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19 Cards in this Set

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Sodium Values


Potassium Values


Reglan (IV or IM)



Action: Enhance gastric emptying, tranquilizing effect, prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Implications: Monitor for sedation and extrapyramidal reaction (involuntary movement, muscle tone changes, and abnormal posture). Instruct patient to report any difficulty in breathing

Zofran (IV)

Ondansetron HCl


Action: Enhance gastric emptying, tranquilizing effect, prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Implications: Monitor for sedation and extrapyramidal reaction (involuntary movement, muscle tone changes, and abnormal posture). Instruct patient to report any difficulty in breathing

Morphine (IM or IV)

*Opioid Analgesics

Action: Decrease anxiety and allow decreased anesthetics.

Implications: Monitor for respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, and pruritis.

Atropine Sulfate (IM or IV)


Action: Reduce oral and respiratory secretions to decrease risk of aspiration, decrease vomiting and laryngospasm.

Implications: Monitor for confusion, restlessness, and tachycardia, prepare patient to expect dry mouth.

Narcan (IV or IM)


*Antidote for opioids

Action: Complete or partial reversal of opioid depression, including respiratory depression, induced by natural and synthetic opioids

Implications: Monitor vitals, loss of consciousness, repeat doses if necessary, decrease respiratory depression, reverse analgesia, opioid withdrawal may occur

Tagamet (PO, IV, or IM)


*H2 antagonist

Action: Blocks the production of acid by acid-producing cells in the stomach.

Implications: Monitor pulse, I & O, bowel sounds, bp, confusion, report gastric pain or bleeding



*Benzodiazepine antagonist, CNS agent

Action: Reversal of benzodiazepine sedative effects in overdose, general anesthesia or conscious sedation.

Implications: Monitor respiratory status and seizures, do not drive or ingest alcohol.

Zantac (IV)


*H2 receptor antagonists

Action: Reduce gastric acid volume and concentration.

Implications: Monitor for confusion and dizziness in older adults.




Action: Decrease anxiety and produce sedation, induce and amnesia.

Implications: Monitor for respiratory depression, hypotension, drowsiness, and lack of coordination.

Valium (po)


*Benzodiazepines Action: Decrease anxiety and produce sedation, induce and amnesia. Implications: Monitor for respiratory depression, hypotension, drowsiness, and lack of coordination.

Ativan (IV)


*Benzodiazepines Action: Decrease anxiety and produce sedation, induce and amnesia. Implications: Monitor for respiratory depression, hypotension, drowsiness, and lack of coordination.


Cefazolin sodium


Action: Bactericidal, minimizes risk of wound infection.

Implications: if large doses are given, therapy is prolonged, or patient is at high risk, monitor for signs and symptoms of superinfectiom, including abdominal pain, moderate to severe diarrhea, severe anal or genital pruritus, and severe mouth soreness. Determine patient's history of allergies. If dosing continues, space drug evenly around tbe clock. Advise patient to complete therapy.


(Depo-Medrol, Solu-Medrol)

*Adrenocortical Steroid

Action: Decreases inflammation

Implications: Determine whether patient had hypersensitivity to drug. Determine whether patient has diabetes mellitus, and anticipate an increase in antidiabetic drug regimen because of raised blood glucose level.




Action: Reduces intensity of pain and inflammation.

Implications: Assess the duration, location, onset, and type of pain, and evaluate patient for therapeutic responses.

Lovenox (subq)

Enoxaparin sodium


Action: Produces anticoagulant, prevents new clot formation or secondary embolic complications.

Implications: DO NOT GIVE IM only subQ, tell the patient not to take aspirin or similar over the counter drugs.

Implications: DO NOT GIVE IM only subQ, tell the patient not to take aspirin or similar over the counter drugs.


Heparin sodium

*Anticoagulant Action: Produces anticoagulant, prevents new clot formation or secondary embolic complications. Implications: cross check heparin dose with another nurse before administrating, use constant rate IV infusion pump, monitor patients partial thromboplastin time diligently, assess patients gums for erythema and gingival bleeding; skin for bruising or petechiae; and urine for hematuria.

Coumadin (IM, IV, or po)

Warfarin Sodium

*Anticoagulant Action: Produces anticoagulant, prevents new clot formation or secondary embolic complications. Implications: Observe patient for evidence of hemorrhage such as abdominal or back pain, decreased bp, increased pulse, and severe headache. Urge patient not to ingest alcohol or make drastic dietary changes. If administration continues, urge patient to notify the physician if he or she experiences black stools; bleeding; brown, dark, or red urine; coffee ground vomitus; or red speckled mucus from a cough.