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30 Cards in this Set

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_______: The non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. The response of the body to any type of change or challenge and to any new, threatening, or exciting situation.
What are the two types of stress?
1.) Acute Stress
2.) Chronic Stress
_____: The most common type of stress. It is the short-term response to imminent danger.
Acute Stress
_____: This is continuous, it is prolonged stress, more than an individual can cope with or control.
Chronic Stress
_____: Factors that cause stress, they can be pleasant or unpleasant, real or imagined, and can be of different types.
____: Happy, pleasant events (holidays, getting married, etc.), health and performance improve even as stress increases.
_____: Unpleasant or harmful stress (flunking an exam, breakup, of a relationship, etc.) under which health and performance begin to decline.
______: A point at which eustress and distress are intense enough to motivate and physically prepare us to perform optimally yet not intense enough to cause the body to overreact or sustain harmful effects.
Optimal Stress
What are the three stages of stress response?
1.) Fight or Flight Response/ (Alarm Reaction Stage)
2.) Stage of Resistance
3.) Stage of Exhaustion
Once known as the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), it is the body's adaptation (reaction) to stress and includes three stages: the fight-or-flight response, the stage of resistance, and the stage of exhaustion. Regardless of the cause, the reaction to stress is psychological and physiological.
Stress Response
In the ______ stage, and also the first stage of the stress response, the body prepares to cope with a stressor (real or perceived). The response is a warning signal that a stressor is present.
Fight or Flight Response / Alarm Reaction Stage
In the _____ stage, and also the second stage of the stress response system, the body actively resists and attempts to cope with the stressor and to regain normal balance.
Stage of Resistance (The Second Stage)
In the _____ stage, and also the third stage of the stress response system, the adaption energy is exhausted, and signs of fight-or-flight reappear. During this time the immune system breaks down.
Stage of Exhaustion (The Third Stage)
______: The events or interactions in your daily life that you find bothersome, annoying, or negative in some way.
Daily Hassles
______: These are positive events that make us feel good.
Daily Uplifts
What are five strategies that are effective for managing stress.
1.) Exercise
2.) Relaxation Techniques
3.) Lifestyle Change
4.) Reframing
5.) Laughter and Humor
6.) Create a memory bank
______: is a series of exercises designed by the physician Edmund Jacobson for his tense patients. The method emphasizes the relaxation of the voluntary skeletal muscles by contracting a muscle group and then relaxing it, progressing from one muscle group to another until the total body is relaxed.
Progressive Relaxation
_____: is a way of looking at life in a positive manner. For example, seeing the glass as half full is a reframing of seeing it as half empty.
______:is the body's built-in defense mechanism against the harmful effects of the inappropriate elicitation of the fight-or-flight response caused by everyday living. Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard University discovered that with training, the healing mechanism can be summoned at will.
Relaxation Response
is a Type A personality who has stress-resistant, "hardiness" traits and thus is not prone to the deleterious effects of stress, even though he or she lives a highly stressed life.
Type C Personality
The opposite of Type A personality. These people are relaxed, casual, unaggressive, and patient. They tend to deal more effectively with stressful situations.
Type B personality
This person is a person who possesses two negative emotional states: negative affectivity (worry, irritability, gloom) and social inhibition (discohttp://www.flashcardexchange.com/mycards/add/2005634mfort in social interactions, reticence, and a lack of social poise). These people are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Type D Personality
In which form of stress does the fight-or-flight mechanisms work best?
Acute Stress
During which stage in the stress response do stress hormones, blood pressure, and breathing rate increase?
Fight or Flight Response
Which personality type exhibits control, commitment, challenge, lifestyle choices, and connectedness?
Type C Personality
A number of studies suggest that exercise reduces the intensity of the stress response, shortens the time it takes to recover from stress, and helps ward off illness in people experiencing stress. Exercise allows us to play out the inappropriate (or overused) fight-or-flight response and reduce the adrenaline being pumped into the bloodstream True or False?
______: A physical ailment that is mentally induced. The mind and the body are an interrelated whole. One part affects the other.
A psychosomatic disease
Catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) are stress hormones. True or False?
We can learn to produce the relaxation response—which reduces the heart rate and slows respiration—to counteract stress. True or False?
What are the 5 C's?
control, commitment, challenge, choices in lifestyle, and connectedness.