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71 Cards in this Set

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MOA/site of osmotic diuretic
increases osmolarity of tubular fluid to inhibit water/solute reabsorption in proximal tubule
MOA/site of loop diuretic
inhibit Na/K/Cl co transport in thick ascending loop
MOA/site of thiazide diuretic
inhibit Na/Cl cotransport in early distal tubule
MOA/site of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
inhibits H secretion and bicarb reabsorption to reduce Na reabsorption in proximal tubule
MOA/site of aldosterone antagonists
inhibits action of aldosterone which decreases Na reabsorption and K secretion in collecting tubule
MOA/site of Na channel blockers
decreases Na reabsorption and K secretion in collecting tubules
examples of osmotic diuretic
examples of loop diuretics
furosemide, bumetanide, ethacrynic acid
examples of thiazides
HCTZ and chlorthalidone
example of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
examples of aldosterone antagonists
spironolactone, eplerenone
examples of Na channel blockers
triamterene, amiloride
Diuretic used for mountain sickness and glaucoma
SE of acetazolamide
Paresthesias, alkalization of the urine (which may ppt. Ca salts), hypokalemia, acidosis, and encephalopathy in patients with hepatic impairment
SE of loop (furosemide) diuretics
Hyperuricemia, hypokalemia and ototoxicity
Aminoglycosides used with loop diuretics potentiate adverse effect
Loops lose and thiazide diuretics retain
Class of drugs that may cause cross-sensitivity with thiazide diuretics
SE of thiazide (HCTZ) diuretics
Hyperuricemia, hypokalemia and hyperglycemia
Diuretic used to treat primary aldosteronism
SE of spironolactone
Gynecomastia hyperkalemia, and impotence
this part of the nephron is responsible for 60-70% of Na reabsorption (NaCl and Na bicarb)
proximal convoluted tubule
how is bicarb reabsorbed?
conversion into CO2 and H2O via carbonic anhydrase; it regenerates within tubule cell
in the prox tubule, what is Na exchanged for?
MOA of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
prevents the conversion of bicarb to CO2 and H2O which prevents it from forming H+ in the cell, which prevents exchange of H+ with Na
where are WAs and WBs reabsorbed mainly?
proximal tubule
where are Ca and Mg largely reabsorbed?
TAL of Henle
what drives the reabsorption of Ca and Mg in the TAL of Henle?
K makes a net positive charge inside the cells because it is reabsorbed from the lumen and also from the blood
Ca is reabsorbed in the distal convoluted tubule under the control of ____
Na reabsorption in the cortical collecting tubule is paired with ___
loss of K or H+
acetazolamide is a ___
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
MOA of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
inhibits carbonic anhydrase in the brush border and inside cells of the proximal convoluted tubule
primary effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
diuresis of Na bicarb
secondary effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
metabolic acidosis, K wasting (excess Na is reabsorbed later in the tubules)
this is used to decrease IOP of the eye
acetazolamide (CAI)
this is used to treat altitude sickness by increasing acidity of CSF
acetazolamide (CAI)
SE of CAIs
drowsiness, paresthesia, cross allergenicity with sulfonamides, renal stones, K wasting, hepatic encephalopathy
furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide, ethacrynic acid are
loop diuretics
MOA of loop diuretics
inhibit cotransport of Na/K/Cl across TAL of Henle
what part of the nephron has the greatest diluting ability
TAL of Henle
what changes in electrolyte excretion occur with loop diuretics?
positive charge inside cell is decreased so Ca, K, H+ are excreted more
what drug class inhibits the action of loop diuretics due to its effect on GFR?
NSAIDs, decreases prostaglandins
you can use loop diuretics to tx:
edema, pulm edema, hypercalcemia (with added volume support)
SE of loop diuretics
hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, K wasting, ototoxicity
thiazides are ___ which is similar to loop diuretics
thiazides are longer/shorter acting than loop diuretics
longer acting
MOA of thiazides
inhibit NaCl transport in early distal tubule
SE of thiazides
hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, increased Ca reabsorption, dilutional hyponatremia (decreases excretion of water b/c they act in diluting portion), K wasting, uremia
thiazides are used to tx:
HTN, chronic edema, renal stones (reduces urine Ca concentration)
spironolactone and eplerenone are
K sparing diuretics
MOA of K sparring diuretics
antagonize aldosterone to reduce Na reabsorption
effect of K sparing diuretics
increase Na CL, decrease K and H+ excretion
SE of K sparing diuretics
hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis, gynecomastia and antiandrogenic effects (spironolactone)
use K sparing diuretics to tx:
K wasting, aldosteronism
what type of diuretic should be used with digoxin to prevent toxicity?
K sparing ones to avoid hypokalemia that causes toxicity
mannitol, glycerin, isosorbide and urea are what types of diuretics?
MOA of osmotic diuretics
the substance are freely filtered but not reabsorbed so they remain in the urine and "holds" water due to the osmotic effect; in proximal convoluted tubule
effects of osmotic diuretics
increased urine volume, greater excretion of filtered solutes (Na), reduce brain/eye volumes and intracranial pressure
clinical uses of osmotic diuretics
maintain high urine flow (decreased renal blood flow), glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure
SE of osmotic diuretics
hyponatremia and pulm edema, hypernatremia as water is excreted, HA, vomiting/nausea
ADH and desmopressin are what type of diuretic?
ADH agonists
how must ADH agonist be given?
demeclocycline and conivapten are what type of diuretic?
ADA antagonists
MOA of ADH is water reabsorption
activates V2 receptors to stimulate adenylyl cyclase; increases cAMP and increases # of water channels
use of ADH agonists
pituitary DI
syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (from tumors) can be treated with:
demeclocycline and conivaptan (ADH antagonists)
SE of demeclocycline in kids
bone and teetch abnormalities
paresthesias, GI distress and metabolic acidosis are SE of
hyperammonemia (hepatic encephalopathy) is a SE of
carbnoic anhydrase inhibitors because they cause urinary alkalosis which allows the excreted ammonium ion to be converted to ammonia gas which is reabsorbed
this type of diuretic is used in altitude sickness and glaucoma
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors