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35 Cards in this Set

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What is freud's theory on personality focused on?

The adult personality emerges as a composite of early childhood experiences, based on how these experiences are consciously and unconsciously processed within human developmental stages, these experiences shape personality

During developmental stages, experiences are filtered through three levels of human mind.

What was Freud's view on human nature

Deterministic, little free will and pessimistic

What is the 3 personality structure

It is what makes up the iceberg

Id-> spoil brat, unconscious

Collection of unconscious urges and desires that continually

seek expression

Ego-> acts like the goverment, top of iceberg it is the part of personality that mediates between superego and id

Superego--> parent standards, highly moralistic, preconscious,

Works sort of in a conscious level, it is a type of screening center for what is going on l. It is at the level that society and parental guidance is weighed against personal pleasure.

How does id work, more in detail?

It's like a spoil brat that wants what it's impulses want. It works under pleasure principle, wants to maximize please, and reduce pain. What drives it, is libidio (form of psychic energy generated by a sexual drive)

When ego fails to satisfy both id and superego, what happens?

Unhealthy personalities develop not only when we become dependent on our defense mechanisms, but also usually when our 3 personality structures aren't usually strong

I have a feeling of dangerous anxiety and im at work and don't want to make a big scene, so what defense mechanism do i use?


When i try not to believe the truth, the painful reality


What type of defense mechanism is favoured by many

Primitive(short term), hence more effective but long term less effective

What are most defense mechanisms


If you want to get your point across by action what type of defense mechanism are we referring to

Acting out, in extreme behaviour in order to express thoughts or feelings

I am gonna project my undesired thoughts and feeling onto someone who doesn't have those?what type of defense mechanism?


Reaction formation

Converting unwanted thoughts and feelings into opposites. For example a woman who hates her mean boss, may act overly kind

A man who gets angry at hos boss, because he can't redirect his feelings in a safely manner

Displacement uneffective

Rather than to deal with painful thoughts the person will ignore it and focus on abstract ideas,


Substituting a situation, coming up with ideas to distort painful thought


Psychosexual stages

Like discussed before freud believed that life was built around tension and pleasure, all tension is built up of libidio (sexual energy) and all pleasure came from it's discharge. As a person grows physically certain areas of their body become important as sources of potential frustration(erogenouszones), pleasure or both. These stages of development are important in the first five years. Id must be controlled in order to satisfy social demands, setting up conflict between frustrated wishes and social norms. Ego and superego develop in order to exercise control and need for gratification into socially acceptable channels.


Both frustration and overindulgence may lead to a fixation at a particular psychosexual stage







Who shared similar interest in the unconscious as freud

Carl jung

But what changes jung's ideals later?

After lecture on Freud's theory of Oedipus complex. And is jot completely formed in childhood. Unconscious was a source of energy and strength, and not just needs and desires.

Jung's theory

There are interacting systems to Freud, but they're separate in a way


Conscious thoughts emotions thoughts and feeling we are aware of.

Personal unconscious

Same as unconscious, temporarily forgotten information, as well repressed memories and impulses.

Collective unconscious

The form of the world itno which person is born is inborn in him. Which stimulate an inherited disposition toward action such as

Accordingto Jung the human mind is already imprinted due to result of evolution, such as our fear for the dark, and snakes. Which are ancestoral Archetpes

Our personality can be based on psychic energy factors?

Extraverts-> energy towards external world, social liking towards each other

Introverts-> focused more on selves and thoughts

Jung also based people on how they understand the world

Rational- regulate by primarily thinking or feeling

Irrational regualte action through sense, unconscious though process.

Neo freudians

Adler's theory , inferiority complex. The idea that we develop our personality from strivung towards acceptance of self and recognition of one's self worth. And personality is united rather than in spearate chunks. The inferioirty complex aquire in childhood motivates our behaviour to struggle to achieve supeiority

How do psychologist access the unconscious

Hypnosis & free association

Jung analysed dreams.

Projective test- an ambiguous stimulus presented, asking patient to describe it or present a story behind it

Roschard inkblot test-


Humanistic theories

Complete opposite of psychoanalytic and is more about self concept, our own making based on perceptions of ourselves. By changing your perceptions of yourself by changing your reality can improve self concept, which is a way every person can achieve their goals.

It's also the environment that influences growth, they need an environment that provides them with. Unconditional positive regard (accpetance), genuiness (openess and self disclosure), and empathy(being listened to and understood)

How does Carl Rogers believe self actualization happen

Remember it is always a process to become a full functioning person. These characteristics is what makea us a fully functioning people,

Open to experience both positive and negative emotions. Negative feelings not denied but worked through

Existential living in touch with different experiences as they occur in life, avoiding negativw thoughts and feelings

Trust feelings


Fullfilled life

Trait personality theory

If someone asked you to describe the personality of a close friend, what kind of things would you say?

A few that might spring to mind is outgoing, kind, and even tempered. All of these represent traits which relatively are stable characteristics. Trait approach is focus on indivualism, with the interaction of various traits forming a personality which is unqiue to each individual.

What are cardinal traits

Traits that dominate a whole individuals life, often to a point where the person is known for these specific traits.

What are central traits

General characteristics which form basic foundation, but not as dominating as cardinal, but are major such as intelligent shy anxious

Secondary traits

Traits related to attitude or which only appear in certain situations

What are three traits allport discovers




How did Carl Rogers assess his patients

Assessing by personality questionnaires, by asking people to describe themselves, and would like to be nearly alike to there positive selves

What is the theory behind social cognitive peerspective

We learn behaviours from conditioning, observing, modelling and emphasize the importance of mental processing, focusing on how we interact with our environment.

Who is a social cognitve theorist

Albert Bandura well known for observational learning.

He created what is called reciprocal determinism

Personality is shaped by interaction among cognitive factors(beliefs, values and thoughts), behaviours(our outward actions), and environmental factors(social influence like family, peers, media)

For example

Cognitive hard will take you far

Behaviour study hard get good grades

Environment praised by parents, admired by friends