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32 Cards in this Set

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What ADEs should be reported?
SERIOUS ADEs defined by the FDA as type A or B reactions where the outcome is:
Life-threatening event
Hospitalization (initial or prolonged)
Congenital anomaly
Medical or surgical intervention was required to prevent permanent damage
ADEs related to newly released agents are particularly important
Top medication errors were the result of ...
Preventable ADE occurred most often at the stage of...
ordering the medication (Rx).
Common Prescriber Problems related to medication errors...
 Illegible handwriting
 Incomplete medication orders
 Use of improper abbreviations

 Use of improper drug names (5-FU, 6-MP)
 Ambiguous drug orders
 Improper expression of drug strengths
 Unnecessary verbal orders
Some tips for preventing medication errors...
maintain current knowledge, avoid verbal orders, use a personal drug formulary, double check rx or medication order writing, include a reason for rx, always use a leading s=zero but never a trailing zero
Define fiduciary relationship between patient an provider...
• Has specialized knowledge or expertise
• Holds the trust of others
• Held to high standards of conduct
• Avoids conflicts of interest
• Is accountable or obligated (ethically and legally)
What MATTERS with exposure and toxicology?
M- what medication
A-amount of med ingested
T- time of ingestion or exposure
T- therapy that has been tried
E - emesis
R- Reason for or route of exposure
S - symptoms
When assessing patient exposed to toxin do the following
Assess ABC, Do the DONT - check BG, oxygen, give narcan, give thiamine
Physical Tox exam includes...
The Harris 5 - vitals, neuro exam, skin exam, eyes, and odor.
Mees lines signify...
heavey metal poisoning
Anticholinergic toxidrome includes...
Mad as a hatter, dry as a bone, red as a beet, blind as a bat, naked as a jay bird
Cholinergic Toxidrome...
DUMBBELS - diarrhea, urination, myosis, bronchospasms, bradycardia, and emesis
Opiate toxidrome..
classic triads of CNS depression, respiratory, and pinpoint pupils
Sweaty or mydriasis is a sx of which overdose
a sympathommetic toxidrome
What is the dfference in mechanisms between barbituates and benzo?
benzo affects the frequency with Ca opening, barbs increase the duration of Ca channels being open
Activated Charcoal is contraindicated in ...
patients with an airway that is no intact.
Whole bowel irrigation is only indicated in patients...
who have ingested extended release substances or enteric coated drugs in patients that ingested them over 2 hours prior to...
N-acetylcystein (NAC) is used to treat..
Acetaminaphen overdose - regenerates GSH to metabolize the harmful metabolite NAPQ1 which causes liver failure
How do you determine when to treat with NAC in an acetaminaphen dose?
Check AST at 4 hours, and compare to pneumogram
Steps to manage Salicylate overdose (ASA overdose)...
fluid restriction, charcoal, bicarb for urinary alkalization - optimize potassium, and dialysis
Toxic dose of TCA...
10 mg/kg
Mechanisms of TCA - antihistamine
leads to altered mental status - so give benzo
Mech of TCA - anticholinergic
leads to anti-DUMBBBELS
Mech of TCA - 5HT and NE re-uptake
leads to serotonin syndrome, tx with cryohretadine
Mech of TCA - GABA antagonist
leads to seizures, and treated with benzo, d/n use phenytoin as works on sodium channels making it worse
Mech of TCA - Na Channel blocker
leads to wide QRS, tx with bicarb amps
Mech of TC - K channel blocker
leads to prolonged QT interval, treat with K and Mg
Mech of TCA - alpha andrenergic blockcade
leads to hypotension, and treat with IV and pressors
TCA effects in overdose
QT elongation, wide QRS, seizure, hypotension, and initial hypertension
Toxic dose of iron..
60 mg/kg
Effects of iron overdose after 12 hours include...
metabolis acidosis which should be treated with deferoxamine
Treatment of cyanide posioning...