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27 Cards in this Set

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Who was the daughter of King Acrisius


Who told the king he would never have a son

The oracle of delphi

Who did the oracle say would kill acrisius

His grandson, or Danaë's son

What did the king do to prevent his daughter from having a son

Put her in a house of bronze and sunk it underground

How did Zeus appear to Danaë

As a shower of gold

Who was Perseus' father


What did Acrisius do to Perseus and Danaë

Put them in a chest and sent them out to sea

Who discovered them in a chest

Dictys, a fisherman

Who cared for Danaë and Perseus

Dictys and his wife

Who was Polydectes

The ruler of the island they lived on, and Dictys' brother

Who did Polydectes fall in love with


How did Polydectes try to kill Perseus

Knowing that Perseus wanted to impress him, he said that he wanted the head of a gorgon

Why did he have trouble finding the gorgons

No one seemed to know where they lived

What did Hermes tell Perseus to do

Go to the nymphs and get equipment

What did Hermes give Perseus

A sword

What did Athena give Perseus

A shield

What did Perseus do to the Gray Women and why

Took their eye so they would give him directions to the nymphs

What did the nymphs give Perseus

Winged sandals, a magic wallet, and a hat to make him invisible.

Who was the only gorgon who could be killed


Who was Andromeda

A beautiful woman from Ethiopia who was given up to be eaten by a sea serpent

What did Perseus do to save andromeda

Killed the beast that was supposed to eat her

Who did Perseus marry


Did Danaë and Polydectes ever marry


What did Perseus do to all the nobles at the wedding feast

Used medusa's head to turn them to stone

How did Acrisius die

Perseus accidentally killed him during an athletic competition

Who was Perseus and Andromeda's child


Who did Perseus give Medusa's head to
