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39 Cards in this Set

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-generalized persistent anxiety for at least 1 month's time
-tachycardia and palpitations
-complications with alcohol abuse, sedatives, anti-anxiety meds common
sleep stages
-more deep sleep (3 and 4) early in night
-longer REM late in night
neurochemistry of sleep
-slow-wave sleep= serotonin
-REM sleep= NE
benzodiazepine and barbiturate action sites
-different receptors on GABA receptor (Cl- ion channel complex)
GABA-A receptor
-associated with Cl- ion channel
-GABA binding increases Cl- conductance --> hyperpolarizatoin
-high concnetration in striatum, hippocampus, spinal cord
benzodiazepine receptor
-enhances action of GABA
-increases frequency of GABA-induced Cl- channel openings
-Flumazenil=pure antagonist
barbiturate receptor
-enhances action of GABA
-increases duration of Cl- ch being opening
drug types used to treat anxiety
benzodiazepines used primarly as hypnotics
-flurazepam, triazolam, and lorazepam
benzodiazepines used for hypnosis pharmacokinetics
-flurazepam, triazolam, and lorazepam
-lipophilicity determines rate of entry into CNS
-metab=complex and forms active metabolites (x lorazepam and oxazepam)
most rapidly absorbed benzodiazepine
benzodiazepines that do not form active metabolites
(glucuronidation occurs)
what benzodiazepine is used for muscle relaxation?
benzodiazepine drug interactions
-produce additive CNS depression with most other depressant drugs
what benzodiazepines are used for panic disorder?
-alprazolam (xanax)
what benzodiazepines are used for seizure treatment
-IV diazepam or lorazepam
which benzodiazepines are used for IV sedation/anesthesia
-diazpema and midazolam
how do you treat abuse of benzodiazepines
-gradual dose reduction
-switch to longer acting drug like chlordiazepoxide
(also used in alcohol withdrawal)
which benzodiazepine do you use for acute manic episodes?
buspirone mech
-not a benzodiazepine
-partial agonist at 5HT1A
-also binds dopamine-D2 receptors
buspirone effects
-short t1/2
-less sedating than benzodiazepines
-no cross-tolerance/ potentiation
-therapeutic effect may take 1-2 weeks to appear
other anxiety treatments
-SSRIs: panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorder
-b-blocker: performance anxiety
drugs to treat insomnia
-zoplidem, zaleplon, eczopiclone
benzodiazepine effects on sleep
-decreased latency to sleep
-inc in stage 1 and 2, dec in stage 3, 4, REM
-rebound insomnia upon withdrawal
benzodiazepines as sleep aids s/e
-daytime sedation
-rebound insomnia
-tolerance and dependence
-occassional idiosyncratic excitemetn and stimulation
zolpidem mech
-binds omega-1 BDZ receptor
-antagonized by flumazenil
-relative lack of muscle relaxant or anxiolytic effects
-works like zoplidem
-benzodiazepine receptor binding
-non-benzodiazepine hypnotic agent
-approved for longterm use
-melatonin MT1 and 2 receptor-agonist
-specifically for insomnia with difficulty falling asleep
-not a controlled substance
-used in jet lag
barbiturates metab and pharmacokinetics
-weak acids
-highly lipid soluble
-can induce their own metab and that of other drugs
-renal excretion
barbiturates s/e
-CNS depression
-resp depression
-acute intermittent porphyria
-physical dependence-- life-threatening seizures
-acute poisoning
-additive with other depressants
barbiturate uses
-hypnotic: rarely; pentobarbital
-anticonvulsant: phenobarbital
-induction of anesthesia: thiopental
chloral hydrate
-aldehyde hydrate with pungent taste
-sedative hypnotic
-metab to trichloroethanol=active form
-pharm like barbiturates
-less effects on stages of sleep
-increases in tonic stretch reflexes and flexor muscle spasms
-possibly with muscle weakness
-underlying mech's are in both streth reflex arc itself and higher centers in the brain
-reduces muscle spasticity via spinal cord
-produces sedation as well
-treat muscle spasticity
-GABA-mimetic that works at GABA-b receptors
-hyperpolarization--> presynaptic inhibition --> dec excitatory glutamate release
-much less sedation
tizanidine mech
-a2 agonist related to clonidine
-may enhance both pre and postsynaptic inhibition
-relieves muscle spasm
tizanidine s/e
-dry mouth
-astenia (fatigue)
-reduces skel muscle contraction by interfering with excitation-contraction coupling
-used for malignany HTN