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74 Cards in this Set

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What type of receptors does the Sympathetic Division have?

Adrenergic Receptors

What type of receptors does the parasympathetic Nervous system have?

Cholinergic Receptors

What are the autonomic functions of the SNS?


Fight or Flight

What are the autonomic functions of the PNS?

Cholinergic NS

Rest & digest

What does a Adrenergic agent do?

Mimics the sympathetic NS

What does a Cholinergic agent do?

Mimics the PNS

What neurotransmitter stimulates SNS?


What neurotransmitter stimulates PNS?


Define agonist?

Help it

Define antagonist?

Stop it

What happens when Alpha 1 receptors are stimulated?

Vasoconstriction and bronchodilation

What happens when Beta 1 receptors are stimulated?

Increases HR & force of contraction

What happens when Beta 2 receptors are stimulated?


What kind of effects do adrenergic blockers/sympatholytic/adrenergic antagonist produce?

Decreases HR, bronchoconstriction, pupil constriction

What effects would a Alpha 1 blocker have?

Vasodilation (decreases BP)

What kind of effects would a cholinergic agonist/muscarinics/parasympathomimetic have?

Rest & digest

Decrease HR

Pupil constriction


What kind of effects would a adrenergic agent/sympathomimetic/adrenergic agonist induce?

Vasoconstriction and pupil dilation

What kind of effects would a parasympatholytic/antocholinergic/cholinergic antagonist induce?

Blocks PNS

increased HR



What drugs are used for anxiety & sleep?




What drugs are used for seizures?





What drugs are used for depression?

Tricyclic Anti-depressant

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors


What drugs are used for bipolar disorder?

Mood stabilizers


Atypical Anti-seizure


What drugs are used for ADHD?

CNS stimulants

What drugs are used for psychosis?




What drugs are used for Parkinson's disease?



What drugs are used for Alzheimer's disease?


Drugs for multiple sclerosis?



What is the drug action of benzo's?

Binds to GABA receptors

Intensifies the effects of GABA (slows down excitement in the brain)

What is the drug action of barb's?

CNS depressant

What is the drug action of Non-Benzo & Non-Barbs?

Binds to serotonin & dopamine receptors in the brain.

What is the drug action of phenytoin?

Delays an influx of sodium ions across membranes of neurons.

What is the drug action of succinides?

Delays the influx if calcium across membranes of neurons

What is the drug actions of TCA'S?

Blocks reuptake of serotonin and Norepinephrine.

Blocks muscarinic & alpha 1 receptors.

What is the drug action of SSRI's?

Increase amount of serotonin at the synapse = better mood

What is the drug action of MAOI's?

Increases amount of serotonin and Norepinephrine at the synapse = better mood.

What is the drug action of atypical antidepressants (SNRI's)?

Inhibits reuptake of serotonin, Norepinephrine, & dopamine.

What are the drug actions of mood stabilizer's? (Lithium)

Acts as sodium in the body & moderates shift in emotion.

What is the drug actions of CNS Stimulants for ADHD?

Stimulates focus & concentration in the brain

What is the drug action of antipsychotics (phenothiazines, nonphenothiazines, atypical)?

Anticholinergic effects

What are the drug actions for antiparkinson's drugs?

Increases dopamine and decreases acetylcholine

What is the drug action of alzheimer's meds?

Stimulates PNS. Allows patient to think and speak

What is the drug action for immunosuppressants for MS?

Stops breaking down of myelin sheath. (Slows down conduction)

What are the nursing considerations for anti-anxiety & anti-insomnia meds (barbs, benzos, non-barbs/non-benzos)

Monitor for drowsiness & dizziness

Monitor for resp depression

Do not use with ETOH

What are the nursing considerations for Anti-seizure meds (barbs & benzos)?

Monitor for drowsiness & dizziness

Monitor for resp depression

What are the nursing considerations for Phenytoin (Anti-seizure)

Has a narrow therapeutic range

Monitor for s/s of dehydration

1st line drug for status epilepticus

What are the nursing considerations for TCA's?

Orthostatic hypertension

Dry mouth

Increased risk for suicide

SNS effects

What are the nursing considerations for SSRI's?

Will take up to 5 weeks to work

Weight gain

Decreased libido

Monitor LFT'S


What are the nursing considerations for MAOI's?

Monitor vitals & I/O

NO cheese, beer, wine, CHOCOLATE, yogurt, raisins, caffeine. Because of the Tyramine.

Can cause HTN crisis (increased release of NE)

What is the nursing considerations of SNRI's (atypical anti-depressants)?

Monitor changes in behavior

Weight loss

Dry mouth

Suicidal thoughts?

Nursing considerations for mood stabilizer's (lithium)?

Monitor for dehydration

Monitor labs (0.6-1.5 mEq/L)

Increased risk for toxicity

Can cause severe damage to kidneys

What are the nursing considerations for CNS Stimulants (methylphenidate)?

Give before 4pm & meals

Monitor for insomnia, anorexia, & weight loss)

What is the nursing consideration for clozapine (atypical anti-psychotic)?

Can cause agranulocytosis

**@ increased risk for infections**

What are the nursing considerations for Carbidopa (anti-parkinson)?

Monitor ADL's & ambulation

What are the nursing considerations for anti-alzheimer's (donezipil)

Monitor ADL's, behaviors, & cognitiom

What type if drug is Prazosin? The expected effects?

Adrenergic antagonist- alpha 1

What type of drug is epinephrine? The effects?

Adrenergic agonist

SNS effects

What type of drug is bethanechol? The effects?

Cholinergic agonist

PNS effects

What type of drug is phenylephrine? The effects?

Alpha-adrenergic agonist

SNS effects (alpha 1)

What type of drug is atenolol and propranolol? The effects?

Adrenergic antagonist

PNS effects (lower BP, HR)

What type if drug is glycopyrrolate? The effects?


PNS effects

What type of drug is atropine? The effects?


SNS effects

What type of drug is lorazepam and diazepam? The effects?


Binds to GABA and slows down exvitement in the brain

What type of drug is phenytoin? The effects?


Delays an influx of sodium across membranes of neurons =decreased neuronal activity.

What type of drug is Lithium? The effects?

Mood stimulant/psychotherapeutic

Acts as a Sodium in the body= moderates shift in emotion

What type of drug is methylphenidate? The effects?

CNS stimulant

Increases activity on the focus/concentration side of the brain

What type of drug is buspirone used for? The effects?

Non-benzo/non-barb CNS Depressant

Binds to serotonin & dopamine receptors & increases NE in the brain

What is the action if adrenergic agonists?

Stimulates SNS by stimulating the release of NE or by stimulating alpha/beta receptors

**causes SNS effects **

What is the action of Adrenergic antagonist?

Blocks impulses to the SNS by blocking alpha & beta receptor sites or inhibits the release of of epi or NE

**causes PNS effects**

What is the action of cholinergic agonist?

Stimulates the PNS by binding to ACh receptors on the target organ

**causes PNS effects**

Think SLUDGE for side sffects

What is the action of anticholinergics?

Blocks impulses to the PNS by blocking ACh at muscarinic receptors

**causes SNS effects **

What is anxiety?

State of apprehension, tension, or anxiety

What is withdrawl syndrome?

Nausea, vomitting, fatigue

Occurs when a medication/substance is stopped abruptly

What is a seizure?

Disturbances of electrical activity in the brain

What are the nursing considerations for phenylephrine?

Monitor BP

Monitor EKG

assess IV site