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115 Cards in this Set

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A third instar nymph is

The designated stage between the molted second instar and the next molt.

What are an example of insect orders that go through simple or gradual metamorphosis?

Termites or grasshoppers

What are an example of insects that undergo complex metamorphosis?

Beetles and weebvils

Insects have how many body regions and pairs of legs?

3 distinct body regions and 6 pairs of legs

Spiders are different than insects in that they

have 2 distinct body regions : a cephalothorax and abdomen

What is an example of an insect always considered to be a pest?

Bed Bugs

Termites go through the following developmental stages :

Egg, nymph, adult

What is IPM (Integrated Pest Management) ?

a decision making process

The first step in IPM is to...

Identify the pest

A threshold or injury level is best defined as

The level of pest damage or pest that requires management action

True of False : Fumigation is always a reasonable pest management option for most structural pests in the state of Washington.


A duster is used to apply

Dust into a wall void

Dampwood termites are found only in ...

wet wood

The inside of subterranean termites shelter or mud tubes appear

scaly or pebbled

Dampwood termites swarm in

late summer or early fall

Mature dampwood termite soldiers are how long?

3/4 inch long

The presence of an active dampwood termite colony under a house indicates ...

a moisture problem

Subtarrenaean termite swarming in western Washington occurs

predominantly in fall

Which ants are primarily wood destroying organisms?

Carpenter ants

Which ants are secondary wood destroying organisms?

Moisture ants

Which of the following carpenter ant life stages is not found in a satellite colony?


Which of the following ant groups is polymorphic?

Thatching ants

Accumulated piles of sawdust in various locations like the crawl space floor are indicators of what sort of ant infestation?

Carpenter ant infestation

Lyctid beetles go through what developmental stages?

Egg, larvae, pupa, adult

Anoviids produce a

granular (gritty) pellet-like frass

Golden buprestids are considered to be a

structural pest only in rare occassions

Shipworms are

a wood eating clam

Wood-soil contact is a common and necessary condition conducive to the establishment of

fungal rot

Lyctids infest which types of wood?


In the Pacific Northwest, anoviids are

the primary structural beetle pest of home wood members (e.g. joists, studs, etc)

Cockroaches go through what developmental stages?

Egg, nymph, adult

The most commonly encountered cockroach in homes, apartments, and restaurants in the Northwest is the

German cockroach

Which cockroaches carries her egg case up until the day before the eggs are ready to hatch?

German cockroach

Which cockroaches lack wings or have very stubby wings?

Oriental cockroach

Which is the most common type of insecticide treatment for controlling cockroaches?


Which food pest beetles has a characteristic snout?

Granary weevil

Carpet beetles feed on what?

both drygoods and animal products

The most common wool-infesting moth in Washington is the...

casemaking clothes moth

The most common food-infesting beetle in Western Washington is the...

drugstore beetle

Beetles go through what developmental stages?

Egg, larvae, pupa, adult

Grain mites are most likely to thrive under which conditions?

very humid and moderate conditions (65-75 F)

Which stage of the cluster fly overwinters in attics or walls?


The cluster fly maggot feeds as a

parasite in earthworms

When vinegar flies or fruit flies become a problem it is usually because of what?

There is a source of fermenting plant material nearby.

Flies go through which developmental stages?

Egg, larvae, pupa, adult

Millipedes are considered

herbivorous, usually feeding on decaying plant material

Springtails prefer to live in what areas?

moist areas

Yellowjackets overwinter in the Pacific Northwest as

inseminated new queens

African bees are dangerous because

they can release a particularly efficient alarm pheromone that results in many bees attacking the victim

Spiders have how many body regions and legs?

4 pairs of legs and 2 distinct body regions.

The brown recluse spider is found

in southeastern states


start new nests each spring

West nile virus is found

in horses, humans and certain birds

What disease is transmitted by ticks?

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

To kill bed bugs, the temperature needs to be at least...

120 F

Bed bugs have what body part?

piercing-sucking mouthparts

What is an important step in bed bug management?

Visual inspection to confirm bed bug location and population.

Which bed bug lifestyles are killed by steam treatment?

All lifestages.

Norway rats have what kind of ears?

Small ears

Hantavirus is carried largely by what?

deer mice

Bat can carry what disease?


Bait shyness occurs in rodents when...

inadequate control with an acute toxicant was not achieved after the first baiting.

Where should rodent snap traps be placed?

Placed perpendicular to a wall with the trigger next to the wall

What is an example of an organism that is NOT considered a WDO according to Washington law?

Moisture ants

True or False : Substructure crawl areas must be inspected when accessible.


What is not considered to be a conducive condition?

Moisture barrier.

What are the three distinct body regions of insects?

Head, thorax and abdomen

What are some defining features of insects?

1. Three distinct body regions 2. One or two pairs of wings on many adult insects 3. Adults possess three pairs of legs on the thorax and one pair of antennae on the head.

What are insects that do not undergo metamorphisis referred to as?


What stages do insects with simple metamorphisis undergo?

egg, nymph and adult

What stages do insects with complex metamorphisis undergo?

egg, larva, pupa, adult

The pupa stage, unlike the damaging adult stage, is...

non-feeding and in most cases non-mobile

What is the period between each molt called?

an Instar

What methods of classifying insects exist?

1. Inspection of body parts under a microscope. 2. The type of damage they cause 3. Manner of feeding or mouth parts

Using IPM you must decide

IF treatments are necessary, WHERE treatments should occur, WHEN treatments are to take place and WHICH treatments to use

What are the six IPM steps?

1. Understanding and educating the customer 2. Analyzing the pest problem 3. Taking short-term, corrective action 4. Implementing long-term, preventative actions 5. Inspecting, documenting and evaluating results 6. Getting back to the client.

What kind and how long does ant metamorphisis take?

Under normal circumstances, ants undergo complete metamorphisis that takes about 60 days from egg to adult.

What is an example of a usually beneficial ant?

Thatching ants, because they are fierce predators of other insects.

Why aren't moisture ants a primary structural pest?

They nest in already decayed wood and only speed the deterioration of wood as opposed to being the direct cause of it.

Which ant in Washington causes a severe sting?

Harvester ants, which are reddish to reddish brown. However few people are stung and control of populations is rarely necessary.

What is one of the most significant nuisance ants in Washington?

Odorous House Ants

Which nuisance ants can be a garden pest of sorts?

Pavement ants, which steal seeds from the flowers of certain vegetables.

What is an example of ant where spraying is ineffective?

Pharaoh ants, sprays just fragment the colony. Specifically recommended Pharoah ant baits are available.

Which ant is commonly confused with carpenter ants and becoming a major pest in Washington?

Velvety tree ants, which nest in wood and give off a similar smell to odorous house ants when crushed

What introduced ant is becoming a problem in Washington and is vulnerable to perimeter sprays?

Argentine Ants, as they generally nest outside.

What beetle is named for its frequent attacks on tobacco products?

Cigarette beetles

What is the distinction between food and fabric pests?

Food pests are often called stored product pests and feed on dry stored foods such as grain or grain products.

What enhances an infestation of stored product pests?

Poor sanitation and food storage methods, spilled or exposed foods, food not tightly sealed.

What are the best methods of controlling stored product pests?

Sanitation, storing food in tight containers, not buying large quantities of food that will sti for a long time.

Cloth moths are pests of what

fabrics, wools, furs and other items of animal origin

Carpet beetles role in the environment is to what?

Decompose animal matter

What are some ways Carpet Beetles may enter the home?

Open doorways, or windows, being carried on flowers, or entering through cracks and wall sockets.

In what ways are Centipedes beneficial?

They feed on insects and other small creatures.

Millipedes can be controlled in what way?

Residual pesticide perimieters

Sowbugs and pillbugs enter the home and aggregate in what areas?

Damp areas like basements, garages, or interiors.

What control is recommended for pseudoscorpions?

None. They eat other insects which is beneficial, and have no sting.

Clover Mites enter homes for what reason?


What makes Clover Mites a nuisance in the home?

They stain walls and curtains when crushed.

Which spiders have venom?


What are bed bug control steps?

Clean, organize, bag and declutter. Steam treatment. Vacumm. Heat treatment. Employ mattress encasements, interceptors or sticky traps as barriers for control or monitoring. Caulk cracks and fix peeling wallpaper. Use pesticide. Vacuum daily.

What are the three species that are considered commensal rodents?

The house mouse, the roof rat or black rat (rattus rattus) and the Norway rat

What distinguishes the Roof rat or rattus rattus?

A tail longer than the head and body, light and slender body, large ears and eyes and a pointed snout.

What distinguishes the Norway rat or rattus norvegicus?

A tail shorter than the head + the body, a heavy and thick body, small eyes, small ears and a blunt face.

What features distinguish the house mouse from a young rat?

Small feet and head.

What exclusion methods exist for rodent control?

Rodent proofing a structure with steel wool

What sanitation control methods exist for rodents?

Removing readily accessible food sources like bird feeders, leftover pet food and open trash containers. Trash can drains should be covered with a mesh or hardware cloth and trash cans should be heavy duty and gnaw proof.

What habitat manipulation control methods exist for rodents?

Removing brush, storage and creating open areas around the home.

What trapping methods exist for rodents?

The classic snap traps, glue traps, and wind-up traps.

What are the three categories of rodenticide?

acute, subacute and chronic.

What are the characteristics of an acute rodenticide?

Only a single feeding can cause death if enough is consumed and it can cause bait shyness if the rodent does not consume enough of the bait.

What are the characteristics of sub-acute rodenticides?

They have a stop-feed mechanism and multiple feedings can take place before the rodent reaches a lethal dose.

What are the characteristics of chronic rodenticides?

Anticoagulants that cause bleeding over time, disassociating the slower death from the bait product.

What are the state of Washington's rules for how rodent baits can be used?

They must be placed in a secured, locked, tamper resistant bait box if used outdoors. All bait boxes must have the name, physical address and telephone number of the pest management company or certified applicator. Also, the name and EPA registration number of the active ingredient must be on the outside of the box.

What are some of the reason rodent bait control fails?

The time period that bait is exposed is too short. Insufficient bait is available and none remains from one baiting station to the next. Too few bait stations are used and some are too far apart. There is not enough coverage between bait stations. Other food is available for rodents, the bait has become insect-infested or contaminated in a way that reduces acceptance.

What vertebrates can damage lawns, landscape plants and landscaping?

Meadow mouses or voles.