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30 Cards in this Set

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give the nerve roots and motor and sensory deficit associated


weak flexion ofthe elbow (biceps, brachialis)

weak supination of the radioulnar joint (biceps)

sensory: lateral forearm
give the nerve roots, muscles innervated, major actions

C 5,6
give the nerve roots, muscles innervated, major actions

C 5,6,7,8 T1

wrist drop (extensor caripi radialis longus & brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris)

can't make a fist

sensory: posterior lateral arm and forearm , hand dorsum

sensory: radial portion of the palm + tips of 1st 3.5 digits
give the nerve roots, muscles innervated, major actions

Median at elbow
C5,6,7,8 T1

pronation of elbow: (pronator teres & quadratus)

weak wrist flexion (flrexor carpi radialis)

weak opposition of thumb (thenar muscles)

ape hand deformity with extension

papal hand (L sign with 1st 3 digits) with flexion -- flexor pollices longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus
give the nerve roots, muscles innervated, major actions

Ulnar at elbow

claw hand on extension of the fingers - 4th and 5th finger flex at the PIP and DIP (if on flexion, this would be a median nerve deficit) -- interossei and lumbricals

loss f abduction and adduction of the M.P joints of finger s= interossei

loss of flexion of the DIP of 4 and 5. flexor digitorum profundus - w/o this, it's ulnar compression at wrist

ulnar and dorsal aspect of palm and 1.5 digits on ulnar side = sensory
give the nerve roots, muscles innervated, major actions

Median at wrist
C5,6,7,8, T1

weakened opposition of the thumb - thenar muscles

ape hand (thumb hyperextended and adducted on extnesion - thenar muscles

sensory: palmar surface and tips of the first 3.5 digits
pt asked to extend fingers -- get pope's blessing (no extension of 4th and 5th digit) -- what's the deficit?

accompanied by what sx?
ulnar nerve

accompanied by atrophy fo the first dorsal inerosseious muscle and cant spread out fingers
pt asked to flex fingers fingers -- get pope's blessing (extension of 1, 2, 3 digit) -- what's the deficit?

accompanied by what sx?
median nerve

accompanied byinability to oppose thumbs and wasting of thenar eminance
ddx median compression at wrist vs elbow
at elbow: pt has lost pronation of elbow, wak wrist flexion (fl carpi radialis) and papl hand (on flexion, can't flex joints of first 3 digits)

wrist has none of this
ddx ulnar compresison at wrist vs elbow
elbow has loss of flexxoin of the DIP 4 and 5 (fl dig profundus)

wrsit does not
radiculopathy has

weakness is complete?
DTRS are depressed or absent early?

what about peripheral neuropathy?
radiculopathy -- atrophy and fasciculations are rare, weakness is incomplete. DTrs ARE depress/absent early

atrophy occurs early,
weakness is complete and worse with use/better with rest, and fasciculations are common, rare reflex changes (depends on location)
pain radiating down arm in a spinal nerve root distribution commonly with nect pain

this is more characterisitc of radiculopathy or neuropathy in the cervical area?

neurop = pain is more distal (near joint)
NCS is radic is _____
EMG = abnl

NSC is neuropathy = ____
EMG == ____
NCS radic=sensory nl, motor usually nl (may be abnl)

NCS neuropathy = conduduction delay at site of compression; EMG= normal
DCML carry _____(asc/desc) fibers that relay what sensations?

1st neuron:
(sacral, lumbar and lower thoracic neurons enter cord at the ______) upper thoracic and cervical roots enter via _____

carry info for ipsi body -- synapse with 2nd neruon in the _____ (cell body located in the _______

decussation = ____ as ____ fibers and ascend through brainstem as the ____

terminates at the ____ nuc of the thalamus and 3rd order neuron carries fibers to the ____
ascending fibers

proprioception(joint position/movement)

dorsal rootss>>facsciculaus gracilus (medial = by grace i passed med school)

fasciculus cuneatus
ipsi nucleus gracilis/cuneatus

medulla as internal arcuate fibers; MEDIAL LEMNISCUS

ventral posterior >>3rd order carries info to the somatosensory cortex=postcentral gyrus
pain, temp, touch, pressure = relayed via ___

1st order enters cord and synapse on 2nd order neuron in the ____

pain/temp decussate w/in ___ segment of origin in the ____

touch/pressure decussate w/in ___ segments

synapse w/ 3rd order neuron in the VPL and to the somatosensory cortex
STT = ventral and lateral in cord

dorsal horn

1 segment - ventral white commissure

several segments - ventral white commissure
loss of proiprioception leads to ___ gait = sensory ataxi and is exacerbated with eyes closed = ____ sign

this + weakness/spasticity of limbs due to lateral corticospinal tract degen == _____
high steppage
romberg sign

subacute combined degen resulting from def in B12 (pernicoius anemia)
MS is an immune disease that dmages the _____ of the cervical spine leading to loss of proiprioception fo the hands/fingers, loss of dexteritiy, and asteriognosis (can't id shapes in hand)
fasciculus cuneatus
the ____ tracts are selectiviely damaged in syringomyelia 2/2 compression of the ___ order neurons in the ventral white commissure. causes selective loss of paint/temp in UE where touch/pressure remains nl = ____. complications = ____
2nd order
dissociated loss
charcot's joints
explain dissociate sensory loss
suggests focal lesion in brain or spinal cord

pain/temp/course touch/pressure = STT --- neurons enter cord -- ascend 2 levels -- then cross = tracts of lissauer; lesions here = loss of pain/temp 2 levels

fine touch/proprioception = DCML cross the cord at the caudal medulla at the nucleus gracilis and cuneatus
-- lesoin here results in loss below lesion=ipsi
the spinocerebellar tracts relay information re ___

these tracts are ___ asc/desc

dorsal tracts ascent ___ and enter the cerebellum via the ____

ventract tracts decussate and asscent on the opposite sideof the cord and enter into via the ____

degeneration of this tract leads to this dz ____ characterize dby incoordaination o f the arms (intention trmeor)_ and wide based gait (ataxia)
posture control and coordination of movement


ipsi -- inferior cerebellar peduncle

superior cerebellar peducncle

freiderich's ataxia
decussion of the LCST occurs in the ___
pyramids of the caudal medulla
the rubrospinal tract aids in excitation of the _____ muscles and originates in the ____ and courses ____ and decussates ____ and descends in the spinal cord withthe LCST
limb flexors
red nucleus in the midbarin
ventral tegmental ducussation (midbrain)
the tectospinal tract mediates ____


fibers run?


finbers in the spinal run
reflexive movements in response to visual stimuli

suprior colliculus of the midbrain (receives visual input)


dorsal tegmental decussation

describe light reflex

name the 2 nucleus involved

what types of fibers?
light to retina>>CN2>>bilateral projection to pretectal nucleus in the midbrain>>bilat projection to E-W nucleus in the midbrain>>ciliary ganglion>>pupillary sphincter>>miosis

all at the level of the superior colliculus

fibers = parasympathetic

E-W>>Ciliary=pregang parsymp of 3

Ciliary >>muscle = post gang parasymp of 3
describe path of accomodation
light>>visual cortex>>superior colliculus/pretectal area>>E-W and oculomotro
give cause:

down and out eye with ptosis and DILATED pupil
transtentorial /uncal herniation + CN III compression from increased ICP
swinging flashlight test tests for _____ this is called ____

seen in this dz
afferent pupillary reflex lim b (2)

relative afferent pupil (marcus gunn) -- pupils don't constrict fully with light >>to good eye then back to bad eye -- light causes dilation in both pupils

seen in MS
no direct or consensual light reflex with accomodation and convernence intact is ____ and seen in this dz
argyll-robertson pupil
light-near dissociation

seen in neurosyph, DM
facial nerve supplies motor to the face including which traits?

UMN lesion results in what type of lesion?

wrinkle forehead, shut eye, flare nostril, smile

weakness of the contralateral lower face

LOWER FACE=innervated by contralateral cortex

UPPER FACE = innervated by upper facial nucleus which is innervated by bilateral cortex

LMN: ipsi upper and lower face (bell palsy)
facial nerve decussates in the ____ for motor