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54 Cards in this Set

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5 main groups of GI drugs

emetics, antiemetics, antiulcer, antidiarrheal, laxatives

emetic of choice in dogs?


emetic of choice in cats?


anti-emetic used to prevent motion sickness


which is a coating agents that forms a paste that adheres to sites of ulceration?


which is used to treat a cat suffering from megacolon in an effort to stimulate GI motility?


Which is helpful in patients recovering from anal surgery?

Docusate Sodium

Which is a bulk laxative?


Which is an absorbent/protectant used to treat diarrhea

Bismuth subsalicyate

Which group of anti-emetics is the most widely used in veterinary medicine for prevention of motion sickness in dogs and cats?


Name 3 potential side effects of phenothiazine antiemetics?

sedation/ataxia, hypotension, lowers seizure threshold

Drug administered in conjunctival sac


What group of drugs is the treatment of choice in dogs with diarrhea?

Narcotic analgesics

What is the name if the antiemetic that is a procainamide derivative and stimulates gastric motility?


What is the class of antiemetics that includes diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, and meclizine?


Chlorpromazine belongs to which class of antiemetics?


Where in the Gi tract are H2 receptors located? on which cells?

gastric mucosa; parietal cells

What are the 2 classes of antinuclear medications that prevent HCL production by the parietal cells on the gastric mucosa?

H2 receptor blockers & proton pump inhibitors

Name some drugs that are H2 receptor blockers (antacids).

Famotidine, Cimetidine, Ranitidine

What is Bismuth-Subsalicylate used for?


What type of enema should never be given to cats?

Fleet enema

Opioids like Loperamide are used to treat diarrhea. how do they work?

by increasing segmental contractions of the bowel

Anticholinergics used to treat diarrhea have what effect on the bowel?

Decrease bowel motility

Why should you not use syrup of Ipecac and activated charcoal at the same time?

Their effects work against each other; charcoal cants bind toxins and Ipecac can't induce vomiting

What are the most serious side effects of estrogen admin?

severe anemia, pyometra

what is the name of the progestin used in the past to control estrus in dogs and treat inappropriate urination in cats?

Megestrol Acetate

Progestins can cause what side effect in dogs?


Altrenogest and Norgestomet are used to sync estrus in F. They are examples of what hormone?


What effects do prostaglandins have on the report tract?


What are the 3 main uses of prostaglandins in vet medicine?

sync estrus, abortion, induce estrus

People that are pregnant or have asthma should be careful handling ________?


3 major Tx options for cats w/ hyperthyroidism

thyroidectomy, iodine therapy, medication (Methinmazole)

What is the primary function of insulin?

causes cells to take up glucose

short acing insulin used to Tx diabetic ketoacidosis in emergencies

regular insulin

Which is the longest acting form of insulin?


Oral hypoglycemic agents are used to Tx what type of diabetes?

Type 2; non-insulin dependent

What is the ear cleaner of choice in animals with a ruptured tympanum?

Physiologic saline

what does the use of fluorescein stain in the eye screen for?

corneal ulcer or abrasion

When should you never use corticosteroids in the eye?


What drug is contraindicated in the treatment of glaucoma?

Atropine sulfate

What drug is used to treat KCS?


What types of infectious agents cause conjunctivitis?

Bacteria, Viruses

Diethylstilbesterol (DES) can have this serious potential side effect if given at high doses

Bone marrow suppression

Kaolin and pectin and bismuth subsalicylate are both examples of this type of anti-diarrheal medication


Metamucil is a ___

bulk laxative

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents

Control inflammations and provide pain relief

Post op to allow cornea to heal

Radioactive iodine treatment is the ____

Golden standard

Regular insulin giving in emergency cases for Diabetic Ketoacidosis is administered _____


Intermediate acting insulin used to treat Diabetes Mellitus is administered ____


Anabolic steroids

Tissue building effects

Uses: Dogs, cats, horses-->older animals

*Stanzolol-->old dog hind end weakness

Prostaglandin causes...

the breakdown of the corpus luteum at the end of pregnancy

Estrogens are ...

Banned in FOOD animals

Progestin uses in horses


Suppress estrus for synchronization of mares

Maintain pregnancy in mares with low levels of progesterone


to prevent or treat vomiting

*Maropitant citrate (Cerenia)