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27 Cards in this Set

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Old Regime

Social and political system of France, divided into 3 social classes

First Estate

Land owners, clergy, provided education and made up 1% of the population, paid 2% taxes

Second Estate

Made up of rich nobles, 2% of population, owned most land of France, paid almost no taxes

Third Estate

3 types; Bourgeoise - middle class ( bankers, factory owners, merchants ) SUPPORT ENLIGHTENMENT!!!

Urban Workers & Servants

Peasants- $ to church, nobles and taxes to king

Made up 97% of population, half income to taxes


Merchants, bankers, factory owners, well educated

Name reasons for the desire to change

New ideas on government, serious economic problems, weak leadership

Name the causes for French Revolution

Demand for equality, liberty, democracy, made up of the 3rd estate and inspired by the American Revolution

Economic problems (Debt; high costs of living; bad weather; shortage in crops; gvnt debt)

Huge gap between rich and poor

Weak leadership of King Louis XVI

July 17, 1789

Third estate proclaimed the end of an absolute monarchy and started a representative government

The National Assembly

Made up of the Third estate

They established their own representative government

Proclaimed end of absolutism

Tennis Court Oath

Pledge to draw up a new constitution

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Influenced by Enlightenment ideas and US Constitution and outlined the people’s rights to liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression

September 1791

National Assembly completed the new constitution outlining a limited constitutional monarchy and stripped the king of absolute authority and created a new legislative body (Legislative Assembly)

The war was between what countries

France and Prussia

Why did France declare war on Prussia?

Austria and Prussia preferred Louis to be in his position of an absolute monarch

What was the outcome of the French war with prussia ?

An angry mob took Louis, Marie Antoinette, and their children to prison

The National Convention

New governing body that abolished the monarchy and announced France a republic

Called themselves Jacobins

Got Louis to try to treason, found him guilty sentencing him to death

January 21,1793

Louis was beheaded by the guillotine machine


Machine that was efficient, humane and democratic

Maximilian Robespierre

Jacobin leader that gained power over France and claimed dictator in 1793

Reign of Terror

Period where Robespierre was dictator and wanted to wipe out Frances past

January 21,1793

Death toll of Reign of Terror


Stamp act

printed material would be taxed showing a stamp as proof

Tea act

tax on tea from East India Co

Navigation act

colonists can only trade with Great britain

Declaration of independence

T. Jefferson wrote it

July 4, 1776

To king george III

It was a list of complaints to kind

Treaty of Paris

Signed by Great britain

Declaring colonies independent of Great Britain

American Revolution was between who

Colonies and Great Britain