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40 Cards in this Set

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is the unique pattern of enduring thoughts, feelings, and actions that characterize a person
Psychodynamic Approach to Personality
Basic tenets:
-Constant struggle between desire to meet biological urges and realities of living
-Unconscious processes influence behavior
Personality Structure: ID
-The unconscious portion of personality where the eros and thanatos instincts reside
-operates on the pleasure principle
Personality Structure: Ego
-Portion of personality responsible for satisfying the demands of the Id
-operates on reality principle
Personality Structure: Superego
-Portion of personality that dictates what one should and should not do
Defense Mechanism: Repression
Unconsciously pushing threatening memories, urges, or ideas from conscious awareness
Defense Mechanism: Rationalization
Making actions or mistakes seem reasonable
Defense Mechanism: Denial
Simply discounting the existence of threatening impulses
Defense Mechanism: Projection
Unconsciously attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts or impulses to another person
Defense Mechanism: Reaction Formation
Defending against unacceptable impulses by acting opposite to them
Defense Mechanism: Sublimation
Converting unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable actions, and perhaps symbolically expressing them
-only adaptive way of defending self
Defense Mechanism: Displacement
Discharging an impulse from its original target to a less threatening one
Defense Mechanism: Compensation
Striving to make up for unconscious impulses or fears
Psychosexual Stage 1: Oral Stage
-Mouth is center of pleasure
-Personality problems arise when oral needs are either neglected or overindulged
Psychosexual Stage 2: Anal Stage
-Toilet training clashes with instinctual pleasure in having bowel movements at will
-Child’s ego develops to cope with parental demands for socially appropriate behavior
-Toilet training that is too harsh or starts to early or too late can lead to anal fixation
Psychosexual Stage 3: Phallic Stage
-between 3 & 5 yrs.
-Focus of pleasure shifts to the genital region
-->Boys realize they're boys and vice versa
-Boys experience the Oedipus complex
-Girls experience the Electra complex
Psychosexual Stage 4: Latency Period
sexual impulses stay in background
Psychosexual Stage 5: Genital Stage
Sexual impulses reappear at conscious level; genitals are again the focus of sexual pleasure
-lasts until death
Type Theory
Hippocrates -- A certain temperament is associated with each of the four bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
-One’s personality type depends on how much of each humor a person has
-Thus, people fit into a few distinct, mutually exclusive categories
Trait Theory
People have the same traits, but in different amounts
Central Traits
characteristics that are apparent to others and organize and control behavior in many different situations
Secondary Traits
traits that are more specific to certain situations and control far less behavior
Social-Cognitive Approach
Basic Tenets:
-Characteristics of individuals are acquired through learning
-Emphasizes the influence of social situations on personality
A Big 5 Personality Trait: Openness to Experience
Artistic, curious, imaginative, insightful, original, wide interests, unusual thought processes, intellectual interests
A Big 5 Personality Trait: Conscientiousness
Efficient, organized, makes plans, reliable, thorough, dependable, ethical, productive
A Big 5 Personality Trait: Extraversion
Active, assertive, energetic, outgoing, talkative, gesturally expressive, gregarious
A Big 5 Personality Trait: Agreeableness
Appreciative, forgiving, generous, kind, trusting, noncritical, warm, compassionate, considerate, straightforward
A Big 5 Personality Trait: Neuroticism
anxious, self-pitying, tense, emotionally unstable, impulsive, vulnerable, touchy, worrying
Rotter's Expectancy Theory
-to explain why people do things
-a person's decision to undertake an action is based upon what they expect to follow and how valuable the outcome based upon that expectation is
Internals: one of Rotter's categories
believe what they achieve is due to efforts they make themselves
Externals: one of Rotter's categories
expect external forces to control them and believe they have no control and that success is due to chance or luck
Bandura's Reciprocal Determinism
suggests that cognitions, behavior, and the environment are constantly affecting one another
Perceived self-efficacy
is the learned expectation of success: the belief that you can successfully perform a certain behavior
Humanistic/Phenomenological Approach
Each individual’s unique phenomenology, or way of perceiving and interpreting the world, shapes personality and guides behavior
Actualizing Tendency
Behavior is motivated mainly by an innate drive toward growth
Roger's Self Theory
Personality is shaped by BOTH the actualizing tendency AND by others’ evaluations of us
Roger's Self Theory: Positive Regard
other people’s approval of us affects our self concept (how we think of ourselves)
Roger's Self Theory: Congruence
When others’ evaluations agree with your own, you perceive the self as “good”; if this doesn’t happen you suppress your genuine feelings and experience incongruence
Roger's Self Theory: Conditions of Worth
suggestion that our value as a person depends on if we display the “right behaviors"
Maslow's Growth Theory
most people are controlled by a deficiency orientation
-focus on what they don't have instead of what they do have
-people w/ growth orientation do not focus on what is missing, but draw satisfaction from what they have or can do