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59 Cards in this Set

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Selectivity of Drug Action
Extremely desirable and beneficial quality for a drug to have
Can allow the drug to treat a specific disease while not effecting other bodily functions
3 Main Functions of Autonomic Nervous System
Cardiac regulation
Glandular secretions
Smooth muscle regulation
Employed at most junctions of the peripheral nervous system
Released by most postganglionic neurons
Released by the adrenal medulla
cholinergic receptors
Mediated by acetylcholine
adrenergic receptors
Mediated by epinephrine and norepinephrine
sympathetic action on cardiovascular regulation
Maintains blood flow to brain
Redistributes blood flow
Compensates for blood loss
Stimulation of heart – increase HR & CO
Nerves in bld vessels – vasoconstriction
Epinephrine from adrenal medulla – vasoconstriction and certain vasodilation
2. Regulates body temperature
Regulates blood flow to the skin
Dilates surface vessels: accelerates heat loss
Constricts cutaneous vessels: conserves heat

Promotes secretion of sweat
Promotes secretion of sweat glands: helps the body cool

Induces piloerection: promotes heat conservation
3. Fight or Flight (release of epinephrine)
Increases heart rate and blood pressure
Shunts blood from the skin and viscera
Dilates the bronchi
Dilates the pupils
Mobilizes stored energy
SNS maintains Homeostasis
Maintenance of blood flow to the brain
Redistribution of blood flow during exercise
Compensation for loss of blood, primarily by causing vasoconstriction
Alpha 1 receptors
Blood vessels –constrict
GI sphincter – contract
Bladder sphincter-contract
Penis –ejaculate
Prostate -contraction
Beta 1 receptors
Cardiac muscle-increase contractility
Atrioventricular node (AV) - increase heart rate
Sinoatrial node (SA) – increase heart rate
Kidney – release of renin
Beta 2 receptors
Blood vessels – dilation
GI muscles – decreased motility
Uterus – relaxation
Bronchial muscles – dilation
Dilates renal blood vessels
Stimulation of Alpha-1 Receptors
Increased peripheral resistance
Increased blood pressure (BP)
Pupil dilation (mydriasis)
Closure of the internal sphincter of the bladder
Stimulation of Alpha-2 Receptors - centrally
Decreased release of NE, reducing sympathetic outflow from brain
Stimulation of Beta-1 Receptors
Increased myocardial contractility
Renin release - vasoconstriction
Stimulation of Beta-2 Receptors
Slightly decreased peripheral resistance
Increased muscle and liver glycogenolysis
Increased release of glucagon
Relaxation of uterine smooth muscle
Cholinergic receptors mediated by
Acetylcholine - pre and post ganglionic neurotransmitter
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Indirectly prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine
Principle Actions of Muscarinic Agonists
Slow heart rate – bradycardia
Increase secretions: gastric, bronchial, salivary and sweat
Contract bronchial and intestinal smooth muscle
Contract bladder detrusor muscle and relax sphincter
Miosis and accommodation for near vision
Protoype drug
A drug typical of drugs in that class.
bethanechol mus agonist
Urinary retention – major use
Adverse Effects Rare when given orally
Contraindications: weakness of bladder wall or urinary obstruction
-ADR’s -Cardiovascular : hypotension and bradycardia. Contraindicated in patients w/ low BP or CO
- excessive salivation, increased gastric secretions, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.
-Lung muscarinic receptors: cause bronchoconstriction. Contraindicated in asthma
-Hyperthyroid patients are Contraindicated because they cause dysrhythmias
Pilocarpine mus agonist
Used as an eye drop to produce miosis
Treats: Glaucoma and Increased intraocular pressure
ADR is sweating. Excessive use is broad spectrum of muscarinic effects.
Used to treat dry mouth in patients with xerostomia
-ADR (similar to Bethanechol): *** basically muscarinic stimulation adrs
-sweating, nausea,rhinitis,diarrhea.
-hence patients need high fluid intake
-may slow heartrate/increase airway resistance.
Muscarinic Poisoning
Can be caused by some mushrooms
Overdose of either the direct acting muscarinic agonists or cholinesterase inhibitors
Poisoning Treated with the muscarinic blocker: Atropine – often referred to as an anticholinergic. So it is the antidote for cholinergics but frequently used prototype antimuscarinic.
atropine effects
prototype, found in many plants, prevents receptor activation by Ach p127
Actions: increases heart rate in patients with bradycardia, relaxes bronchi, decreases secretions, bladder tone, GI
tone/motility, mydriasis (pupil dilater), no effect on vascular smooth muscle tone since there are no parasympathetic
innervation to muscarinic receptors in Blood Vessels
Preanesthetics: helpful during surgeries (like eye and cardiac)
-antidote to muscarinic poisoning (like overdose or mushroom ingestions)
-aids morphine to treat Biliary Colic, intense abdominal pain due to gallstones
-Rare treatments:
atropine adrs
(Cant See, Pee, Spit or ****!) p 133
-xerostomia, blurry vision, increased intraocular pressure, urinary retention, tachycardia, decreased sweating
(anhydrosis), and asthma from drying of secretions
Ditropan) approved only for OAB
-blocks M3 receptor
-Short acting: syrup and IR (immediate release) tablets
-Long acting: transdermal patches, gel, ER (extended release) tablet
ADR less intense with Long acting
anticholinergic drug with GREATESt degree of M3 blockade
-treats incontinence
-relaxes destrusor muscle but also blocks m3 receptors outside bladder
-xerostomia, constipation,dry eyes, mydriasis
neostigmine effects
Protoype and reversible cholinesterase inhibitor p135
-poorly absorbed orally, or by injection via IM, IV, subQ.
-positive charge due to quaternary nitrogen atom (so little CNS effect), cant cross membranes
-ChE splits neostigimine slower than Ach.
Therapeutic Uses: affect muscarinic receptors of NMJ. (Increases force of muscular contractions)
-treats Myasthenia Gravis
-skeletal muscl
neostigmine adr and overdose treatment
ADR’s: excess cholinergic stimulation, hypotension, bradycardia, miosis, bronchial constriction, urinary urgency. P137
-Cholinergic Crisis: respiratory depression due to NMJ depol blockade and CNS depression.
Overdose Treatment: IV Atropine.
-Respiratory depression treated with mechanical ventilation with oxygen, not drugs.
How it is eliminated: Enzymatic degradation (cholinesterase converts Neo to inactive)
irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor (due to phosphorus atom)
-highly toxic, mainly for insecticides, may be for terrorism
-NO charge, so can cross
Route: 2 mg by IM or slow IV injection.
Therapeutic uses: Atropine poisoning and drugs that cause muscarinic blockade.
Myasthenia Gravis
autoimmune, neuromuscular disorder due to fluctuating muscle weakness and rapid fatigue.
• -reduction of NicotinicM receptors on motor end plate
• Symptoms: ptosis (drooping eyelids), difficulty swallowing, skeletal muscle weakness, respiratory muscle
• -Antibodies attack NictotinicM receptors on skeletal muscle
• Treatment: symptom relief by Neostigmine
Cholinergic Crisis
Caused by an overdose of a cholinesterase inhibitor
Medical treatment
Respiratory support
Blocks Ach from NicotinicM receptors on skeletal M.
used in surgery (abdominal wall),helps decrease anesthetic dose therefore decrease anesthetic ADR’s. p149,
Endotrachael Intubation
• Contraindications: Myasthenia Gravis and electrolyte disturbances (low K+ levels reduce paralysis)
• ADR’s: respiratory arrest
Competitive Nondepolarizing Neuro Blockers
must be administered parenteral
Pharm Effects: muscle relaxation, hypotension, no CNS effect. CAN STILL FEEL PAIN
Therapeutic uses: muscle relaxation during surgery, mechanical ventilation, and endotracheal intubation.
ADR’s: respiratory arrest (muscle paralysis), hypotension
Overdose Treatment: causes prolong apnea, treat with respiratory support plus ChE Inhibitor (neostigmine) to reverse
neuromuscular block
-antihistamines can be given to counter hypotension (high release of histamine) effects of Atracurium (a competitive
Depolarizing Nuero Blockers: SUCCINYLCHOLINE
-binds to NicotinicM receptors to cause depol, but it remains bound to prevent repol.
-constant depolarization: Paralysis
-no CNS effect, but can still feel pain.
Pharm Effects: paralysis from drug is preceded by transient contractions and paralysis from drug ends (abates) more
Therapeutic Use: muscle relaxation during short procedures (endoscopy, electroconvulsive therapy, endotracheal
ADR’s: Apnea, Genetic predisposition (drug can remain for hours instead of days due to low Pseudo cholinesterase p
148) patient has prolong apnea.
-muscle rigidity with high temperature (malignant hyperthermia) genetic, muscle pain, hyperkalemia (drug promotes K+
release from tissues), hypertension, muscle breakdown.
Contraindicated: low pseudoChE, history of malignant hyperthermia, hyperkalemia history, burns, trauma, denervation
of skeletal muscle, and motor neuron injury.
Overdose Treatment: no specific antidote, just supportive. ChE inhibitors prolong the drug by delaying degradation.
adrenergic agonists
activate adrenergic receptors (similar to sympathetic)
Catecholamine (NE and Epinephrine, dopamine)
-unable to pass BBB, short halflife
-can’t be used orally
-inactivated by MAO
Non-catecholamine (ephedrine, albuterol, phenylephrine)
-can pass BBB, long halflife
-can be oral
alpha 1 agonist
USES: Mydriasis and Vasoconstriction (most often used for) P155
-stop bleeding due to hemostasis, combined with local anesthetics to delay anesthetic absorption, decrease nasal
congestion, increase BP, dilate pupils.
Drugs: Epinephrine, NE, Phenylephrine, Dopamine
ADR’s: High BP, Hypertension, tissue necrosis if alpha1 leaks into surrounding tissues, reflex bradycardia (compensatory
due to baroreceptor reflex, which decreases heart rate).
Treatment: Tissue necrosis given alpha1 blocking agent (phentolamine)
alpha 2 agonist
Peripheral receptors are presynaptic and inhibit release of NE. P156
-little periphery significance (not therapeutic), more effective in the CNS (therapeutic)
-acts centrally to reduce sympathetic flow to heart/blood vessels
-relief of severe pain
beta 1 agonist
Clinically beneficial for the heart. P156
Therapeutic uses:
-improve cardiac performance by increasing force of contraction in patients with heart failure (heart failure - +inotropic)
- treat shock (low tissue perfusion) by increasing heart rate, contraction force, and cardiac output.
-treat AV heart block by enhancing impulse conduction through AV node. Temporary. Pacemaker = long term treatment.
-in Cardiac arrest it’s not preferred, but can start contraction in a heart that stopped beating. Epinephrine administered
by IV or directly to heart.
Drugs: Epinephrine, NE, Isoproterenol, dopamine, dobutamine, and ephedrine.
ADR’s: due to irritation of being stimulated, cardiac tachycardia or dysythmias occur. Myocardial Ischemia (Angina
pectoris from increased oxygen demand [pain] ).
Beta 2 agonist
Limited to lungs and uterus. P156-157
Drugs: Epinephrine, Isoproterenol, and Albuterol.
Therapeutic Uses:
-selective drugs preferred over less-selective for Asthma (albuterol). Route by Inhalation.
-relaxes uterine smooth muscle to delay preterm labor
ADR’s: Tremor (skeletal muscle) and Hyperglycemia (glycogenolysis to get glucose to muscles to prepare for fight/flight).
Think Bear analogy.
Vasodilation of Kidneys
-reduces risk of renal failure by dilating renal BV
-treats shock, enhances cardiac performance due to beta1 activation in heart.
Nonselective, broad spectrum (all alpha/beta receptors) P157-159
Therapeutic uses: Cardiopulmonary arrest, Anaphylactic shock (temporary, epipen), asthma, delay local anesthetic
absorption, control superficial bleeding, increase BP, dilates pupil (mydriasis), and treats AV block.
*Epipen (page 158).
ADR’s: P159 multiple due to all 4 receptors stimulated; Hypertensive crisis due to high BP, dysrhythmias due to
sensitivity especially in hyperthyroid patients, Angina pectoris due to high oxygen demand, extravasation (fluid leaking
to other tissues) followed by necrosis, and hyperglycemia by breakdown of glycogen.
Routes: Topical, inhalation, parenteral. Not oral due to MAO inactivation.
epinephrine drug interactions and dose
Drug Interactions:
- MAO inhibitors suppress MAO, which inactivates catecholamines. Inhibiting MAO prolongs epinephrine effects.
-tricyclic antidepressants block uptake of catecholamines into adrenergic neurons. Prolongs epinephrine effects.
-inhalation anesthetics make the heart hypersensitive, and epinephrine/beta1 agonists can cause tachydysrythmias.
Correct Preparations, Dosage, and Administration:
-Check and monitor IV for less concentrated epinephrine in solution since more would
Same as epinephrine but doesn’t activate beta2
-limited clinical applications to hypotensive states and cardiac arrest
ADR’s not seen: hyperglycemia (beta2 mediated).
Route: 1mg/mL in IV solution. Monitor and avoid for extravasations.
Nonselective beta1 and beta2 stimulant P160
Therapeutic Uses: helps patients with AV heart block, cardiac arrest, and increase cardiac output during shock (beta1
ADR’s: related to cardiac stimulation. Angina pectoris and tachycardia.
Drug Interactions: like epinephrine. Enhanced by MAO inhibitors and reduced by beta adrenergic blocking agents.
Class: catecholamine. P160. Dopamine receptor.
-Has dose dependent receptor specificity (low=dopamine only, high= alpha1/beta1/dopamine).
Therapeutic Uses: Shock by increasing cardiac output and renal perfusion, Heart failure by increasing myocardial
-WAS used for Acute renal failure(ARF) to preserve renal function with low doses. Fail treatment.
ADR’s: tachycardias, dysrhythmias, angina pain, necrosis with extravasation.
Route: IV administration
Class: Noncatecholamine. P161. On Alpha1 receptor.
Therapeutic Uses: reduce nasal congestion via nasal spray, elevates BP parenterally, mydriasis via eye drops, delays
anesthetic absorption.
Class: Noncatecholamine. On Beta2 receptor.
Therapeutic Uses: replaced isoproterenol for Asthma.
ADR’s: tremor (beta 2 in skeletal muscle) and tachycardia, anxiety
Route: inhalation
Implication: if using more than twice a week or more than one container a month, there is poor control. Need a
maintenance drug to get them in better control of asthma.
alpha 1 blockade
Treats: hypertension by causing vasodilation, lowers BP. Reverses Alpha1 agonist toxicities. Reduces contraction of
smooth muscle in prostatic capsule and bladder neck of patients with Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
-Raynaud’s Disease: relieves symptoms of pain and cold in toes and fingers by preventing vasoconstriction.
-Pheochromocytoma are tumors of the adrenal medulla. Alpha1 suppresses hypertension and acute hypertension in
surgical procedures.
ADR’s: Most Serious: Orthostatic Hypotension which reduces blood flow to brain when alpha 1 blocks receptors in veins.
Blood pools in veins while standing and venous wall muscle tone is reduced.
-reflex tachycardia, nasal congestion, inhibition of ejaculation, Na+ retention and high blood volume.
Alpha 1 blockade. Selective. P167
Treats: Hypertension
ADR’s: First dose syncope (faint). Don’t drive 12-24 hours after taking. Take before bedtime.
-orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia, inhibition of ejaculation, nasal congestion.
Route: oral
Reduces heart rate, force of contractions, and velocity of impulse conduction
Therapeutic Uses: Angina Pectoris, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stage fright,
glaucoma, migraine, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma.
ADR’s P169: Bradycardia, reduced
Nonselective. Blocks beta 1 and beta 2.
-lipid soluble,c an cross membranes including CNS.
Route: Undergoes first pass orally (30%)
Excretion: Urine and feces.
Therapeutic Uses: Cardiovascular disorders. Reduces cardiac output in cardiac beta1 receptors. Suppress renin secretion
by blocking renal beta1 receptors.
-Blocking beta2 receptors: bronchoconstriction in lung, vasoconstriction in certain BV, reduced glucogenolysis in skeletal
muscle and liver.
ADR’s: cardiac and respiratory effects like AV block and bronchoconstriction (increases airway resistance).
Contraindications p171: Diabetes, Severe allergies (anaphylactic shock), patients with heart and respiratory disorders
like heart block and asthma.
Cardioselective. Blocks Beta2.
-high lipid solubility, selective, preferred over nonselective drugs
-like Propranolol, but it doesn’t block bronchial beta2 receptors at usual doses and doesn’t increase airway resistance.
ADR’s: most same like propranolol. But unlike propranolol, metoprolol causes minimal bronchocontstriction and doesn’t
interfere with beta2 glycogenolysis.
Route: Oral 100mg once a day.
Centrally Acting Alpha2 Agonists:
acts with CNS to reduce firing of sympathetic neurons
-primary use is for hypertension
-similar to direct acting adrenergic receptor blockers
-Drugs: Clonidine, Guanabenz and guanfacine, and Methyldopa and methyldopate.
selective activation for alpha2 receptors in CNS. P177
-reduces sympathetic outflow to heart and blood vessels
Pharmacologic Effects: suppressing nerves to heart may cause bradycardia and decrease in cardiac output. Also
vasodilation (decreased BP).
Therapeutic Use: approved for use of severe pain and hypertension
Route: oral and transdermal (every 7 days on hairless upper arm or torso)
ADR’s: Xerostomia, drowsiness, rebound
Not an alpha 2 agonist!!!! Early drug, not 1rst in line.
-gets CONVERTED to alpha 2 agonist in brain stem
Pharm Effects: lowers BP by acting within CNS (supine and standing patients), activates alpha2, and causes vasodilation
(not cardiosuppression).
Therapeutic use: hypertension
ADR’s: Positive Coombs’test and hemolytic anemia. Hepatotoxicity, xerostomia, orthostatic hypertension.