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67 Cards in this Set

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Vasopressin MOA & indication

a form of ADH

Diabetes insipidus

-MOA: enhances water reabsorption & causes renal collecting tubules to increase permeability to water

Vasopressin S/E, advantag, etc

-advantage: short acting

-angina and MI in CAD pts; water intoxification

Desmopressin MOA & indication

Most common form of ADH (DDAVP)

-Central diabetes insipidus

-helps water reabsorption

Desmopressin S/E, etc

-long duration (up to 20 hours PO)

-nasal spray common route

-water intoxification, drowsiness, HA, dehydration

Levothyroxine MOA & indication

-thyroid hormone for Hypothyroidism

-MOA: synthetic T4 that converts to T3

Levothyroxine. Time until effective? considerations?

-1-3 weeks, up to three months to monitor effectiveness

-start slow, then increase every 4-6 weeks

-pregnancy safe

-monitor for thyroid storm

-take in AM on empty stomach

-taper down

Levothyroxine AE & interactions

-hyperthyroidism, palpitations, dysrhythmias, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, menstrual irregularities

-Questrin - lowers effectiveness of levothyroxine

-warfarin - increases effect of warfarin

Propylthiouracil (PPU) MOA & indication

-antithyroid drug for hyperthyroidism

-prevents conversion of T4 to T3

PPU A/E and considerations

-6-12 weeks until effective, monitor 3-6 mos

-short half-life, multiple times a day

-depresses bone marrow, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, prone to infection, HTN, dysrhythmias, insomnia, agitation, anxiety

Glucocorticoid MOA & indications

-adrenocorticoid hypofunction

-supplements glucocorticoid depletion

glucocorticoid A/E

-sodium and fluid retention, insomnia, anxiety, depression, HTN, tachycardia, PU disease, Cushing's syndrome, osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, increased succeptibility to infection, myopathy

Nitrofurantoin indication

- acute cystitis


-urinary analgesic

-acute cystitis

-orange-red urine


-helps with bladder irritability in interstitial cystitis

-can take months

polystylene sulfate

-hyperkalemia in RF

-binds K in gi tract for excretion

-diarrhea se

Calcium carbonate

-P binders for hyperphosphatemia for RF

calcium acetate

-P binder for hyperphosphatemia for RF

sodium bicarbonate

-IV for metabolic acidosis in RF

SE of diuretic therapy

-orthostatic hypotension


-K and Na imbalance

Loops diuretics

-"high ceiling" most effective

-blocks reabsorption of Na and cl in Loop of Henle

-Reduce edema

-for acute renal failure

-SE: blood dyscrasia, dysrhythmias, anemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia

Ethacrynic acid

-loop diuretic for RF



-loop diuretic

-40x more potent than furosemide

-short duration of action


-loop diuretic for RF

-longer half life

-increased compliance

Chlorothiazide MOA & Indication

-thiazide diuretic for HTN (RF)

-block Na reabsorption and increase potassium and H2O excretion in distal tubule

Chlorothiazide SE and considerations

-dehydration, hypotension, tachycardia, gout d/t hyperuricemia

-digoxin and lithium toxicity

-do not use in pregnancy

-use sunscreen

Spironolactone MOA & indication

-K sparing diuretic for RF

-excretes sodium, keeps potassium by blocking aldosterone

spironolactone SE and considerations

-hyperkalemia, dysrhythmia (K), confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, impotence, gynocomastia

-lithium and digoxin toxicity



-osmotic diuretic for cerebral edema


carbonic anhydrase inhibitor for RF

-inhibits carbonic anhydrase to allow excretion of electrolytes (Na for diuresis)

Lamivudine MOA & indication

-antiviral: reverse transcriptase inhibitor/nucleoside analog for chronic Heb B and D

-mimicks DNA virus to inhibit replication


-Antiviral for Heb B and D

-increases concentration of lamivudine in body

Nitrate Isosorbide dinitrate

-lowers portal pressure in varices in cirrhosis

Trimethorprim/Sulfamethoxazole SE & considerations

-pancreatitis, liver fialure, metabolic disturbance (lactic acidosis), decrease in blood cells, peripheral neuropathy

Interferon Alpha

-Antiviral for Heb B and D

-stimulates body's immune system to clear the virus

Interferon Alpha SE & considerations

-fatigue, fever/chills, loss of appetits, suppression of bone marrow and blood cell production

-30-40% respond to 4 months of therapy


-antiviral combo with ribavarin for Hep C

-similar to interferon alpha but helps maximiz results


-antiviral combo with peginterferon

-nucleoside analog, similar to lamivudine


-osmotic laxative for hepatic encephalopathy

-decreases PH in colon so ammonia in blood will be absorbed in colon

-gets rid of ammonia

Lactulose SE and considerations

- gas, bloating, burping, stomach pain, nausea, cramps

-excessive diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps/weakness, palpitations, seizures, dehydration

-may affect glucose levels


-antibiotic for hepatic encephalopathy

-block production of toxic compounds by the bacteria in the colon

-affinity to GI


-antibiotic for hepatic encephalopathy-block production of toxic compounds by the bacteria in the colon-affinity to GI


-bile acid for cholelithiasis

-decreases production of cholesterol and dissolves the cholesterol in bile and stone

-dissolves gallstone

-Ursodiol AE & considerations

-frequent urination or pain, cough with fever


-Phenothiazine for vomiting in pancreatitis

-affects dopamine and CZT


-serotonin receptor antagonist for vomiting in pancreatitis-affects serotonin and CZT


-Pancreatic-enzyme replacer for insufficient pancreatic function

-contains lipase, protease, and amylase of pork origin and facilitates conversion of lipids into glycerol and fatty acids

-converts dextrin to start

-converts proteins to peptides

"gets into GI tract and helps with absorption"

Pancrealipase AE and consideratons

-GI s/e, hyperuricosuria

-assess foods that stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretions

-assess pain and respiratory status

-monitor nutritional and hydration status

Psyllium Mucilloid

-bulk forming laxative

-increase mass of stool in colon

Psyllium Mucilloid SE & considerations

hydration, dont give if obstruction is suspected

-less cramping than stimulants

-may cause obstruction in esophagus or intestine

Sodium Biphosphate

-fleats enema for constipation

-introduces large volumes of fluid into colon

Sodium biphosphate SE and considerations

-cramps, diarrhea, hypermagnesemia (milk of mag)


-stimulant laxative

-stimulates peristalsis by altering fluid and electrolyte balance

Bisacodyl ae and considerations

-fluid and electrolyte loss, cramping

-very common


-stool softener

-incorporates water and fat into colon and realeases surface tension of stool

docusate se and considerations

-no serious side effects, slight abdominal pain and cramping

-very common


-opiods for severe diarrhea

-combo of diphenoxylate and atropine

-decreases intestinal contraction and decreases transit time for bowel emptying fo more water can get back into circulation

Lomotil se and considerations

-overdose: narcan

-acts within 45 -60 min



-OTC opioid for diarrhea

-direct affect in terms of combating peristalsis in muscle wall of intestine

opioids for diarrhea se and consideration

-paralytic ileus with toxic megacolon, sepsis

Bismuth salths

-coating effect on GI tract to prevent irritation in order to slow diarrhea

Bismuth salths se and considerations

-Reye's syndrome

-has aspirin compounds


-phenothiazine for vomiting

-inhibits signals to CZT by blocking dopamine secretion

Prochlorperazine se and considerations

-can be injected or given rectally

-anticholinergic SE, dry outh, sedation, constipation, extrapuramidal side effects


-anticholinergic for vomiting

- inhibit activity of acytlcholine in PNS

-calms contractions in smooth muscle in GI tract

Scopalamine se and considerations

-patch behind the ear

-take up to 6 hours to work

Ondansetron se and considerations

-not as much drowsiness, EPSE, headache, drowsiness