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130 Cards in this Set

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a spirit of unity and mutual concern, the quality of justice that breaks down barriers between people.
a way of being and acting that emphasizes personal independence and the rights of individuals over interdependence and concern for the common good.
reliant on one another for survival and well being
Crisis of limits
the finite and irreplaceable nature of essential resources, such as oil and rainforests
Simple living
a way of life in which a person buys and uses only what is needed, out of respect for people and resources
the belief that the world is out of the control of humans and in the hands of blind fate
the theological virtue by which we desire and expect from God eternal life and the grace necessary to attain it. Hope envisions a better world and affirms that, with God’s help, a better world is possible.
Personal causes
individual actions that lead to problems or good results
Underlying causes
ways society is structured that affect people
Works of mercy
charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in physical and spiritual ways
Long term solutions
answers which provide ongoing resolutions to problems
Social actions
steps taken to change society’s structures
Social sin
the social dimension of sin, both in its causes and in its effects
Graced social structures
structures of society that encourage and strengthen life, dignity, and the development of community
Sinful social structures
structures of society that discourage and waken life, dignity, and the development of community.
Decision making power
ability to make choices regarding an institution or one’s life
Life choices
decision about living made by an individual or group
Communities of resistance
groups that take a unified stand against an area of injustice
Welfare to work programs
government assistance programs that provide aid while individuals are trying to learn a new trade or seek employment
Income levels
comparative amounts of money earned annually by individuals or families
Physical quality of life index
table determined by a combination of average length of life, average rate of death for babies, and the number of people who can read
a state resulting from a diet lacking the nutrients vital for good health
Chronic malnutrition
constant illness caused by a lack of proper amounts of vitamins and nutrients
amount of food is less that what can sustain life
Economic colonies
poorer countries dependent on a few wealthy countries to purchase their limited selection of crops or products
Cash crops
crops grown to be exported in order to raise money
Food crops
crops grown to feed the people within a country
Single export economies
budgets based on one product as the main source of income
a country ruled by a few members of an elite group clearly distinct from the vast majority of the population
scholars of religion
Liberation theology
belief that the gospel message addresses today’s social concerns, especially those of people who are poor
the practice of placing people into one of three groups based on their likelihood of survival and treating the first two groups most likely to survive. The three groups are: those who can survive with little or no attention, those who can survive but need immediate attention, and those who can survive only with intensive treatment.
the goodness or sinfulness of human acts
Natural law
god’s fatherly instruction that is written on the human heart and accessed by human reason
the interior voice of a human being, within whose heart the inner law of god is inscribed
Catholic morality
the way that we live our lives as children of God in response to Jesus under the guidance of the Holy Spirit at work in the Catholic Church
the respect owed to all human beings because they are made in God’s image
a solemn agreement between God and human beings involving mutual obligations and agreements
the gift of the Holy spirit’ participation in god’s Trinitarian life, the help God gives us to live out our vocation
Holy Trinity
one God in three persons: the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit
Sanctifying grace
a share in God’s life, a gift from God that enables the soul to live with him and respond to his friendship
Actual grace
the help God gives us for a particular need to help us inform our lives to his will
calling to love and serve god both now and forever
the mystery of the wonderful union of the divine and human natures in Jesus, the son of god
Sermon on the mount
a part of the gospel according to Matthew in which Jesus preaches important moral teachings, including the Beatitudes
the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount on the meaning and way to true happiness
Beatitude Saints
people who take the Beatitudes message to heart and attempt to live it
God’s reign or rule
Foot washing
the activity Jesus performed prior to the Last supper that becomes the model for all Christian Services
“hard sayings” of Jesus
teachings such as the Beatitudes and the Last Judgment that overturn commonly heald values and priorities
attitude of strict observance of laws, regardless of circumstances and possible harm to people involved.
an attitude of doing only the least that is required by law in our moral life
Moral muscle
pushing ourselves to do more than the minimum in or moral life
Communion of saints
this title refers to two realities, First of all, it designates the “holy things” such as charity and the Eucharist, by which the unity of the faithful is brought about. Second, it refers to the unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died.
a Greek word for a duly summoned assembly, also means Church
an experience of isolation and separateness from God and others
an experience of reuniting and reconnecting with God and others
the teaching office of the Church
Catechism of the Catholic Church
a “synthesis of the essential and fundamental contents of Catholic doctrine, as regards both faith and morals, in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the whole of the Church’s Tradition”
an official letter from the pope, usually addressed to all Church members
a moral decision making ability or action centering on what a person has already done or ought to do in the future. It involves awareness that there is a right and wrong, a process of discernment, and finally judgment
Lax conscience
when a person does not employ a process of conscientious decision making, thereby not facing or thinking about the morality of actions that he or she performs
Informed conscience
a conscience that is educated and developed through constant use and examination
Erroneous conscience
when a person follows a process of conscientious decision making but unwittingly makes a wrong decision
when people act contrary to their conscience and purposely choose to do wrong
Venial sin
an action that weakens our relationshi8p with god
Mortal sin
an action so destructive that it mortally wounds our relationship with God, complete rejection of god
Sin of omission
not doing an action that is called for
Sin of commission
purposely doing an action that is harmful to oneself or another
an attitude of not getting involved, not caring, not acting when action is called for social sin
Sinful social structures
ways societies are structured resulting in unjust distribution of power, benefits, and privileges
the attributes and features that make up our individuality
good qualities, habits, or patters of behavior that incline us to live justly, character strengths manifested on a consistent basis of decision making
bad qualities, habits, or patterns of behavior that incline us to actions that are harmful to ourselves and others
Theological virtues
faith, hope, and charity, good habits given by him, that are directed to him as their object or major focus
a gift from God and a human act by which we believe all that God has revealed, the theological virtue of seeking to know and to do god’s will
trusting in God, in everything that Christ has promised, and in the help of the Holy Spirit. Hope focuses on obtaining eternal happiness in heaven and the help from God (grace) to achieve it
sometimes called love, the theological virtue representing the core of the Christian life. Charity is the virtue by which we love god above all things for his own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of god. Charity is the virtue that places concern for God, manifest especially through concern for others, above everything else.
Cardinal virtues
prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, permanent readiness of our will and intellect that exercise control over our actions, provide discipline for our passions, and emotions, and direct our behavior to be disciples of Jesus
the virtue that helps us make a correct judgment about what to do to choose the right way to do it.
the virtue stating that all people have rights and should have their basic needs met.
courage, strength when confronted with difficulties and perseverance in pursing that which is good
self control and a balanced lifestyle
honesty, genuineness, and consistency in behavior patterns’
Lived values
qualities and concerns that we demonstrate as being important through our actions
Stated values
qualities and concerns that we claim are important to us.
Community of good character
a community that promotes rather than obstructs the exercise of virtue, a community that is energized by the practice of values.
The starting point of Catholic morality is the recognition of the one true God.
God has written into the human soul a moral sense. Morality, therefore, refers to human acts and whether they are good or evil.
We are coworkers with God through his covenant.
Jesus said, “You should also do as I have done to you.”
Jesus asks us to see him in every needy person, telling us that every act of kindness that we do for them is an act of kindness to Jesus.
In the Eucharist, we celebrate hearing God’s word and receiving the body of Christans well as our union with God.
Reconciliation means reuniting and getting back in touch.
The opposite of reconciliation is alienation.
The Eucharist is the sacrament that is at the center of Chruch life.
The Body of Christ reminds Christians of the fact that they are not alone and that they have a community of support.
The sacraments nourish and strengthen our moral lives.
The documents of the Vatican II provided a sense of direction for the Catholic community in the modern world.
The three dimensions of conscience are awareness of right and wrong, the development of that awareness through use, and the judgement of the morality of the action.
God’s ultimate response to the sin of Adam and Eve is original sin, by which all of humankind is wounded and inclined towards evil.
Scripture associates conscience with the heart. It is a gift from God that is not cannot be separated from who we are.
When making a decision, we should always follow our conscience.
Kohlberg developed a theory of moral development composed of three levels, each of which is divided into two stages.
Not following one’s conscience is associated with missing the mark and having a hard heart.
It is normal to experience guilt—these feelings can be connected with conscience. By itself, however, guilt is not what is meant by conscience.
Jesus commonly associated sin with forgiveness.
We develop our virtues by using and shaping them, and by acknowledging that our unique power to do good is a gift of God’s grace.
Theological virtues are rooted in God and help us to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity.
The theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. The cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
A virtuous person tends to make wholesome choices in the face of daily decisions, because virtue is not a one-time event, but an ongoing pattern of behavior.
The cures for consumerism, individualism, and fatalism are simple living, interdependence, and hope, respectively.
As children of God, all people deserve to have their dignity respected and their basic needs met.
In order to pursue justice, we must walk with both feet of Catholic social teaching.
The themes of Catholic social teaching are the life and dignity of the human person- the call to family, community, and participation- right and responsibilities- optional for the poor and vulnerable- the dignity of work and the rights of workers- solidarity- and care for God’s creation.
The two feet are works of mercy and works of social action.
US Catholic bishops identified the seven themes of social teaching.
Although urban poverty is rampant, rural poverty also exists in huge numbers, but the rural poor are often forgotten because they are outside the view of most people. A larger percentage of minorities are poor, but the sheer number of poor whites is greater. Most poor people in the US do not receive welfare.
Mexican Americans lived in the southwest US before it was even part of the nation. They have been either welcomed or shunned, depending on the demand for their labor.
Anti-poverty programs should focus on children, the most vulnerable group.
The welfare reform seeks to protect human life and dignity- strengthen family life- encourage and reward work- preserve a safety net for the vulnerable- build public and private partnerships to overcome poverty- and invest in human dignity and poor families.
US Catholic bishops emphasize the need for compassion along with rules and policies regarding immigration.
It points to the Holy Family, Egyptian refugees, as a model for every refugee family.
Homelessness is the result of the greed and corruption of the wealthy, the redirection of government funds away from the homeless, economic factors, drug dependency, mental illness, or runaways.
The wealthiest 20% of the world’s population consumes 68% of its commercial energy while the poorest 20% uses less than 2%.
Most people suffer from malnutrition, or a lack of nutrients in their food.
Immigrants do not negatively affect work opportunities at all. They often take unwanted jobs for the same or lower pay, and thus do not displace other workers.
Chavez lead the effort to unionize migrant farm workers, calling for a boycott of California grape products. His efforts led to the creation of the UFW.
Hunger results not because there is not enough food, but because of a moral problem. Much of the cultivated land in underdeveloped nations is used for cash crops that are grown for export. This leads to local food shortages.
We should help the poor because it would help make our world a better place, because of the Christian view of the world as a single family, and because even the poor are incredible images of God with worth and dignity.