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73 Cards in this Set

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Overdose of Anticoagulant (Heparin)
D/C and give Protamime
Labs to check Anticoagulant

Warfarin or Coumadin checked with PT/INR
Warfarin Overdose
Give Vitamin K IM or IV
Transition period from Warfarin (Coumadin)
take 4-5 days to get to therapeutic level- overlap Heparin and coumadin to prevent clotting
Nursing Considerations- Anticoagulants
Teach Patient to watch of signs of OD
-Bleeding gums while brushing teeth
-unexplained nose bleeds
-Abdominal Pain
-Back Pain
-Bloody/Tarry stools
-Bloody Urine
-Blood in Sputum
-Severe/Continuous headache
-Vomiting blood or coffe ground emesis
How does the drug lower LDL
Increasing LDL receptors= less in blood stream
LDL (levels)
less than 100 optimal
130-159 borderline high
160-189 high
>190 very high
HDL (levels)
<40 low
>or= 60 is high
Total Cholesterol
<200 optimal
200-239 borderline
>or= 240 high
Statins (Basic)
Most widely used

atovastatin (Lipitor)
simvastain (Zocor)
end in -statin
Statins treat
-Elevated HDL
-Lower risk for CV event in those who have never had CV event
-Lower risk of CV events in diabetics (Type 2 expecially) even without an elevated cholesterol
Contraindications and Side Effects
Contraindications-Pregnancy, allergies, liver disease and elevated liver levels

Side Effects: HA, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, nightmares, insomnia, constipation, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, changes in bowel function, and skin rashes
SERIOUS side effect of Statins
Rhabdomylysis- The break down of muscle protein. Leads to myoglobinuria. This causea a sever stain on the kidneys and can lead to actue renal failure and death
What to teach a patient who is on Statins
Teach the patient to report any unexplained muscular pain or discomfort

Limit grapefruit juice
Take medication at night
Takes 2-6 weeks to see a lower LDL
Drug Interactions of Statins
Oral antidibetics
Grapefruit Juice
Bile Acid Sequestrants (Basic)
Therapeutic Effects- Lower LDL and Elevate HDL

Prevent the reasprtion of bile acids from the small intestine. This means more bile acid is synthesized in the liver and cholestrol is needed to make bile acids. LDL receptors are increased
Side Effects of Bile Acid Sequestrants
Constipation, bloating, indigestion, nausea, and rarely a decrease in fat soluable vitamin absorption
Interactions of Bile Acid Sequestrants
May bind with other drugs. If the drugs are bound, then they are not absorbed.
-Thizide diurects, digoxin, warfarn, and some antibiotics (Therefore must take meds 1 hour prior to or 4 hours after taking the bile acid sequestrant)
Nicotinic Acid- Niaspan (Basic)
Therapeutic Effect:
-Lower LDL
-Lower TG
-Raise HDL

Action: Lower the production of VLDL. LDL are byproducts of VLDL degradation.
Side Effects of Nicotinic Acid
Intense Flushing. Can be prevented by taking 325 mg of ASA 30 minutes prior
-GI Upset
-Hepatoxic-expecially with slo niacin
Fibric Acid Derivatives- Fibrates (Basic)
More effective on lowering TG and raising HDL
Does NOT impact LDL
Side Effects and Drug Interactions with Fibrates
Side Effects: Rashes, GI distrubances

Drug Interactions:
-Increased risk of bleeding with patients on Warfarin
-Increased risk of Rhabdomyolysis with patients taking statins
Ezetimibe (Zetia) Basic
Action: Cholesterol absorption inhibitor
Therapeutic effects- Lower plasma levels of total cholesterol (LDL, Cholesterol and TG)
Side Effects of Ezetimibe (Zetia)
-Thrombocytopenia (Low thrombocytes)
Drug Interactions of Ezetimibe (Zetia)
-Statins increase the risk of liver damage
-Fibrates increase risk of gall stones and myopathy (Do not mix)
-Sequestrants- can interfere with the absorption of drug
*Food does not interfere with the absorbtion
Antihypertensive Agents (Basic)
HTN ia a major risk factor for:
CAD and Heart Failure
Renial Failure

HTN is defined as blood pressure greater than 140/90
7 Categories of Antihypertensive Agents
-Adrenergic Agents
-ACE inhibitors
Diuretics (Basic)
-Decreases fluid (plasma/extracelluar) to decrease cardiac output and perpheral resistance
-Removes Na+ and H20 from body
Diaretic Agents (Basic)
Classiffied by site of action in the nephron and the chemical structure

-CAI's (Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors)
-Loop Diuretics
-Osmotic Diurectics
-K+ Sparing Diurectics
CAI's (Use and side effects)
Used For: Glaucoma, edema, epilepsy, high altitude sickness

Side Effects- Acidosis, drowsiness, parathesias (numbness in feet), photosensitivity
Loop Diuretics (Basic)
-Check Sulfer allergy
-Blocks Na+ Reasoption
-Activates renal prostaglandins=dialate BV in Kidneys to reduce vascular resistance
-Treats: edema, Right side heart failure, cirrhosis, renal disease (works even when kidneys are not functioning well)
Caution with NSAID's-because they have the opposite effect on Prostaglandin
Loop Diuretics (Side Effects)
-Electolyte imbalance (Na+, K+, Ca+)
-CNS: dizzyness, H/A, tinnitus, blurred vision
-GI: N/V, diarrhea
-Metabolic:Hypokalemia, Hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia
Osmotic Diuretics
-Works along the nephron to increase osmotic pressure=pulls in fluid to the renal tubulers
-Inhibits reabsorption of water and solutes
-Reduces cellular edema
-Increses urine production
-Only slight loss of electolytes
Potassium Sparing Diuretics
-Aldosterone inhibiting-blocks receptors (it is used to regulate K+/Na+ pump)
-Used to Elevate K+ and Chloride levels

Side effects:
CNS-Dizziness and H/A
GI-Cramping, N/V, Diarrhea
-Urinary frequency, weakness, hyperkalemia (which can cause dsyrthemias)
Thiazides & Thiazide like Diuretics (Basic)
Used to treat: Heart failure, cirrhosis, edema, diabetes insipidus

-Works on the distal tubule to inhibit Na+, K+, and Chloride resorption
-Osmotic water loss
-Check for sulfa allegy
Side Effects of Thiazides
-Electrolyte distubances (reduces K+, increase Ca+, increased lipids, increased Glucose, and increased uric acid
-Dizziness, vertigo
-H/A, decreased libido
-GI disturnances-rashes, photosensitivity, thrombocytopenia
Nursing Actions (Diuretics)
-Close monitoring of fluid status, I&O, weight, skin tugor, vital signs
-May need K+ supplements or foods high in K+
-Hypokalemia= leg cramps, weakness, constipation, irregular HR
Name foods high in K+
Bananas, oranges, dates, apricots, plums, fresh veggies, potatoes with skins, meat and fish
Adrenergic Side Effects
Postural Hypotension, DRY MOUTH, Sedation, constipation, H/A, sleep disturbances, nausea, rash, palpitations
Act on Arteriolar or venous smooth muscle to cause relaxation

Side Effects:
-Dizzyness, H/A, orthostatic hypotension, dysrhythmias, sodium/water retention, N/V, HYPERGLYCEMIA IN DIABETIC PATIENTS
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors (Basic)
-Affects cardiac and renal. Decreases BP by decreasing ventricular afterload
-Prodrug- need to be broken down in liver to become active
Side effects of ACE Inhibitors
Fatigue, dizzyness, mood changes, DRY NON-PRODUCTIVE COUGH,
-Tends to promote K+ reabsorbtion and NA+ excretion so monitor fluid and electolytes
-Interacts with NSAIDS and ASA, reducing the effect
Angiotension II Receptor blockers (ARBs)
Blocks vasoconstriction and secretion of aldosterone
Side effects:
-Upper respiratory infection, H/A, Hyperkalemia
Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs) (Basic)
Used to treat HTN and angina
-Causes smooth muscle relaxation by blocking Ca+ from its receptor, preventing conduction (SA node and AV junction)
Nursing (CCBs)
Hypotension-avoid alcohol, hot tubs, saunas. Teach about othostatic hypotension
-Monitor BP and HR (<60 withhold)
-Assess I&O, weight, edema
-Labs: K+, hepatic, and renal fuction
What should you report for I&O?
Edema or weight gain >2 lbs/day
Edema or weight gain >5 lbs/week
What to teach for orthostatic hyotension
Avoid prolong sitting, standing, laying, change position slowly, raise slowly
What should you assess on a patient who is on HTN agents?
Eye exam every 6 months-HTN changes vasculature of the eye
Assess electrolytes:
Assess renal and hepatic function
-Force or energy of muscular contractions
+inotropic increase the force of myocardial contractions
-inotropic agents decrease the force of myocardial contractions
-Rate of the heartbeat

+chronotropic increases the heart reate

-chronotropic decreases the heart rate
The conduction of electrical impulses

+increase electrical conduction through the heart

-decreases electrical conduction
+ inotropic agents
2 main types

1)Cardiac (digitalis) glycosides- treat heart failure and dysrhythmias

2)Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
-short term management of heart failure
Digoxin (+inotropic:cardiac glysosides) Basic
Treats heart failure and supravascualar dysrhythmias, atrial fibrillationa and atrial flutter
Digoxin side effects
-Very narrow therapeutic window (THERAPEUTIC LEVEL 0.5-2 ng/mL
-Low K+ increases its toxicity
-Cadio-dysrhythmias, bradycardia, tachycardia
-CNS- H/A, fatigue, confusion, seizures
-Eye- Colored vision (Green, yellow, purple) halos, flickering
-GI: N/V, diarrhea
Digoxin anidote
Digibind- give over 30 min (levels will still appear high for several weeks)
Nursing: + Inotropic agents
-Heart sounds, breath sounds, BP
-weight gain
-Visual disturbances
-N/V, diarrhea, early signs of toxicity
Teaching +Intropic agent
-high fiber diet especially bran will bind to the digitalis, decreasing absorbtion
-High K+ diet decreases therapeutic effects
-Hawthone decreases effectiveness
-don't double up if dose is missed,take at the same time every day
4 Major groups of Antidysrhmia drugs
-Class I-membrane stabilizing agents
-Class II-Beta Blockers (End in LOL)
-Class III-Prolong the repolorization during phase 3 (Most commonly used)
-Class IV-CCB's (Ca+ Channel Blockers)
Class I
Local anesthetic properties, acts on Na+ (fast) Channels
Ib class-Lidocaine
Class II
Beta Blocker- Cardio protective.

-Decreases SA node activity
-Decreases cardiac output and B/P
-Depresses Phase 4 depolarization
Class III
Increases APD by prolonging repolarization in Phase 3

Treats dysrhymias
Treats Artial Fibrillation or artrial flutter
Treats Ventricular tachycardia or Fibrillation
Class IV
Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB's)
Depresses phase 4 depolarization and prolongs repolorization during phases 1&2
Decreases AV node conduction
Decreases rapid venticular conduction due to atrial flutter
Nursing in Antidysrhythmia drugs
Monitor of hypotension
dizzyness, blurred vision, H/A, breath sounds, dry mouth, constipation
Monitor ECG and vital signs
Call HCP if increase in edema, SOB, chest pain, dizziness or syncope
Antianginal agents
Used for ischemic heart disease #1 killer

Beta Blockers
Nitrates/Nitrites (Basic)
Causes vasodilation due to relaxation on the smooth muscle wall of ateries and veins
Nitroglycerin (NTG)
Patch-may remove 8 hours a day to decrease tolerance
Sublingual-potency is lost in about 3 months, should be stored in the dark in a glass bottle with a metal lid, no cotton
Teach to take 3 tablets 5 minutes apart is no relief in 15 minutes call 911
Nitrates Side effects
Flushing of the face
Postural Hypotension
(Blurred vision, dry mouth, severe H/A may be sign of OD)
Antianginal- Beta Blocker
Blocks Beta 1 receptors which would be stimulated by catecholamines
Slows the heart rate
Slows down the SA node and slows down the conduction through the AV node
Nursing-Beta Blocker
Constipation is a common problem:Instruct patient to take in fluids and high fiber foods
May cause hypotension
fatigue, depression
Hot tubs, ETOH consumption, saunas may increase hypotension
Beta Blocker side effects
Altered glucose or lipid metabolism
Impotence, wheezing, dyspnea
Dizziness, fatigue, depression, unusual dreams, drowsiness
Antianginal CCB's (Basic)
Ca+ works in the excitation-conduction process in skeletal and smooth muscle= relaxation
CCB's Side effects
Constipation, nausea, dyspnea, dermatitis, rash, flushing, peripheral edema, wheezing, hypotension, palpitations
Nursing- CCB's
Take pulse before taking medication <60 call HCP
Oral CCB's before Meals
Monitor therapeutic drug levels
Grapefruit juice reduces metabolism of CCB's