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35 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac output X Systemic vascular resistance
LNC-7 Stages on BP measurement...
-Normal (<120/<80)
-Prehypertension 120-139/80-89)
-Stage 1 HTN (140-159/90-99)
-Stage 2 HTN (>160/>100)
Classifing BP
Unknown cause (primary/idiopathic) 90% of cases
-Known cause (2nd htn) 10%
Htn indicators
-Post MI
-High Cardiovascular risk
-Chronic Renal Failure
-Cerebrovascular disease
Is high Diastolic pressure more dangerous than high systolic?
NO, SBP associated w/ HF, stroke, and renal failure
What is the initial drud therapy for most pts with HTN?
Thiazide-type drugs
What population are B-blockers and ACE inhibs. more effective on?
CCB and diuretics are more effective on whom?
African-americans and geriatrics
Adrenergic Agents
-decrease BP
-Depletes NE stores
-SNS not stimulated
Centally and peripherally acting Neuron Blocker
Reserpine, only central and periferal neuron blocker in the US
Adrenergic Agents,Central actors
Clonidine (Catapres)
-methyldopa (aldomet
Adrenergic Agents periferal a-1 agonists
decrease BP, SNS not stimulated
-doxazosin (Cardura)
-Prazosin (Minipress)
-terazosin (hytrin)
Adrenergic Agents
-seldom used due to side-effects
-central a-2 ags. dysmenorrhea, glaucoma, menopausal flush
-Clonidine used for withdrawal of opiod or nicotine
Adrenergic Agents indications for a-1 ags:
-severe HF w/cardiac glycosides and diuretics
Adrenergic Agents: Side-effects:
-Dry Mouth, drowsiness, sedation, constipation
-Headache, nausea, sleep, palpitations, ortho Hypo tension
Where do Beta-blockers take theire effect?
-decrease HR
Where do dual a-b recept work?
-peripheral heart and blood vessels
-derease HR (beta)
-Vasodil. (alpha)
-combined w/ CCB or thiazide
ACE Inhibitors: mech of action.
-RAAS (renin angiotensin-aldosterone system)is blocked therefore preventing angiotensin 2 from forming, prevents bradykinin
-RESULTS in decreased after load, vasodilation, decreased BP
ACE inhibitors: Indications
Rx of choice for pts w/ HTN and HF
-Slows progression of L vent. HYP post MI.
-Renal protection for DM
ACE Inhibitors: Drug names
ACE Inhibitors: Side-effects
-CSN typical (H,D,mood changes, retard taste)
-Poss. hyperkalemia
-dry non productive caugh
Does Angiotensin 2 blockers cause a dry caugh?
How does Angiotensin 2's work?
-block conversion od 1 o 2 therfore block vasoconstriction from occuring
(Iosatan, valsartan
When are Angiotensin 2's used
-w/others for HF
-for pts that can't handle ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin 2's side-effects
-Up. Resp. Infect.
-dixxy, dyspnea, heartburn, nasal conjestion
CCB's mech of action
-relax smooth muscle, prevent contraction
-decreases periferal resistance
-decrease BP
Examples of CCB's
-Benzothiazepines (Diliazem)
-Phenylalkamines (verapamil)
-Dihydropyridines(amlodipine, nifedipine
CCB's indications
-Raynaud's disease
CCB's side-effects
CV: Hypotension, palp, Tach
GI: Constip. nausea
-rash, flushing, peripheral edema, dermatitis
Diuretics what do they do?
Decrease plasma and ECF
-Decrease pre-load, C/O
Peripheral resistance, decrease workload of heart, decrease BP
What do Vasodilators do?
-relax arteriolar smooth muscle, decreases systemic vascular response, afterload and periferal vascular dilation
-Examples: diazomide(hyperstat)
--Hydralazine '
-sodium nitroprusside
When are vasodilators used?
-Na nitroprusside and diazomide are for HTN emergencies
Hydralazine side effects
Dizzy, headache, anx, tach, naus, vomit, diarrhea, anemia, dyspnea, edema, nasal congestion
Sodium nitroprusside side-effects
Brady, hypptension, possible cyanide toxicity
Nursing indications...
take as directed, don't miss, double up, monitor BP (journal)
-stopping abruptly can cause rebound hypertension
-take w/meals
-caution w/ IV admin.
-improve life style
-change position slowely due BP
-report SOB, swelling at feet, ankles, face, eys, weight Delta, CP, palps, excess fatigue.
-Avoid activities or environments that effect low BP
-BP shopuld be <140/90, w/ DM or renal disease (<130/800