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10 Cards in this Set

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Blood Vessel Distribution
Arrangement Vascular Circuits
They are in parallel outside of the LV until the returning vena cava. The portion from RA to LV is in series.
Distribution Blood vessels (summary)
Distribution blood vessels (1000 fold increase X-Sectional area capillaries compared to arteries).
Distribution blood volume
Majority in venules & veins (lower resistance)
Distribution blood pressures
1. Very different in pulmonary circuit (gradient = 15-2mmHg) where systemic (gradient =100-0mmHg)
2. Resistance vessels = arterioles where BP ↓ the most (see graph)
Equation BP, TPR, CO
CO = (p(a.) – p(v.) /TPR

P1 = BP at input of vessel P2 = BP at outflow of vessel R = resistance Q = Volumetric blood flow
Volumetric Flow (m3/min) = (Velocity) (m/min) x (X-Sectional area) (m2)
Note: volumetric flow is constant (closed system)
Note: resistance = (conductance)-1
Most important determinant Vascular Resistance
Radius of vessel

R= 8ɳl/(πr^4 )
l =vessel length n = fluid viscosity r = radius

So although there are several factors to resistance the most dominant factor is the radius of the vessel.
Vascular Compliance
C= ∆V⁄∆P.
Where C = compliance V = volume P = pressure

Compliance is the equivalence of elasticity. The less compliant the less efficient the heart is.
2 ways decrease vessel compliance causes poor cardiovascular fx
Compliance is fx volume change allowed per unit pressure change. It effects efficiently greatly.
1. Vessels distend to buffer the systole pulse of pressure
2. Lose recoil & ability to “store “ the systole pressure for diastole portion
Volumetric Flow Equation
Volumetric Flow (m3/min) = (Velocity) (m/min) x (X-Sectional area) (m2)
Note: volumetric flow is constant (closed system)
Note: resistance = (conductance)-1