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22 Cards in this Set

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Sex vs. Gender?
The word sex should mean chromosome diff. Gender should mean roles and behaviors.
Girls are exposed to too much androgen- affects them later--not as girly etc.
Androgen Insensitivity?
Boys have more female gender identities. (Metro, bi)
Evolutionary psychs. argue?
Gender is based on natural selection in society. Males- most sex possible- females-ensuring survival of young.
What does evolutionary psych. prospective explain?
Why men are more competitive and why women are more focused on relationships, and emotional understanding.
How do kids know to act like a boy or girl?
They are trained socially.
What is different in the way boys and girls are treated?
They way they are held and spoken to.
Langlois and Downs study?
Study where 3-5 yr olds were studied separately with mom and with dad-- Fathers noticed male children with fem toys and reacted negatively, moms were more passive.
Parental treatment differs in terms of stressed things?
Boys have more freedom and are trusted more, boys are stressed dominance in careers, women are stressed family ties and relationships.
Parental treatment differs in terms of activities?
Boys-sports, martial arts, girls-girl scouts, dance.
Traditional parents (50's sitcom) =
Traditional kids- homemaker mom, breadwinner dad.
Dominant mother + passive father =
Kids who are more likely to show emotional understanding.
Dominant dad + passive mom =
Ultra male or ultra female.
Gender diffs in male genes?
Males are more likely to have a sex linked disease. Males are more genetically fragile, more males born but evens out by age 1. Males have more receptors for sexual stimuli and spacial stimuli.
Gender diffs in female genes?
Females have longer life expectancy, more resistant to infection, less likely to develop psychological disorders, have less stress hormones,
Cognitive diffs?
Girls have more verbal advantage, boys have spacial advantage, Average girl has a higher reading and writing score and boys have higher math and science. Girls on average better students.
Physical diffs?
Boys are more physically aggressive, girls more verbally aggresive, girls develop emotion/self regultaion earlier than boys.
Gender development in childhood?
Preschool age kids know their gender and stick with same sex peer groups. Boys are socialized quicker and are more likely to engage in ONLY male activities. Ex: tom boy girl, or ballet school boy.
When does co-ed play begin to appear?
In elementary school, kids begin to loosen up and play together.
Adolescence on gender?
Adolescence return strictly to gender roles, so other gender will find them attractive. SOme say bigger issue for boys--(ie dominance adult behaviors like smoking and drinking assert masculinity)
Adulthood gender?
Strict gender roles vary, but can cause probs. in relationships, ex: dominant woman and man.
Elderly people on gender?q
Not a lot of research.- Slows down.- less competitive, More androgeny (don't really care) most people are married or single.