2) it is a VLDL remnant (after Tg is removed)
3) LDL --> Blood --> liver and periphreal cells
HDL does what
takes Cholesterol from the periphery to the liver

-- periphreal cells --> blood -->liver
measure serum lipids after how many hours of fasting?
term used to describe elevated LDL
term used to describe elevated chylomicrons or VLDL
low HDL puts you at rick for_______
heart disease
list 6 primary lipoprotein disorders
1) hypertriglyceridemia (Type IV)
2) chylomicronemia
3) combined hyperlipidemia (type IIb)
4) dysbetalipoprotinemia (TYpe III)
5) hypercholesterolemia (type IIa)
6) ligand defective apolipoprotein B
characteristics of hypertriglyceridemia (Type IV)
overproduction of VLDL or low LPL activity
characteristics of chylomicronemia
LPL and cofactor deficiency
characteristics of combined hyperlipidemia (IIb)
increased VLDL production and increased conversion to LDL
characteristics of Dysbetalipoproteinemia (Type III)
Lack of Apo E3,4
Characteristics of Hypercholesterolemia (IIa)
LDL receptor defect
characteristics of Ligand defective apolipoprotein B
defect in ligand domain of apoB100
secondary causes of lipoprotein disorders
1) drug induced
2) Other diseases
--renal disease
--Liver disease
describe the therapudic lifestyle change to treat lipoprotein disorders
1) therapudic diet
--total fat 20-25% of total callories
--saturated fat <7% of callories
--cholesterol <200mg/day
--soluble fiber
2) weight reduction
3) physical activity
drugs used to tx hyperlipidemia
1) statins
2) niacin
3) bile acid binding resins
4) fibrates
list 6 statins
1) lovastatin
2) simvastatin
3) pravastatin
4) atorvastatin
5) fluvastatin
6) rosuvastatin
what is the MOA for all statins
inhibits HMG-CoA reductase -->
decrease hepati Cholesterol synthesis-->
upregulate hepatic LDL receptors-->
increase uptake of LDL cholesterol-->
decrease serum and total cholesterol
which of the statins are inactive lactone prodrugs?
1) Lovastatin
2) Simvastatin
which of the statins has an open, active lactone ring?
which of the statins is active, and fluorine containing
1) atorvastatin
2) fluvastatin
3) rosuvastatin
most statins have short half lifes (2-3 hours) so when must they be given?
1) administered in evening so peak effect occurs during nocturnal peak of cholesterol synthesis
which statin has absorption increased when taken with food?
which statins have a long half life?
atorvastatin (11-14 hours)

--therefore can be administered antime...not just the evening
most statins are metabolized by________
which statin is not metabolized by CYP 3A?
--therefore fewer drug interactions
common CYP 3A inhibitors
1) erythromycin
2) azole antifungal drugs (ketoconazole)
3) antidepressants
4) HIV protease inhibitors
adverse effects of statins
1) liver toxicity
2) muscle myositis (inflamed muscle)
3) muscle myalgia (muscle pain)
name the bile acid binding resins
1) colestipol
2) cholestyramine
3) cikesevelam
MOA of the bile acid binding resins
1) bind to the bile acid in the GI tract
2) prevents reabsorption of the bile acid
3) increases utilization of cholesterol to replace bile acids
clinical use of bile acid binding resins
1) persons not tollerating other drugs fr hypercholesterolemia
2) additive effect with other drugs
pharmicokinetics of bile acid binding resins
1) administered before meals and at bedtime
2) not absorbed from the gut
drug interaction of bile acid binding resins
1) inhibits absorption of:
--thyroid hormone

****cholestyramine is the only one of the bile acid binding resins that can be used with any other drug
adverse effects of the bile acid binding resins
1) may cause constipation
which drug inhibits intestinal sterol absorption?
MOA of Ezetimibe
1) Ezetimibe localizes in the brush border of the small intestine
2) it inhibits the absorption of cholesterol
effects of Ezetimibe on lipids
1) decrease LDL
2) Decrease TG
3) Increase HDL
pharmicokinetics of Ezetimibe
1) absorbed in the small intestine
2) t1/2 = 22h
3) metabolized by conjugation w/ glucournate
4) 80% excreted in feces
adverse effect of Ezetimibe
few...none mentioned
unique characteristic of Ezetimibe
1) can be used alone or combined with a statin

--i.e. Vytorin = Ezetimibe +simvastatin
name the fibric acid drugs
1) Gemfibrozil
2) Fenofibrate
MOA of the fibrates (fibric acid drug)
1) PPAR - alpha ligand

--Bind PPAR - alpha RE (promotor region of the gene) --> transcription induction --> LPL (HDL apolipoprotein)
effect of fibrates on the lipids
1) increase FA catabolism
2) decrease VLDL secretion
3) increase VLDL clearance
4) decrease TG levels
clinical use of fibrates
1) tx hypertriglyceridemia
2) tx low HDL levels???
adverse effect of fibrates
1) myopathy, rhabdomyolysis
2) bone marrow supression
3) exfoliative dermatitis
niacin is what type of acid?
nicotinic acid
MOA of niacin
simular to fibrates except greater effect on LDL
--inhibit VLDL secretion
--Activate LPL (directly)
effects of Niacin on the lipids
1) lower LDL
2) lower TG
3) Increase HDL (more than any oter drug alone)
clinical use of niacin
1) hypercholesterolemia
2) hypertriglyceridemia
3) Low HDL
adverse effects of niacin
1) cutaneous flushing
2) hepatitis
3) increase in blood glucose (be careful in diabetics)
4) aggrevate in peptic ulcers
5) myopathy, rhabdomyolysis
avoid the use of gemfibrozil with the use of__________
use statins cautiously when patient is on__________or _______
gemfibrozil or niacin
drugs used to tx hypercholesterolemia
1) HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors - ‘statins’
2) Bile acid-binding resins
3) Niacin
4) Ezetimibe
Drugs for hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL
1) Gemfibrozil
2) Niacin