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19 Cards in this Set

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MOA of Cardiac glycosides (eg. digoxin)
Indirectly increase intracellular calcium and cardiac contractility by inhibit Na+/K+ ATPase
Digoxin is used in
Atrial fibrillation and CHF
Digoxin toxicity can be precipitated by
Antidote for digoxin toxicity
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors that increase mortality and have been found to have NO beneficial effects
Amironone, milirinone
SE of amrinone
Beta 1 agonists used in acute CHF
Dobutamine and dopamine
Diuretics work in CHF by
Reducing preload
Beta blockers work in CHF by
Reducing progression of heart failure (never use in acute heart failure)
Agent used in CHF that is a selective alpha and nonselective beta blocker
Agent used in acutely decompensated CHF resembling natriuretic peptide
Nesiritide (Natrecor)
Other positive inotropes
bypyridines- inamirone and milirinone
Used to decrease afterload and preload
ace inhibitor captopril

vasodilators BNP
Angiotensin R antagonists
agent used for acute CHF and pulmonary edema
furosemide- loop diuretic
major action of cardioglycosides on effective refractory period

Atrial muscle
AV node
purkinje system/ventricles
Atrial muscle- decreased
AV node- increase
Ventricles/purkinje- decreased
Changes on ECG by digoxin
decreased QT, increased PR, ST depression
agents used in CHF therapy that prolongs life
diuretics, ACE inhibitors, vasodilators
drug with well-documented reduction in digoxin clerance